HomeMy WebLinkAbout050842-Special SessionMINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,~?---~L~:0~)~- .NI The City Commission of the' City of SAnford, at the City Halt in the City of Bsnford, Florida, Present: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. , Geo. D.Bishoo " H. James Gut " Edward Hlggins " M. J. Lo dge. City Attorney Fred R.Wllson City Clerk, H.N.SAyer. Florida, met in sDec!sl session at 5:co P.2. May ~,1942 Meeting called to order by the Chairman who announce~ t~ t the ~ur~ose of the meeting was to consider a. met~tlon signed by two hundred-fifty three citizens of San~ord and also A letter from the Banf~rd Women's Club requesting thc C~ Commission to convert the shuffleboard courts tn Fort Mellon Park into an ooen sir dance floor so as to orovlde eo~oe form of recreation for the young people of Sanford during the existing emergency caused from !ack of trsnaportalon facilities to travel on the matter of and after careful out of town for entertainment and r~creation. Thereupon the Commission vroceeded to A ]en~thy discussion converting the shuffleboard courts into an o~en air dance floor, consideration, it was the ooinion of the Board tl~:t it would be unwise to dlsoose of the cou large m~m ce money invested by the Olty in the construction and also the oosslbllity of a demand for their use ~n the near at tni time because of the of the shuffleboard courts, future. Consideration was then ~iw~n to the matter of acquiring the bowling alleys And bul]dln~s owned by Harry E.Robson an~ located on C~ty owned ~ro~erty lying south of First Street onoostte ~o~t ~]lon PA~k, for the ol~rpose of convertin~ it Intn sn ooen sir dance f~r. Thereuoon, on being informed that Mr. Robson had forfeited his lease with the City on the aforesaid ~roperty because of de~au]z in the osyment of the monthly rent~l, and City and State & Co~nty taxes on ~ame, the Commt~slon instructed the Clerk to notify ~r. Robson to !m,'0edIAtely surrender the aforesaid land and -~remlses to the City. On motion ~uly carried, the Clerk was next authorized to offer ~r. Robson the sum ~f ,!OO.00 for thc ourch~se of A~I lm~rove~'~ents constructed on the aforesaid p~o~erty, subject t:~ the unmai, d taxes. Bill of H.C.DuBose in Amount of ~50.00 for services rendered on September !4,1940, in securing ~urchase o~tlon on fifty Acres of 1And from H.C.Frsntz and wife, which was later murchased ~or the a~rvort site, next ~resented, and on motion of Commissioner Hi,gins, secon~e~ by Commissioner Bisho~ and c~rr~ed, same w~s a~oroved and ~ayment suthor- Ized. In connection with th~ United States Navy constructing a Naval Air Base on Sanford's airmort, cons~deratlon ,,~A next ~en to restrlct~ng the area around the sir~ort against the c mstructlon of cert,'in ty~es of buildings :and the o~erat~on of certain forms o~ busi- nesses within th~s Area. Thereupon Afta~ considerable 5~scusslon, sn0on motion duly Ado~ted~ the Co~r~Isslon is MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,~~,~: on his salary to be reosid within 60 days, and on recommendation same was suthorlzed. There b~ln~ no further business, the meeting adjourned. next received from Fireman J.W.Horner for an advance of $50.00 of Fire Chlef Cleveland, Attest; Mayor.