HomeMy WebLinkAbout051142-Regular Session154 MINUTES M 7:~ ~ ~ City COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, M 7'= P M __19 42 at the The City Commission of the City of City Ha{] in the City of ~{~nford, Florida, Present: Co,~qlss!oner 'J.C.H~]I, Mayor. " Geo. D. "H. James Gut " Ed,,~ rd Hl~ ns " M.J.Lodge. City Att~rney Fred R.Wilson City Cler, H. N. Chief of Police, i4eetlng called ~yer R.G.Ullllsms to order by tke Chslrman. M~nutes of regular meeting of Avril next _e~a and a~oroved. ~Tth. Sanford, FlorlSa, met in regular session at 7:XO. o'clock P.Fi. ~,ay ~' 11,1942. and adjmrned meeting of May 1,1942 ~urrent invoices and oayrolls for the month of A~rt], 1942, -or}~er], audited end vouehered as evidenced by voucher nos. 493~ thru [46~9, submitted, e~amlned, avm~oved end vayment suthorlzed. ?~ontn!y re~orts of Streets, Sanltat~on, Health, .tar, Police, Fire, Library, end ~olf Departments for the month of Aorll !947, submitted ~nd examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues End exoen~!~tures dur~n5 the month of A~ril, !942, ~ubmltted sn~ e~smlned. Bank statements in all accounts for month of Aorll 1942, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Anoltcetlon next reee!ved from E.H.Bennett for oermit to sell beer and wines et 117 Ma~nolla Avenue, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Will,ams, same was aooroved. On motion of Comml. sstoner BishoQ, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized the sale of Lot 7 Block ~ Tier 9,E R Trafford's Ms~ of Sanford, to Rayne!ds Thomas at a ~rlce of $375.00, subject to City taxes for year 1942 and any unnaid Stste and county taxes. Tkis mro~erty hevlng been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and smeclal assessment liens. ~e~orts of first and second smrlng analysis of milk being furnished by all dairies o~erstlng in the City of Ssnford, ss 9revered by Dr. J.L, Ruble's Laboratories of Orlando, next ~resented, such re~orts show~ng all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" milk, with the excemtlon of milk furnished by the Green Vslley and Beacon Dairies. Request next received from Fire Chief Cleveland to Durchase a fire siren from Federal Eleetrlc Comoany, Inc. at a cost of $60.00, for ~=e on the Fire Deoartment's automobile. ThereuDon after careful cmsid, erstion, Commissioner BlshoD moved that Cleveland be authorized and instructed to ~urchsse s fire siren at less cost Fire Chief thsn the one requested. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and c~rried. The Committee consisting of the Mayor and Comm~ssloners Gut and Ht.~glns aooointed et the meeting of Seotember 22, 1941, to investigate the elleged c!~ of Oscar M. Zlttrower ,~, C '~ _ described as Lots 9 and 10 Rand Addition, ag~. nat the ~t.. for dama~,:es to his orooerty , caused by the City instal, ling a sanitary sewer line across the east end of said orooerty during the year !975 next reoorte5 thst they had ~nvestlgsted r.r. Zlttrower's claim and recommended t?~t the City cancel one-fifth of all the unpaid City tawes for years MINUTES 155 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA, Thereupon and that the Clerk be authorized to cancel one-fifth of the unoald taxes for years thru 1941 against Lots 9 and 10 Rend's Addition. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. In connection with the State Road Deoartment widening Park Avenue from 24 width to 44 feet ~n w~dth between Tenth St. and Twenty-third St., City Attorney W~lson was~ next directed to secure rights-of-way deeds from owners of tke ~rooerty abutting Park Ave. between the railroad and Twenty-first ,forthe a~dltional five feet of rl~ht-of-way needed on each side ce the street between these two ooints. The following aoo!icstlons for adjustment of ts×es and/or speelsl assessments were next received, Charles Kanner C 0 Johnson C O Johnson C 0 Johnson F~ank L w~odruff Frank L Woodruff Frank L Woodruff Frank L Woodruff Frank L Woodruff Frrnk L Woodruff Commissioner Blshoo moved the acceotance of theCommittee's recommendations 1925 and on motion duly carried, name were aooroved. Lots 7 ,79,S0,92 Rose Court Taxes & Penalties 1936/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to T~,xes & Penalties 1927/34 ADJUST~ENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 1 D~xie I,ots 2,0,7,8,9 Dixie Taxes & Penalties 1927/34 ( ADYUSTHENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot ]~ ])~¥~ Taxes & Pensltles ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Lot 1B]ock ~ Chapman & Tucker T~es& Pens!t~es ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 262.00 Lot Z Blk. $ Chapman & Tucker Addn. Taxes e Penalties 1930/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 5 Block 8 Chapman & Tucker ~ddn. Taxes & Pena!t~es 1930/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 6 Block 8 Chaoman & Tucker Addn. Taxes & Penalties 1930/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED: Adjusted to: 28~.7~ Lot y Block 2 Chaoman & Tucker Addn. Taxes & Penalties 19~O/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 2lO.CZ Lots 16,1y,lE,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26' 2~,2~,29,30 Bloc~ 21 Pine Level Taxes & Penalties 1930/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 580.09 feet in $ 459.36 $ 55o. 71 $916.03 $ 5o5. $ S7.62 ( outside City ~35) $96.2? .3o Outside City 19 5) $164.9 5.13 '~ut~de City 1935 $ ~2.2~ 7.05 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 11 at .7:3o r ~ 1 9.42 Trustees of New Mt. Calvary Baotist Church Beg. 1~6 ft ~'l~. of N E Cor Lot Robinson Survey run W. 50 ft ft. E. 50 ft N ll7 ft to Beg. TaxeS.~&Interest1936/40 $11. ~9 E C HarDer ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to $5.27 Lot 26 Lane Ad01tion Soecial Assessment and interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 3. 03 Daisy Long W M Vick All Less E. 1OO ft and Less W. 150 ft of Lot 1 Rand Addition Taxes & Penalties 1930/39 ADJUST},~NT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 24.76 E. 157~ f~ of Lot H Fries Pla~ of Fort Reed Taxes & Penalties 1931/32(Outside City 1933) $ 5~.97 $13.31 R W Deane ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Beg. 15.59 ch. E. Adjusted to: ~.~O of S W Cot of Sec. ~1-19-~1 Run N 3.18 ch W. 1.59 S.3.18 ch E. 1.59 ch. ~o eg. Soecial Assessment & Int. ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 5O-17 lO63.48 There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 5:00 o'clock P M May 19,1942. Attest:~ City C~