HomeMy WebLinkAbout060842-Regular Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Ju e at 7:30 P M 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, at the City Ha~l in the City of Sanford, Florida, Present: Commissioner W. C Hill, Mayor. " George D. Bishoo " H. James Gut " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G.~il]llams Absent: Commissioner £~ward Hlggins. Meeting c~lled to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Soecl~l called meeting of May Florida, met in regular session ?:30 o'clock P.M. June 8,1942. regular meeting of May llth. and adjourned meeting of May 19, 1942, next read and aooroved. Current invoices and oayrolls for the month of May , 1942, orooerty audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher Nos. 4539 thru 4742, submitted, examinad, aooroved and oayment authorized. Monthly reoo~ts of Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water,, Police, Fire, Library and Golf Deoartments for the month of May 1942, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues an~ e.voendttures during the month of May 1942, submitted and examined. B~nk statements in all accounts for month of May, 1942, orooerly reconciled submitted and examined. On motion of Commissioner ~ut, seconded by Commissioner Blshoo and carried, the Commission next authorized the ourch~se from Cohu & Torrey, New York City, of lO Refunding Series A bonds st a orlce of $3{O.O0 nar bond and interest. Request next received from the State Welfare Board for the City to furnish four men to assist with the moving of their district office equloment from Tltusville to Sanford on June ~th, and on motion duly adooted , same was authorized. Reoort of third sorlng analysis of milk being furnished by all dairies ooeratlng in the City of Ssnford, as oreoared by Dr. J.L.Ruble's Laboratories of Orlando, next oresented, such reoorts showing all such milk within the requirements of Grade "A" milk. Commissioner Gut next introduced Ordinance No. ~2~, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 324. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFO?D , FLORIDA, MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OR PERSONS TO STEAL OR ATTEMPT TO STEAL, TO DESTROY OR ATTEMPT TO DESTROY, TO MUTILATE OR ATTEMPT TO MUTILATE OR IN Ah~f WAY TO TAMPER WITH ANY BICYCLE OR BICYCLE TIRE OR TIRES, THE PROPERTY OF ANOTHER, IN THE CITY DF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY TO BE IMPOSED UPON EACH PERSON CONVICTED HEDEUNDER; DECLARING EACH BICYCLE OR BICYCLE TIRE STOLEN OR ATTEMPTED TO BE STOLEN, DESTROYED OR AT'iEMPTED TO BE DESTROYED, MUTILATED OR ATTEMPTED TO BE MUTILATED OR IN ANY WAY TAMPERED WITH TO BE A SEPARATE~ OFFENSE. AND SAME WAS READ IN FULL BY THE Clark. Thereuoon Commissioner Gut moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance No. 324 be olaced on its final oassage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Bishoo. Thereuoon the question recurred uoon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 8 Thereuoon said ordinance No. 321~ was olaced on its final nassage and adootion The roll wes called and the vote stands as follows: ~ e Commission r Hill Aye " Blshoo Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye Thereuoon the Chairman announed that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had oassed and adooted said Ordlnsnce No. ~2~, entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAHFORD, FLORIDA , MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON OP. pERSONS TO STEAL OR ATTEMPT TO STEAL , TO DESTROY OR ATTEMPT TO DESTROY TO MUTILATE OR ATTEMPT TO HUTIL~TE OB IN ANY WAY TO TAMPER WITH ANY BICYCLE OR BICYCLE TIPE OR TIRES, THE PROPERTY OF ANUTHER, IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA,, AND pRESCF~NG 0 BE IMPOSED UPON EACH PERSON C NVICTED HEFEUNDER~ AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY T DECLARING EACH BICYCLE OR BICYCLE TIRE STOLEN OR ATTEMPTED TO BE STOLEN, D~S~ROYED OR AT'iEMPTED TO BE DESTP. OYED, MUTILATED OR ATTEMPTED TO BE MUTILATED OR IN ANY WAY TAMPERED WITH TO BE A SEPARATE O. FENCE. On motion duly adooted, 0rdlnence No,324 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordnance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. City ~ttorney Wilson next reed a letter from the State Road Deoartment requesting the City to withh~ld any action toward acquiring the necessary rights-of-way for widening Park Avenue from 24 feet in width to ~4 feet in width until the State Road Deoartment makes a survey of the street ~nd furnlshea the City with g orooerty mao showing the 5eacriotlons of the additional rights-of-way needed. Thereuoon Commissioner Btshoo moved that the City Attorney Communicate with the State Road Deosrtment Benglneers to endeavor to have Park Avenue surveyed immedlstely so as to exoedlte the condemnation nroceed~ngs for acquiring the additional rights-of-way. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Request next received from Fireman John L.Crow for an advance of on his salary for the ouroose of oaytng the 19i~l City and county ta~es against his home, said. adv~:nce to be reoaid to the City at rets of $8.00 oer month. on recommendation of Fire Chief Cleveland, and on motion duly Thereuoon , adooted, same was authorized. Further consideration next ~lven to the request of Fire Chief Cleveland that the o%ty furnish teleohone services in the home of Assistant Fire Chief Thomas. Thereuoon after consldereble discussion, and in view of the :fact that a number of other deoartment heads end their assistants are furnishing their own tele- ohone services in connection with their duties with the City, it was felt that this request could not be granted. On motion duly carried, Fire Chief Clave]end was next authorized to attend the Southeastern Fire Chief's Convention to be held in Vs!dosta, Georgia, on June 11-!~ and an eyoenditure of $25.00 wes authorized to aoo/y toward his traveling exoenses in connection therewith. On motion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, the Commission next authorized Fire Calef Cleveland to ~ruchase s fire siren from Federal Electric Co. Inc., Chicago, at a orice of $60.00 to use on the Fire Deoartment's automobile. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORiDA The Clerk next reoorted of Block 6 A.B.Russell's Addition to the City and leased to J.H. Til!is recelot of State & County Tex Deed, dated June 1,1942, Fort Reed, said orooerty having been acquired by for the ouroose of constructing a trailer and tent to camo to accomodate workers that wlllbe employed at the Naval Training Base on Sanford's air~ort. Considerstion next given to the matter of amending Ordinance No. ~22, requiring a license to be obtained every ninety days on amusement and recreational devices, so that all such licenses issued wi!% become due on same date ~nstead of as required by said ordinence. Thereuoon the City Attorney was directed to oreoare an ordinance emending Ordinance No.322 so ss to require a license to be obtained on the lat. day of July, October, January, and Aoril of each year on all amusement and recreational devices. In connection with the soolicstlon of Mr. S.O.Shinholser to lease the City a warehouse located on Lot 8 and W. 1/2 of Lot 9 Block Z Tier ll E R Trafford's MaO of Sanford, for a oeriod of one year beginning June 1, 1942, with ootlon to ourchase same at any time during term of lease. a committee to make recommendations at the 'orooerty and ma~e comoariebn as to ninety deys from dete of lssuan{ similarly located, and recommended a rental charge of $30.00 oer month with a sale orice of $2,000.OO Theremoon Commissioner Lodge moved thet the Committee's recommendations be acceoted and the ~ayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a lease and ourchase ootlon agreement with '"r. Shinholser on the aforesaid warehouse orooerty at the foregoing rental and sale orice, and that same be soread on the minutes of this meeting as follows: Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. THIS INDENTURE OF LEASE, MADE and entered into in duolicete as and of the lat. day of June 1942, between the CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, hereinafter called LESSOR and S.O.SHINHOLSER of Seminole County, Florida, hereinafter called LESSEE, ¥ITNESSETH THAT: The said LESSOR for and in consideration of the rentals to be oaid by the LESSEE as hereinafter orovided, has leased and let and by these oresents does lease and let unto the LESSEE the following described oremlses situate in the City of Sanford, Florida, to-wit: Lot 8 and W 1/~ of Lot 9 9f Block ~ of Tier 11 of Sanford, Florida, according to E.R. Trafford's ~a~ thereof of record of the ~ublic records of Seminole County, Florida, in Men Book !, Pages 56-6 Together with the buildings and other improvements thereon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described ~remises unto the LESSEE for and during the term of one year from the lat. day of June 1, !9~, at and for a rental of $~0.00 ~er month to be ~ald in advance on the first day of each and every month during the term hereof, the first month's rental be%n~ 9aid as and of the date hereof, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. AND THE LESSEE has leased and let the above described ~remlses from the LESSOR for and during the aforesaid term and covenants and agrees to ~ay the aforesaid rental of'$~O.O0 ~er month on the first day of each end every month during the term hereof. Commissioners Bishop and Gut, who were aooointed as this meeting, next reoorted that they had Insoected rental and sales value with similar warehouses MINUTES CITY CONIMISSlON, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June S at as good condition as the same now is in, ordinary wear and tear and damage by fire and the elements exceoted. In the event of the destruction by fire of the building now upon the above described oremlses or its being made untenantable by fire, this lease shall termi- nate without further liability on the cart of either the LESSOR or the LESSEE on account thereof. Default for a period of fifteen days in the osyment of any one of the aforesaid rentals when and aa the same become due and oayable shall cause this lease to immediately terminate and the LESSEE shall surrender the above oremlses to the LESSOR, its successors or assigns. The LESSEE is hereby given the right and ootion to nurchase the above described prooerty from the LESSOR at any time during the term hereof at and for the sum of $2000.00 cash, to be oald uoon the execution and delivery by the LESSOR to the LESSEE of a deed of bargain and sale .of said orooerty. State and County taxes uo to the year of the exercise of the said ootion shall be oaid by the LESSOR and taxes for the current year shall be aooor- tioned between the LESSOR AND THE LESSEE as of the date of the exercise of the ootlon. Rentals oatd are not to be credited on said ourchase orice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the LESSOR has caused these nresents to be executed in its name by its Mayor and attested and its seal hereunto affixed by its City Clerk, and the LESSEE has hereunto set his hand and seal, all as and of the day and year first above written. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA BY ITS MAYOR ATTEST: sealed and delivered Signed, in the oresence of: Its City Clerk. (SEAL) On recommendation of Chief of 'Police ~'~l~%%ams, and on motion of Commissioner Gut seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commiss~on next authorized the salary of Police Desk Sergeant Carolyn McKenney increased from $60.00 to $70.00 ocr month, effective June 1,1942. In an effort to exoress their oersonsl interest and gratitude to the local men who are in the Armed Services, and to those who are Joining or being inducted, the Commlssio~ next directed that a Soecls~l Certificate, signed by the Mayor and City Commissioners be made out in honor of each such individual and mailed to their wives or oarents, and authorized the Clerk to ourchase 500 of such certificates for this ouroose from Lowe& Lueck , Saint Paul, Minn. , at a cost of $30.00. The following aoolicstions next received for adjustment of taxes ~nd/or soec~al assessments, and on motion duly carried, seine were aooroved: Inez Clair, By D C Brock k~. 50 ft of Lot 1 Blk ~ Tr. H Taxes & Penalties 19~l/b~O $ ll3-O7 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $62.85 Soecial Assessmen~ & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED $ 2o4.34 MINUTES 167 CITY COMMISSION, SANF~ORD. FLOmDA, J-_~m~._&~2. :_~l~ J T Zorn sarah Jackson Sarah Jackson Sarah Jackson M L Raburn M L Rsburn M L Rsburn M L P~burn Frank L Woodruff Frank L Woodruff Melsch Realty Co Lot 5 :l!ock 5 Rossllnd Heights, Taxes & Penalties 1932 ( Outside City 19~3) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to $6.33 Lot 3 Block 9 Tier C, Taxes & Penalties 1928/35 & 1937,1938 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to 130.81 Lot 2 and N 1/2 of Lot 3 Blk 24 Clark Sub.' S 1/2 of Lot Taxes & Penalties ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 3 Block 24 Clark Subdiv. Taxes & Penalties 1934/40 1913,1915/lS,1930/40 6o.8o ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 6.35 Lot 67 Sanford Heights, Taxes & Penalties 1927/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Soeclal Assessement & Interest 23.59 (Central st) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: E~ntral St. Soecial Assessment & Interest ADJUSTHENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: ( Elm Ave.) 3.56 ( Elm Ave.) 32.OO Soecia! Assessment ( Widening Central) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 5.97 Lot 68 Ssnford Heights, Ts×es & Penalties 1927/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Soeclal Assessment & Int.( 23.59 Central St.) ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 75 Ssnford heights, Taxes & ?en~!ties Lot 76 Ssnford 9.~2 1928/~9 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Soeclal Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Heights, Taxes & Penalties ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Special Assessment ?~.59 192g/39 23.59 Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 6.39 Lots 1/3 Blk. 21 Pine Level, Taxes and oenalties 1930/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 10.26 Lots 4 thru 15 Blk 21 Pine Level Taxes & Penalties 1928/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 41.O4 Lots 2 & 3 Block 9 Tier 15, Seminole Park. Taxes and Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED $ zS.7s $ 516.85 $ 262.63 $ 12.26 $ 269.04 $ 162.40 $1408.28 262.35 $ 246.03 $406.76 $ 2o8.32 1,549.59 204.43 ~ 281.o6 45.66 228.58 $ 90.34 MINUTES Ruth B Johnson Lula C Dickson R ~,J Dearie Lot 7 Block 9 Tier G, Ts×es & Pensltles 1932/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 151.35 Lot 14 Reade Side Park Taxes & kenslttes 1927 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 1.00 Lot 1 Evans Terrace, Ts×es '& Pens!ilea 1927/37 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 20.37 Soecial Assessment and interest 195.28 $ 9.64 $ 21o.99 $1263.91 R ~,~Deane ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 27.7~ Lot 10 S,oencer Heights, Taxes & Peneltles 1927/37 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Ad Justs5 to: 27,37 Soecisl Assessment end interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED (Paving) Adjusted to: 16.52 S~ecial Assessment & Interest ( $idewslk Lien) $ 256.15 766.88 $165.3o John Sehtrard Florida Lot 9 Rose State ~ank ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to Court, Tame s & Pensltles ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot 7 Block 9 Tier A, 3.56 1938/40 10.52 Taxes & Penalties 1927/37 _ & 1940 $ i5.24 $ 832.90 ~djustment suthorlzed Adjusted to: $oecisl Assessment and Interest si6.34 (Paving) $ 459.64 A E Yowell Lot 24 Fort Mellon ADJUST~iENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 18.84 Soeclal Assessment & Interest ( ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: taxes & Penalties 1927/40 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusts5 to: Sidewalk Lien) 6.]3 2o.95 Soeclal Assessment and interest $ i~9.50 218.27 $ ¢o5. o7 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORI ZED Adjusted to: 9.20 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: ~~ .... Clt~rk.