HomeMy WebLinkAbout090942202 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION. SANFORD. FLORIDA, ~sptembe~ The City Commission of the City d~ Sanford at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at .Present: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. " Geo. D. Bishoo " H.James Gut " Edward Higgins ,, M.J.Lodge City Clerk N.H. Sayer. Meeting called to order by the ~hairman. , Florida, met in adjourned session 7:30 o'clock P M September 9,1942. Name Description American Agri. Chem. Co. Personal Property Altman Chevrolet Co American Oil Co. Ares, Kleanthis Personal property Personal Property Personal property Armour Fertilizer Works Personal Property Bark Dr. O.~.(Offlce) Personal Property Bauer Rsdlo &Elec. Bevtlle Apartments Spieler, Florence ( Shoo Personal property Personal Property Store) Personal Property Boteler, Howard (Store) Personal Property Bracey-Burton Funeral Home Personal Property Burpee,W.Atlee Company Personal Property City Barber Shop Personal Prooerty City Shoe ~hop Personal Property Coleman Office Equipment Go Personal Property Colonial Cleaners Cowan, J.F. Tin Shop Cowan Com'oany R.T. Cross Roads Fruit Co. Emerick Hardware Co. Personal Property Personal Property Personal Property Personal Property Personal Property English's Service Station Personal Property Fla. All-Bound Box Co. Personal Pronerty Florida State Bank Personal Property Gatchell's Cash Grocery Personal Property Gulf Oil Corp. ( Terminal ) Personal orooerty Harry's Liquor Store Personal Property Hawkins, AD. Meat Market Personal Pro~erty Hill Hardware Co. Personal Property Hill Imp2ement Co Personal Property Ass'd Vs].uatlon Action of Board 2500.00 Increased to 3,960.00 750.00" " 1,500.00 10,O82. O0" " 1!,5OO.00 200.00" " 370.00 1,450.O0 , , 2,500.00 250.00" " 270.00 1,200. O0" " 1,560. O0 500. OO" " 8OO. OO 500. O0" " 1,450. O0 1, OOO. CO" " 1,780. O0 100.00" " 700.00 4,000. O0" " 6, O00. OO 250. CO" " 360. O0 400. CO" " 660. O0 2,000.00" " 3,210.00 750. on 900. on 300. O0" " 450. O0 3,000. CO" ~' 3,960. O0 500 · O0" " 540. O0 1,500.OO" " 2,700.00 100. O0" " 220. O0 1,500. O0" " 1,8OO.O0 500. CO" " 3,000. O0 2,75© . O0" " 3,120. O0 7,985- CO" " 12, OO0. O0 1,5OO.OO ,, ,, 2.5OO. O0 200. O0" " 240. O0 9,000. O0" " 11,850. O0 4, OOO. O0" " 5,250. O0 Thereupon the Commission resolved itself into adjourned session ss a Tax Equali- zation Board and made the following adjustments of inequalitites in the assessed valuations found to exist on the 1942 ta~ roll as nreoared by the Tax ~ssessor: MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Se~)t ~ _ at 7:30 P M 19 42 Name Description Ivey's Inc. Personal Property King W J Plumbing Shop Personal Property K.W.Fruit Co Personal Pronerty Laney's Drug Store " " Langley Apartments Margaret Ann Super Marke~s Inc. Mather of Sanford Menendez A,Grocery Mlxon, W.M Per~nal Property Personal Property Personal Property Moseley Funeral Home Personal Property McCrory Stores Corp. Personal Property Ass'd Valuation McLsulin, McReynolds Drug Store Nelson E J Jr. Office Park Dr. C L (office) Henry, ~eweler Personal Property Personal Property Personal Property 1,500.00 100.00 35o.oo 2,000.00 1,2OO.O0 3,500.00 7,500.00 500.00 5oo.oo 185.oo 7,500.00 Personal Prooertyl,500.O0 2,000.00 5O.OO 35o.oo Action of Board. Increased to $2.700.00 # ~o.oo " 510. O0 " 3,000.00 " 1,350.00 # 3,69o.oo " 9,000.00 ,57o. 00 1,1 ~O.00 500. po 11,610.O0 2,100. PO · 2,700. O0 270. O0 42O. PO Parrymore J H , Grocery Personal Property Penney J C Co Inc Personal Property Pentland,Gray ~ ~oore Personal Property Perkins B L Store Purcell Company Reel & Sons Rockey's Tire Shop Roumtllat~& ~nderson Sanford Fruit Company Sanford Furniture Co Personal Personal Personal Pets onal Personal Personal Personal Property Property Property Property Property Prorerty Property ~anford Herald Personal Property San Lanta Apartments Personal ~roperty Scott F L Service Stat%on Personal # Seaboard Oil Company ~mtth Barber Shop Persona] Personal Property Prone r~y Property Staff,rd & English Personal ~ A~leh & Grocery Co Personal Property S~e~ne & ~unnly Co " " Stok~!~ E Market Personal ProPerty ~trlek~d Meters Inc. Personal ProDerty Stuart $.U & Glass Co " " San~ord Personal Property Sun Oil Personal Property The Texas Co y Personal Property Thomas Barber Shop Personal Property 500.00 9,000.00 3oo.oo 2,ooo.oo 2,5oo.oo 2,500.00 1,OO0.00 4,500.O0 2,500.00 2,000.O0 4,000.00 90o.oo 15o.oo 470.00 500.00 200.00 1500.o0 7,500.00 1OO.OO 2,500.00 1,200.00 85,000.00 2,077.00 2,000.00 15o.oo Title Guaranty & Abstrac'~ Co PeFsonal Pro. flay 1OOO.O0 Thor~e Furniture Co Personal Pro~erty 2,500.00 # 1,080.00 " 10,500.00 " 500.00 # 3,600.00 " 2,910.00 # 3,000.00 1,950.00 " 6,600.00 # 3,000.00 " 2,720.00 " 4,920.00 1,080.00 # ~5o.oo # 4,500.00 72o.oo " 390.00 # 2,0OO.O0 # ~,100.00 " 240.00 " 3,600.00 1,860.O0 # 93,500.00 # 5,460.00 " 2.600.00 # 210. PO " 2,000.00 " 2,7OO.OO 204 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, SeTM;ember 9 7.'~o P ¥9. ~ Name I Descript ion Assessed Valua~ion Action of Board, Wight Brothers Co. Personal Property Wight Grocery Comoany Personal Property W.W.Auto Parts Co. Personal Prooer~y Yowell bomoany Personal Prooerty 500.00 7,500.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 Florida Power & Light Co. Personal Proper~5,000.O0 Chase & Comoany Personal Prooerty 41,500.00 Increased =o Increased to Increased to Increaeed to Increased to Increased ~o 1,O00.O0 13,5oo.oo 2,160.00 12,000.00 181,500.00 45,650.00 The Commission then adjourned as an Equalization Board until 713o o'clock P.M. Seotember 21 ,194P, and oroceeded ~o a lengthy study of the estimate of revenues and exoenditures for the fiscal year 19~2-1943, as oreoared by theOity Clerk, after which the meeting adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M. Seotember 10,19~2. M~or. City Cler~