HomeMy WebLinkAbout110942-Regular Session MINUTES CITY COMMI~ION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November at 7:30 ? M 19 247 The City 0ommlssion of the City of Sanford, Florida, at the 0ity Hall in the Oity of ~enford, Florida, Present: Commissioner W.C.Hill, Mayor. " George D. Bishop " H.Jamea Gut " Edward Higgins " M. J. Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wilson Olty Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Wllliema. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meetings of October 5th. OctoOer lZth,19~2 next read and approved. at 7:30 and ~th. met in regular session o'clock P.M. November 9,1942. , and regular meeting of from 8:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. on each week day, except probaOly to extend the time on Saturdays to ll:O0 P.M. 2. That you require of sn demand from the police and ell law enforcing of I'icers clos lng Current invoices end payrolls for the month of October 1942, properly audited and vouchered ss evidenced by ~oucher Nos. 5095 thru 5191, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. Monthly reports of streets, sanitation, health, water, police, fire, library, and golf departments for the month of October 1942, submitted and examined. Bsnk statements in all accounts for the month of October 1942, properly reconciled su0mitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures during the month of October 19~2 , submitted and examined. A.C.MaGden next appeared and requested that homestead exemption be ~llowed for the year 19~2 on Lo~ 6 Block 9 Tier 2, £ R Trafford's map, which was owned by Mrs. Dan Kay on January 1,19~2, advising that he purchased this property from Mrs Kay in June 19~2 with the undersDending that she had been allowed homestead exemption for ~he year 1~2, but that the City Tax Assessor declined to grant the exemption because Mrs. Kay had not lived on the property for the pas~ two years and had been renting same during this period. Matter referred to City Attorney. A large group of citizens with Mr. G.E.Rollins, Revs. Joe Tol£e,W.R.Brooks, E.D. Brownies, Prof. G.E.~oKay and Judge R.W.Ware as spokesmen, next appeared before the Board and presented the following petition signed by 65~ citizens o~ Oen~ord: TO THE HONOP~BLE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SA~'ORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. We the following adult citizens of the City of Sanford, and County o~ Seminole, Floriaa desiring to use and invoke whatever precautionary methods practicable and legal in order to protect the health and life and morals of our community, particularly our young people and the member o~ the Army or Navy who might come to S~nford: and being aware of your authority under your police power to determxne by ordinance the regulation of hours of business an$ location of places ox business within the City of oanford, do hereby most respectfully petition your Honorabze Body~ 1. That you take whatever steps and acts Oy ordin~nce or otherwise as may be necessary to limit the sale o~ liquors, wines and beers or ail intoxicating beverages MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November at 7:30 P 42 Thereupon, after considerable discussion the mst5er wes taken under consideration by the Commission, and the ~ayor appointed Commissioners Bishop and Higgins as a Co~ni~ee of two to conIer with Commander F.~.Hughes of the United S~etes Naval Air Station at ~anSord with respect to his recommendations to the proposed regulations requested in the foregoing petition. The Chairman nex~ reported tha~ members of the recen= meetzng and appointed a Committee consisting SanIord Coventry Club held e o5 the following mem0ers to act in the capacity o5 an Advisory Board for the ensuing year, suOjec~ to the approval of the City Commission: G.W.Spencer, Chairman, E.F.Housholder, Roy Holler, A.L.LFons, L[eut B.S.~lanton and one City Commissioner. Thereupon Commissioner Bishop moved that the foregoing Committee be approved as the Acvisory Board of the ~unicipal GolI Course for the ensuing year, end that Commissioner Higgins be appoxn~ed to serve on this Board on behalf of the City Com- mission. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. In response to the notice issued ~rs Mae E.Lane, owner of the Ourned warehouse building located on Lots 9,10,31 and 32 of Block M , First Street Extension, to imme- diately make some disposition of the remains of the building because of its unsafe condition; communication next reed from Mrs. Lane advising that she hsd placed the building in a safe condition by removing all loose brick from the walls and boarding up the east end of said building. Thereupon from advice of Fire Chief Cleveland that the aforesaid building is now in a safe condition, the Commission deferred any further action at this time. Consideration next given to the matter of employing a guard for the convict labor, who will be given police authority end work under direct supervision of the Chief of Police, instead of using a Street Department labor foreman in this capacity, as has been done in the past. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and on motion duly carried, the Commission authorized the Chief of convict guard at a salary of Department appropriation. of Police to employ someone to work in the capacity $90.00 per month, which will be paid from the Street On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the acceptance from the Florida State Bank of Sanford, of Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville Safe- keeping Receipt No 243-B covering $20,OO0.00 U.S.Treesury 2~ Bonds Nos.292~9K and 2925OK, dated October 19,1942, due ~arch 15,1952, as security for City's funds on deposit in said bank. On motion duly carried, the Oommission next approved the an old dilapidated dwelling located on Lot ~ Block l0 Tier 13, price of $25.00, said building to be demolished end removed from the premises. This property having Oeen acquired Dy the ~ity thru foreclosure of tax liens. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Higgins ~nd carried, the Commission next suthorized access by the Clerk and B.C.Moore, Auditor of the firm of Pentland, Gray & Noore, to safety deposit box no.177 at the Sanford Atlantic N~tion~l ~ank for th~ sale to Emma ~iller of Seminole Park, at a MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November at 7,: 0 P 42 24'9 and balancing .~ prior years rolls, was next authorized end approved. Chief of Police Williams next reported that C.H.Shaffer had tendered his resigna- tion as policemen, effecti=e November 15,19~2, and same was accepted. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the transfer of Roy Tillia, who has been working one-half time as Deputy Tax Collector and one-half time as policeman, to full time employment in the Police Department to fill the vacan- cy created by the resignation of C H Sheller. Request next received from City employee D.$.E.Starr, meter reader, for en advance of $200.00 on his salary, to be repaid $20.00 monthly, and on motion of Commissioner Higgins, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same was authorized. Consideration next given to the hazard existing at the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company's main line crossing on West Thirteenth Street, caused from lack of sidewalk facilities across the railroad tracks. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the Clerk was directed to notify the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company to remedy this hazard by constructing sidewalks across the aforesaid tracks and also widen the street et this crossing. The Clerk next reported that the Sanford Equipment Co~pany had filed written notice of acceptance of the fr~nchise to establish, maintain end operate e Bus transportation system in the City of oanford, Flori*e, for e period of ten years, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 327 , passed and adopted by the City Commission un- der date of October 26,19~2, granting said franchise. Application next received from Charlie Rolling for permit to sell beer and wines at 1219 W. 13th Street, end on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. The following applications for permit to operate taxicabs in the City of Senford were next suomitted, ana on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same were approved: Herbert Young; Arnold ~entley Jr; Sylvester Terrell; Johnnie Reddick; Anthony Benjemin; Nathan Harris and ~ill Hankerson. Reports of the fourth and fifth fell analysis of milk being furhiahed by all dairies operating in the City of OanZord, es prepared by Dr. J.L.Rubles Laboratories of Orlando, next presented, such reports showing all such milk within the re- quirements of Grade A milk. Commissioner Higgins next in=roduced Ordinance No. 329, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 329. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING ALL PERSONS IN SAID CITY SUSPECTED BY THE CITY PHYSICIAN OF SAID CITY OR THE DIRECTOR OF THE SEMINOLE COUNTY FLORIDA, HEALTH UNIT, OF HAVING VENEREAL DISEASE TO REPORT FOR TREATMENT AND CURE AS HEREIN PROVIDED A~D AUTHORIZING THE ARREST AND FINE OR IMPRISONMENT OF ANY SUCH PERSON SO SUSPECTED AS AFORESAID AND REFUSING TO SO REPORT FOR TREATMENT AND CURE AND RE- QUIRING THE ISOLATION OF SUCH PERSON SO CONVIOTED FROM OTHER PRISONERS. AND SAME WAS READ IN FULL BY THE Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Higgins moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 329 be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded Oy Commissioner Bishop. Thereupon the question recurred upon the weivure of the rules. The roll wes celled and the vote stands as follows: 250 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 9 at ?:30 P ~!9 ~2 Thereupon The roll was celled end the vote said Ordinance No. 329 wes pieced on its final passage and adoption stands as follows: Commissioner Hill Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye ,' Higgins Aye " Lodge Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Senford Florida, by unanimous vote hsd passed and adopted said Ordinance No.329, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 329. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUIRING ALL PERSONS IN SAID CITY SUSPECTED BY THE CITY PHYSICIAN OF SAID CITY OR THE DIRECTOR OF THE SE~INOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, HEALTH UNIT, OF HAVING VENEREAL DISEASE TO REPORT FOR TREATMENT AND CURE AS HEREIN PROVIDED AND AU'~HORIZING THE ARREST AND FINE OR I~PRISON~ENT OF ANY SUCH PERSON SO SUSPECTED AS AFORESAID AND REFUSING TO SO REPORT FOR TREATMENT AND CURE AND REQUIRING THE ISOLATION OF SUCH PERSON SO CONVICTED FROM OTHER PRISONERS. On motion duly adopted Ordinance No. 329 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City o~ ~anford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next authorized the purchase Honor Certificates from Lowe & Lueck Printing Company, St. Paul, ~inn. at $30.00 , to be issued to local men who are in the Armed Services. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the payment bi' $1.OO per week to Henry Long for janitor services at the Shuffleboard Courts st corner of Palmetto Avenue and Second S%reet. On motion of~Commissioner Higgins, Seconded by-Commissioner BishoD and carried, the Commission next authorized the following sales of properties acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and/or special assessment liens, subject to 19~2 City taxes and ell unpaid State and County taxes; grs June Lowry Papworth - Lot 2 Block 7 Tier 3, et e price of ShOO.C0 D.T.GreeM- W. 60.2 ft of Lot i Block ~ Tiex 3, at e price of $600.00 Ralph W.Lossing - Lot 3 Block 6 Tier 9, at a price of $~OO.OO Willie Baker - Lot 61 Fla. Land & Colo. Co. Addn. to South Sanford at a price of $200.00, payable $1OO.00 cash end balance of $25.00 monthly with interest $ 8% on unpaid balance. The se'la o~ Lot 3 Block 6 Tier 9 to Ralph W.Lossing having been negotiated by A.P.Connelly & Sons, the Commission next authorized the payment to them of e sales Commission in amount of $20.00 which represents the customary realtor's commission of 5~ oi' the gross sele. Application next received from original property owners to purchase their property Deck from the City for ~he amount of the taxes and/or speciel assessment liens, under the adjusted basis if applicable, plus foreclosure costs, payable on terms and subject to 19~2 City taxes and ell unpaid S~ate end County taxes, end on motion duly carried, the following sales and terms to bear interest et rate of S~ per annum were next approved by the Co~mission. Jessie Jackson Harris - The S. 123 ft.ol Lot ~ Block A, Sou~h Senford, at a price of $192.95, payable $20.00 cash and belence 20.00 monthly. John Twiggs - Lo~ 33 Block G, Cheppell's Subdiv., at e price of $170.96, payable $1OO.00 cash and balance within CO deys. The following applications for edjustment of taxes and/or special essessmen~s were nex~ received, and on motion duly carried, same were epproved. of 500 more e price of. MINUTES CITY.:CC~MMI$SiON, *~ANFORD, FLORIDA, Nov 9,et 7:30 P John McCoy Moses Powell Beg 50 ft N of S '~', Cor of Lot 26 Robinson Survey Run E. 120 ft N 50 ft W. 120 ft S. 50 ft to Beg. Taxes & Penalties 1929/39 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Lot ~b Florice Land & Colo Co. Addn to South Senl'ord. Taxes & Penalties Henry Hodges Lot 2 Minnie Lomax E. ~2 ft $69.63 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: $ 7.10 Rand Adcition Taxes & Penalties 1929/~1 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: 74.13 of Lot I Block 9 Tier C Taxes & Penalties 1927/39 ADJUSTMENT AU'A~ORIZED Adjus'ted to: IO~.19 Specisl Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: S H English Lot 6 The Oaks Taxes & Penalties 1928/36 ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Special Assessment & Interest ADJUSTMENT AUTHORIZED Adjusted to: Elm Ave. 73.09 " High St. 25.81 .. There being no further busineas ~he meeting then ~ljou~,l~d until P.M. November 19,19~2. $ ~.53.o4 $ 7~.42 $ 181.yO $ 35o.89 $ 75.28 $ 1024.6~ ~51.52 Elm& High St. $ 988.96 3:00 o'clock Attest: MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANffORD,. FLORIDA,