HomeMy WebLinkAbout010245-Regular Annual Meeting MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, January 2, 7:30 19 45 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Annual- Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock. P M January 2,1955. Present: Commissioner H.James Gut, Acting Mayor. " George D. Bishop " W.C,Hill " M J Lodge City Attorney Fred R.~ilson City Clerk H.N.B~er Chief of Police, R,G.~illiams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Er. H.K.Wilson, Field Engineer for the Electro Rust-Proofing Corporation, next .appeared.before the Board and exolalned in detail the method and mechanics of their Rustop System of Cathodic Protection for installation in steel water tanks for the prevention of rust below the water line, stating theft the equipment consist of Electrobes susoended inside the tank which is guaranteed to prevent corrosion from rust and pitting, and eliminates painting the inside of tanks below the water line. Also, advising that this equipment can be installed in the City's 200,000 gallon capacity.water tank at a cost of $686.00, which would be serviced and maintained perpetually by the Electro Rust-Pro6fing Corporation at a cost of $72.O0 per year without any other maintenance or replacement expense to the City. Thereupon after careful consideration, and in view of the fact that the maintenance of the City's water tank requires thorough cleaning and repainting the inside everY two years in order to orevent rust corrosion and the installation of the Rustop System wou~i eliminate any further painting below the water line, thus effectlng a considerable savings in the maintenance cost of said t~nk, Commissioner Hill moved th~.t the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a constract on behalf of the City for the purchase of a Rustop System of Cathodic Protection from the Electro Rust-proofing Corporation at a cost of $68~,00 installed, including perpetual service and maintenance at an additional cost of $72.O0 per year. Seconded by.Commissioner Bishop and carried. Request next received from Mr J R Teague, .owner of the City Drug Company at 20~ E. First Street, for the City to reserve a parking space in front of his store for his automobile, claiming that he has to use i~ for delivery purposes in connection with his business. Request refused. Communication next read from CaDtain Smoot, Commanding Officer of the Sanford Naval Air Station, calling the Commission's attention to theexisting fire hazard at the Standard Oil Company's Terminal on Seminole Boulevard, caused from weeds, grass and dead shrubbery on the vacant property immediately east of said terminal. Thereupon Fire Chief Cleveland was instructed to notify the owners of the aforesaid property to take immediate steps to clean off this growth so as ~o eliminate this fire hazard. Bill of Mr. Geo.W.Simons Jr, Consulting Engineer, in amount of $500.00 for final 'balance due him for services rendered in connection with Zoning ~he City in accordance with MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION. SaNFORD, FLORID^,January at 7:30 ? bY the Commission' There being no further business to be trans~ct.ed by the out-going Board, Commissioner Bishoo mowed that the meeting adjourn sine die. Seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried. The Commission then re-convened for the ourooses of organization, Mr. Bishoo and Mr. Gut signing the oath of office and being seated as Commissioners of the City ~ Sanford for three year terms. Thereuoon Commissioner Bishop moved that Commissioner Gut be ~de temoorary Chairman, oending the election of a Mayor. Seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried. The first order of business being the election of a Mayor for the ensuing year. Commissioner Bishoo nominated Commissioner Hlggins as Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida for the year 1945. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Lodge then moved that the nomina- tions be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Bishoo and carried unanimously. Commissioner Hill then moved that the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for the re-election of Commissioner Higgins as Mayor of the City of Sanford for the ensuing year. Seconded by Commissioner Bishoo and <¢arrled unanimously. Thereupon Commissioner Higgins was declared to be unanimously elected as Mayor of the City of Sanford, Fl~lda, to serve during the year 1955. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Mayor. Attest: