HomeMy WebLinkAbout010845-Regular SessionMINUTES CITY COMMISSION. SANFORDi FLORIDA, January ~ at 7:30 P M 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.M. January 8,1945, Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor, " George D. Bishop " H.James Gut " W.C.Hill " M. J. Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meeting of November 8 and 9, regular meeting of NovemDer 13, adjourned meeting of November 15, and regular meeting of November 27, 19~ next read and aooroved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of December 194~, orooerly audited and vouchered a~ evidenced by voucher nos. 7452 thru 7535, submitted, examined, aoproved and oayment author1~zed. Monthly reoorts of Streets, Ssnit~.tion, Health, Water, Police, Fire, Library and Golf Deoartments for the month of December 1944, submitte~ and ex@mined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and exoenditures during the month of December 194~, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of December 1944, orooerly reconciled submitted and examined. In resoonse to the request for new bids for grading, d~aining and oav~ng Thirteenth Street from French Avenue to South West Road, Olive Avenue .from Thirteenth Street to Tenth Street, Tenth Steer from Olive Avenue to Pecan Avenue, and Pecan Avenue from Tenth street to Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, the following blds were next submitted: CLEARY BROS, CONSTRUCTIO, N COMPANY, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA. GRADING llO9 Cu.Yds. Earth ezcavation :@ 1.OO CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2022 Lin ft. std. curb and gutter @ 1.25 528 lin. ft. concrete curb ( 4" zlP") @ ~5 FOUNDATIONS 3309 tons limerock @ 4.00 WEARING SURFACE 20,393 sq yds. single surface treatment @ .39 STORM DRAINAGE IN PLACE 683 lif~. ft. 15" concrete olde @ ~.00 583 lln ft. 18" concrete oloe 375 lin.ft. 24" concrete oloe $ 4.00 CONCRETE 30 cu.yds Class A concrete @ Total oo 2527,5o 257,6o 13,236.oo 7,80~. 19 2,o49.oo 1,500. O0 1,5oo.oo 200. O0 'MINUTES CITY CommissioN, SaNI:ORD. FLORIDa. January 8 at 7:30 P M 19 . 543 Lin ft. concrete curb ( 4" x 12") @ .70 FOUNDATIONS 5309 tons limerock @ 3.75 WEARING SURFACE 20,393 Sq Yds.slngle surface treatment @ -33 STOPJq DRAINAGE IN PLACE 683 lln ft. 15" concrete pice @ 2.00 583 lin ft. 18" concrete pice @ 2.85 375 lln ft 24" concrete oloe @ 3.85 CONCRETE 30 cu. yds. Class A concrete $ 60.00 380.10 12,~08,75 6,729.69 1,566.00 1,661.55 1,800.00 Total. 29,533.8~ Thereupon after careful comoarlson of the orlces submitted, Commissioner Hill moved that the contract be awarded to W.H.~rmson Company, Inc. , for the sum of $2~,535.84 for grading, drs!nlng and paving~ the aforessld streets in accordance with the clans and soeciflcations prepared by Engineer Earle, and that the ~- · ~ayor and Clerk be authorized to execUte the contract agreement on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. On motion duly carried , theCommission next authorized the-emoloyment of W.s.Earle, as City Engineer at a salary of $10.00 per diem, to suoervlse the construction woek under the contract awarded to W.H.Armson Company Inc.. The following aoollcations next submitted for building permits to construct dwelling houses that will not conform to the Zon!n~ Ordinance adopted by City Commlss~on under date of December 26, 1944. W.E.Marshall to construct a one-story three room concrete block dwelling, ~lze ,45~22, at the northeast corner of Fifteenth Street and Elm Avenue. C.P.Harkey ~o construct a one-story four room concrete block dwelling,size 18x36, at the northeast corner of Si×teenth Street and Elm Avenue. Thereupon after careful consideration, and in view of the fact that the Zoning Ordinance is not effective until January 26,1945, the aforesaid building permits were granted. Communication next read from the Board of County Commiss~one~ requesting that the City Commission concur in the dedication of Lot ~ ~lock lO, Mayfalr Lake Front Addition, for oublic use, said property having bemacqulred, by ~he County thru foreclosure of tax liens. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and on advice of the Sallie Harrison Chapte~ Daughters of American Revolution, that this property was owned by them bemfore the County acquired, it thru foreclosure, and upon thelr request the 1941 Legislature enacted soeclal legislation authorizing the cancellation of the State and County tax liens on which, the County foreclosed, action was deferred. On motion duly carried, the Commiss~on next authorized the rental to P.A.Wolfer of the,~a, lance of the City's farm land for the spring season ending June ~0~ ,1945, at a price of $50.00, said property being described as Lots 2,4 and 8 of Block X,St. Gertrude MINUTES City COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. January 8, at 7:~0 P M 19 108 Chief of Police Williams next submitted a~'~reooi-t:.~howing~several hazardous street intersections caused by shrubbery and weeds on the o~rkways obstructing the traffic view. THereuoon Commissioner Hill moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to notify the orooerty owners at the aforesaid street intersections to ~r~m the sh~bbery on ~he oarkways to conform with~the City's ordinance wl~hln ~wenty days so as to elimino, te the traffic hazards, otnerwlse the City will be forced ~o cut the shrubbery down to the ground. Seconded by Commissioner Gut. Chief of Police Williams next reoorted t~ the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Comoany has b~en oarklng.sever~l emoty, freight c~rs on th$ State Mark?~ track running oarallel wn~cn is causing a ~raff'ic nazare on Doth Thirteenth Stree~ w~th Thirteenth Stree~and French Avenue ,and same was referred to ~he Mayor to handle with the oroter railroad authorities. Commissioner Hill next introduced Ordinance No. 363, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. ~63 AN ORDINANCE OF ~HE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA AMENDING SECTION ll5 OF THE REVISED ORDINANuES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD OF 191~. AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 336 PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 26th DAY OF APRIL,19$3, SAID SECTION ll5 oF SAID ORDINANCES PPE'SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT OR B~ACH OF THE PEACE. and same was read in full by the Clerk. Thereuoon Commissioner Bi.shoo moved ths~t the rules be waived and said ordinance No.363 be olaced on its final '~ssage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Thereuoon the question recurred uoon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higglns Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye Thereupon said Ordinance No. 363 was olaced on its f~1.nal oassage and adootion-. The roll,s called and. the vote stands ss follows: Commissioner Hlgglns Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye Thereuoon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of S~nford, Florida, by unanimous vote had oassed and adooted said 0rdi.nance No. 363, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN~O~D.. , FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION ll5 OF TPr~ REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD OF 1914, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 3~6, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 26th. DAY OF APRIL, 19~3, SAID SECTION,II5 .OF SAID ORDINANCES PEESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR DISORDERLY CONDUCT OR BREACH OF THE PEACE. On motion duly adooted Ordinance No. 363 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized the salaries of firemen C,F.GO~dwin and B.A, Gnann increased from $120.OO to $125.00 Der month~ effective February 16,1945. There be~n~ no further buziness the meeting adjourned.