HomeMy WebLinkAbout032645-Regular Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDa, March 26 at 7:30 P M 19 The City Commission of the City ~ Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of ~anford, Plorida, at 7:30 o'clock P.E. March 26,1945. Present: Commissioner Edward Hlggins, Mayor " H.James Gut W.C.Hill City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H N Bayer Chief of Police R.G.~illiams Absent: Commissioner Geo. D.Bishop " N.J.Lodge. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Application next received from A.Constantlne for permit to operate a dance hall at 1219 W. 13th Street, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. Bill of ~.J.Thomoson in amount of $2,4~0.50 for'services rendered in furnishing labor and equipment in laying 451 lineal feet of 18" sanitary concrete sewer pi~e in accordance with terms of contract, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. Bill of W.H/ Armston Company, Inc, in amoun~ of $1,~02.09 covering surface treatment of 6,676.6 sq. yds. of pavement on Nineteenth Bt. at a cost of .21 Der sq. yd. , next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Hill~and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. Engineer Earle next submitted a final report showing satlsfactorY'comoletlon of contra by W.H.Armston Company, Inc, 'covering grading, draining and paving Thirteehth St.,Olive Ave., Tenth St. and Pecan Ave., together with itemized statement showing'amount due them for said work, of which the total amounted to $29,$1Y.35, less amount of $19,881,42 paid on account under date of March 13,.leavlng a blance due in amount of $9,535.92. Thereupon Commissioner ~t moved the approval of the f~nal estimate of Engineer Earle on the performance of work by W.M.Armston Company, !nc. under the aforesaid contract, and that payment of balance due them in amount o2 $9,535.92 be withheld, pending further information from the Clerk as to available funds for this purpose. Seconded. by Commissioner Hill and carried. Reques~ next received from Mr. Ha~ry Croesen to lease the public Dark located on. French Avenue between Laurel Avenue and Fourth~and Fifth Streets for the purpose of establishing and operating a trailer camo thereon, agreeing to construct a con'crete block restroon building with necessary toilet, shower and laundry facilities to accomodate the trailers. Thereupon after careful consideration, and on motion duly carried, the Commission agreed to lease the aforesaid park to Mr. Crossen for a term of five years at a rental of one dollar Der year for the purpose of constructing and operating a trailer camp, with the privilege of renewing on terms to be agreed upon and with a proviso that all improvements constructed thereon will revert to the City at the termination of said lease agreement. Request next received from the Central Florida Counc~.l of Boy Scouts of America, Inc. for a contribution to ward financing the activities of Boy Scouts during the ensuing year, and on motion of Commissioner Hill, seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried, a 'lVi I NUT ES 'City COMMISSION, SANFoRD, FLORIDA, March 26 at 7:30 P M 19 45 Supt, Moughton next reported of a number of broken limbs hang1, ng from trees on the oarkways throughout the City that are very hazardous, which Was caused by.the hurricane in October , 1944. Thereuoon after careful consideration, Commissioner Gut moved that the City employ Roth Tree Surgeons, Dunedin, Florida, to remove the broken hazardous limbs from the trees on the Streets used as thoroughfares at a cost of $4.00 ~er hour for crew of three men and equipment. Seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried. The Clerk next reported 'that the City acquired lots 6 and ? , Block 7,Tier E.R. Trafford's Map thru foreclosure of tax liens under date of October 6, 1941, on which there~ere two dwellings located on Lot 6 and one dwelling located on Lot advising that the City sold J.A.Calhoun the west one-half of Lot 6, M.L. Cu!lum the east one-half of said lot and A,O.Von Herbulis Lot 7; and that they had the property surveyed and find that Mr. Cullum's dwelling overlaps aooroximately three feet on Mr. Calhoun's property, and Mr. Calhoun's dwelling overlaps aoproximately six feet on Mr Von Heroulis' 'property; stating that Mr. Calhoun has agreed to convey the east Ten feet of his prooerty to Mr. Cullum in order to clear ~is dwelling, providing that the City will acquire for him a ten foot strip from Er. Von Herbulis in order to clear his dwelling, which Mr. Von Herbulis has agreed to convey for the sum of Thereuoon CommiSsioner Gut moved that the City On'chase the north 10 ft. of 5~ ft, of Lot ~ Block 7 Tier 5 from Mr, Von He,bulls at a price of ~75,OO and convey same unto J.A.CalhoUn for the our~ose of corr~ctlng the bond~ry lines of the properties involved, Seconded by Commissioner HilI and carried' Communication next read from E.P.Owen, Secretary and Treasurer of the Florida League of Municipalities, outlining the League's program for assisting municipalities' at the 19~5 Session of Legislature and requesting financial assistance in amount of $400,00 from the City toward defraying expenses in connection therewith. Thereupon after conslderaO!e discussion, Commissioner Hill moved that the City contribute $200.00 to the Florida League of Mun!.cioalities for Legislative Services for 1~45, and that the Clerk be authorized to execute a contract wit~ the League for such Legislative Services, oayment ~herefor to be made a t once. Seconded by Commissioner Gu~ and. carried. The Clerk next reported that several of the owners of the property abutting oark- ways on which there are trees and shrubbery obstructing traffic view and creating a hazard a~ the street intersections hs~ failed ~o comoly with notice from the Police Department to trim such shrubbery and tre~S'::'to'~conform with the City's ordinance· Thereupon Commissioner Hill moved that the aforesaid property owners be notified by registered mail to trim shrubbery or trees to conform with ordinance No. 344 of the City within fifteen days, and u~on their failure to make the same conform thereto, ~he City shall cause the same to be done, Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Commissioner Gut next introduced Ordinance No. ~y$, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OM THE CITY OF SANMORD, FLORIDA, GOVERNING THE SANITATION OF MEAT ~LARKETS AND REGULATING THEIR .C©~ST~T~TT~M AM~ ~_~T~mtM~ mu~n~ ~,~,, MINUTES .CITY COMMIsSiON, SANI~ORD, FLORIDA, March 26 at 7:~0 ~ M 19 k5 Mr Alex Johnson, Commander of the local United States Coast Guard Auxiliary nsxt appeared before the Board and made a further request that the City enclose the first 'floor of the north section of the bandshell with windows and doors and turn the prooerty over to the Coast Guard Auxiliary for their actl.vitles, stating that they would maintain the necessary equloment and make it available for savtng lives in Lake Monroe in case of accidents, which is so badly needed for this ourpose. Action deferred oendlng further constderstlon. On recommendation of Insoector Duncan, and on motion of Com~issloner Gut, seconded by Commtssloner Hill and carried, the Commission next authorized the salary of assistant sanitary Insoector H.H.Ntckerson increased from $25.00 oer week,to $50.00 oer week, effective as of March 23, 1945. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried, the Commission next~ authorized the oayment Of $50.00 to Attorney L.F.Boyle for legal services rendered in assist!ug the City Attorney in defending su.lt of Phillis Hicks vs. Willie Baker, involving orooerty acquired by the City thru foreclosure of tax liens under date of Augus~ 3,1942, and sold to Willie Baker on November 16,19~2. There be~ng no further business' the meeting adjourned. A~te st: ~ lerk~ Mayor.