HomeMy WebLinkAbout042345-Regular Session MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, A~ P~ ~t ?:30 P M 19 The City CommissiOn of the City of Sanford, Florl. aa met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'Clock PoN. Apr 23,1945, Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Geo D.Bishop H.James Gut " WoC.Hill " M.J~Lodge City Attorney Fred R,Wilson City Clerk H.N.Sayer 0nief of Police R.G.Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of regular meetings of February 26 and March 12, adjourned meetings of March 14 and Special Called meeting o f March 26, 1945, next read and approved. Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No, 68~, and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption, Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 68E being in words and.figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. APPROVING A PROPOSED LETTER AGREEMENT WITH ~LORIDA PO~ER & LIGHT COMPANY. D!SCONTINU- ING THE OPEP~TION OF TWO (2) 100 CANDLE POWER ANA BURNING SCHEDULE WHITEWAY ~TREET LIGHTS HEP~TOFORE SERVED UNDER THAT CERTAIN MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING AGREEMENT NOW IN EFFECT BETWEEN THE CITY AND SAID COMPANY DATED THE 29th. DAY OF NOVZMBER,1939, AND SETTING OUT THE TE~ES AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH THE FOREGOING SHALL BE EFFECTED: AUTHORIZING AND DIP~CTING THE MAYOR AND THE CIT~ CLERK OF AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF.SANFORD, TO EXECUTE AND ENTER INTO SAID PROPOSED LETTER AGREEMENT WITH FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPA~. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TH~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: 1. Tha~ the proposed Letter Agreement with Florida Power & Light Company, which is hereinafter set forth in form in Section 2 hereof, be and the same is hereby approved as to form and substance, 2, That the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on behalf of the City of Sanford, Florida, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and enter in~o wish Florida Power & Light Company the said orooOsed Letter Agreement aooroved in Section 1 hereof, and hereinafter set forth in form as follows: City of Banf'ord Sanford, Florida "Sanford, Mlorida~ ~arch 2~, !945, Gentlemen: This relates to that certain Municipal Street Lighting Agreement now in effect between us dated the 29th day of November 1939. We hereby agree, at your request, as of the 1st day of May, 1945, to discontinue two (2) 100 Candle Power ANA burning schedule whlteway street lights located at Northeas~ and Southeast corners of Sanford Avenue and Fifteenth~Street, in the City of Sanford, Florida, and , after such discontinuance~ we will not bill you ~nd you will not be required to pay for the operation of said street lights. At any time or from time to time, uoon your written request evidenced by a letter from your City Clerk, under your coroorate seal, we will restore said street lights to service and after such restoration, you will pay for the operation of said stree~ lights in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said Municioal Street Lighting Agreement. It is further understood and agreed that except as expressly Orovi~ed herein. INUTES CITY COMMISSION, ~ANFORD, FLORIDA, Aoril 23 , §t 7:30 P'M 19 45, the attached copies to be executed by your duly authorized officials, under your corporate seal, in the spaces provided below for that purpose. Very truly yours, We agree to the foregoi.ng this day of 19~5 CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA By Edward Higglns Mayor ATTEST: '~ity Clerk, FLORIDA PO~,~R & LIGHT COMPANY by. Manager ATTEST: Assistant Secretary APPROVED AS to form and correctness, this day of , 1945. Attorney for City of Sanford Florida. That this Resolution shall be and become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED at the City of Sanford, Florida, this 23rd day of April,1945. Edward Htggins Mayo r- COmmi s s i one r M.J .Lodge H,James Gut Geo. D.Bi sho~ APPROVED: Edward Higglns Mayor ATTEST: _H.N, Sayer City Clerk. ( Seal ) W.C.Hill ~Ity'""COmmlssioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, Report of April analysis of milk from all dairies ooerat~ng in Sanford as prepared by Dr. L.R. Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, next presented, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of "Grade A Milk." Fire Chief Cleveland next submitted an annual fire report for year ending December 31,1945,' such report showing number of fires,'cause of fir~s , class of buildings burned, amount of losses, etc. and same was ordered filed. Bill of Henry Madsen, Accountant, Orlando, in amount of $~5.O0 for professional services rendered in preparing application of Oanford Housing Authority for post-war housing proJects,'next presented, and on motion of Commissioner HilI, seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried, s~me was approved and payment authorized. Bill of~ Orlando Housing Authority in amount of $9.30 covering photostatic prints, binding and. postage in connection with the aforesaid application of Sanford Housing Authority, next presented, and on motion duly adopted, same was approved. Bill of Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Engineers and Architects, Jacksonville, in amount of $??.36, for engineering servl, ces in preparing tentative drawings of the proposed Municipal Dock and Terminal facilities, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Bishop, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same wes approved and payment authorized. Bills of W.H.Arms~on Company Inc, totaling $251.50, covering services rendered in hauling tree stumps from Thirteenth St. to City dump at a cost of $150.OO; grading Oleander Ave. in front of War Food Administration Labor Camp at cost of $65.00; and sale to the City of 2?5 gallons of asphalt at 10¢ oer gallon, next presented, 45 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, 'FLORIDA, Apr 23, at 7:30 ? M ~on ~O~ract for drain&ng, Pedan Ave. next presented grading and caving Thirteenth St., Olive Ave, Tenth St, and , and on advice of the Clerk that funds are avilable for this purpose, Commissioner Hill moved the payment of same. Bill of Electro Ru~t-Proofing Corooratlon in amount of $b86.'00 covering purchase of Rustop System of CAthodic Protection installed in the Municipal Water Tank, next presented and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissione? Hill and carried, same was aporoved and oayment authorized. Bill of .Peter ?Irsch & Sons Company, Kenosha, Wis. in amount of $~28.93, covering cost of one 100 GNP Booster Pump purchased by Fire Chief Cleveland for installation on Dodge ?ickup Fire Truck, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same was approved and payment authorized. Communication next read from the Board of County Commlssloners advls!.ng that they had fixed the sale price on the orooertles acquired thru foreclosure in February of 1945, on the basis of 5© per cent of the last assessed valuation. Thereupon CommiSsioner Bishop moved that the City Commission approved the sales price fixed by the County Commissioners on the aforesaid oropertles acquired by the County thru foreclosure. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried. Communication next read from the Sanford Woman's Club requesting that the City construct and equip a picnic ground with fireplace, tables and benches on the lake front for use of the public. Action deferred. Apollcation next received from the Sanford Elks Fair Association requesting ~ermit to conduct a fair at the northwest corner of Celery and Mellonville Avenues during the latter cart of April or the first cart of Nay, advising that the Camobell-Losslng Post of American Legion will assist in the management of the fair and the proceeds will be divided between the two organizations; stating that the proceeds derived by the Elks will be used toward defraying expenses of the Harry-Anna Cripple Childrens' Hospital at Umatilla and the American !~egion will use their cart of the proceeds toward defraying cost of erecting the perpetual Honor Roll for service men and women of World War No. 2. Matter referred to the local labor committee for consideration as to whether or not a fair at this time of the season will interfere with the harvesting of crops in the community. Commissioner ~ut next introduced Resolution No. 689 and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adootlon. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higglns Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 689 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 68~. A. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA CONCURRING IN THE DEDICATION BY THE COUNTI COMMISSIONERS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN TF~ AMENDEDP~T OF ORANGE HEIGHTS AND IN T~E SUBDIVISION ENOWN AS EL DORADO TO PUBLIC USE FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Board of Public Instruction of Seminole County , Florida, has MINUTES City COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, April 2~, .~t 7:30 North ~0 feet of Lots 7, 26, 45 and 64 and. north 10 feet of Lots g, 27 46 and 65 of the amended clot of Orange Heights according to Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Boob 4, Page? 84 of the oublic records of Seminole County, Florida; Also: Lot A and Lots l~, 14, 15, 16 and l? of Block 2 of E1 Dorado, according to Plat thereof of record in the Public records of Seminole County, Florida in Plat Book 4, Page 29. to-ou'blic use for public school ourooses in Seminole County, Florida and the Board of Public Instruction of Seminole County, Plorlda owns lands contiguous to the above t : ,~.. described lots, oieces or oarcels of land and the City Commission of the City of Sanford is of the ooinion that it will be exoedlent and for the best interests of the oubllc and the oublic school system of Seminole County, Florida, forthe above described lots, oleces or oarcels of land to be dedicated by the County Commi~sioners of Seminole County, Florida to oublic use for oublic school ourooses: NG~THERE?ORE BE IT RESOLVED Bi THE, C!T~ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, F~ORIDA, that said City Commission does hereby concur in the dedication of the above described lots, oleces or oarcels of land to cub!lc use for oubllc school ourooses. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall become effective immediately uoon its oassage and adootlon. PASSED and ADOPTED this 23rd day of Aoril 1945. (Seal) Attest: H.N.Sayer ~ City Clerk Edward,.,Hlggins Mayor M,J,Lodge H.James Gut Geo D,BishoD W.C.Hill As the Citf~Commi~s{6~ of the City of Sanford,Florida, Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 690 and after being read. in full by the Clerk, moved its oassage and adootion. Seconded by Commissioner Gut and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higglns Aye " Bishoo Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No. 690 be!ng in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 690 A RESOLUTION OF TMz CITz COMMISSION OF THE CIT~ OF SAEFORD, FLORIDA, DETERmINiNG THE LOCATION, DAYS AND HOURS FOM INSPEUTION OF MZAT B~ THE ~iTY MEAT INSPECTOR. BE IT P~SOLvED BY THE CITI COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN~'OHD, FLO~.IDA, that insoectlon of meats to be offered for sale in the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be ms{e by the City Meat Insoector of said City at the shed between the Seminole County Jail and the City of hartford Jail in the City of ~anford, Florida, and said insoection shall be made between 10:O0 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on Monday and Thursday 'MINUTES .CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. 'FLORIDA. A~r 23 at 7:30 ? ~ 19 45 i35 Attest: H.N. Sayer Clerk ( Seal ) Edward Hig.~ins Mayor M.J.~odge H.James Gut Ged. D.Bi shoo W.C.Hill As the City Commission of the Cltyof Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Hill next introduced Resolution No. 691 and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried by the fofflowSng vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye said Resolution No . 691 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 691 A RESOLUTION BY THE CIT~ COMMISSION OF THE CITM OF SAN?ORD, FLORIDA EXPRESSING ITS OPPOSITION TO THE PASSAGE OF HOUSE BILL NO.16? NOW PENDING BEFORE THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A UNIF©B~M SYSTEM OF MUNICIPAL uOVERNMENT IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. WHEREAS, House Bill No. 16y for the purpose of establishing a uniform system of munlcioal government in the State of ?lorlda has been introduced into the Legislature of the State of Florida and. the City Commission of the City ofSanford, Florld~ deems said bill inadvisable and contrary to the best interest of the municipalities of the State of ~lorida and said bill if enacted into law wou~d upset the traditional system of municipal government that has been in force in the State of ?lorlda for nearly three-q~arters of a century and believing that it would be imoosslble for any general bill establishing a uniform system of municipal government to provide for the diversified needs of the municipalities of the State of Florida; and s~id bill would tend to further weaken the independence and home-rul~ of the municipalities, NO~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Comm~ssion of the City of Sanford, ~lorida that said City Commission does go on record as being opposed to the passage of said House Bill No. 167 by the Legislature of the State of Florida and requests Honorable Lloyd F. Boyle, State Senator , and Honorable M.B.Smith and L.B.Mann, representatives to oppose the passage of said House Bill No. 167. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a cooy o~ this resolution be sent to Senator Boyle and Messrs Smith and Mann; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED upon its passage and ad0otlon. PASSED and A~OPTED this 23rd day of Aorll A.D. 1945. that this re~olutlon shall become effective immediately Edward Higgins Mayor H.James Gut Geo. D.Bishoo ~.C.Hill M.J.Lodge MINUTES CITY COMMI$$ION,'SANFORD, FLORIDa, A~ril 23 at ?:~o P M 19 45 The Clerk next submitted an itemized statement of budgetary revenues and exoenditures for the first six months of the 1944-1945 fiscal year, and same was given careful study by the Commission. There be!ng no further business the meeting then adjourned until 1:30 ?.M. Aoril 25,1945. Attest: Mayor.