HomeMy WebLinkAbout052845-Regular Session MINUTES CitY CoMMissioN, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Eay 2~ at .?:~0 P M 119. 45 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in re~lar session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. May 28,1945. Present: Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. " Geo D.Bishop " H.James Gut " W.C.Hill " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H.N. Sayer Chief of Police R.G.~illiams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Report of May analysis of milk from all dairies ooeratl, ng in Sanford, as ore- oared by Dr. L R Scribner's Laboratories at Orlando, ne×t presented, such report showing all such milk within the requirements of "Grade A Milk," except raw milk from Green Valley Dairy. On motion duly carried, the Commission next granted the Elks Fair Association a permit to conduct a Fair at northwest corner of Metlonville Avenue and Celery Avenue for two weeks, beginning May 28,1945. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Bi~hop and carried, the Commission next authorized the emoloyment of Curtis L.Pevels as fireman at a salary of $120.00 per month, to fill the vacancy created by resignation or R.O.Gnann. In accordance with the instructions of the'City Commission at the meeting, of May 15,1945, Inspector Duncan next reported that he had employed Er. I.V .~illlams, Brick Mason, to make an inspection of the old brick warehouse build~.ng owned by E.F.Lane and located on Lots 9, lO, 31 and 32 , of Block M, First Street Extension, that was partly destroyed by fire on May 15,1941, and that it is Mr ~illlams' ooinion"~ that the remaining walls are in a safe condition and can be used in reconstructing the building withoUt being removed; also , adv~sing that he concurred in the aforesaid opinion. Request next received from John ~. Dunlap for an a~Justment of the assessed valuation in amount of $200.00 for year 1944 against his personal property at 306 Magnolia Avenue, claiming that he only owned the household furnishings in two of the~rooms of this residence. ThereuPon after careful considerati6n, Commissioner Gut moved that the assessed valuation in amount of $200.00 for year 1944 against the personal property of John W.Dunla0 be adjusted to $100. OO . Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. Communication ne×t read from the local union of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners protesting agslnst the City imposing an occupational con- tractors license on carpenters who perform work by the hour, day or weekly basis. Action deferred pending an opinion of the C1~ty Attorney as to the definition of a~ contractor. On motion duly carried, Chief of Police Williams was next author~.zed and instructed to employ a dog catcher temporarily to catch and impound all dogs that have not been vaccinated for rabies in accordance with the requirements o2 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA. May 2~ at 7:~0 13 ~, 19 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITz OF SANFOBD, FLORIDA, VACATING, CLOSING AND ABANDONING THE PORTIONS OF THE ALLEYS IN CELERY AVENUE ADDITION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT ARE NOW EMBRACED IN SAN LANTA, SANFORD , FLORIDA. AND SAME WAS READ IN FULL BY THE CIJERK. Thereuoon Commissioner Gut moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 376 be olaced on its final passage and adoot ion. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows:' Commissioner Higgins Aye " Bi shoo Aye " Gut Aye "~{li I .Aye " ~.odge aye Thereupon said Ordinance No. 376 was olaced on its final oassage and. adootion. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Bishoo Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye Thereuoon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by uanimous vote had oas~ed and adooted said Ordm~.nance No.376, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING, CLOSING AND ABANDONING THE PORTIONS OF THE ALLEYS IN CELERY AVENUE ADDITION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT ARE NOW EMBRACED IN SAN LANTA, SANFO~D, FLORIDA. On motion duly adooted, ordinance No. 376 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, in accordance with the terms of the Charter, as amended. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P.M. June 8,1945. Attest: