HomeMy WebLinkAbout061145-Regular SessionMINUTES CiTY COmMiSSION, SaNfORD. FLORIDA, June 11 at 7:30 P M 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in re_~lar session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.M. June 11,1945. Present: Commissioner Edward Miggins, Mayor. " Geo. D.BishoD " H.James Gut " M.J.Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wllson City Clerk H.N, Sayer Chief of Police R.G.Williams Absent: Commissioner W.C.Hill Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Current invoices and oayrolls for the month of May 1945, orooerly audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher nos. 7916 thru BOO?, submitted, examined, eoDroved and oayment authorized. Monthly reoorts of Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, Police, Fire, Library, and Golf Deoartments for month of May 19~5, submitted and examined. Financial statements and ~tatement of revenues and exoendltures during the month of May 1945, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for the month of May 1955, orooerly reconciled, submitted and examined. Reoort of June analysis of milk from all dairies ooeratlng in Sanford, as ore- oared by Dr. L.R. Scrlbner's Laboratories at Orlando, next oresented, such reoort showing all such milk within the requirements of "Grade A Milk," exceot raw milk from Green Valley Dairy. Bill of Florida League of Municioalltles in amount of $?0.00 covering dues for regular routine leagues services for year ending June 30,19~5, 'nex~ oresented , and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, same was aporoved and payment authorized. Bill of W.T.Wolfe, Traffic Consultant, in amount of $20.42, covering travel e×oenses to Sanford on May 21-22, and June 5, 1945, next oresented, and on motion duly carried, same was aoproved and oayment ordered. Bill of Dr. R.L/Bass, Veterinarian, in amount of $70.00, next oresented, covering services rendered as City Meat Insoector from May 10th thru 31st, 19~5 reoresenting a fee of $10.00 for each date and hours for insoection designated by the City Commission under Resolution No. 690/. Thereuoon Commissioner Gut moved the aooroval of the aforesaid bill of Dr. Bass in amount of $?0.00, and ~hat oayment of 910.OO for his services on each insoection date be authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Bishoo and carried. On mo~ion of Commissioner Lodge, seconded by Commissioner Bishoo and carried, the Commission next aoproved the emoloyment of Mrs. Raymond. Lundquist as Clerk in the Water DeDartmen~ at a salary of $115.00 oer month, to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Emma Temole. On recommendation of Fire Chief Cleveland, and on motion duly adooted, the Commission next authorized the salary of Fireman C.A.Anderson~lncreased from $125.OO i47 ~/~ MINUTES CiTY COMMiSsIoN. SANF. ORD, FLORIDA, June 11 at 7:30 P M. 19~5 E.R. Trafford' s Communication next read from Nr.N.LoBryan,Jr. ~'ifth Division Engineer of the Road Department, requesting ~he City to pass an ordinance changing the parking of motor vehicles from angular to ~aralleI ~arking on ~ark ~venue, in order to effec~ the greatest movement of ~raffic over this stree~ without being interrupted from vehicles ~ovlng to and from parking areas. Thereu~n City ~ttorney Wilson was, directed ~o ~re~are an or~inance instituting parallel parking of vehicles on Park ~venue, ~or consideration at the new regular meeting o~ the Co~mission. Communication nezt read fro~ Mr. Herman Jacobson, owner of the Meisch B~ild~ng, advising that the ~tate ~,'elfare Board had requested renovation of the six office rooms occupied by the~ in said building, which ~he City and County are renting, s~a~ing tha~ he would re-decorate these rooms ~roviding ~he ren~ coul~ be Increased a s~all ~rgin. Thereupon after careful consideration, ~he Co~mission authorized an increase of $~.00 per month in the rental ~ayments for the aforesaid office room~ ~o off-set ~he re- decorating coat, Drovlding the County will increase their Dor~ion a llke amount. !nsDector Duncan new re~or~e~ t~t C.E,Harrell ~d instituted sui~ agains~ him for damages in a~ount of $5,000.00 resulting fro~ the accident caused by City owned automobile driven by him and an automobile driven by ~r Harretl colliding at intersection of Thi~ s~reet and Holiy ~venue on ~ugust ~, I~Q, and same ~as referred ~o ~ccident · Casual~y Insurance ComDanE, csrrier of public liability and ~ro~erty damages insurance on the automobile driven by Inspector Dunce. Co~munication nex~ read from 2anford Lo~ge No. 2~ of 1.0.0,~, advising tha~ they owned and occupied the ~ilding located on the ~ou~h 25 ft. of Lo~ 12 B!ock ~ Tier E.R.Trafford's Ma~,a~ of January 1,1~$$, and requesting the City to cancel ~he taxes assessed agalns~ ~his property for the year 1~$~ because ~hey were entitled ~o the fraternal organizations tax e~em~on as provided by the State Constitution but failed to ~ke apDllcation for such exemption a~ ~he Dro~er t l~e. Thereupon after careful consideration, and on advice of the Clerk that the Lodge ~as entitled to the frat'ernal tax ezem~tion on the a~oresaid ~roDerty for the year 1755 but failed ~o file aDp!ica~ion, Commissioner Btsho~ ~oved the cancellation of the ~axes assessed agains~ the S. 24 ft of Lot 12 Block 3, Tier 2, E.R. Trafford's for the year 19~4. Seconded by Co~issioner Gut and carried. Communication next read from Geo A.Soeer Jr, requesting an adjustment of the ~axes for years 1941 thru .1955 'agains~ Lot 11 Block 3 Tier 2, E.R. Trafford's Na~, claiming that the assessed valuation in amount of $8.O50.00 for those years were too high i-n com- oarison with the actual value of the orooerty. Thereupon Commissioners Bishoo and ~t were aooointed as a Committee ~o aooraise the aforesaid prooer~y and comoare the assessed valuation with similar orooerties, and presen~ recommendations to the Board at the new meeting. Mr. Charles S.Eorrison next aooeared on behalf of the Sanford Tennis Club and submitted the following letter of recommendations: "Sanford, Florida June 8, 1945. MINUTES r ~LORIDA,~une ll ~t 7:~0 P ~ City SANFORD, .19 facilities not only for those'who are already here and desire to olay, but are un- able to do so because of a lack of suitable courts, but also for men now in the service who upon their return to Sanford in the near future will require additional recreational facilities, the Sanford Tennis Club resoectfully recommends the fol- lowing projects for immediate construction: (1) The Tennis Court in Fort Hellon Park should be reconstructed and levelled so as to lay the court entirely in the same _olane~ and another court should be constructed with both of them comoletely surrounded by a wire fence and orotected by wind breaks. (2) The tennis court in the Eighth Street oark should be reconstructed,levelled and lald in the same plane with a wire fence completely surrounding it. (3) A unit of ~wo new tennis courts should be constructed on the city oroperty at the Thirteenth Street and Palmetto Avenue and be comoletely surrounded by a wire fence. ($) All tennis courts built by the City, or reconditioned by the be made of concrete of regulation size. City, should (5) The electric light posts and lamps on the former tennis courts at the: water works plant should be moved to the tennis courts to be constructed at Thirteenth Street and Palmetto Avenue. (6) A oractice board should be erected at both the Fort Metlon courts and the Thirteenth Street courts. Hoping that you may see your way clear to take favorable action on this request in the near future, we are, Res°ectfully yours, 8ANFORD TENNIS CLUB. Ralph A. Smith President. Margaret M Wright Secretary and Treasurer. "' Thereuoon after considerable discussion, the Commission referred the ~oregoing letter to the City Recreation Committee for their consideration. City Attorney Wilson next rendered an ooinion as to the definition of a Contractor, advising that it was his opinion that oersons working by the hour, day or week at a fixed wage and not furnishing any caoital toward the cost of materials used, are not deemed contractors. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the City Attorney was directed to prepare an ordinance amending Paragraoh 67 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 354, defining contract- ors, so as not to include persons working at a fixed wage and not furnishing capital for materials. Purther consideration next given to the matter of acquiring additional orooerty on the lake front between ?ranch and Hangoustine Avenues for the ouroose of establish- ing a Municipal Port for docks, warehouses and terminal facilities. Mayor Higglns then advised that the tract of land lying between Holly and Cedar Avenues, extended, owned by W.E.Kirchhoff Jr, can be ourch~Sed at a orice of $?,5OO.OO, payable on terms of $500.00 cash and b~lance $500.00 annually with interest at rate of five per cent; and that the tract of land lying between Holly and Cedar Avenues, extended, owned by J B Adkins, can be ourchased at a price of $6,OOO.OO, payable on terms of $500.OO cash and balance, $5OO.O0 annually with int- erest at rate of five per cent. Also, that the tract of land owned by Victor Check and lying between French and Haole Avenues, of which the City has an option to purchase at a price of $10,O00.O0 cash, can be ourchased on terms of $750.00 cash and balance $750.00 annualy without interest. Thereuoon after c~nsiderable discussion, Commissioner Bishop moved that the Mayor be authorized to secure an ootion until October 1, 1945, to ourch~se the aforesaid CiT¥'COMMI$$ION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June I1 at ?:30 P M 19____~5 to purchase the aforesaid land from J.B.Adklns at a price of $6,000.00, oayable $100.00 upon execution of ootion agreement, $400.00 upon exercise of option, and balance $500.00 annually wlth interest at rate of five oer cent; and that the City exercise its option to ourchase the ~rooerty from Victor Check at a orice of $10,000.O0 payable $?50.00 cash and balance $Y50.O0 annua!!y without interest. ~econded by Commissioner Gut and carried. There being no further buslnes~ the meeting adjourned. Attest: