HomeMy WebLinkAbout100845-Regular SessionMINUTES ~'iCITY COMMISSION. SANFORD, FLORIDA. Oct :bet . t -: -- P M 19__L~ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ?:30 o'clock P.M. October 8, 1945. Present: CommissiOner Edward Higgins, Mayor " George D.Bishop " H.James Gut " ~¥. C. Hill " M.J. Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H.N. Sayer Chief of Police, R.G. Williams Meeting called to o~der by the Chairman. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of September 1945, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by voucher Nos. 8262 thru 8355, submitted, examined, approved and payment authorized. ~ Monthly. reoo~ts of streets, sanitation, health, water, police , fire,library and Golf Departments for the month of September 1945, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures durSng month of Sep%ember 1945, submitted and examined. Bank statements in alI accounts for the month of September 1945 properly reconciled, submitted and examined. Application next received from Ollie B.Woods for permit to operate a taxi-cab, and on recommendation of Chief of Police 'Williams, ss. me was granted. The followi~ applications next received for permit to sell beer and wines, and on recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, same were approved: Allen Mitchell, 408 Sanford Ave. Fred Heath, corner of Thirteenth & Mangoustine Ave. Miss Euclaide R. Appleby, 2600 Oak Avenue. I.F.Frazier next appeard on behalf of his daughter, Laura Fulton, and requested permi' to erect a frame store building on the west 50 ft. of Lot 8 of Block G, Chappell's Subdiv. located in the fire zone on W. Thirteenth St., claiming that he could not erect a fireproof masonry building on this lot because the City has a 21" sanitary sewer installed across it without an easement. Action deferred, pending further information. The following bids next received for furnishing four tires for one of the fire trucks: ROCKEY'S TIRE SHOP 2 - 40X8 , 900-24, 12-ply Goodyear Rayon Tire @ 106.05 each 212.10 2 - 38x? , ?50-24, 10-ply Goodyear Rayon Tires @ ?4.65 each 149.~O 3 1, Less 20~ discount ~2.28 Net 289.1~ FIRESTONE STORES 2 - 40x8, 900-24, 12-ply Firestone Heavy Duty Tires @ 95.9Y 2 - 38x?, ?50-24, lO-ply Firestone Heavy Duty Tires @ 64.35 191.94 l .7o '320.6~ Thereupon Commissioner~Lodge moved that the bid be awarded to the lowes bidder, that of Rockey s Tier Shop in amount of $289.12. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, OCtober Lot 613 ( F~lchheimer ) Top Coat , 30 oz. wt. 44.50 each Thereupon after examining the samples of materials to be furnished, and in view of no other bids having been received, Commissioner Bishop moved that the bid of Yowell Company for furnishing Coat and Two Pants Uniforms for the policemen and firemen at price of $54.40 each, and Top Coats for pollcement at price of $44.50 each, be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. On motion of Commissioner Hill , seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commission next approved the sale to Anthony Narcenelle of Lots 19,38 and 39 Block 5, and lots lO,11, 12 and 13 of Block ?-A Dreamwold Second Section, at price of $1,800.00. This property having been acquired by the City thru foreclosure of taxes and special assessment liens and the proceeds from such sale to be divided between the City and County in accordance with provisions of Chapter 220?9, Acts of 1943 Legislature. Request next received from J.N. Crooms , Principal of Crooms Academy, for permission~ to use the Nunicipal Baseball Park for playing their home football games during the coming season. Thereupon after careful consideration, the Commission granted Crooms Academy the use of the outfield only of the 'baseball park for playing football gsmes. On recommendation of Fire Chief Cleveland, and on motion duly adopted, the Commissio~ next authorized the salary of fireman Huber S. Whitworth increased from $125.00 to $130.00 per month, effective as of October l, 1945. Request next received from Holler Notor Company and Campbell's Seed & Feed Store, located in the 200 block on W. First Street, for the City to turn on the four discontinued whiteway lights in that block. Natter taken under advisement. The Nayor next advised that thru the invitation of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce the St. Paul Baseball Club had accepted the offer to use the ~unicipal Baseball Park for their next spring training. Supt Noughton then advised the Commission that the ball field is in very bad cdndition and that work should be started immediately in preparing the field by burning off sandspurs, top-soiling and rolling, and planting rye grass seed, in order to have it in playing condition by the time the St. Paul team arrives. Also, that considerable repairs will have to be made to the grandstand before it can be used, and recommended that this work be contracted. Thereupon Supt. Noughton~' was authorized to recondition the baseball' field and maintain it in good playing condition for use by the St. Paul Baseball Club in connection with their spring training program; and the Clerk was authorized to obtain 'bids for repairing the grandstand building. Application next received from Nr James Rivers to lease a plat of land approximately 200 feet square in the east end of Fort 5~ellon Park for the Purpose of constructing and operating a radio broadcasting station. Thereupon after, careful consideration, and on advice of ~_ayor Higgins tha~ Nr. J.L. Ingley, President Of the Sanford Atlantic National Bank had investigated Nr Rivers' financial ability and found it completely satisfactory, Commissioner Bishop moved that the ~_ v .... ~ ..... ~ +.~o ~,,~.~ nf ~.nn~tru~tir~z and ooerating a Radio 204 MINUTES City COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDa. October at 7:3O? 19 z~5 ten years at a rental of $1.00 per year, subject to renewal at terms to be agreed upon. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and Carried. Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 7'00 , and after being read in full by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Comm£ssioner Hill and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Hill Aye " Lodge Aye said resolution No. 700 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION No. 700 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COk~ISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE SECBETARY OF THE NAVY TO CONTINUE THE OPERATION' OF SANFORD NAVAL AIR STATION. WHEREAS, the Sanford Naval Air Station, located adjacent to the City of Sanford, Florida, has been in operation for approximately thre~ yearns and has been successfully and satisfactorily conducted for the purpose of training men in the air ~ervice of their country ~nd said station is so located as to be conducive to the health and comfort of the men who have been trained and are being trained there and the City Co~mi~"Sion of the City of Sanford believes that the continued operation of said statioh in sOre"capacity will redound to the benefit of the Government: "~ : NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of ~the City of Sanford, Florida, that the Secretary of the Navy be and he is hereby requested to continue the operation of said Banford Naval Air Station in such' capacity as said Station seems to him to be best fitted for service to the Country. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a signed copy of this r~solution be forwarded to Honorable James V. Forrestal, Secretary of the~Navy Of the United States. ADOPTED THIS 8th day of October , 1945. Edward Higglns Geo D.Bishop M. J. Lo d~e H. James Gut W. C. Hill ATTEST: H.N. Sayer City Clerk. ( Seal ) As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Fllrida. Mr. G.W. Spencer and Mr. Ed Levy Whitner next appeared before the Board and submitted the following proposal to lease and operate~.the Municipal Golf Course: The members of the Golf Club propose to organize a corporation that.will raise funds in amount of $Y,500.00 thru public subscriptions, which will be turned over to the City for the purpose of repairing the club house, locker rooms and restoring the gol! course in good playing condition; that upon depositingthe said sum of $7,~00.00 with the City, Mr. Ed Levy V~itner agrees to purchase one half of the proposed corporation's capital stock for the sum of $~,500.00; that upon purchase of said stock by Mr. Whitner the City will contribute the sum of $?,500.00 donated thru public subscriptions, to the proposed corporation, plus an additional sum of $Y,500.00 to be apprppriated from City's funds, which will be used only for the~purpose of making improvements to the golf course property; that the City lease the golf course property to the proposed corporation for a term of 25 years for the sum of $1.00 per year, with option to purchase at price of $10,000.00, after such improvements have been made to the property. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the Commission agreed to enter an~agr~e- ment for leasing the' golf course property to the proposed corporation under the terms and conditions of the t~nt~.tiv~ nrnnn~=l: n. tl tn~a "nv .u'r,. ,q~n.o~ ==~ w~ wht+.==~ MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, .F_~LORIDA. October S at 7:30 P M 19 ~ 205 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest.' '~Clty C~e~~.