HomeMy WebLinkAbout110545 :MINUTES CITY :COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 5:-at-7:30 P M' 19 4~5 '2i5 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned regular session at the City Hall in the City of $anford, Florida., at 7:30 o'clock P.~. November 5, 1945. Present :. Commissioner Edward Higgins, Mayor. George D. Bishop " H. James Gut " W. C. H ill " M. J. Lodge City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk H.N.SaYer Chief of Police R.G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The following bids were next received for furnishing one 6" Electric Deep Well Turbine Pump equippped with auxiliary gasoline unit for stand-by service,in accordance with specifications furnishmed by the City: LAYNE-ATLANT ICC O~PANY, ORLANDO. TURBINE PUMP & ELECTRIC ~,~OTOR 1 Layne Deep Well Turbine having a capacity of 500 U.'S. gallons per minute when pumping against a total dynamic head of 58 ft., consisting of: one TF 615 pump head fitted for combination gear drive; one 40 ft. column assembly - 6 inch column in l0 ft. lengths; 40 ft. of I inch steel shafting in lO ft. lengths with couplings ; 40 ft. l~ inch oll tube (extra heavy steel pipe) with bearings fabricated in l0 ft. lengths; ome 8 inch SKHC bowl assembly with 4 stage bronze impellars having an efficiency of 78.3%; one lO x 6 inch tall pipe; 1 galvanized coyne strainer; one i qt. size. electric solenoid oiler ( 220 volt coil); one U.S. vertical hollow shaft motor 440 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 1800 RPN, size lO HP; one magnetic across the line starter ~ manual operated. ) Total price of above equipment F.O.B. Sanford $814.60 Estimate labor and material cost to install same 200.O0 STAND BY GASOLINE ENGINE & DRIVE 1 International U2 Power unit equipped for gasoline operation , with automatic' head and oil control cut out, electric start- ing and battery; Drive consisting of: Amarillo gear head size O, rated H.P. at 1760 - 26; Watson Splicer drive shaft; two couplings for same bored and keyed; motor stand; automatic drive assembley; special head shaft with adjusting keys; motor base assembly. Total price of above unit and assembly $898.38 Estimate labor and material cost to install same 95.0o TOtal price of complete installation on above enumerated items $2,00y.99 Delivery date: approximately 1~. weeks. Note: The inst~llation cost will be figured at actual cost of labor and materials. CAMERON & BARKLEY COI,~PANY, TA~{PA,FLORIDA TURBINE PUMP & ELECTRIC MOTOR Peerless, oil lubricated Deep ~ell Turbine Pump equippe~ with dual purpose head, combination Noturbo Ge~rturbo with l~to 1 speed ratio, having a capacity of 500 G P N. with possible draw down to 40 ft., consisting of : 40 ft. of 6 inch inside diameter column ( std wt. steel pipe); 1½ inch c°v~r, piPe (extra heavy steel pipe); i inch diameter shafting, 4 8HX stages with impellers ; l0 ft. of 6 inch I.D. suction pipe with galvanized strainer. Pump to have mounted on cast iron base with 6 inch discharge opening a 15 H.P. , 3 phase, 60 cycle, 440 volt, 1~60 R.P.N. vertical hollow shaft ball bearing motor with automatic solenoid type of shaft lubrication. Total price of above, equipment F.O.B. Sanford STAND BY GASOLINE ENGINE & DRIVE $969.O0 MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SaNFORD, FLORIDa? NOV instrument panel; Watson Splicer flexible drive shaft with end flanges bored to-fit pump and engine drive shafts; tool kit. Total price of above unit and assembley F.O.B.Sanford $545.00 TOtal price on above items ( not inStalled) $1,514. O0 Delivery date: 18 to 20 weeks. Thereupon after a tabulation of the bids and careful comparison of the general specifications of the equipment , it was the opinion of the Commission that the L~yne dee$ Well TurBine Pump with an International Gasoline Power-Unit for stand-by service would be more durable and render the most satisfactory service, and on motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried, the Commission awarded the contract to Layne-Atlantic Company, Orlando, Florida, for furnishing this equipment in accordance with the specifications in their bid proposal at a price of $1,712.99, delivered to Sanford, plus actual cost of installation. On motion duly carried, the Clerk was next authorized and directed to advertise for bids to be received by the Commission at the regular meeting of December 10,1945 standard for the construction of ~.concrete/~ize single tennis court; with alternate bids for constructing a tournament size single court; standard size double court; and tourna- ment size dduble court~ ~e~o©~t~l~eo£.c:~h~:cou~t~;ta~e designated by the Commission. Walter Holly next appeared on behalf of the local colored world war veterans and requested the City to ~purchase two acres of land adjacent to the colored cemetery and dedicate it for use of war veterans for burial purposes, stating that this land is owned by Albert Battle and can be purchased at price of $80.00 per acre. Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Hill moved that the City purchase the aforesaid land at a cost of $160.00 and dedicate it for use for burial purposes for colored world war veterans, provided the veterans will maintain it~. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. ~urther consideration next given to smending Section 3 of Ordin~uce No. 256, designating the zone in which intoxicating liquors may be sold, so as to include the location at French Avenue and Eleventh Street for WhiCh application was made by E.B. Smith at the adjourned meeting of September 27, 1945. Thereupon after considerable discussion, it was the opinion of the COmmission that the liquor zone should not be amended so as to include the aforesaid location. Application next received from John A Hall for permit to sell beer and wines at 901 W. 13th. St., and on recommendation of~ Chief of Police Williams, same was approved. On motion duly adopted the Commission next approved the employment of H T Goffe as police officer at salary of $140.00 per month, effective as of November l, 1945. On motion of Commissioner Gut, seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried, the Commission ne×t authorized the awarding of contract to Peninsular Concrete Pipe Company for constructing 300 cohcrete street marker posts at price of $1.66 each. Letter next read from H.J.Lehman, Eanager of Sanford State Farmers' Narket, requesting the City to release the south 12 feet of .the right-of-way of Thirteenth Street ad~acent to the ~arket property to the State Road Department for the purpose of loading zone to serve the spur railroad track of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad running parallel with said streeb. Thereupon after careful consideration, the Commission sgreed to grant the MINUTES 217 CitY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, ~ 0~I ~ ~ ~ __5 at 7:30 ? ~119 4.~ Commissioner Lodge next introduced Resolution No. 701, and after being read in fUll by the Clerk, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Hill and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higgins Aye " Bishop Aye " Gut Aye " Lodge Aye said resolution No. 701 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUT ION NO. yO1. ~HEREAS, a contraCt has been let by the State Road Department of the State of Florida for th% construction of that section of State Road No. 44 in Seminole County , Florida, between the two bridges over the St. Johns River, and .WHEREAS, the remaining sections of said State Road No. 44 have not been surveyed, located or designated, and ~HEREAS, the City of Sanford desires an early survey and location of the remaining section or sections, of said State Road No. 44, in Seminole County and the constrction thereof, as soon as possible, NO~V THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the State Road Department of the State of Florida, be, and it is hereby requested and authorized to survey, locate and designate the route it deems best and practicable for the remaining sections of State Road No. 44 in Seminole County,. Florida, and BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED that the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford hereby approv~e such location as the State Road Department shall survey and designate for said remaining sections of State Road No. 44, in Seminole~County, and agree to secure and furnish at a reasonable expense to the~City by donation, purchase or condemnation the lands and property necessary for such right of way, es. sements for outfall ditches and borrow pits that may be located in the City of Sanford, Florida, for said remaining sections ~o designated, located and established by the Department, upon request, therefor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 5th day of ~ November , 1945. Edward Higgins Attest: H.N.Sayer As City Clerk. (Seal) H. James Gut Nayor. Geo. D.Bishop W. C. Hill As City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, FlOrida. Request next received from J.E.Stemper,1305 9. Third Street, for the City to install an overhead street light at intersection of Third Street and Olive Avenue, MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, November 5 at .7:30 PI~ 4§ Power and Light Company be authorized and directed to install a l©O CP overhead bracket street light at this intersection. Seconded by Commissioner Bishop and carried. The Clerk next reported that Mrs Caroline Weeks Lawson fell in the street at southeast corner of First Street and ~lagnolia Avenue several weeks ago and fractured her ankle, and that she claims the accident was caused by the small depression in the street at this location; stating that she has made a request for the City reimburse her for medi- cal fees in amount of $75.00 she has paid for treatment of fracture. Thereupon Commissioner Gut moved that the City pay Mrs Lawson the sum of $75.00 for full settlement and satisfaction of all damages and claims against the City on account of said accident, provided she signs a release to the City for said damages. °econded by Commissioner Bishop and carried.' On motion duly carried, the Commission next authorized Building Inspector Duncan to attend a conference of the Southern Building Codes Congress to be held in Birmingham Alabama, on November 14-16, the expenses in connection therewith to be borne by the City. The Mayor next advised that the Seminole County Chamber of Comm~'~eis making plans for a Home-coming Celebration for World War II Veterans to be held within the next few months, and had made a request for the City and County to share in the expenses. Thereupon the Commission agreed to give favorable consideration toward contributing toward the cost of such celebration for war veterans. TheCity Attorney next rendered legal opinions on the titles of the property of J.B.Adkins and W.E.Kircchoff Jr, of which the City holds options to purchase. Upon approval of said legal opinions, Commissioner Bishop moved that the City exercise its option to purchase the aforesaid property from J.B.Adkins and ~r.E.Kircchoff Jr. and that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare the necessary deeds and notes to be exe- cuted by the City and sellers. Seconded by Commissioner Lodge and carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: