HomeMy WebLinkAbout012350-Regular SessionH407§0 MINUTES Fl~ri~ January 23 at 8 P M 50 City Commission, Sanford, ...... , ............................................................................ 19 The City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida met in Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida at 8:00 P M January 23, 1950. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway, Uayor. " Randal 1 Chase " F A Dyson " John Krider " W.H. St emper City Attorney A Edwin Shinholser City Mamger Clifford McKibbin Jr. City Clerk H N Bayer Chief of Police R.G. Wllliame Meeting celled to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Annual Meeting of January 3, and Regular Meeting of January 9,1950 approved. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the Commission next authorized an expenditure of $?6.50 for purchase of a Sanborn Insurance Map of Sanford, and approximately 835.00 to cover revision charge for bringing it up to date. Said map to 'be used by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Pursuant to a review of the vehicle operation cost report submitted by the City Menager, Commissioner Dyson next moved t~at the City advertise for bids for purchasing two new dump trucks of 2-ton capacity equipped with 3 cu.yd, body, for the Street Department, and one pickup truck of 1/2 ton capacity for the water department. Upon petition of sixteen residents in area of Fourteenth Street and Bell Avenue for street lights in that location, and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Chase next moved that the Florida Power & Light Company be authorized to install three overhead street lights along Shepherd Avenue, Fourteenth Street and Bell Avenue. Seconded bY Commissioner stemper and carried. Request next received from Wm. P. Smith, owner of the block of property between Oak Ave and Park Ave. (extended) and Twenty-fifth Street and Twenty-fifth Place, for the City to vacate the public alley in said block. Action deferred, pending further information. The following bids next submitted for furnishing street lighting materials for the installation of street lights on Park Avenue between First Street and Seminole Boulevard, which were opened publicly at 4:00 P M January 19th : BIDDER Batten Electric Company Randall Electric Company Sanford Electric Contracting Co. Raybro Electric Supply , Jackson- ville, Fla. Thereupon after considering the PMICE MAX~I~UM DELIVERY DELAY 1,849.61 6 weeks 1,764.38 6 weeks 1,752.95 8 weeks 1,691.66 60 dane. quality of materials bid upon and the location of the bidders, Commissioner Krider moved the acceptance of t~e ~id of Sanford Electric Contracting Company in amount of $1, ?52.95 as the best bid for the interest of the City. Seconded Dy Commissioner Dyson and carried. The following bids next submitted for furnishing and installing lighting fixtures H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,... January _23 at..8:co. ..19 50 BIDDER PRICE Batten Electric Company Randall Electric Company 7?5.29 Sanford Electric Contracting Co. 775.40 Stafford Electric Co. CONPI~.~T ION l0 days 19 days 16 days 10 dsys Thereupon after considering the Qualification of the bidders, moved the acceptance of the lowest bid, that of Stafford Electric Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The City Manager next reported on civil suit entered against Police Captain Roy Tillis and Patrolman Charles Sparks 'by Attorney for Joe Daniels for damages resulting from alter- cation in connection with his arrest subsequent to being given a ticket for parking meter violation, and recommended that the City retain counsel for their defense. Also, advised of retaining Attorney George A Speer to assist the City Attorney in prosecuting Mr Daniels on three charges in the Municipal Court as a result of the altercation. Chief of Police Williams also reported on the facts surrounding the aforesaid case. Thereupon after considerable dis~ussion, Commissioner Krider moved ~at the City Manager be given authority to negotiate with Attorney Speer relative to retaining him as special counsel to assist the City Attorney in prosecuting Joe Daniels in the Municipal Court and defend Police Officers Tillis and Sparks in the aforesaid civil suit, and to inform the Commission as to the negotiated fee for his services. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Further consideration next given to adopting the Southern Standard Building Code as the official code for Sanford. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City prepare the necessary ordinance for adopting the Southern Standard Building Code, as amended by the Code Committee, for consideration at the next meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Consideration next given to employing a City Engineer on part time basis. Thereupon after considerable discussion, the City ~anager was authorized to negotiate with the local engineers and report to the Commission. On motion duly adopted the City Manager was next authorized to call for Olds for furnishing 100 folding chairs for the yacht club. Request next received from the Celery Crate ( teen-age club~ for a contribution toward defraying the cost of their activities, and same was taken under advisement. Commissioner Chase next introduced Resolution No. 772, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried by the following vote of the Commission Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Dyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper Aye said Resolution No. 7~2 being entitled: Commissioner Dyson Company in amount of $734.~0 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it necessary and A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY. CO~{ISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF DEBT SERVICE THE FUNDS RECEIVED AND TO BE RECEIVED BY THE .CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE DURING THE FISCAL YEAH BEGINNING OCTOBER 1 19~9 AND ENDING SEPT~[BER 30, 1950, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER TO THE SINKING FUND OF FUNDS ON HAND FROM SUCH SOURCE. MINUTES ~ ~ January 2~ at 8:~OP M .~ 50 City Commission, Sanford, ~o .... , ............................... : ........................................ ~ 27 NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all funds received and to be received by the City of Sanford, Florida, during the fiscal year beginning October l, 1949, and ending September 30, 1950, from the sales of Meal Estate by said City De and the same are hereby appropriated to the Department of Debt Service, and that the transfer of all such funds to the Sinking Fund of the City of Oanford, Florlde., be and the same is hereby authorized and directed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of January 1950. Andrew C art awa~y Mayor. John Krider R_~ndall Chase W..H. S temper Attest: H N Sayer ~ity Clerk. ( S E A L ) F A Dyson As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Tlorida. Application next received from G.C.Eubanks, colored , for permit to operate a taxicab and in view of the fact that sufficient taxicabs are in operation to meet the public demand, Commissioner Chase moved that same be tabled. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until $:O0 o'clock P M February 2, for the purpose of adopting the Building Code Ordimnce and to hold a Public Hearing to consider proposes changes and amendments to the Zor~l~g,Ordinance. Attest: City Clerk.~