HomeMy WebLinkAbout021350-Regular SessionH-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Saniord, Florida, .... Eebx~uar;~...1.3...P[..P..li ............. 19.50 31 The City Commission of the City of Oanford, Florida , met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P M February 13, 1950. Present: Commissioner Andrew Carraway, Mayor " Randall Chase " F A Dyson " John Krlder " W.H. Stemper City Attorney A.Edwin Shinholser City Manager Clifford NcKibbin Jr. City Clerk H N Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Wllliams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of adjourned meeting of January 16, and regular meeting of January 23,1950 approved. Monthly reports of streets, sanitation, health , water, police, fire, airport and library departments for month of January 1950, submitted and examined. Financial statement and statement of revenues end expenditures during month of January 1950, submitted and ex~mined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of January 1950, properly reconciled, submitted and examined. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next approved and authorized payment of current invoices and payrolls for month of January 1950, subject to aoproval of the Finance Committee, as evidenced by Voucher Nos. ~O35 thru 4187. Hr. W M Nixon who operates a grocery store at l?O0 W. 13th Street next registered a protest against the loud noise from sound truck operated by W.I.Compton along the street in front of his place of business, claiming that it created a nuisance, and same was referred to the City Manager. Mr. C.E. Swift next appeared before the Board and advised that he had purchased from Fellowship Foundation, subject to the mortgage held by City in sum of $2,000.00, the property described as Lots 4~ to 55, inclusive, of J E Paco's Subdivision of Block "C" ~.ellon- rills and all of Amended Pla% of Victoria Park. He then requested an extension for one year on payment of mortgage note in amount of $1,500.00 due March l, 1950. Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Chase moved that %he City grant extension for six months on said note, upon payment of accrued interest thereon. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Mr. G ~ Spencer next requested an open discussion on the proposed 30 year franchise to Florida Power & Light Company. The Chairman then advised that the City had placed the issue into the hands of the citizens by virtue of a referendum election to be held on February 21, but that the Commission would be glad to hear any discussion on the matter. Thereupon Mr. Spencer stated that he was filing a protest against the City granting the proposed franchise for the following reasons: That the revenues in the franchise agreement from which the City will receive 6% per annum did not stipulate gross revenues and the Courts have lnterpeted revenues of MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,.F~bru~ry ..3,3. ~t ~: P ~ . . 19 50 H-40750 Mr W.A. Leffler next submitted the following letter of protest and requested that it be recorded in the City's records. Sanford, Mlorida February 13,1950. Honorable Mayor and City City of Sanford, Sanford, Fla. Commissioners~ Gentlemen: I am respectfully addressing you concerning the proposed franchise from the City to the Power Company. It would seem to me that you should give careful thought in this contract as to how electric power rates are to be set and regulated. You should determine what investment the Power Company have in their plant now and what portion of the cost of the generating plant across the river is charged to Sanford. You should look into the capital structure of the new company. The parent company of the Florida Power & Light Company has been ordered by the Government to split up its holdings. I am familiar somewhat with the American Power & Light Company. Apparently %hey owned the stock of the Florida Power & Light and made certain charges for management in addition to their dividends on the stock, but I do no, know - and it would be well to determine the basis of this new financing - whether the values as set up are fair values on which to charge rates. Railroad rates are regulated by %he Florida Railroad Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission, but mostly by competition from trucks or otherwise. You have no competition and no rate regulating body established by you or by the State to fix electric and power rates or to whom we can appeal. The American Power common stock has increased from 504 a share in 1943 to $18.00 a share now - the preferred stock from about $16.00 to $138.00. There are large accumula- ted back dividends in the preferred that you should know how are being paid ~3~d if by chance a part is passed on to the local company in the present transfer. Now is the time to do this before you sign the contract. less for 30 years, or until such time as rates are regulated by a prime factor in rate making. We should look over the figures. Otherwise , you are power- law. Invested cs~ital is As for present rates. I have compared my house bill of about $11.O0 a month with the present rates in Orlando. My bill would figure about 9{ less if the Orlando rates were used. And about the 6% rebate. If you decide to figure their taxes that way, you may find it not enough ($1~,000 including present city taxes .) The City of Orlando owns other m~illties than their electric power plant, but they turned over to the city last bear for opersting expenses about $350,000, and are now paying the city approximately 30,000 a month. You may be selling out too cheap. The stadium matter should not be confused with the power franchise. The people of Sanford can build the stadium if they want it. Lower power costs are a prime necessity in building industry and a city - and you, as elected representatives of t~e city, are obligated to protect the rights of its citizens in every way - and now is the time to do it. Yours very truly W.A. Leffler 1925 Hl01scus Court Sanford, Florida. Mr. H.H.Coleman, local manager of Florida Power & Light Company, next explained the terms of the proposed franchise agreement, ststing that the revenues from sale of electricity represent gross revenues instead of net, and that over twenty municipalities have granted the company similar franchise. He also advised that there would not be any increase in local rates to offset the 6{ of gross receipts to be oald to the City because it was the company's policy to reduce rates whenever possible, pointing out five reductions in local rates during the past seventeen years. He also gave a comparison of local rates with those charged by the municipal-owned utilities in Orlando which he stated was approximately 20~ higher than in Sanford. Mr N L Cullum next voiced his objections to granting a 30 year franchise because he felt that the City may find that it would be more advantageous to finance its own MINUTES City Commission, San~ord, Florida, ........ .F--~-~.~C..~....~.~._~..:__~_~__19 with specifications furnished by February 9: 5IDDER Odham Motor Company Seminole County Motors Holler Motor Sales Strlckland-~orrison, Inc. Strlckland-Morrison Inc. Seminole Truck & Tractor Co. Ford 6-Cylinder Ford 8-Cylinder International the City, which were opened publicly at 4:00 o'clock P M MAKE Studebaker Dodge Chevrolet Thereupon Commissioner Dyson moved the acceptance of PRICE $1,158.99 1,137.00 1~169.00 1,12~.79 1,153.79 1,310.00 the lowest bid, that of Strlckland- Morrlson, scow bodies, in accordance with puOllcly at 4:00 P.M. February 9th: BIDDER Stricklan-Morrison, Inc. Strlckland-Morrison ,Inc. Striekland-Morrison Inc. Odham Motor Company Holler Motor Sales Seminole County motors Inc. for a 6-cylinder 1/2 ton Ford Plckup Truck at price of $1,123.79. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The following bids next submitted for furnishing two 2-ton Dump Trucks with 5 cu. yd. PRICE SINGLE ARM Ford 6-cylinder 90 bp. 2,509.51 Ford ~-cylinder 100 bp. ~,5~9.51 Ford ~-cyllnder 110 hp. 2,599.51 Studebaker 92 bp. 2,388.79 Chevrolet 105 hD. 2,645.00 Dodge 109 hD. 2, ~50. ~0 specifications furnished by the City, which were opened DOUBLE ARM HOIST 2,543.51 2,573.51 2,633.51 2,1*22.79 2,6?9.00 2, ~84. ~0 Mr C A Maddy, Vice-President of Fellowship Foundation, next appeared with reference to the 25-year lease on farm land at the airport and requested that the annum.l rental be reduced from $1,000.00 to $250.00 because theU.S.SoLl Conservation Service is utilizing a large part of it for the benefits of local agricultural industry. He also outlined their program for making certain improvements to the land and offered to have same stipulated in the amended lease. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Mr. Maddy was requested to submit a written request for consideration at next regular meeting. J.N Gray next submitted on behalf of the Colored Welfare League of Sanford, a petition signed by forty-one colored property owners residing near Pump Branch between Celery Avenue and Third Street, calling the Commissioner's attention to the existing sanitary conditions cause by the open branch and requesting that it be covered by installing a large culvert therein. They also requested the installation of street light at intersection of Eleventh Bt. and Hickory Avenue. Thereupon on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Dyeon and carried, the Commission authorized the installation of an overhead street light at intersection of Eleventh Street and Hickory Avenue, and placed the other request under advisement. Engineer M.C.Hagan next appeared with reference to the proposed relocation of State Commissioners Road No. 46 and recommended that the City and County/~4~nee~e have a joint meeting and designate the right-of-way. The following bids were next submitted for furnishing one pickup truck in accordance 't~ T'KTT TT 1~ C~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ...... F~I~FY ]-3 at 8 P M 19 50 and determine. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by its Mayor and attested written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Clifford McKibbin Jr. Ruth L Stafford party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by its City Clerk all as and of the day and year first above CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA By Andrew Carrawa~ Mayor. (SEA',) Attested: N N Ss~er City Clerk. ~CNEDULE "A" LIST OF PROPERTY UNDER PURCHASE OPTION WITH OZIER-WELLER, Block 11, Block 12, 17, lB,19, Block 13, DESCRIPTION BEL AIR SUBDIVISION, PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 79 SENINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. Block 1, Lots 1 to 21, both inclusive Block 2, Lots 1 to 28 , both inclusive Block 5, Lots 2 to 28, both inclusive Block 6, Lots i to 24, both inclusive Block 8, Lot 19 Block 9, Lots 20,21,22 and 23 Block ll, Lots i to 6, both inclusive and Lots ll to 16, both inclusive Lot 17 Lots 1, 20, 21, Lots 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, SAN LANTA SECOND SECTION 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22 B~eek-~w-Ao 20 ,21, ~LAT BOOK 6 PAGE ~8 SEMINOLE COUNTY pUBLIC RECORDS. Block l?, Lots ~ to 15, both inclusive Block 18, Lot 1 Block l~, Lots 2 to l~ both inclusive Block 20, Lots i to 5 both inclusive Block 20, Lots 13 to 17, both inclusive Total Price of all lots. 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25 INC. PRICE $125.00 per lot. $125.00 per lot. $125.00 per lot. $100.O0 per lot. $250. oo $150.00 per lot. $125.00 per lot. $15o.oo $125.00 per lot $100.00 per lot $150.00 per lot. $225.00 $150.00 per lot $150.00 per lot $175.00 per lot. $e3,225.00 The Option Agreement granting John Gray an option for 120 days to purchase Lots 20 of Lake VSew Park, ( Softball Park) for the purpose of constructing apartment units wes next submitted for consideration. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Stemper moved that the City a lighted softball diamond in Fort Mellon Park. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. thru ~ thereof, construct MINUTES Cify Commission, San~orcl, Florida, ....... ~.~.~..r~...~'~C..~_..~.~....~.L...~_.M_._.19..~. Mr C A Maddy, Vice-President of Fellowship Foundation, next appeared with reference to the 25-year lease on farm land at the aLrport and requested that the annual rental be reduced from $1,000.00 to $250.00 because theU.S.Soll Conservation Service is utilizing a large part of it for the benefits of local agricultural industry. He also outlined their program for making certain improvements to the land and offered to have same stipulated in the amended lease. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Mr. Maddy was requested to submit a written request for consideration at next regular meeting. J.N Gray next submitted on behalf of the Colored Welfare League of Sanford, a petition signed by forty-one colored property owners residing near Pump Branch between Celery Avenue and Third Street, calling the Commissioner's attention to the existing sanitary conditions cause by the open branch and requesting that it be covered by installing a large culvert therein. They also requested the installation of street light at intersection of Eleventh St. and Hickory Avenue. Thereupon on motion of Commissioner Btemper, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the Commission authorized the installation of an overhead street light at intersection of Eleventh Street and Hickory Avenue, and placed the other request under advisement. ED~lneer M.C.Hagan next appeared with reference to the proposed relocation of State Commissioners Road ~o. 46 and recommended that the City and County/~a~g-l~ have a joint meeting and designate the right-of-way. The following bide were next su~mitted for furnishing one pickup truck in accordance with specifications February 9: BIDDER OdhamMotor Company Seminole County Motors Holler Motor Sales Strickland-Morrison, Inc. Strickland-Morrison Inc. Seminole Truck & Tractor Co. furnished by the City, which were Studebaker Dodge Chevrolet Ford 6-Cylinder Ford B-Cylinder International opened publicly at 4:00 o'clock P M PRICE $1,15~.99 1,1~?.00 1,169.00 1,12~.79 1,15~.79 1,310.00 Thereupon Commissioner Dyson moved the acceptance of the lowest bid, that of Strickland- ~orrlson, Inc. for a 6-cylinder 1/2 ton Ford Pickup Truck at price of $1,123.79. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The following bids next submitted for furnishing two 2-ton Dump Trucks with 5 cu. yd. scow bodies, in accordance with publicly at 4:00 P.M.February 9th: BIDDER Strlcklan-Morrison, Inc. Strickland-Morrison ,Inc. Strickland-Morrison Inc. Odham Motor Company Holler Motor Sales Seminole County ~otors Seminole County Mo~ors specifications furnished by the City, which were opened MAKE PRICE SINGLE A~ HOIST Ford 6-cylinder 90 bp. 2,509.51 Ford B-cylinder 1OO bp. 2,539.51 Ford 6-cylinder llO bp. 2,599.51 Studebaker 92 hp. 2,388.79 Chevrolet 105 bp. 2,645.00 Dodge 109 hp. 2,~50.30 Dodge 114 hp. 2,715.30 DOUBLE AP~ ., HOIST 2,543.51 ~, 573.51 2,633.51 2,422.79 2,679.00 2,484.30 2,7~-9.30 H.4075O MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ~bru~rY !3 at 8 P M 19 50 Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City accept the lowest bid. , that of Odham Motor Company for one 2-ton Dump Truck with double arm hoist at price of $2,422.?9, and call for new bids for furnishing one 2-ton truck with standard 3 cu. yd. dump body. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Commissioner Krider then moved thst a two-speed rear axle be Installed in the truck ~otor purchased from Odham/Company at an additional cost of $115.00 Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. The City Manager next submitted a proposal of Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company for insuring the diesel engines at water pumping station against breakdowns and public liability and property damages, with limit of $50,000.00 per accident, the cost of premium for 3-year term amounting to approximately $1,603.36, or $534.45 annually. Thereupon the City Manager was directed to obtain cost of Public Liability and Property Damages Insursnce only. Pursuant to offer of ~lorida Power & Light Company to purchase the electric distri- bution system at airport at price of $12,000.00, the City N~n~ger next advised that the equipment had been appraised at ~35,867.00. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Co~issioner Mrlder moved that the City charge Florida Power & Light Company a rental of $125.OO per month for use of the distri- bution system from date the City acauired title to ssme. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. The City Manager next reported on esti~.te of $1,350.00 for replacing fence around the colored ball park. Action deferred. Ordinance No. 465, entitled: AN ORDiNANCE ESTABLISHING A BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY OF S~NFORD,FLORIDA, REGULATING THE ERECTION,CONSTRUCTI ON,ENLARGEMENT,ALTERATION,REPAIR,MOVING,REMOVAL, CONVERSION, DEMOLITION, OCCUPANCY,EQUIPMENT,USE,HEIGHT,AREA, AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PEB~ITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES THEREFOR: DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING FIRE DISTRICTS: and PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION O? THE TERMS OF SUCH ORDINANCE. introduced and placed on its first reading at:the adjourned regular meeting of February 2,1950 w~s next submitted for passage and adoption. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved the waiver of the requirements of second reading of said Ordinance No. 465, and that same be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Chase. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waiver of the second reading. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Carraway Aye " Ch~se Aye " Oyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper Aye Thereupon said Ordinance No. 465 was placed on its The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Dyson Aye " Krider Aye " Stemper ~ye final passage and adoption. Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida , by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinsnce No 465, entitled: H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Flo~ida,.~?.~a~y ].~......a.? .Bp.M ....... 19...50 The option Agreement granting Ozler-Welle¥,Inc.,an option to purchase certain property for the purpose of constructing dwellings thereon was next submitted for approval. Thereupon Commissioner Stamper moved its approval and that the ~ayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, figures as follows: OPTION AGREENENT THIS AGREENENT, Nade this 13th day of February, 1950, from the City of Sanford, Mlorlda, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called grantor, to OZIER-WELLER, INC, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, having its principal place of business at 315 South Van Doren, Champaign, Illinois, hereinafter called grantee, WITNESSETH, That grantor in consideration of the sum of one ($1.oo) Dollar and other valuable consideration to it in hand paid by grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant to grantee the exclusive right, at its option, for and during the period of sixty (60) days from date hereof, and subject to the conditions hereinafter recited, to purchase certain lots and parcels of real estate owned by grantor in BEL-AIR SUBDIVISION, and in SAN LANTA , SECOND SECTION, a complete list of said property being set out in the schedule hereto attached, marked SCHEDULE A , and hereby made a part hereof as fully as if set forth herein, for a purchase price of one-third (1/3rd) less than the price set opposite each of said lots in said Scedule A, such sum to be paid upon delivery of a deed as hereinafter provided. In the event grantee shall elect to purchase said property it shall so signify by written notice delivered to grantor within the time above limited, and grantor, subject to performance by grantee of the conditions hereinafter recited, will thereupon execute to grantee deed of bargain and sale conveying to grantee all of grantor's right, title and interest in and to said property, which deed shall be delivered to grantee upon its delivery to grantor of t~e full purchase price of said lots. The conditions of this option are as follows: (1) T. he terms of t~ie option shall not apply to the purchase of less *~an fifty (50) lots from the list contained in Bchedule A, and unless fifty (50) of suc~ lots have ~een purchased within said sixty (60) day period this option shall cease and determine; no more than fifty (50) lots may be purchased by grantee under the terms hereof until grantee shall have begun actual and visible construction of not less than fifteen dwelling houses on the first fifty (50) of such lots. (2) In the event grantee shall complete purchase of fifty (50) lots within the sixty (60) day period aforesaid, this option shall thereupon be renewed as to all remain- ing lots listed in Schedule A for an additional period of six (6) months from the expiration of said sixty (60) day period, provided that the sale of any further lots to grantee under the terms hereof during said extended period shall be conditioned on grantee having met the building requirement of Condition 1. (3) In the event grantee shall complete purchase and begin building in accorance with the requirements of condition 1, and pursuant to such performance shall purchase not less than an additional fifty (50) lots within the sixty (60) day additional oeriod nrovided said Option agreement being in words and MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ........... ~!~[..!3 at 8 P M ~ 19 50 and determine. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, by its Mayor and attested written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Clifford NcKibbin Jr. Ruth L Stafford party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by its City Clerk all as and of the day and year first above CITY OF SANFORD , FLORIDA By. Andrew CarrawaN Mayor. (S AL) Attested: H N Sa~er City Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" LIST OF PROPERTY UNDER PURCHASE OPTION WITH OZIER-WELLER~ DESCRIPTION BEL AIR SUBDIVISION, PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 79 SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS. Block 1, Lots 1 to 21, both inclusive Block 2, Lots 1 to 28 , both inclusive Block 5, Lots 2 to 28, both inclusive Block 6, Lots i to 24, both inclusive Block 8, Lot 19 Block 9, Lots 20,21,22 and 23 Block ll, Lots i to 6, both inclusive and Lots ll to 16, both inclusive Block 11, Lot 17 Block 12, Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18,19, 20, 21, 22 B~ee~-~w-A. Block 13, Lots 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 SAN LANTA SECOND SECTION ~LAT BOOK l[ PAGE 38 SEMINOLE COUNTY ~.UBLIC RECORDS. Block 17, Lots 8 to 15, both inclusive Block 18, Lot 1 Block 18, Lots 2 to 18 both inclusive Block 20, Lots i to 5 both inclusive Block 20, Lots 13 to l?, both inclusive Total Price of all lots. 12, 13, 14, 15, ,21, 22, 23, 24, 25 INC · PRICE $125.00 per lot. $125.00 per lot. $125.00 per lot. $100.00 per lot. $e5o. oo $150.00 per lot. $125.OO per lot. $15o.oo $125.00 per lot $1OO.00 per lot $150.00 per lot. $2a5.oo $150.00 per lot $150.00 per lot $175.00 per lot. The Option Agreement granting John Gray an option of Lake View Park, ( Softball Park) for the purpose w~.s next submitted for consideration. for 120 days to purchase Lots 20 thru 34 of constructing apartment units thereof, Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Stemper moved that the City construct a lighted softball diamond in Fort Mellon Park. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Commissioner Krider then moved the approval of the Option Agreement to Jo~n Gray and that · ~. ~ ...... =3 dl~rk ha ,nthorized to execute same on behalf of the City. H.40750 MINUTES .... February 13 at ~ P M m50 City Commission, Sanford, ~lonc~a, ................................................................................ ~ Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Commissioner Chase not voting. Said Option Agreement being in words and figures as follows: OPTION AGREemENT THIS AGREK~.ENT, Made this 13th day of February, 1950, by the City of Sanford, Florida a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called grantor, with JOHN GRAY, P.O.Box 411, Rochester, New York, hereinafter called grantee, WITNESSETH, That grantor, in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar and other valusble consideration to it in hand paid by grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant to grantee the exclusive right, at his option, for and during the period of One Hundred Twenty (120) days from date hereof, and subject to the conditions hereinafter recited, to purchase for a total consideration of Twenty-five Hundred (~2500.O0) Dollars cash, and the execution and delivery by grantee to grantor of a good and sufficient deed conveying to grantor unencumbered title to lots 5 to 19, both inclusive, Block 10, HIGHLAND PARK, AS RECORDED IN Plat Book 4, Page 28, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, the property owned by grantor described as follows: Lots 20 to 34, both inclusive, LAKE VIEW PARK, as recorded in Plat book 3, Page 41, Public Records of Seminole County,Florida. In the event grantee shall elect to purchase said property he shall so signify by written notice delivered to grantor within the time above limited and grantor will thereupon exe- cute to grantee deed of bargain and sale, conditioned as hereinafter recited, conveying to grantee all of grantor's right, title and be delivered to grantee upon hie delivery eration for said lots. interest in and to said property, which deed shall to grantor of the full purchase price and coneld- This option is granted upon the express condition that in the event of its exercise by grantee he shall within six (6) months from the date of this option have under actual and vis- ible construction not less than thirty-five (~5) apartment units upon said property, and the ti-- tls conveyed to grantee hereunder shall be subject to reversion to grantor upon failure of grantee to comply with such condition. IN WITNESS HWEREOF, party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk all as and of the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Signed, sealed and del~ered in the presence of: CliO'ford McKibbin Jr. ~utn L Stafford CITY OF SANFORD,FLORIDA. BY Andrew CarrawaN Mayor. ATTESTED: H N SaNer City Clerk. Action next defez'red on petition from three families for installation of street light at intersection of Twentieth Street and Jefferson Avenue. Consideration next given to employing an engineer to make a survey and study of the water utility for the purpose of making recommendations for increasing the source of supply and expanding the system in order to have an adequate supply for the continual increase in population. Thereupon on motion duly adopted, the City Manager was authorized to request A.P.Nichaels, Consulting Engineer, Orlando, to submit a proposal for making a survey. Mr Michaels having made a similar survey and recommendations for improveme~ts to the water system in 1937. Request next received from Holler Motor Sales for permit to construct a parking area on 38 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, February .13 at 8:0.0 P M....19 50 ing sidewalk on south side of Seventh Street between Cypress Avenue and Locust Avenue. The City Manager was next instructed to prepare and submit a cost estimate for repairing grandstand at Municipal Athletic Field. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried, the City Manager was next authorized to obtain bids fo~' paving the aorta and south alley between First and Second Street and Palmetto Avenue and Sanford Avenue. Commissioner Dyson next introduced Ordinance No. 466, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ~NDING ORDINANCE NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING ~N ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AMEND}:~ENT TRANSFERRING TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-1 TO DISTRICT C-1 IN SAID CITY. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full Commissioner Chase next introduced Ordinance No. h67 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. A~ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE E~TABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITMIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING TERRITORY IN DISTWICT R-1-A TO DISTRICT R-1 IN SAID CITY. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full . On motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, a quit-claim deed from City to W.P.Runge and wife for Lot ll Block 7, San Lanta, was next authorized. The City havlng acquired title to said property at one time thru foreclosure of tax liens. Request next received from F.B.Ashdown for an option for six months to purchase Lots 37, 38, and 40 thru 45 of Magnolia Heights, at price of $200.00 each. Thereupon Commissioner Krider moved that Mr. As~down be ~ranted an option for 60 days only in which to purchase %ne aforesaid lots. Seconded by Commissioner Stemper and carried. Consideration next given to request of Seminole County Chamber of Commerce for an additional appropriation in sum of $3,092.03 to defray cost of additional advertising during fiscal year through National Exhibition Company. Thereupon Commissioner Dyson moved that the sum of $$,O92.03 be appropriated to Seminole County Chamber of Commerce for additional advertising purposes, and that same be transferred from Contingent Fund to the Publicity Fund. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On mo%ion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, the Commission next authorized a sale price of $2,500.00 for the City owned property described as the West 92.8 feet of Block 5 and West 92.8 feet of unplatted part of Nellonvll~ Subdivision. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: ~erk.