HomeMy WebLinkAbout040350H40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,__.~P..'6~]~.. 3 .~....~ ~P..~ ..................19 50 65 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Flor~a, at 8:00 o'clock P M April 3, 1950. Present: Andrew Carraway, Mayor- Commissioner Commissioner # # # City Attorney Randall Chase F A Dyson John Krider W.H.$temper A. Edwln Shlnholser City Manager Clifford McKlbbln Jr. City Clerk H.N. Sayer Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Mr. W.R. Williams, Realtor, next appeared on behalf of a client who desires to construct several dwellings in Sanford for colored people and requested that conskleration be given to re-zoning the area between Locust Avenue and Bay Avenue and Fifth Street and Sixth Street from white residential district to colored residential district so aa to per- mit construction of the proposed dwellings in that area. Thereupon after careful study of the Zoning Map, action was deferred,pending submis- sion of copy of the new plat of the aforesaid property. Mr. Williams next requested the Commission to consider re-zoning the property & 18 described aa Lots 15, 16, l?/of Teague's Addition, located at northeast corner of Park Ave. and 25th. Street, from R.-2 ( Multiple Family) to C-1 (Commercial -Retail) advising that such request had been submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals but was not given favoraOle consideration. Thereupon after reviewing the Zoning Map it was the opinion of the Commission that the aforesaid property should be zoned for commercial use and Mr. Williams was directed to re-submit his request to the Zoning Board of Appeals for further consideration. Mr. S.A. Allen , operator of Sanford Transit Lines, next appeared with further reference to his request that the City endorse his note for securing a loan in amount of approximately $4,000.00 to make the initial one-third cash payment on purchase of three new buses, in order to maintain bus services in Sanford. The City Attorney then advised the Commission that the State Constitution pro- hibits municipalities from aiding in financing any private enterprise. Consideration was then given to the City operating a municipal-owned bus line in order to provide bus service for the community, but no action was taken, pending further consideration. Pursuant to request of Daughters of American Revolution that Fourth Street Park be set aside for location of proposed General Sanford Library and Museum Building, the City Attorney r~xt rendered an opinion that the utilize the property fur such purpose because of ornamental public park. City did not have legal authority to it having been privately dedicated as an Request next received from Atlee M Bougee for permit to sell beer and wines, to be consumed on premises, at R. & J Garage and service station located on S. Park Ave ~2801, and on motion of Commissioner Dy son, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, same was approved. '6'6 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,... April 3--a-t-~. P M .19 50 Avenue, advising that cost of securing right-of-way would be too expensive because it would necessitate moving a double garage and construct new concrete floor without any ex- pense to the Owner. Consideration next given to adopting an ordinance regulating the drilling of wells within the City, and after co~lderaOle discussion, the City Attorney was directed to secure recommendations from the State Geol0.gist relative to the necessary provisions to be embodied in the proposed ordinance. Request next received from Seminole County Chamber of Commerce for a contribution in amount of $100.00 to help defray cost of entertaining officials of New York Giant BAse- ball clubs with banquet at Mayfair Inn on April 6. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved ~hat $100.00 be appropriated for the afore- said purpose. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Commissioner Stemper moved that the City Make a study and recommendations for drainage lmprovemeats in the Goldsboro area, using engineering services if necessary, and also work with the County relative to recommendations and assistance toward the improve- ments. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Dyson and carried, a quit-claim deed from City to W.A.Norrlson and wife for Lot I of Block 4 Nayfair, was next authorized. The City having acquired title to said property at one time thru foreclosure of tax liens. Communication next read from C.A.Whiddon, Sr., Mealtor, requesting the City to release from the option agreement to John Gray, the property described therein as Lots 5 to 19 of Block lO, Highland Park, which are a part of the consideration of the purchase price of City owned property described as lots 20 to ~ Lake View Park, granted under said option dated February 13, 1950. Mr. Whlddon advised that Mr. Gray had an opportunity to sell the aforesaid lots at a price of $3,750.00 , of which the proceeds could be re- tained by the City and applied on purchase price of the property under option, in the event it is exercised by Mr. Gray. Thereupon after careful consideration, Commissioner Chase moved that the City Attorney and City Manager be authorized to negotiate with Mr. Gray on releasing the aforesaid lots from the option agreement on the basis outlined by Mr. Whiddon. Seconded by Commissioner Krlder and carried. The proposed plat of Medding's Subdivision, as prepared and revised by Fred H. Williams, Engineer, was next submitted for further consideration. Thereupon after examining the revised plat and finding the lot areas increased to conform with the building, requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, Commissioner Chase moved the approval of same. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Request next received from Fred HWllliams for permit to remove two oak trees from parkway in front of his home at 718 Oak Avenue, and same was approved upon the condition that he remove the trees at his own expense. Request next received from Fire Chief Cleveland to purchase 300 feet of 2~" MINUTES 87 City Commission, Sanford, Florida,_..Apic£1....~...aZ g.R...M .....................19 ..50 Bill of M.0.H~an, surveyor, in amount of $J32.00 for services rendered in surveying right-of-way for relocating State Road No. 46 in the City was next suOmltted for approval, but in view of the fact that such survey was not authorized by the City, same was referred back to Mr. Magan for an explanation. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: