HomeMy WebLinkAbout012251-Regular Session192 MINUTES F1 " January 22 8100 P M ~_ City Commission, Sanford, orlcta, ......... 1~ 51 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P M January 22, 1951. Present: Commissioner F.A.Dyson, Mayor n Andrew Carraway John D Ivey SamAMartlna, Jr. W H Stemper City Attorney A.Edwln Shinholser City Manager Clifford McKlbbin Jr. City Clerk H.N.Sayer Chief of Police R.G. Wlll~am~ Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion duly adopted, minutes of regular meeting of December 25, and adjourned meeting of December 26, 1950, annual meeting of January 2, regular meeting of January 8, and special called meeting of January ll,1951 approved. Also Minutes of Nov. 27, Dec. 4 & ll approved. Mayor Dyson next advised of receipt of telegram from Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department, on January 15, notifying the City that due to existing National Emergency reactivation of Naval Auxiliary Air Station atSanford is necessary and that plans call for resumption of operations on May l, 1951. He then submitted the following letter rela- tive thereto from Commander of Naval Air Bases, Sixth Naval District: Naval Air Bases Command SixthNaval District Headquarters, Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida January 22,1951. Honorable F.A.Dyson Mayor of the City of Sa.uford Sanford, Florida. dear Mayor Dyson: The telegram from the Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department,dated 15 January 1951 to you and the City Commission is quoted as follows: syou AP~ NOTIFIED THAT DUE TO EXISTING NATIONAL EMERGENCY REACTIVATION OF NAVAL AUXILIARY AIR STATION BANFORD IS NECESSARY X PRESENT PLA2~S CALL FOR RESUMPTION OF OPERATIONS ON 1 MAY 1951 X ACCORDINGLY ~OVERN~T WILL EXERCISE ITS VESTED RIGHT TO RECAPTURE ALL OF THAT PROPERTY BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL CONVEYED TO CITY UNDER QUITCLAIM DEEDS DATED RESPECTIVELY 27 MAY 194~ AND 28 JANUARY 1949 X OFFICiAL NOTICE WILL BE FORWARDED IN DUE COURSE X IT IS DESIRE OF NAVY TO CAUSE CITY AS LITTLE INCONVENIENCE AS POSSIBLE IN ITS VACATION OF THESE PREMISES ACCORDINGLY THIS BUREAU NAS DIRECTED COMMANDANT SIX~ NAVAL DISTRICT TO IMMEDIATEL~ SEND REPRESENTATIVE TO BANFORD TO MAKE SUITABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ACCEPT PROPERTY FROM YOU X IT IS SINCRERELY HOPED THAT OFFICIALS AND CITIZENS OF SANFORD APPRECiATE URGENCY WHICH TW~EL$ THIS ACTION It is deeply regretted that it has become necessary to take the foregoing action and you are sasured that this command, which has been designated by the Comman~ent of the Sixth Naval District to assist in the preparation of the Naval Auxiliary Air Station for recommlsslonXn~, will cooperate during the transition p~riod ~n every way possible with the City of Sanford and its people consistent with the present national emergency. in order for the occupants to be definitely informed of the date which the Government requires each facility, the following schedule is set out: Facility ~ Bax~'acks Mess Hall Administration Date .Required. w.rch 1 Hangar Aviation Utility (5) 2 Storehouses Fire Station Station Maintenance Heating Plant (11) MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,___ ~y_..~._.8....!~..M..._...19 51 H40750 Dlspenea~ April April 15 All other facilities April 22. You wlll receive an official notice citing the existence of a national emergency declared by the President and the authority of the Navy Department to take poesesshion of the base in the name of the Government. Correspondence in connection with the reestablishment of the Naval Auxiliary Air Station whould be addressed to this comme/~d. Sincerely yours. D.T.Da~ Captain U.S.Navy Commander,Naval Air Bases Sixth Naval District. Nesers Ray Slaton and J Q Galloway, residents of vicinity of old City dump at West First Street and Poplar Avenue, next appeared with reference to the City having to discontinue itc present dump at the airport because of reactivation of the property by the Navy, and protested against any proposal to move it back to the old location becuase of nuisance to the neighborhood from smoke and fumes. Thereupon the Chairman advised that the Commission had not considered the matter of mo..Ving the dump from the airport, but would be glad to discuss it with all residents concerned before taking any action to re-locate it at the old location. The City Manager was then directed to make a survey toward finding a new location for the dump. Mr. E.F. Lane, Realtor, next appeared with reference to the Bert Fish Testamentary Trnet acquiring balance of Block 2 of San Carlos Subdivision for hospital site from O.D. Parrell, consisting of Lot ? which he purchased from City on July 24, 1950, and conveyed by fee simple deed of bargain and sale. He requested the City to issue Mr. Farrell a warranty deed to the lot in order that he furnls$~the Trust with warranty deed to said property. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City issue a warranty deed to O.D. Farrell on Lot ? of Block 2 San Carlos Subdivision, and that the Mayor ~ud Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Martins and carried. Mr. W.R.Wllllams. Realtor, next appeared on behalf of Ozler-Weller Homes, Luc , and submitted a proposal to erect a 50 unit apartment building on Olty owned propex~y des- cribed as Lots 20 to 34 inclusive, Lake View Park, providing the City furnish the site, if they could secure Federal Housing Azlminlstration approval for financing the con- struction. Mr. John Gray who was granted an option for 120 days on Feb. 13,1950. to purchase the aforesaid property with the expressed condition that he would have under actual and visible construction not less than thirty-five apartment;unite upon said property within six months from date of the option, then appeared and requested that his option be re- newed so that he could purchase the property and construct a 42 unit apartment bulldln~ thereon, claiming that he had been working on plans for financir~ and constructing the building for several months and was ready to submit them to Federal Housing A~hnlnietra- tlon for approval. He stated that he did not have a commitment from FHA but could secure approval as a defense project. Thereupon after considerable discussion, action was deferred on both proposals, pending financial statement ~m j 9_4 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,.. Japery aa .M . 51 conditions g~anted him on October 26, 1942, by Ordinance No. 327. He stated that it wae their opinion that the franchise granted S.A. Allen under O~dlnance No. 4~? on Feb 28,1949, wae not in exletence and had been forfeited and terminated becauee of non-performance. Mr Williams also stated that s~nce Mr. Allen had filed application fgr re-instatement of his franchise, he felt that the City should accept bids and grant the franchise to the one offerln~ the best bid. Attorney G.W.Spencer then appeared on behalf of Mr Allen and advised that the bus franchise granted hkm under Ordinance No. 4~? was still in effect because Section 16 of said Ordinance requires thirty days written notice from the City before it could be for- felted and terminated, which the City had failed to serve. He stated that Mr. Allen was forced to discontinue bus schedules because of operating at a financial loss but had main- tained the schedule to the airport. Also, advised that Mr. Allen had placedone bus in operation a~ .of this date ~nA had purchased two new ones that would be in operation within. thirty days. City Attorney Shinholser also advised the Commission that the bus franchise granted Mr. Allen was still in effect because of failure to serve thirty days written notice of intent to terminate it. Mr Williams then requested that his application for bus franchise be withdrawn. - Mr. C.A. Maddy and Attorney Thacker, representatives of Fellowship Foundation, lessee of several buildings, citrus gnoves and farm land at the airport, next appeared with reference to having to vacate the property because of bein~ reactivated by the Navy and placed in operation as a Naval Auxiliary Air Station on May 1, 19~1, and requested the Commission to abate the rent on all properties under lease from Feb 1, until such t~me they are allowed to remain on the airport under the schedule for occupancy by the Navy. They advised of havir~ over ~0 old people who are permanent residents of the Foundation and approximately 300 others connected therewith that they would have to find homes for and move, and of the large amount of expenditures that would be involved. Also, pointed out the large amount of funds expended by the Foundation for improvements made to the property under lease. Thereupon after careful consideration, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Martins and carried , the Commission authorized the waiver of rentals on all properties under lease %o Fellowship Foundation from February 1, to such time they are required to vacate under the schedule of occupancy by the Navy. Mr Volle Williams, Jr, then stated that if the City waived the rent for Fellowship Foundation, it should waive it for all other tenants of the airport property. Commissioner Carraway then advised that the City maintained most of the property under lease to the other tenants, whereas, the Fellowship Foundation not only had maintained the property under lease but had made considerable improvements thereto. Thereupon Commissioner Stemper moved that the City abate the rent of all tenants of the airport property from Feb. l, until such time they are required to vacate by +~he Navy, and same died for lack of a second. After further discussion, action was deferred. Jr. Mr. T.E. Tucker~President of Fernald-Laughton Memorial Hospital Association, next appeared with reference to the hospital having to vacate the Dispensary Building at airport on April 1, and submitted a resolution adopted by the Association requesting the Navy to ex- tend the time for vacating the building until new facilities can be provided for the hospi- tal, which he requested the Commission to endorse; stating that they were also requesting 195 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,__._.~i~..~..22-.-.$-~---8 .!~....M. ............ 19 ..51 H-40750 . Stemper moved that the Commission endorse the aforesaid resolution, subject to amendment that the request for extension be changed to 60 daye. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. After further discussion of providing either temporary or new facilities for the hospi- tal to move into, in which it was brought out th-t the old hospital bulldl~ was Inadequate and that it would be several months before the Bert Fish Testamentary Trust could start construction of the proposed hospital for Sanford on the site recently acquired for that purpose, Mr. Spencer recommended that a request be made tc the County Commissioners to earl a referendum to vote upon a bond issue to finance the construction of a new hoepital the bonds to be retired by Fish Estate when the funds are available. Thereupon Commissioner Martins moved that the City take the necessary steps to bring about an immediate meeting of the County Commissioners with the City Commissioners, civic clubs and all interested citizens for the purpose of providing for holding a referen- dum to issue bonds for constructing a new hospital, of which the bonds may be retired by the Bert Fish Testamentary Trust, and that Nr. Spencer be appointed to enlist the aid of all civic clubs and civic minded citizens to support the project. Seconded by Commlsloner Stemper and carried. Commissioner Carraway next introduced Ordinance No. 483, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF TNE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING, ABANDONING AND CLOSING THAT CERTAIN ALLEY PLATTED IN BLOCK 2 of SAN OABL0~ SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Carraway next introduced Resolution No. ?89, which was approved by Recon- ~tructlon Finance Corporation under its rescinding Resolution of Jan 18,1951, and after being read in full, moved its passnge and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Dyson Aje # Carraway Aye " Ivey Aye n Martins A3'e " Stemper Aye Said Resolution No. ?89 being entitled: A RE~OLUTION OF CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RESCXNDING AND AVOIDING RESOLUTION NO. ??0 OF CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PASSED AND ADOPTED JANUARY 9, 1950, WHICH RESOLUTION APPROVED AND ACCEPTED A RESOLUTION OF THE RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE COPROBATION OFFERING TO PURCHAE SECURITIE~ , AND ACCEPTED SAID OFFER AND AGREED TO PERFOP~ AND COM~LY WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIO$ THEI~OF. WHEREA~, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, hereafter referred to respectively as City Commission and City, on January 9, 1950 passed and adopted Resolution No. 770, approving and accepting a Resolution of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation offering to purchase securities which the City contemplated lssuin~ in accordance with the terms and conditions of said Reconstruction Finance Corporation Resolution, to aid in financing the construction of a port terminal by the City, and expressly accepting said offer and agreeing to perform and comply with the terms and conditions thereof with regard to any securities so issued, and WHEREAS, since the passage and adotpion of said Resolution No. 770 , the City Commission has caused further investigation and surveys to be made and information obtained with reference to the construction, operation and financing of said proposed port terminal, and by reason of such investigation, surveys, and information the City Commission no MINUTES Cify Commission, Sanford, Florida,_..~.Janu~''y 22 at 8 P M 19 51 and, ~ERE~, in order to avoid possible confusion with respect to any securities which the City may hereafter issue for the purpose of financing construction of said port termi- nal it appears desirable that said Resolution No. 7?0 be rescinded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that Resolution No. ?70 of the City of Sanford, Florida passed and adopted on January 9, 1950 be and the same is hereby rescinded and avoided and declared of no effect as though the same had never been passed and adopted. PASSED and ADOPTED, this 22nd day of Jan~ery 1951. .. F A D~eon John D Ive~ Sam Martina Andrew Carrawa2 ATTEST W H Stemper As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. H N Sa~er City Clerk. The Commission next proceeded to a lengthy study and discussion of the proposed Port Terminal Bond Resolution, final action being deferred until adjourned regular meeting of January 29, 1951. Letter next read from Sanford Atlantic National bank advising that under the provision of City Ordinance No. 3?9 imposing the utility service tax, but exempting services of the United States and its agencies, the bank is exempt from such tax because National banks are agencies of the Federal Government. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that the necessary ordinance be prepared to amend the Utlll~Service Tax Ordinance so as to delete the exemption of the United States of America and its agencies. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Martina. Consideration next given to request of Dr. W.V.Roberts to purchase Lots 1 and 2 of Block 9 Marvanla Second Section, but in view of said lots being held for extension of right-of-way for Road No.~6, request declined. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Martina and carried, the Commission next authorized an expenditure for the Police Department for entertaining the Florida Peace Officers Association with barbecue on Feb. 28. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Carraway, and carried, the Commission next authorized a contribution in amount of $200.00 to the Golf Tournament Committee toward defraying cost inconnectlon with tournament to be conducted on local golf course on Feb. 13-1?. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P M January 29, 1951. Attest: