HomeMy WebLinkAbout031251-Regular Session224 MINUTES .... ~arch 12 at 8 P M ~ ~ City Commission, Sanford, flor,aa, . ......... x~ ~- The City Commission of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Present: Commissioner F.A.Dyso~, Mayor. " Andrew Carraway " John Ivey , Sam M~r t ina " W.H. St emper City Attorney A.Edwin Shinholser City Manager Clifford McKibbin Jr. Chief of Police Roy G Williams Absent: City Clerk H N Sayer In absence of City Clerk H.N.Sayer, by the Mayor as Secretary of the meeting. City of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at the Florida at 8:00 o'clock P M March 12, 1951. City Manager Clifford McKibbin Jr. was appointed Minutes of February 12 and 19th~ were read and approved as corrected. Vincent Gurucharri, resident of Plantation Estates, appeared objecting to arresting methods of Police Department, and also to prohibltlon by officers of contacting his wife. No action was taken after Police Chief Williams explained that complainant's attorney had worked out a liberal disposition of the case with Judge Sharon and arresting officers and advised that Desk Sergeant had instructed complainant's friend to advise wife of the situation. Mr Gurucharri was advise~ of his rights of having the conviction remitted by the Co~mission upon recommendation of the Municipal Judge and of appealing the case to the Circuit Court. Mrs Carmeta Ray appeared before the Co~ission requesting that the City augment the $60.00 payment authorized by the County Commission to pay rental on new quarters in the Meisch Building for 12th District Welfare Board offices. After discussion and on motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Martina, that the Welfare Board and the County Commissioners be notified by letter of the Commissioners determination to continue the present contribution of $35.00 toward rental of quarters for the Welfare Board and advise that since Welfare is not a normal municipal function, greater contribution could not be Justified. Motion carried with Commissioner Carraway moting "no." Volie Williams Jr. presented an application on behalf of Leo Rockwell to operate four taxi-cabs as the Seminole Cab Company, with Joe Gonzalez as manager. On motion by Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Martina and carried, the application was referred to the Chief of Police and City Manager for investigation and report. Mr. J A Rivierre of Jarco Corporation appeared in reference to quotation he had recently submitted on c~nstructing necessary additions to the Municipal Stadium. Discussion and questions followed and Mr E J Moughton, Architect, advised that at time of setting up specifications for bidding purposes it was thought the~e items could be furnished in a temporary or less expensively manner. On motion by Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, the following work was authorized at price designated~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ........ M~c,h l~...~..~..._~...!~ ............... 19.51 (a) 4" Concrete Floor for Visitors Dugout (b) 4" Concrete Floor in concessions space office and storage room Six Foot wide steel stairs and platform with steel columns at colored end of stadium , for access to stadium Colored Toilets to be located as shown on plans, including built-up roof with galvanized iron eaves strip (c) (d) (Alternate "e")Dugout,32' long, plumbing as specified, concrete fl.Jor, concrete block walls, wood roof, wood front columns, mineral surface roofing $175.oo $75o.oo $135o.oo $36ao.oo On motion of Commissioner Dyson Aye " Carraway Aye " Ivey Aye " Martina Aye " Stemper ANe The roll was pression that these additions were provided for in the original contract. Thereupon Ordinance No. 485 was placed on its final passage and adoption, said ordinance being entitled: ORDINANCE NO 485 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 3 OF ORDINANCE No.379 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD,FLORIDA, SAID ORDINANCE LEVYING AND IMPOSING A TAX ON EVERY PURCHASE IN THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA OF ELECTRICITY, METERED OR BOTTLED GAS ( NATURAL LIQUEFIED PETROLEU~ GAS OR ~ANUFACTURED GAS, )WATER AND TELEPHONE SERVICE ERCEPT AS THEREIN PROVIDED, AND NAKING PROVISION AS TO ANOUNTS, COLLECTION, AND DISPOSITION OF PROCEEDS OF SAID TAX, AND SAID SECTION 3 PROVIDING FOR EXENPTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF A~.ERICA A~D ITS AGENCIES FROM THE PAYMENT OF SUCH TAX. called and vote stands as follows: Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Nartina and carried on vote, the City Manager was authorized to write letters to Seminole County Legisla- tive Delegation on cigarette tax fund as proposed. The Commission made the following appointments: D.C.Stafford, ~aster member of Electric Examining Board, one year. Donald Young, Journeyman member of Electric Examinining Board, one year. M G Hodges, ~aster member of the Plumbing Board, one year. John Baker, Journeyman member of The following members with terms J.L. Ingley , Chairman N.James Gut Frank Ashdown the Plumbing Board, one year. to expire 1954 are for the Board of Adjustment: E.F. Lane Robert Brown On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Nartina and carried on vote, the mater of traffic regulation on Eighteenth Street between Park Ave and French Ave. was tabled. The Commission feeling that the traffic on Elm Ave. was generally heavier than that on Eighteenth St. The City Nanager was requested to advise interested High School students of this action. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner ~artina and carried on vote, the bid of Foster Smith of further information. Ordinance No. 486 entitled: $322.30 was received but action deferred pending ORDINANCE NO. 486. "nay" Commissioner Stemper stated that he voted Nay because he was under the im- Notion carried on vote with Commissioner Stemper and Commissioner Nartina voting $1620.00 226 MINUTES City Commission, Sanfo~d, Florida,........I~ 12,.. ~ ? .M ... 19 51 Request of S A Allen to e2~ar~e the nme of Sanford Tr~neit Line to 01ty Bus Compan~ and change of owner in fr~nchise from S.A.Allen to Viola A Allen, was next considered. On motion by Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Ca~away, action was deferred for recommendation by Attorney as to procedure. On request of Frank R. MaoNelll to purchase lots 3 and 6 of Block 9 ~rvanla Subdivision, or lots 3 and 4 Block 9, Marvanla Subdivision, action was deferred by the Commission pending study of proposed route of State Road No.46. Action was deferred on request of Greens Fuel Gas Company for permission to place liquefied petroleum gas tanks in alley back of Touchton Drug Company and Roumlllat & Anderson Drug Co., motion by Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Carraway. The application of Mr and Mrs ~ike Johnson for permit to sell beer and wine at 801 W. 9th Street was denied, on motion of Commissioner Carraway and seconded by Commies ioner ~rtina. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, and carried, Wlllard 0 Stansell was granted leave of absence as superintendent of the Air Port during the present period of National ~ergency. On motion by Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Nartina, no action was taken on aut~horlzing contract to furnish water to the Sanford NAAS because of the City's own critical needs of water, it is not feasible to obligate the City to the maximum requirement as set forth by the Navy. The City Manager was authorized to offer the Navy water service on a monthly billing basis. On motion by Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Martina and carried, H.L. Swisher was given permission to place a portable five minute parking limitation sign in one space in front of his establishment, after 6 P.M. each day and on Sunday. Application of Herman Nathan for permit to operate colored taxi-cabs was denied by the Commission. On request of C.F.Proctor to remove a subdivision monument, City Manager was in- structed to request him to bring in a petition signed by affected property holders. On request of colored ministerial alliance to hold Easter sunrise services on lakefront across from tennis court,Commissioner Martina moved and Commissioner Stemper seconded that request be granted if details were worked out to the satisfaction of the Sanford Ministerial Association, motion carried on vote with Commissioner Carraway voting "nay" · On request of A.C.L.Railroad Company, Commissioner Carraway moved, Commissioner Stemper seconded, that the City execute necessary instrument to terminate the agreement on the spur track immediately south of the City Shop on Sixth Street at French Avenue,since the track is not in service. ~otion carried. A discussion was held on additional municipal water supply. Action was deferred pend- ing further study by the Commission. On motion by Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Martina, the Commission denied request of S.A.Allen for increase of taxi-cab rates permitted by ordinance. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Martina, a letter to the Commander, Naval Air Bases, Sixth Naval District, Jacksonville, NA~ from the City Manager was confirmed releasing any interest of the City in any partitions or portion of structure at the Sanford NAS and stating that the City does not hold the Navy res- MINUTES H-4o75o 227 Nos 5859 thru 5961 were approved. Commissioner Carraway reported favorable reception by the FHA to information given them at Jacksonville by he and the City ~.~nager during a recent meeting to promote the apartment project of Ozier-Weller, Inc. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Nay or (~~