HomeMy WebLinkAbout100851-Regular Session300 H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, October 8 at 8 P.M. 1951 The City Commission of Hall in the City of Sanford, Present: the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., October 8, 1951: Commissioner F. A. Dyson, Mayor " W.V. Bitting ~ Andrew Carreway " John D. Ivey " W.H. Stemper City Attorney A. Edwin Bhinholser City Manager Clifford. McKibbln, Jr., City Clerk H. N. Bayer Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Monthly reports of Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, merits for month of September 1951, submitted and examined. Finencial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures 1951, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts for month of September 1951, and examined. Fire, Police and Library Depart- for month of September prooerly reconciled, submitted On motion duly carried, current invoices and payrolls for month of September 1951, as evidenced by Voucher Nos. 6781 thru 6905, were next approved. A Committee from Tourist Club, with Mr. J. R. Jones as spokesman, next appeared and sub- mitted letter and resolution reouesting that they be granted use of the Tourist Center build- ing during coming season or share the use of it with Naval Affairs Committee as Service Mens Club, stating they had 206 active members last season and are expecting more this season if they con secure satisfactory facilities for their activities. After discussion and in view of the fact t~at the Tourist Center building is under ]ease to Seminole County Chamb er of Commerce, the aforesaid Comr~ittee was advised to submit their request to the Directors of Chamber of Commerce. A Committee from Colored Business & Professional Business Mens Club next submitted a map of business streets in Goldsboro section and. pointed out the intersections that are ~avlly congested with traffic and hazardous for crossing of school children. They also gave a report on traffic count for two hour period at several intersections and reouested that traffic sig- nal lights be installed on 13th Street at Olive Avenue and at Southwest Road, and a caution light at Shepherd Avenue. Also, that a patrolman be placed on duty to assist the school children in crossing the streets. After discussion, Commissioner Stemper, the City Manager and Chief of Police were appointed to make a survey and study of the traffic problems in that area, and report recom~enda~ons at next regular meeting. Mr. W. G. Kilbee, County Commissioner, ne×t appeared and requested that steps be taken to expedite the conveyance of right-of-way along north side of airport property for widening Geneva Avenue in order that the work may be started by State Road Department. The City Manager then advised that the Navy had agreed to convey the necessary right-of-way after the airport is conveyed back to it, and that negotiations were in progress for transfer of title to the property, which should be consummated within a resaonable time. Action deferred, pending further information from the Navy. Consideration next given to request of Mrs. Marie Huffman for City to open the street to her lots on which she intends constructing dwelling at southwest corner of Magnolia Avenue and 25th Street, a distance of 343 feet from Palmetto Avenue, a paved street. ~___,-_, .... v ....... o~ ~o~ ~e ~ ~h~ M~ ~fm~n ~tarts construction of MINUTES 301 F..~;.~ 80c%ober at 8:00 P.N. .--51 City Commission, Sanford, 1,....~,.,_ .................................................................... Consideration next given to proposal of W. H. Conrad to construct two two-story apart- ment buildings of four units each on north portion of City prooerty described as Lots 20 to 34 of Lake View Park, and on motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Bitting and carried, same was rejected. On motion of Commissioner Bitting, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the re- quest of John Gray for 90 days option on the above described oro perty and Orooosal to con- struct apartment building thereon were next rejected. Pursuant to request of Ezra Turner that City improve drainage condition at Maple Avenue and 10th Street, the City Manager next submitted cost estimate of $1,235.00 for closing the ditch by installation of storm sewer, and advised that the condition of ditch is as good as drainage ditches in other unpaved areas. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that the request for piping the aforesaid drainage ditch be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried. On recommendation of Chief of Police, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the Commission next approved transfer to Sam and Fannie Mitchell at 1225 W. 13th Street the beer and wines permit granted Gilbert Williams at 1117 W. 13th St., for consumption on premises. Apolication next received from J. E. Jones for transfer of his beer and wines license from $22~ E ~th Street to 311 Sanford Avenue, for consumption on premises, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway Carraway, seconded by CommisAoner Bitting and carried, same was ap- proved. Apolication next received from James M. Butch for transfer to him of permit and license granted his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Burris, to scl3 beer and wines at 619 Celery Avenue for con- sumption off premises. After discussion, Commissioner Carraway moved aporoval with provision that he be notified not to sell beer and wines on Sundays and of revocation of license upon violation of such provision. Seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried. Application next received fromLouis Perides for hermit to sell beer and wines to white only, for consumotlon on premises at 801 W. 9th Street, and on motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Bitting and carried, same was apnroved for white patronage only. On motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Bitting and carried, the Com- mission next authorized installation of street light at intersection of W. First Street and Pomegrarite Avenue. On recommendation of Chief of Police, and on motion of Commissioner Ivey seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried, the Commission next authorized "No Parking" restrictions on south side of 13th Street from MaEnolia Avenue east to Banford Avenue. On recommendation of Chief of Police, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Stamper and carried,, the Commission next authorized "No Parking" restrictions on south side of First Street from Myrtle Avenue west to McCall's Paint Shop, and from French Avenue west a distance of three-car length. On motion of Commissioner Stamper, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Commission next authorized a 1/4 page advertisement in the convention issue of Florida ~mici- pal Record at cost of $72.00. The City Manager next advised that the Board of County Commissioners had a~"reed to as33 302 price of MINUTES 1'1October 8 at 8 P M -~ 51 Cify Commission, SanIord, F onaa,. ...... l~ $5,000.00 subject to City's acquisition from the County, Commission at last meeting. which was orice suggested by Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved the acceptance of County's offer, and that necessary resolution be prepared for adoption ~e, questing the County to rescind the dedication on the afore- said proper~y and also on Lots 6 to 9 which are in the same block. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. On motion of Commissioner Stemper, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and oarried, Building Inspector Gillon was next authorized to attend meeting of Southern Building Code Congress to be held in NobiIe, Ala., on November ~-7, and an expenditure of $75.00 toward cost in conuection therewith, and any expenses in excess of said amount ~ubJect to further consideration upon furnishing itemized statement of all expenses incurred. Letter next submitted from High School Parent Teachers Association, expressing their appre- ciation for use of the City auditorium for past seven years for the Celery Crate, a recreation club for teen-age children, and also requesting that they be allowed to continue using it for the aforesaid purposes. Thereupon the Commission proceeded to a lengthy discussion of the matter, in which it was brought out that the Naval Affairs Committee will probably have to vacate the Tourist Center building on December l, as a Service Nens Club in order to make it available to t~ Tourist Club for their winter orogram, and of not having been able to find other suitable facilities except the City auditorium; and if allowed to continue use of Tourist Center, the Tourist Club that the Celery Crate be granted use of the Commission: will have to find other suitable quarters. After the discussion Commissioner Stemper moved the auditorium for the coming year. Seconded by Commissioner Bitting and carried by the following vote of Commissioner Dyson Nays " Bitting Aye " Carraway Naye " Ivey Aye " Stemper Aye ad Journed. There being no further business the meeting ATTEST: