HomeMy WebLinkAbout020452 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,_.~.e.b..rtm~'Y..?.~..~..~...?~'~.g ............. 19~.2 343 ,, The City Commission of the City of Sanfo~d, Florida, met in adjourned regulsr session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. February h, 1952. Present: Commissioner W. H. Btemper, Mayor " Andrew Carraway " Randall Chase " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser Actin~ City Manager John M. Gillon City lerk H. N. Sayer Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion duly carried, minutes of regular meeting of January Ih, and adjourned meeting of January 23, 1952, approved. Capt. James W. Parrish, of Orlando, next apoesred with reference to Operating a sight- seeing boat from the municipal pier and offered to pay for use of City's facilities. After discussion Commissioner Kadet moved that the City grant Capt. Pettish permission to operate his sightseeing boat from the municipal pier and waive the license and rental fee on pier, provided he pays for all utilities consumed and indemnify the City f~om any damages or claims in connection ~herewith with necessary insurance coverage. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Further consideration next given to paving llth Street from Sanford Avenue to Cypress Avenue on basis of City paying one-third of cost and the abutting property owners one-third each, the estimated cost being $937.07, and after being advised that one of the property owners had not agreed to pay his pro rata of cost, Commissioner Chase moved that the City proceed with the paving on the regular procedure of assessing the abutting property for its share of the cost. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway end carried. The City Manager next submitted cost estimate of $207.50 for equipment and $1.35 per gallon for chemicals to spray azaleas for petal blight, and reported that the desease had not been found among the azaleas in the parks, and on motion of Commissioner Csrraway, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, same was ordered tabled. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Com- mission next appointed W. J. King, Master Plumber, J. R. Hoolehan, Journeyman Plumber, and the Plumbing Inspector as the Plumbing Board for year 1952,-ln accordance with Ordlnam~ No. 287. In accordance with Ordinance No. 275, and on motion of Commissioner Cerraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next apoointed D. C. Stafford, Master Electrician, Donald Young, Journeyman Electrician, and the Electrical Insoector as the Board of Electrical Examiners for year 1952. Consideration next given to the proposed negotiated contract with Robert M. Angas and Associates, of Jacksonville, for furnishing engineering services for major projects proposed by the City, including sanitary sewerage extension and disposal, and water extensions. The City Attorney outlined the terms of the contract, pointing out that the firm kmd agreed to prepare applications and reports as required for filing for Federal aid under the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services, or un, er other Federal provisions w~ch may be apollcable, and aid the City in obtaining such Federal aid without any charge for such services; to give credit to ~e City for any engineering plans it now has for which it has already paid other engineering firms, provided the firm aporove and use the plans, any such credit to be given shall be seventy-five per cent of the amount ~ctual~y paid by the City for such plans, or tions thereof, used. The City Attorney also suggested certain chan~es and ~krnandm~nt~ tu / 3: 4 H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,....~el~rUSry ~ at 8 p~ M~ 19 52 Associates arflalso that of Smith & Gillespie and felt that the latter was more qualified to · furnish the engineering services required by the City because they had had much more experience in municipal projects. Also, because they already had rendered engineering services for the City on several projects and are familiar with the City's problems, having prepared tl~a~ plans and specifications now on file for sewerage extensions, sewage treatment plant and disposal. He also voiced his objections against the stipulation in the oroposed contract of allowing only 75% cre- dit for use of such plans. Commissioner Carraway stated that he was also in favor of employing Smith and Gillespie for furnishing engineering services because of the reasons pointed out by Commissioner Ivey, advising that the City borrowed the sum of $21,530.00 from the Federal Government in 19~6 to pay them for making survey and preparing the plans and specifications now on file which will have to be repaid at such time the proposed projects are constructed, and should Angas & Associ- ates elect not to use any portion of the plans, such sum would represent an additional expense to the City. Commissioner Chase then stated that thc Cit~ ~ght work out its sewage disposal problems without having to construct a dfsposa], plant, and therefore would not need to use or repay for the Smith & Gil]espie plans and specifications.  ' Commissioner Stamper stated, in his opinion both engineering firms were capable, but ex- cd the opinion that it would be cheaper in the long run to patronize Angas & Associates contract for engineering services with Robert M. Angas and Associates with the changes and amendments proposed, by City Attorney embodied therein, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Kad. er ~nd carr~d by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Carraway Nays " Chase Aye " Ivey Nays " Kadet Aye " Stemoer Aye Said contract being in words and figures as follows: THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered, into in dunlicate this llth day of February, A. D. 1952, by and between Robert M. Angae, Russell H. DeGrove, and Richard L. Lsmpp, co-partners, doing business as ROBERT M. ANGAS AND ASSOCIATES, h20 Hildebrandt Buildl rig, Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, hereinafter called "Engineers"; and the CITY OF SANFORD, a municipal corporation in the County of Seminole, State of Florida, hereinafter called the "City". WITNE SSETH WHEREAS, the City contemplates construction of certain municipal improvements, said im- provements including extensions and improvements to its sewer and sewer disposal systems, ex- tensions smd enlargements to its water works systems, and the pavement of and improvement to its streets, and the City proposes to construct such improvements with the aid of Federal funds, either in the way of loans-and/or grants under the Defense Housing and Community Facl]ities and Services Act of 1951, or other Federal sources; and for the construction of any such improve- ments undertaken by the City, the City will require engineering assistance, and the City, upon the conditions hereinafter set forth, desires to engage the professional services of said En- gineers for'such improvements, and the Engineers are willing to render such services under the conditions hereinafter set forth and for the consideration hereinafter expressed; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the oremlses and the agreements and undertakings of the oartles hereto, the Engineers agree that they will prepare apol~catlons and reports ss re- quired for filing for Federal aid, either in the way of loans and/or grants under the Defense Housing and Community Facilities and Services Act of ]951, or under other Federal provisions which may be applicable, and will aid the City in filing such applications and will further aid in any way practicable in obtaining consideration thereof by the agency of the Federal Government handling the same. There shall be no charge to the City by the Engineers in con- nection with the services thus rendered as mentioned in this paragraph. When the Federal Govern- ment, tkrough its appropriate agency, has made funds available for the development Of part or all of the aforesaid improvements and has designated the amounts of such funds to be applied to the various improvements, the City will determine whether and to what extent any of such im- provements shall be constructed. MINUTES 345 Wl~,;~ February 4 at 8 P.M. 52 City Commission, Sanford, ....... , ..................... : ............................................................... 19 services in connection with such improvement or Improvements, including the preparation of pre- limlnary reports and prelimlnsry cost estimates; the preparation of ali o].ans and specificstlon$,i and consultation and supervision.during their construction. , For the services described herelna~O~e subsequent to determination by the City to proceed with construction as aforesaid, the City will pay the Engineers either the standard minimum engineering fees set forth in a booklet published by the Florida Engineering Society entitled "Schedule of Basic Minimum Engineering Fees", 1951 Edition, which booklet is attadhed to and forms part of this agreement, or the standard fee approved by the Federal authorigles or admini- strators under the appropriate Federal legislation involved, whichever sum shall be the lower. Should the said Florida Engineering Society fees be applicable, the nine (9%) per cent basic minimum fee applicable to estimated, cost of construction of One Hundred Thousand and No/100 ($100,000.00) Dollars shall likewise apply to any improvement of lesser estimsted cost. The total engineering fees to be paid by the City to the Engineers are to be divided up and paid to the Engineers as follows: (1) Twenty per cent (20%) of the total fee, calculated on the estimated cost, ten (10) days after the submission to the City of completed preliminary reports an8 estimates. (2) Forty per cent (40%) of the total fee, calculated on the estimated cost, when final plans and specifications are completed so constractors can be invited to bid on the various projects. If complete plans for portions of the work are completed ahead of plans for other portions, then the forty.per cent (40%) of that portion of the.fee for the completed portion of the plans shall then be paid. (3) Thirty per cent (30%) of the total estimated, fee shall be paid in monthly installments as the work progresses, said installments to be in proportion to contractor's estimates. The balance of the total fee shall be paid upon the com- pletionof ali improvements.. Said total fee abel3 be based and celculated on the total cost of said improvements. Except for the making and furnishing of preliminary estlmstes and reports, the Engineers shall not be ~equlred to perform any services her~unde~ until monies for the payment for such services shall be avstlable to said City. The Engineers further agree to give c~edlt to the City for any engineering plans it now has and for which it has already paid other engineering firms, provided the Engineers ap- prove and use such plans. If portions of said plans and specifications are approved and used by the Engineers, the Engineers will give credit for the cost of preparing such used portions of said plans and specifications. Any such credit to be given by the Engineers shall be seventy- five ~er cent (75%) of the amount actually paid by the City for such plane, or portions thereof, used, and shall be allowed, or paid by the City's deducting the same from payments payable under paragraph (2) herelnabove. After the City shell have made Its determination to proceed with any improvement or im- provements as above set forth, the City shall have the full right, at the discretion of its City Commission, Zo terminate this agreement at any time after completion of preliminary estimates or reports by ~he Engineers, ~n~ prior to the comoIet~on of the municipal improvement undertaken; provided, however, thst City shalI pay the Engineers for the cost ~ any work they have done up to the time of cancellation of this agreement, Including a reasonable sum for office overhead an~ also per diem fees for the time any of the three (3) copartners, comorislng the Engineers, have spent directly on the work in connection with such improvement. In the event of such termination of this agreement by the City, ali rights, obligations, and liabilities hereunder shall cease, except that the City shall be obligated to, and sh~ll, pay forthwith to the Engineers all sums due them for services up to the date of cancellation. After the City shall have made l~s determination to proceed with any Improvements aa above set forth, the Engineers may, after thirty (30) days notice to said City, cancel this agreement if the City fails to proceed diligently with said improvement projects, or to make ~he payments to the Engineers as and when provided hereunder, and in such event, ali rights, olbigatlons and liabilities hereunder shell ~ceas$, except that the City shall be obligated to, end shall, pay forthwith to the Engineers all sums due them for services performed up to the date of cancellation. The City represents and covenants that the City, end the officers executing this contract are fully and lawfully authorized to enter into this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the cattles hereto have e~ecuted this agreement under seal, in duplicate, the dsy and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ROr~.RT M. ANGAS AND ASSOCIATEB S/ Robert M~ AnFas Partner John ~,. Gil~on As to: Robert M. Angas and Associates CITY OF SANFORD (FLORIDA) A, Edwin Bhinholser (SEAL) S/.. W, H, Btemper Its Mayor John As to: ida) Gillon City of Sanford Attest: H N. Sa er Cit Clerk H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,February ? at 8 o'clock P~9 52 dwellings being constructed by Ozier-Weller Homes, Inc., and on motion of seconded by Commissioner Ivey and caFrled, same was autlorized. Commissioner Chase, Commissioner Chase moved that the ordinance be amended so ss to s~wer tap. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. The following bids ~ xt municipal stadium: Matt G. Reeves submitted for furnishing guard wire & Company, Tampa Stine Machine Company, Sanford H. J. Heckler, Miami Thereupon after comparison of material bid upon, provide a fee ~ $50.00 for each for front of grandstand of $ 964.00 1,146.00 1,7~0.00 Commissioner Ivey moved the acceptance of lowest bid, that of Matt G. Reeves & Company at price of $964.00. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. trima" Cons~ideration next given to existing traffic hazard caused by shrubbery obstructing view street intersections, ann the City Manager was directed to Inforce the ordinance regulating lng of trees and shrubbery on street corners. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the bid of Stafford Electric Company in amount of $235.00 was next accepted for furnishing and i~ taltlng sixteen 40-watt light fixtures in the Library. The Mayor next reported of appointment of Commissioner Ivey, Hubert M. Pearce and Howard Monteith as the Committee of three to meet with the directors of Sanfo~d Port Termlusl and Warehouse Association relative to working out ways and means for ihs City to grant the request submitted, at meeting of January 28, and same was approved. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Com- mission next authorized the employment of Mrs. John J. Carver as assistance office clerk in the Water Department at salary of $170.00 per month. The Mayor next reported on Joint meeting with County Commis~oners on January 50, to consider the County taking over the contract for furnis~.ng rights-of-way for widening French Avenue, or, furnish%rig the necessary funds for the City to acquire same, advising that the Board of County Commissioners had agreed to allocate $50,000.00 of-way by the City, and if the cost exceeds such sum, will give locating additional funds for such purpose. for acquisition of rights- ~ consideration toward al- Thereupon the Mayor was authorized to address a letter to Chairman of State Road. Depart- ment advising that financial arrangements had been made to acquire the rights-of-way and that the City was proceeding in accordance with terms of the right of way contract. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Cpm- misslon next appointed Raymond M. Ball and Claude A. Whiddon, Contractor, as an Appraisal Board to appraise the properties for widening French Avenue. Sr., Realtors, and Howard Faville, to be aceuired for right-of-way On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissior~- Carraway and Carried, the Com- mission next authorized final payment of $500.00 to Jarco Corporation for balance on contract for constructing the Municipal Memorial Stadium, as per certificate of completion furnished Consideration next given to increasing the fee of ~15.00 charged by City for making sewer tap so as to cover present day cost of Surnis~.ng such service, and after careful consideration MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Flo~da,~[.~.~.~.[ll.l~l~lll. ~....~.:.. 347 ..... H-407_ 50 by Architect Elton J. Moughton. Application next received from J. R. Hill, colored, for permit to sell beer and wines to be consumed on premises at 801 W 9th Street, and after considering the location Com- missioner Chase moved that mme be tabled. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. There being no further business the meeting Adjourned. AT~EST: