HomeMy WebLinkAbout022552-Regular Session MINUTES Florida, ................................................................................ City Commission, ,Sanford, · 25 Pebruary at 8 P.M. Lq 52 H-40750 The City Commission of City Hall in the City of Sanford, the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. February 25, 1952. Present: Commissioner W. H. Stemper, Mayor " Andrew Carraway Randall Chase " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholser Acting City Manager John M. Glllon City Clerk H. N. Sayer Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Financial statement and statement of revenues and ex]sendltures for month of January 1952, submitted and examined. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, minutes of regular meeting of January 28, andadJourned meeting of February 4, 1952, approved. The City Attorney next submitted proposed lease agreement with J. W. Parrlsh for using Municipal Pier in connection with operating a sightseeing boat, and on motion of Com- missioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, same was approved and the Mayor and Clerk authorized to execute the lease on behalf of the City. Volie A. Williams, Jr., Attorney, and Geo. H. Williams, Executive Director of Sanford Housing Authority, next appeared and requested the City to cover the open drainage ditch on West llth Street adjacent to William Clark Terrace project, offering to furnish the pipe at cost of $1,251.00 and deduct such cost from future shelter rentals that will be payable to the City. They advised that the Federal Housing Administration wouldn, t grant approval for the Authority to cover the ditch because of it being off the project site. After discussion the matter was taken under advisement with request that the Hog_uSing Administration give further consideration to furnishing the pipe without any cost to t he City. R. T. Cowan next tendered his resignation as a Commissioner of the Sanford Housing Authority because of business reasons, and same was accepted. Commissioner Kadet t hen moved that an appropriate resolution be prepared for adoption expressing to Mr. Cowan the City's appreciation for hissplendld services rendered as a member of the Housing Authority. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Mack N. Cleveland, Jr., Attorney, next submitted application of Ernest E. Skully for permit to operate an additional taxi-cab, who already has two taxi-cabs in operation. Mr. C. W. Elrod operator of the Yellow Cabs then apoeared before the Board and protested against granting any additional permits for taxi-cabs, claiming that the public demand did not Justify it. He advised that he had permits for six taxi-cabs but were only operating five because business did not warrant any more. Mr. Elrod then requested that action be deferred on Mr. Skully's apnllcation until next meeting in order to give him sufficient time to furnish formation to supOort his protest, which~s granted. Attorney Cleveland then requested that Mr. Skully be granted a temporary permit to erect a frame taxi-cab stand on Gulf Oil Station property at northwest corner of Park Avenue and Second Street and on motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Kadet, same was authorized. Mr. A. H. Gaede, President of Florida Home Gas Company, on improvements made on the local gas plant since they purchased next appeared and gave it in September of 19~, vising that they had replaced the obselete gas manufacturing plant with protane gas with a report ad- twice H 40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, 25 February al; 8 P. 1'4. 1952 granted them under date of January 8, to purchase the remaining 70 lotl in Bel-Air and San Lanta Second Section Subdivision on terms. He requested that the option be granted in name of Gleena Norefleld Ozier instead of 0zier-We]_ler Homes, Inc., and that she be given the pti- vilege of purchasing as many as five loBu~on payment each. Thereupon after considerable discussion and of the 90 day Installments of $1,600.00 on motion of Commissi~er Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Commission authorized the name of grantee changed to Gleena Morefleld Ozler with the right to purchase lots not in excess of $800.00 upon payment of each quarterly payment of $1,600.00 to be credited against such quarter]y payments. Volie Williams, Jr., of 2A17 Laurel Avenue, next aoneared on behalf of within said block and requested the City to extend the existing 8" sanitary sewer north to 2$th Street in alley between Laurel and Myrtle Avenues in order to serve offering to cay the installation cost. Matter referred to City Manager for cost estimate. Mr. Williams next submitted request of the Churches for oermission to use the Band Shell during next Christmas holidays for disolaying nativity scenes, and on motion of Com- missioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Kader and carried, same was authorized. Wm. Dingle, Commander of Post No. 4 of Colored American Veterans of World War II appti'Cation for Club license to sell liouor at their next appeared with reference to~ueir/club at 1010 W. l]th Street. He outli~ed the activities of the organization and advised that liquors will be sold to members only. He also advised that the State Beverage Department and the County had approved their aonlication for club license. Thereupon after considerable discussion, Commissioner Kadet moved that the license be granted, subject to the opening and closing hours provided by City Ordinance regulating the sale of alcholic beverages. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Request next received from Dale L. Scott, Jr., of 2076 Grandview Avenue for permit the residents from 2~th Place their residences, Commission next authorized and directed the Florlda Power and Light Company service t,~ the four old whlteway lights at intersection of First Street and and to energize the two new 6000 lumen street lights at said intersection. With further reference ~o the abutting property owners to discontinue Palmetto Avenue, paying one-third each for cost to remove the three concrete pillars bordering on his oroDerty, and on motlon of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Chase, same was authorized. Mr. Mervyn Ozler next recommended that the City consider aopointing an Architectural Control Board to work with the BuildingInsoector and Zoning Board of Adjustment relative to ao- proving building permits for new construction, and same was taken under advisement. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the Commission next authorized a "Loading Zone" in front of Mrs. Laura Fullerton's laundry at 409 W. First Street. 'Consideration next given to requiring contractors to post a bond of $25.00 with the ach building permit, to be retained until ali rubbish has been cleared away after completion of construction, and same was referred to the City Attorney to find. out if other Ities are requiring such bond. ~. The matter of charging doctors and taxi-cab operators for reserved parking spaces was next referred to the City Manager to find out if other cities are charging for similar privileges. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carr~d, the MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,_.2.._.%...~.~.b~7~ar~..?~....~...~.~.....~., ........ 19 52 No action was taken on request of E. P. Lan$ Agency fe~'John Foster, to rezone certain lots in Sanfo Park for Multiple family use, because of same having been referred to%he Com- mission by Zoning Board of Adjustment without any recommendation. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Com- mission next accepted recommendation of Zoning Board of Adjustment and denied request for public hearing to consider rezoning the property between 5th and 6th Streets and Locust and Bay Avenues from R-1 (White) residential district to R-~ (Colored) residential district. Action was next deferred on matter of installing switch in Fire Station to control traffic signal light at intersection of First Street and Palmetto Avenue while fire trucks are leaving the station on calls. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Kadet, the request for one week's vacation with pay from employees paid on hourly basis with overtime, and from J. T. Hardy for an increase in salary, were next ordered tabled. The following prices next submitted for furnishing one car of clay sewer pipe de- livered at Sanford: W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Company, Birmingham - 8" pipe $ .533~ p~r ft. 10" " ~ .7~8¢ " Hill Hardware Company, Ssnford 8" 10" p~pe $ .78~ " " ~1.08~ " " Chase & Company, Sanford 8" pipe $ .635 " " 10" " @ .79~ " Thereupon Commissioner Kadet moved the acceptance of Zhe lowest price, that of W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Company. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Application next received from A. Menendez for transfer to him of license issued Roy Mixon to sell beer and wines at 1016 Orange Avenue, and on motion of Commissioner Carra- way, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, same was apnroved. Consideration next given to offer ofOtto Caldwell to sell to the City at price of $650.00 ~he 16" metal lathe he loaned it in 1942, which has been used daily in the Repair Shop, agreeing to accept payment in annual installments in amount of annual City taxes on his property of aporoximate $115.00. Thereupon after discussion Commissioner Carraw=y moved that the matter be tabled. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Commission next authorized the designation of Elm Avenue as a thru street for traffic from l~th Street to 20th Street and directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinance for passage and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, the Commission next authorized the service of City's dragline and operator to assist Phillips Properties in cleaning out a small lake in Wynnewood Subdivision. Ordinance No. $99, entitled: CITY COMMISSION AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, GIVING THE CONSENT OF THE/ OF SAID CITY~ TO SALE, TRANSFER, AND ASSIGNMENT TO SANFORD TRANSIT COMPANY, SANFORD, FLORIDA, OF THAT CERTAIN FRANCHISE GRANTED BY ORDINANCE NUMBEK4$7, PASSED AD TE FEBRUAR 28, 9 u 0 '~ lNG BUSINESS~, R. R. HARTSELL AND A. D. HARTSELL, JR., A PARTNERSHip, DOING BUSINESS AS CITY BUS COMPANY, SANFORD, FLORIDA, SUCH TR.~NSFER BEING APPROVED BY OR- DINANCE NUMBER ~89, PASSED AND ADOPTED MAY 21, 1951; AND WAIVING T~ SIXTY-DAY NOTICE PRIOR TO SELLING, ASSIGNING, AND TRANSFERRING OF SAID FRANCHISE REQUIRED BY SECTION TWENTY-ONE OF SAID ORDINANCE NUMBER 4~7. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, .2.5 February a~ 8 P M ..1952 Thereupon the roll was called on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 499, the vote being as follows: Florida, Commissioner Stemper Aye , Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Banford, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 499, entitled: AN oRDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, GIVING THE CONSENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF SAID CITY TO SALE, TRANSFER, AND ASSIGNMENT TO SANFORD. TRANSIT COMPANY, SANFORD, FLORIDA, OF THAT CERTAIN FRANCHISE GRANTED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER $47, PASSED AND ADOPTED FEBRUARY 28, 1949, TO SIDNEY ANDREW ALLEN, DOING BUSINESS AB SANFORD TRANSIT LINE, FOR THE OPERATION OF A BUS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN S AID CITY, WHICH FRANCHISE WAS ASSIGNED TO S. A. ALLEN, VIOLA A. ALLEN, R. R. HAP~SELL AND A. D. HARTBELL, JR., A PARTNERSHIP, DOING BUSINESS AB CITY BUS COMPANY, SANFORD, FLORIDA, SUCH TRANSFER BEING APPROVED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 489, PASSED AND ADOPTED MAY 21 1951; AND WAIVING THE SIXTY-DAY NOTICE PRIOR TO SELLING, ASSIGNING, AND TRANSFERRING OF SAID FBANCHIBE REQUIRED BY SECTION TWENTY-OhE OF SAID ORDINANCE NUMBER 44?. Ordinance No. 500, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY oF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 1,OF ORDINANCE NO. 315, PASSED AND ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 9, 19hl, WHICH ORDINANCE PROVIDES FOR THE MAKING OF CONNECTIONB TO ANY MAIN OR LATERAL LINEB OF THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, AND WHICH SECTION PRESCRIBES THE FEE TO BE PAID FOR EACH SUCH CONNECTION, SUCH AMENDMENT INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH FEES FROM FIFTEEN ($15.00) DOLI,ARB TO FIFTY ($50.00) DOLLARS. introduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting of February 11, 1952, was next placed on its final passage and adoption. Thereupon the roll was called on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 500, the vote being as follows: Florida, Commissioner Stemper Aye " Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Ssnford, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 500, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDINGSECTION l, OF ORDINANCE NO. 315, PASSED AND ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 9, 1941, WHICH ORDINANCE PROVIDES FOR THE MAKING OF CONNECTIONS TO ANY MAIN OR LATERAL LINES OF THE SEWERAGE SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA, ~%ND WHICH SECTION PRESCRIBES THE FEE TO BE PAID FOR EACH SUCH CONNECTION, SUCH AMENDMENT INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH FEES FROM FIFTEEN ($15.00) DOLLARS TO FIFTY ($50.00) DOLLARS. Oommissioner Carraway next introduced Resolution No. 804, and after being read in full, mOved its passage and adoption. Seconded by CommisAoner Chase and carried by the followingvote of the Commission. Commissioner Stemper Aye " Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye Said Resolution being in words and figures as follows: WHEREAS, the Btate Road Department of Florida proposes to widen and improve a portion of existing State Road 15-A in Beminole County, Florida, and WHEHEAB, addi~onal right of way will be required for said road and said imorovements from lands the record title thereto being vested in the City of Sanford, Florida, to-wit: That part of a parcel of land described as : MINUTES ~- .~ 25 February at 8 P.M. 2 Commission, Sanfo~:d, .~,onc~a, .......................................................................... 19 ~ lying East of and within 41 feet of ~he survey line of State Road 15-A, Section 7715, said survey line being described as beginning on the Eastern projection of the South line of Lot 10, Block 2 N, Tier 9 of Florida Land & Colonization Company's Subdivision, according to plat recorded in Map Book 1, Page 61 public records of Seminole County, Florida, at a point 90.6 feet Easterly from the Southwest corner thereof, run thence North 0 20'34" West 250 feet to the Eastern projection of the North line of Lot 1, Block 2 N, Tier 9 of said Florida Land and Colonization Companys Subdivision at a point 90.6 feet Easterly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 1; the strip of land described above containm 0.05 acre, more or less; and WHEREAS, request having been made on behalf of said S~a~e Road Department for a con- veYance by the City of Sanford, Florida, granting the interest of the City of Sanford, Florida, to the State of Florida for use and benefit of the State Road Department of Florida, in and to the above described strip of land and sa~ reqmst having been considered; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that said request be granted;~ that the Mayor-Commissioner and City Clerk be and they are hereby aut~Worlzed and directed to execute proper conveyance in the name of the City of Sanford, Florida, in favor of the State of Florida, granting interest of the City of Sanford, Florida in and to the parcel of land hereinabove described and required as right of way for said State Road 15-A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution be delivered to t~ State Road Department of Florida at Tal]ahassee, Florida, together with the conveyance authorized hereinabove. s/ W. R. Stemper, Mayor-Commissioner of the of Sanford, Florida. City STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at a meeting of said City Commissioners held on the 25th day of February, A. D. 1952. WITNESS my hand and official seal on this 26th day of February A. D. 1952. S~ H. N. Sayer, City Clerk of the City of (SE~L) San~rd, Florida. proposed agreement between the City and State Road Department relative to widen ~nd imorove French Avenue, in which the City agrees to change or relocate any~nd all municipal owned water mains, fire hydrants, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, gas mains, telephone and elegraph systems, including pole lines or underground facilities located within right of way ~f said street, next submitted for consideration. Thereupon after discussion qommissioner Kadet moved t~ approval of said agreement and t~at the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Said Agreement being in words and figures as follows: sRE No. Section 7715-101 State Road 15-A Seminole County THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 25th day of February A. D. 1952, by and between the STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLOR~A, hereinafter referred to as the DEPARTMENT, and the C~TY OF SANFORD, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred ~o as the CITY, W I T N E S S E T H: That, WHEREAS, t~ Department proposes to construct or reconstruct a municipal con- 369 H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,..25 Febr. uar~. at 8 P. M. 19 52 and, WHEREA~, in order to facilitate such work it is necessary that provision be made for adjustment, char~ or relocation of certain municipal facilities and/or utilities located within the right of way of said municipal connecting link State Road or appurtenances thereto, viz: Dollar moving between the cattles and in further consideration of the after contained, it is agreed by the parties as follows: That the Department will provide at its expense for the cor~ruction, ABy an all water mains, fire hydrants, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, gas mains, telephone and telegraph system including pole lines or under- ground facilities owned by the City of Sanford, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, the premises considered and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) mutual covenants herein- reconstruction, change or replacement of all drainage structures necessary to properly drain said municipal connecting link State Road within the said City, but not otherwise. Tbmt in consideration of the Department's undertaking the construction or reconstruc- tion of said municipal connecting link State Road which will be of benefit to the City and the citizens thereof as a City thoroughfare, the City agrees to make or came to be made ali necessary adjustments, relocations or changes of said described municipal facillt~ or utilities in order to comply with the plans, designs and specifications of the Department for the construction or reconstruction of said municipal connecting llnk State Road, without cost or expense to the Department. The City further agrees that said adJu~ments, changes or relocations of said municipal facilities or utilities will be performed by the City or at its direction with suf- ficient promptness so as to cause no delay to the Department or its contractor on such con- struction or reconstruction work on said municipal connecting link State Road. The City further agrees that it will maintain and keep in repair or cause to be maintained and kept in repair all of such adjusted, changed or relocated municipal facilities or utilities within the right of way of the said State Road, subject to~e regulations of tie Deoartment. It is mutually agreed that any attached map or sketch showing any such facilities or utilities to be adjusted, changed or relocated is made a part hereof by reference. IN WITNESS WHEBEOF, the parties hereto have cat~ed this instrument to be duly executed the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: s/ L. A. Frallng, Jr. s/ Annette Watk!ns As to the Department STATE ROAD DEPARTNENT OF FLORIDA BY S/ Alfred A. MoKe~han ATTEST: Chairman M. Har~sf~eld Secretary s/ m. A. W te Nell W. Brown CITY OF SANFG~D BY s/ ~, H. Stemper ITS MAYOR ATTEST S/ H. N. Bayer As to the City H-4~750 MINUTES 261 ',, City Commission, Sanford, Florida,__2_.~....l~?.l~.~.~Y....~_~....8_...~..~.....~.~ ........ 19~2 Application next received f~om J. R. be consumed on premises at 1117 W 13th Street, business, and on motion duly carried, same was Ellis for permit to sell beer and wines to with John L. Jones, colored, operating the ordered tabled. There being no further bushess the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock M. March 3, 1952. ATTEST: gm - MA Y OR'