HomeMy WebLinkAbout032452-Regular Session368 MINUTES ~, .~ March 24 at 8 P.M. ~ 52 City Commission, Sanford, r~orma, .......... ~ H40750 The City Commission of the City of Sanfor~, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., March 24, 1952. Present: Commissioner W. H. Stemper, Mayor " Andrew Carraway " Randall C~baee " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet City At%orney A. Edwin Shlnholser Acting City Manager John M. Glllon City Clerk H. N. Sayer Acting Chief of Police Roy Tillis. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Financial statement and statement of revenues and exoenditures for month of February 1952, submitted and examined. Mr. Raymond Weinmann of 607 W. 24th Street next appeared and requested the City to grade and stabilize 24th Street with clay or shell from French Avenue to Holly Avenue so as to make it passable for traffic, stating that he had constructed two new dwellings on this a~reet one for his home and the other for sale but could not, interest anyone in purchasing it because of the deplorable condition of the street. Matter referred to the City Manager. A group of residents within vicinity of Celery Avenue and Mellonville Avenue with Messrs. V. Metts, Max Johnson and Vernon Carroll as spokesman, next apoeared and orotested against the City allowing negroes to use the old baseball park for ball games and conducting other programs because of it being located in the white section. They stated that it was their understanding that the old park would be eliminated after the r~w stadium was completed, and that if the negroes had to have such facilities they should be allowed to use the new stadiu$,which which is more isolated from the white section. the parking of cars across their driveways and which disturbed their sleep. They pointed out their main objections as being law-ns) and the noise, especially night games After considerable discussion, the Mayor advised them that the Commission was consider- ing appointing a Stadium Committee to make recommendations as to use of the two ball parks and that the Commission would be glad to have some of the objectors serve on this Committee. He then appointed Vernol Carroll to serve on the Committee and advised that the other members would be appointed at this meeting. M. A. Turner next appeared with further reference to the open drainage ditch across his property at 910 Maple Avenue and offered to dig the ditch around his property inSead of in- stalling a 12" pipe in it, which was authorized at last meeting. After careful consideration the Commission approved Mr. Turner's proposal, provided the ditch would have the proper drainage. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next approved the revised plat of Phillips Terrace. Application next received from R. L. Morton to use the propa-ty north of the new stadiu~ during baseball season for parking cars, which he proposed to rope off andcharge a fee of .25~ for each vehicle, and on motion duly adopted same was denied. ~and m Consideration next given to appointing a Stadium Committee to facilitate the use ake recommendations on problems surrounding the use of new stadium and the old baseball park, and on motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded~ bY Commissioner Carraway and carried, the following Committee of five members were appointed; Vernol Carroll, D. C. Cordell, G. W. ~'~Spencer, Roy Holler and W. A. Morrison. MINUTES IMarch 24 at 8 P.M. 2 City Commission, Sanford, Floriaa,_ 19 5 369 pave only the west half of the block and grant the abutting property owners the privilege of paying one-third cash and promissory note for balance, payable in 12 equal monthly installments. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Mr. C. W. Elrod, operator of Sanford Transit Company bus lines next appeared and sub- mitred a report showing operating loss on bus line to Naval Air Station and requested permission to increase the fare to .155 per passenger and also change the schedule from round trip every half hour to a lesser number of trips, effective as of March 26, advising that he had worked out a~new schedule satisfactory to the officials and personnel at Naval Base. After discussion and study of the proposed schedule, Commissioner Ivey moved the ap- proval of Mr. Elrod's request, subject to receipt of letter of approval from the Captain of the Naval Air Station. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The City Manager next reported that it would cost approximately $500.00 to place the floodlights in operation in old baseball park and $2,000.00 to repair and place the old grand- stand in safe condition, and same was ~referred to the Baseball Co, lites for recommendations. The following bids next submitted for furnishing labor and materials to paint court room and main office in Police Station: municipal Orvall Duff Horace Jimenez Clarence L. Wynn Judge F. Thomas $275.00 387.00 468.80 565.00 Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved the acceptance of lowest bid. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The following bids next received for furnishing 200 folding chal.~s for box seats stadium: at Matt G. Reeves Company Peninsular Steel Products Co. Sanford Furniture Company After comparison of prices Carraway moved $3.80 each $760.00 4.41 " 882.00 4.89 " 978.00 bid upon, submitted and quality of chairs the acceptance of lowest bid. three Commissioner Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. The City Manager next submitted proposal of Dawson Co~l~uction Company to construct counters and enclose concession stand in new stadium in accordance with specifications furnished by Elton J. Moughton, at cost of $664.00, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, same was accepted and the work authorized. With reference to Municipal Judge Karlyle Housholder qualifying as a candidate for t he office of Prosecuting Attorney for Seminole County, subject to primary Elections to be held in May, the City Attorney next rendered an opinion that such action did not conflict with any state laws and there would be no conflict from a legal standpoint. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commission next confirmed the approval of "leave of a~ence" granted Roy G. Williams from his duties as Chief of Police until June l, 1952, which was authorized on March 18, 1952. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, tl~ Commission next confirmed the appointment of Police Captain Roy Tillis as acting Chief of Police during the absence of Roy G. Williams, which was authorized on March 18, 1952. 370 H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,..March 24 at 8 Pi M.~ 19 52 Housing Authority Commission to fill the vacancy created by resignation of R. T. Cowan. The City Attorney next advised of suit filed by Roy Howell, Jr., and wife, for damages in sum of $75,0o0.00 sustained as result of with their automobile on January 28, 1952, and that party to the suit. On motion cf Commissioner Chase, accident caused by City's truck colliding Frank Wheeler, driver of truck, was made a seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, Commission next authorized and directed that the public liability and property damages insurance coverage on all motor vehicles be increased to $100,000.00 for one person, $300,000.00 for one accident and $25,000.00 property damages. Letter next read from the Zoning Board of Adjustment recommending that the other four members of the Planning Board be appointed from the following names: Roy Britt, B. O. Lee, Mrs. Roy Mann, John Benkarik, Mrs. J. E. Terwilleger, Jr., Chase, A. L. Collins, A. W. and Arthur Lee Wilson. After discussion Commissioner Kadet moved the appointment of first fou~ on the list. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Thereupon H. James Gut, Jo L. Ingley, F. B. Ashdown, Robert S. Brown, E. F. Lane, Roy Britt, A. L. Collins, A. W. Lee and John Senkarlk were declared to be the duly appointed members of the Planning Board consisting of nine members. (Mr. Chase was unable to serve). Letter next read from Zoning Board of Adjustment advising that they had denied re- quest of R. F. Mel~on to rezone Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 12, Tier 3, E. R. Trafford's Map for commercial use, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase, the Commission accepted~he aforesaid recommendations. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Chase and~carried, the Com- mission next directed that periodical test be made during summer months of water polution in Lake Monroe to ascertain the worst points of polution. On motion duly carried, tbe~omm~s~lon next authorized payment Waters Construction Company; $~,114.87 to Matt G. Reeves Company; and Moughton, of $1,750.00 to Ernest $386.25 to Elton J. Architect, representing balance due them on construction of new stadium. Ordinance No. 501, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SCHEDULE NO. b, OF ORDINANCE NO. 442, PASSED AND ADOPTED DECEMBER 29, 1968, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING AND ORDINANCE REGULATING TP~FIC UPON THE STREETS, AVENUES, AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND SAID SCHEDULE NO. 4, DESIGNATING THROUGH STREETS, BY DESIGNATING IN SAID SCHEDULE NO. 4, AS AN ADDITIONAL THROUGH STREET THAT PORTION OF ELM AVENUE BETWEEN THIRTEENTH STREET AND TWENTIETH STREET AND BY LIMITING THE DESIGNAtDN OF TWENTYaFIFTY STREET TO THAT PORTION EAST OF FRENCH AVENUE, AND OF NINTH STREET TO PORTIONS BETWEEN SANFORD AVENUE AND FRENCH AVENUE AND FRENCH AVENUE AND A. C. L. DEPOT. introduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting on its final passage and adoption. Thereupon the roll was called for final passage the vote being as follows: Commissioner Stemper Aye " Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye Florida, of March 10, 1952, was next placed and adoption of said Ordinance No. 501 Thereupon the Chairman announced that %he City Commission of the City of Banford, by unanimous vote had passed and adonted said Ordinance No. 501, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SCHEDULE NO. MINUTES 37-1 " Cify Commission, Saaford, Floricla,_._..~.~ch 2~- at 8 P. M, 19 ~2 ' NINTH STREET TO POP'IONS BETWEEN BANFOBD AVENUE AND FRENCH AVENUE Ak~ FRENCH AVENUE AND A. 0~. .L. DEPOT. There being no further business ~he meeting then adJou/~ned until M. March 31, 1952. 8:00 o'clock ATTEST: gm MAYOR