HomeMy WebLinkAbout062352-Regular SessionMINUTES 4O3 ..... June 23 at 8 o'clock P N 2 ...... Cxty Commmslon, Sanford, Florida, ............................................................................... 19~ Hall 31, The City Commission of the City of Banfor d, Florida, met in regular session in the City of Banford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., June 23, 1952: Present: Commissioner John L. Kadet, Acting Mayor " Andrew Carraway " Randall Chase " John D. Ivey City Attorney A. Edwin Bhinholser City Clerk H. N. Bayer Actir~ City Manager John M. Gillon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: C0mmiseloner W. H. Stemper, Mayor Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of meetings of January 8, l$, 1952, next approved. Tommie Stringer, Recreation Director, at the City 23, 28; February 4, ll, 18, 25; March 3, 10, 24 and next appeared and requested that some of the field lights from the old baseball park be iusta]led at the tennis court for night playing, and same was taken under advisement. He also requested authorization to conduct a street dance at let Street and Magnolia Avenue on night of July 4th, with permission to charge admission to the dance and sell cold drinks, and same was approved. Messrs, Raymond Ball, C. A. Whiddon, Br., and Howard Faville, who were appointed by the City and County Commissioners to appraise the property to be acquired for additional right- of-way for widening French Avenue, next appeared and submitted their Appraisal Report covering all properties, the total amount being $38,862.28. After discussion and study of same, Commissioner Carraway moved that the appraisal report, as submitted by the Appraisal Board, be accepted and submitted to the Board of County Com- missioners with the City's approval, and sams died for lack of a second Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to submit the appraisal report to the County Commissioners together with appraisers bill in amount of $1,200.00 covering their without the City's approval, J. A. Calhoun, Joe Moss arda representative of Southern Music Co~opany next appeared with reference to the license tax in amount of $25.00 per quarter charged by the City for each coin operated amusement device. They stated that such tax was exceselve and prohibitive because the revenue from pin ball machines, the only type hey are operating, did not warrant the payment of such a high tax. They claimed tha~ most all surrounding cities only charged from $5.00 to $15.00 per year for license tax on coin operated ~musement devices and requested the Commission to reduce the City's license fee accordingly. Matter taken under advisement pending information from other cities as to amount they are charging for license tax on such machines. John Krider next appeared on behalf of Beminole County Baseball Association relative to the bills of Stafford Electric Company for work done at the new Memorial Btadlum, which the City refused to pay because of not having ~uthorized the work. He explained that the work covered installation of wiring on new wcore board, wiring colored concession stand and installing flood lights on club house. Thereupo~ after considerable discussion, it was felt that wiring the colored concession stand and installing flood lights on club house were necessary permanent installation, and on mo~lon of Commissioner Carraway, secor~led by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the Commission authorized an expenditure of ~102.68 for payment of Stafford Electric Company for such service. The following bids next submitted for furnishing one 12" Deep Well Turbine Pump with 15 HP Electric Motor and Magnetic, across-the-line started, for new well ~t water plant, in actor- 4O4 H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,.June 23. at 8 .p.M.:. 19 52 Wallace Pump & Supply Co, Jacksonville, Florida Southern Pipe & Supply Company, Orlando, Fls. Lee Brothers, Sanford Industrial Pump Gorp., Jacksonville, Florida. Deming Pump Del'y date: 8-10 weeks Fairbanks-Morse "Pomona" Pump, Del'y dste: 16 weeks Peerless Pump, Del'yed from factory 12ml4 weeks Delivered from Tempa in 3 days $1,372.20 l, 234.65 1,396.45 Perlese Pump, Del'y date: 12-14 weeks 1,197.00 After considering the prices submitted, Co~alssioner Chase moved the acceptance of lowest bid, that of Industrial Pump Corporation for furnishing a Peerless Deep Well Turbine Pump at price of $1,197.00 Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Mr. Robert M. Angaa, Engineer, next submitted a report on proposed improvements to sanitary sewerage system, an(~ after study and discussion of same, Commissioner Chase moved that Mr. Angas be authorized to prepare preliminary plans and estimates of the proposed improvements, to in- clude extension of sewers in areas needed and installation of storm pipe in Pump Branch with cover, for submitting to Housing and Home Finance Agency for Federal assistance under Public Law 139. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Letter next read from John Gray requesting that the 90 days option to purchase Lots 20 to 30 of Lake View Park commence on July I instead of from date of aporoval, due to the fact that he was on military maneuver and did not know the option had been authorized by the Commission, and on motion duly carried, same was denied, On motion of Commissioner Oarraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Com- minion next approved the Mayor's appointment of Robert R. Harris, Jr., as a member of the Sanford Housing ~uthority Commission to fill the vacancy created by resignation of Harry Lee on May 20, 1952. Consideration next given to expiration Civil Service Board. of term of office of Harry Lee as a member of the Thereupon Commissioner Ivey moved the re-appointment of Harry Lee as a member of(,ClVil Service Board for a term of two years, in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 and 3 of Ordinance No. 359, creating the Civil Service System. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway. Acting Mayor Kadet then advised that Mayor Stemper had ]s~ recommendations with him to appoint J. D. Cordell on the Civil Service Board in place of Harry Lee. Commissioner Carraway then pointed out that Mr. Lee I~ served on the Board faithfully and had advised that he would be glad to con- unselfishly since it was created in 1945 and since he tinue serving in this capacity, he felt thst Mr. Lee should be re-appointed. After discussion the motion of Commissioner was duly carried. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by CommisSioner Chase and carried, the request of Mrs. Mary Brewerton, assistant librarian, that h~salary be increased from $75.00 to $105.00, was next ordered placed in tentative budget for next fiscal year. Mre. Brewerton's salary having been kept at this low figure because of provislon of veteran widow's pension restricted her from earning more than this amount without affecting her pension, which has been changed to allow her to earn up to $1,400.00 annually. The following proposals next submitted for auditing the City's recorde for fiscal year end- MINUTES 405 City Commission, Sanford, Florida,_..~e...~3....at...~.....O..!..~.!°ck P M19 ~2 Thereupon Commissioner Ivey moved that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. On motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, the Commission next authorized purchase of car load of sewer pipe from 0cones Clay products Company who quoted lowest price. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commiss~ner Chase and carried, the Clerk and City Attorney was next authorized access to safety deposit box at Sanford Atlantic National Bank for the purpose ofsecuring 12 Refunding Series A~ Bonds for Board of Bond Trustees that were purchased as an investment for the SinkingFund. On recommendation of Chief of Police Williams, and on motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Commiss~n next authorized installation of street lights at intersections of 9th street and Olive Avenue; 8th Street and Olive Avenue; 7th Street and olive Avenue and 7th Street and Mangoustine Avenue. ~n motion of Commissioner C?ase, secon~d by Commissioner Ivey and carried, t~Commis~ion next authorized installation of street light at intersection of 15th Street axtBell Avenue. On recommendation of Building Inspector Pope, and on motion of Commission~r Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the City Attorney was next directed to prepare an amending ordinance increasing the building permit fees to $1.00 for valustlon up to $250.00; $2.00 up to $1,000.00; and $2.00 for each addltDnal $1,000.00 valuat~on or fraction tl~reof. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried, the Co~ission next directed that a letter be written to the Board of County Commissioner re- questing that Block 4 of Bel Air be conveyed back to the City'in accordance with agreement authorized at their meeting in September 1951. The City having conveyed this property to the County for a hospital site but another site was selected and furnished by the There being no further business the meeting then adjourne~d!L until 4:00 O'clock P.M. July ?, 1952. ATTEST: gm