HomeMy WebLinkAbout072852-Regular Session412 H-40750 MINUTES · July 28 at 8 P N o'clock 1952 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, The City Hall in the City of SanforS, Florida, Present~ ComMissioner at 8500 o'clock P. Commission of the City of Banford, Florida, met in regular session at the City July 28, 1952: Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissio ncr Carraway and carried, minutes of regular meetings of April 14 and 28, adjourned meeting of May 9, regular meetings of Nay 12 and 26, and adjourned meeting of June 2, 1952, approved. Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Smith of 805 Elm Avenue, next appeared with reference to complaint filed against them by Mrs. G. W. L. Smith of 801 Elm Avenue at meeting of July 14, for constructing an addition to their residence too close to her property line, which was referred to Acting City Manager Gillon the Building Inspector and City Attorney. The City Attorney then reported that Mr. Gillon and be Buildi~ Inspector ha8 taken measure- ments on location of both dwellings, which shows that the residence of Mrs. G. W. L. Smith has a side yard clearance on north side of 3 feet and on south side of 2 feet $ inches; and the resi- dence of Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Smith has a side yard clearance on north side (adjacent to Mrs. G. W. L. Smith) of 3 feet I inch and on south side of 3 feet 9 inc~s, He advised that the property is zoned in an R-1 District, which, according to the Zoning Ordinance, reGulres a side yard of not less than 7~ feet in width; that the residence of Mrs. G. the Zoning Ordinance; that the addition to dwellingof Mr. 1949, subsequent to p~ssage of the Zoning OrSinance, but W. L. Smith was constructed prior to & Mrs. B. F. Smith was constructed in constructed under permit issued by the City. The City Attorney further advised that since this addition was constructed under p~mit issued by the City and the completed structure has apparently remainedfor about three years prior to raising of this objection, it was t~s opinion that any action by the City at the present time would have to be taken equally against both properties as both beirgin a non-conforming status. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved tha~ the City Attorney notify both parties of the findings and of his opinion that the City would not have the right to make one O~rty conform to the Zoning Ordinance without making the other. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Bill of Bta. fford Electric Company in amount of $121.10 for instal!lng lights on score board at municipal memorial stadium, ne~t submitted, for which Mr. Stafford agreed to accept $60.55 (one-half) in full settlement and contribute balance as a donation to ~he baseball club. ~fter consideration Commissioner Carraway moved the acceptance ofproposi~ion of Mr. Stafford and ~he City pay balance of bill in amount of $60.55. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carrled. The City Attorney next submitted a proposed option from the Navy Depa~ment for the City to convey the airport property, to the United Sta~es of America by Quit-Claim Deed upon payment by the Navy of claims of Fellowship Foundation, National Exhibition Company and O. L. Reynolds lessees of the airport property, in amount of $34,964.63, which they had agreed to accept in settlement of releasing their leases. He advised tha~ the option provided that the City Quit- Claim the property free and clear of all encumbrances, assume liability for taxes, assessments and indemnity against and claims, losses or damages, which has the effect of con~e~ti~g into a Wa~ra. ntv Deed. and recommended that the City not accept the option and allow them to take W. H. Stamper, Mayor Andrew Carraway " Randall Chase " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet City Attorney A. Edwin 8hlnholser ~ity Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager Thomas L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Wlllisn~ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Flo:ida,_~t~:.~....~.~....~....~....9..!..~z~.~k....~....~_lg.52. 4t8 position to comply with the requirements of the proposed option. Thereupon after considerable discussion, and on motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the City Attorney was directed to draft a letter to the Navy Department advising that the City has complied with the conditions,under which it received the airport property from the Government and is not in a position to conform with the requirements of the Oroposed option, but is ready and willing to carry out its previous commitments for giving a Quit-Claim Deed to the United St~s of America, covering its interest in the property. On request of residents in Bel A~"Subdivislon, and on recom~'.endst~m of the City Manager, an8 on motion of Commissioner Carragay, seconded by Commission er ~ader and carried, the Com- mission next authorized installation of street lights at intersections of Randolph St., and Summerlin Avenue, Crescent Street and Washington Avenue andtwo lights on Randolph Street between Summerlin and Mellonville Avenues. Application next received from a Mr. Everldge for permit to sell beer and wines to be con- sumed on premises at 2503 S~nford Avenue, and on motion duly adopted, action was deferred pending further investigation. Application next received from N. H. Maynard for permit ~o operate a peanut and popcorn stand on sidewalk in front of his store st 302 Sanfor8 Avenue and on advice of Chief of Police ~hat he has space to operate same on private property in entrance to his store, Commissioner Csrraway moved that the permi~ be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. The Clerk next submitted letter from Board of County Commissioners returning the bill of Board of Appraisers in amount of $1,200.00 coveringfee for appraising property to be acquired for widening French Avenue, and advised t~at the County had refused to pey same because their egreement with the City for assuring in acquiring the right of way did not include furnishing funds for appraisers feos. Afber discussion and in view of the fact the City has entered into an agreement with the State Road Department for furnishing the necessary right-of-way, Commissioner Ivey moved ~he City pay ~he appraisers fee in amount of $1,200.00. Seconded by Commissioner Close and carried. Mayor Stemper next reported that the Chairman of local Civll Defense Council b~8 advised that no funds have been available as yet to carry ~hru the agreement under Defense program to purchase radio communication equipment at cost of $3,80~.00 and fire truck at cost of $12,500.00 for the Fi~e Department, in which the City had agreed to participate by paying one half of such cost, and that the Defense Council would like to know if the City will still participate in the program by appropriating funds in next year's budget for its pro rata of cost. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved that the Ci~y go ahead with ihs commitments under the Civil Defense program snd appropriate funds in next fiscal year's budget for participating in purchase of the aforesaid equipment. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Commissioner Carraway next introduced Resolution No. 810, and after being read in full, moved its passege and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and ~arried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Stemper Aye " Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye Said Resolu$ion No. 810 being in words and figures as follows: i RESOLUTION OF ~E CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ~N~RD~ {~I~l RECOG- H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Jul~ 243 .a'~..8..P.. M. .19 52 WHEREAS, J. L. Ingley has served contlnulusly as a meber of the Zoning and Plsnning Board of the City of Sanford, Florida, from the~me of its inception in year 1944, having served as Chairman of said board during said period; and W~EREAS in the course of such service he has given generously of his time and thought to civic affairs and municipal betterment and has worked dill- gently and unselfishly to carry out in full the responsibilitlcs of his position as member end chairman of sald board; and WHEREAS, the course of his business now takes him away from Sanford and he has therefore ~endered his resignation as member and chairman of the aforesaid board, end the City Commission has with regret sccepted the same, and the Commission is desirous of expressing, in behalf of ibself and the citizens of the City of San- ford, Florida, Zheir appreciation of the services rendered as aforesaid by him; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, in behalf of i~self and the entire community, does hereby ex- press to J. L. Ingley its sincere apprecistion and high praise for the untiring and outstanding service rendered by him to the City as member and chairman of ~he Zoning and Planning Board of the City of Sanford, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thst this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and ~b~t the City Clerk mail copies hereof to J. L. Ingley and ~o each of the local newspapers. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of July, 1952. S/ W.H. Stemper, Mayor Jno. D. Ivey Randall Ch~ee Andrew Carraway John L, Kadet .. ~s the City Co~..isslon of 't~e~' City of Ssnford, Florlda. Consideration next given to holding a Joint meeting wi~h the Planning Board to inform them of their duties and problems of the City relating to planning for future growth and de- velopment of the comt~unity, and after discussion the Commission directed that the Planning Board be invited to meeting with ~he Commission at 8:30 o'clock P. M., August 4. Consideration next given to reques~ of Mrs. Nell K. Brown for a "leave of a~sence" from her duties in office of Water Department for a period of six weeks for the purpose of accepting another positlon on trial basis, and after discussion it wee felt that it would not be for the beet interest of the City ~o grant leaves of absence under such conditions, and on motion of Commissioner Chase, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the request was denied. Forrest Breckenridge, Manager of Seminole County Cham~r of Commerce, next appeared with further reference to appointing an Industrial Procurement Committee, and after considerable die- cussion, action was deferred, pending further conside~$~i, om. The matter of re-appointing Harry ~ee on the Civil Service Board, w~dch was authorized and approved by the Commission at meeting of June 23, and voted upon ~o reconsider at meetiNg of July 14, was next brough~ up for further consideration, and on advice of the City Attorney that such appointment was officially made in accordance with the orovisions of the law creating the Civil Service Board and ~h~t Mr. was left without further action. Ordinance No. 503, entitled: AN ORDI~ANCE AMENDING SECTION 1. Lee could not be removed without Just cause, the mat~er (b) OF ORDINANCE NO. 465 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, WHICH ORDINANCE ESTABLISHED A BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND WHICH SECTION PRESCRIBES THE SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES, BY REVISING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH PERMIT FEES AS HEREIN SET FORTH. intro.duced ~nd placed on its fir~ reading at regulsr meeting of July l~, was next placed on its final passage and adoption. Thereupon the roll was called on the final passage and adoption of said ordinance No. 503, the vote bein~ as follows: MINUTES 415 Wl,~.~a~ July 28 at 8 Po M 52 City Commission, Sanford, ....... , ......................................................................................... 19 .......... Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said OrdlnanceNo. 503, entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1. (b) OF ORDINAN~ NO. 465 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, WHICH ORDINANCE ESTABLISHES A BUILDING CODE FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AND WHICH SECTION PRESCRIBES THE SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES BY REVISING THE AMOUNT OF SUCH PERMIT FEES AS HEREIN SET FORTH. Florida, On recommendation or,he Clerk, and on motion of Commissioner Ksder, seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried, the Commission next reduced the sale price of City owned property described as Lots 5 and 8 of Block 15, A. B. Russell's Add., from $75.00 to $50.00 each, because of beir~ low and unfit for residential use in their present state. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P. M., August $, 1952. ATTEST: gm