HomeMy WebLinkAbout090852-Regular SessionMINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,_8..eP..~.~.}U)~?r.._i}.._a.~....~....y.,._l~, ........ 19 The City Commission of the 01ty of Sanford, Florida, Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. Present: Commissioner W. H. Stemper, Mayor " Andrew Carraway # John D. Ivey ' John L. Kadet City Attorney A. Edwin Shinholeer City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Police Captain Roy Tillie Absent: Commissioner Handall Chase Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. met in regular session at the Ulty September 8, 1952. On motion of Commissioner Oarraway, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, minutes of regular meeting of August 25, and adjourned meeting of September 2, 1952, approved. Monthly reports of Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, Fi~e, Police and Library De- partments for month of August 1952, eu~itted and examined. July Financial statement and statement of revenues and expenditures for month of/1952, sub- mitred and examined. ~gt. T. V. Brown of local National Guard Unit next appeared and requested that the City continue furnishing water for the Armory Building and also maintain the lawn, advising that the State appropriated only $75.00 per month for maintenance of the unit which was not sufficient to pay utility bills and the cost of having the lawn mowed. After discussion and in view of-the benefits that accrue to the community thru main- taining a National Guard Unit in Sanford, Commissioner Ivey moved that the City continue furnish- ing water for the Armory and also keep the lawn mowed. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. F. A. Palmer, represe~tative of Prudential Life Insurance Company, next submitted a proposal for increasing the group life insurance on employees from $500.00 to $1,000.00, and also to include sick and accident and hospitalization covering, advising that they would be glad to furnish the ee~vlces of Actuary to work out the program. Matter referred to the City Manager. R. W. Herron next appeared with further reference to the traffic p~oblem on the short street east of the triangle park in intersection of Park Avenue and 25th Street, which he claims is a traffic hazard and also damages his business due to traffic not adhering to the stop sign a~d blocking prospective customers from driving into his place of business. Ne requested the City to in~ll a traffic signal light at entrance to Park Avenue. Matter referred to the City Manager to investigate the cost of installing the prooer type of signal light at this location. A. commiCtee .representing the Oolored Businesa~ P~ofessionat and'Civic Clubs, with Herbert Cherry ae spokesman, next appeared and requested the Commission to appropriate funds in the 1952-53 budget for setting aside a plat of land for a colored recreation park adequate for a swimming pool, playground, baseball diamond and concessions. Ne stated that his com- mittee had the backing of all the colored churches and civic organizations and that they would rlaee funds toward equipping the park with playground facilities. Mayor Stemper advised them that the Commission would take the matter under advisement, an~ in the meantime for the Committee to investigate poeelblle sites for such a project. Joe Moss, operator of coin operated amusement devises, next appeared with further reference to the license tax in amount of $25.00 per quarter charged by the City for each pin ball machine~ 424 H.4075O MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 8 at 8 P. M. 1952 After discussion and reviewing the information obtained by the City Manager, in which it was revealed that most cities are charging a license tax of from $5.00 to $25.00 for each amuse- ment device, and some charging an additional license tax for each operator, Commissioner Carraway moved that an ordinance be drawn to amend the license tax on coin ooerated amusement devices so as to impose a license tax of $100.00 for each operator of all types of amusement devices, plus a license tax of $15.00 per year for each pin ball machine, $25.00 for each music device and $25.00 for each shuffle device. Seconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Kadet who stated his opinion that the license tax should be $25.00 on all amusement devices. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Com- mission next authorized the installation of street light on Washington Avenue aoproximately 600 feet south of 20th Street. The proposed agreement between the City and State Road Department relative to widening Geneva Avenue from Mel]onville Avenue east to city limits, in which the City agrees to change or relocate any and all municipal owned water maine, fire hydrants, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, etc., located within right of way of said street, next submitted fop consideration. Thereupon after discussion Commissioner Kadet moved the approval of said agreement, sub- execute came Ject to approval of City Attorney, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to on behalf of the City. Beconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Bald A~reement being in words and figures as follows: BRD No. 68 Section 7705-109 State Road 46 Seminole County THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into this 8th day of August, A. D. 1952 by and between the STATE ROAD.DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA, hsrelnafter r&ferred to'as.the DEPARTMENT~and'the CITY OF SANFORD,.a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the CITY. WIT NE S SETH: That, WHEREAS, the Department proposes to construct or reconstruct a municipal connecting link Sta%e Road within said City, which road is known and described as follows: State Road 46 (Geneva Btreet) in the City of Sanford and, WHEREAS, in order to facilitate such work it is necessary that provision be made for adjustment, change or relocation of certain facilities and/or utilities owned by the City and located within the right of way of said municipal connecting link State Road or ap rurtenances thereto, vim: Any and all water mains, fire hydrants, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, gas maine, telephone and telegraph system including pole lines or undergraound facilities within the limits of construction or re-construction of said State Road through the City of Sanford. Description approved State Road Department of Florida Division of Rights-of-way By: G, W, E, May 1, 1952 NOW, THEREFORE, the premises considered and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar moving between the parties and in further consideration of the mutual covenants herein- after contained, it is agreed by the parties as follows: That the Department will provide at its expense for the construction, reconstruction, change or replacement of ali drainage structures necessary to properly drain said municipal connecting link State Road within the said City, but not otherwise. MINUTES 425 ~ .- September 8 at 8 P.M. 2 City Commission, Sanford, ~lona~ .................................................................................. 19. ~ . citizens thereof as a 0ity thoroughfare, the City agrees to make or cause to be made all necessary adjustments, relocations or changes of said described municipal facilities or utilities in order to comply with the plans, designs and specifications of the Deoartment for the con- struction or reconstruction of said municipal connecting link State Road, without cost or expense to the Department. The City further agrees that said adJt~tments, changes or relocations of said municipal facilities or utilities will be performed by the City or at its direction with eufficient promptness so as to cause no delay to the Department or its contractor on such construction or reconstruction work on said municipal connecting link State Road. The City further agrees that it will maintain and keep in repair or cause to be maintained and kept in repair all of such adjusted, changed or relocated municipal facilities or utilltlee within the right of way of the said State Road, subject to the regulations of the Department. It is mutually agreed that any attached map or sketch showing any such facilities or utilities to be adjusted, changed or relocated is made a cart hereof by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be duly executed the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA E. A. Fra!ing, Jr., Annette Wathi.na Ae to the Department By: Alfred McKethan Its Chairma~ ATTEST: R, M, Hartefield Its Secretary Legal form approved by John W. McWhlrter Attorney S. R. D CITY OF SANFORD BY: W, H, Stamper, Rebecca C. Tillie Its MaYOr -- Ethel L, Carver ATTEST: H. N, Bayer Aa ~the City City Clerk -- Consideration next given to proposal of Southern Bell Telephone Company to install four public telephone booths on public property, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, same was approved subject to approval of location by the City Manager. The City Manager next reported that satisfactory agreement had been worked out with the School ~oard for Seminole High School and Crooms Academy to use the municipal memorial stadium for playing football games during coming season, in which the School Board had agreed to pay the City $1,000.00 for converting the baseball f leld into football field and after season ends, to canvert field back to baseball, pay cost of lighting field each game night; install and take down goal poets; install and take down additional bleachers necessary to accommodate football games; and pay the City the stadium t~x on all admissions. He then submitted a proposed agree- ment between the City and Seminole County Board of Public Instruction covering use of the field. After considerable discussion Commissioner Carraway moved that the agreement be approved subject to approval of the City Attorney and Board of Public Instruction. Seconded by Com- missioner Ivey and carried. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, the Com- mission next authorized the payment of $25.00 to Attorney Volie Williams Jr., for services rendered aa acting City Attorney at meeting of July 11, during absence of City Attorney Shlnholser. Consideration next given to the provisions of Section 9 of Ordinance No. $50 regulating sale of ~lchollc beverages, which require all vendors of intoxicating liquors, wines and beer to 4'26 H-40750 Sundays, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,. S~pte.[abe~. 8 .at ~ P. ~. 19 52 Commissioner Carraway moved that said Section 9 be amended so as to prohibit the sale of intoxicating beverages, including wines and beer, on Sundays, but not require the places of business to be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Request next received from Merv~n Ozier to rent the City's portable air compressor, advis- ing that attempts had been made to rent a machine from other sources but none are available. After considerable discussion relative to establishing a policy for lending or leasing City equipment, in which the City Manager exoressed his opinion that such practice is not to the best interest of taxpayers and does not tend toward efficient munlcipsl government or management, and that he would not do so unless the Commission authorized it, Commissioner Kadet moved that in view of no other air compressor being available for rent, that the City rent Mr. Ozler its machine provided the City does not need it and conditioned that he pay the market rental price, pay for all damages and return it in as good condition as received. Seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried. Consideration next given to the alledged claim of Louis F. Rotundo that while Mr. Gillon was acting City Manager the City agreed to clear two lots for him in Bel Air Subdivision for the salvage of two pine trees located thereon. After discussion and on motion of Commissioner Kadet, seconded by Commissioner Carraway, the Commission authorized and directed that the City clean up the two lots for Mr. Rotundo for salvage value of the trees, as previously committed, if the City made such commitment. In order to provide safer crossings for school children, and on motion of Commissioner Eader, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Commissioner next authorized and di- rected that "No Turn On Red" signs be installed on traffic signals at intersections of Park Avenue and 9th Street and 13th Street on trial basis. Consideration next given to changing the traffic regulation at intersection of Park Ave., and First Street in order to eliminate the traffic congestion, and after considerable discussion Commissioner Kadet moved that signs be installed under the signal light providing for "No Turn on Red" at all times and "No Turn" on Saturdays, on trail basis. Seconded by Commissioner Carra- way and carried. On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried, the Com- mission next authorized elimination of the parking e pace at southeast corner of Park Avenue and First Street in front of the Sanford Atlantic Bank Bldg. On motion of Commissioner Ivey, seconded by Commissioner Carraway, the Commission next authorized and expenditure for payment of advertisement for the Zoning Board of Adjustment giving notice of public hearing to be held on September 19, to consider proposed variances. Application next received from Thcs. G. Bonney, new owner of Homer's Grill, for transfer of tb~ beer and wines license to him under name of Bonney's Grill, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Ivey, same was approved. With reference to the City's further request to the Board of County Commissioners to convey Block 4, Bel Air back to the City, the City Manager next reported that the County Clerk had advised that the Board took action at its last meeting to withhold delivering the deed while the propsed hoepltel project discussion is going on and until it is settled. The City Manager next reported sale of the old dwelling at 900 French Avenue to Fred George for salvage purpose at price of $140.00, after the City had removed eome of the plumbing and doors. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P.M. Septem- ber 15, 1952.