HomeMy WebLinkAbout112452-Regular Session4'66 H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,...Noveml~el' 21~ at 8 P.M, 19 52 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November 25, 1952: Present: Comr~issioner W. H. Stemper, Mayor " Andrew Carraway " Randall Chase " John D. Ivey " John L. Kadet City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager Thcs. L. Lemon Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: City Attorney A. Edwin Bhinholser Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase, minutes of regular meeting of November 10, 1952, approved. Robert S. Brown, Chairman of the Planning Board next appeared and submitted the follow- ing recommendations as result of their meetin~ of November 13 and 20: "To be recommended to the City Commission that all of Dreamwold Sub- division presently zoned R-l-AA be rezoned to R-l-A" "To be recommended to the City Commission that French Avenue on both sides, to a depth of one lot, from Seminole Boulevard on the North to the 0rlsndo Highway on the South in sections presently zoned R-l, R-1-A and R-1-B be zoned C-1. except the West side of French Avenue South of 25th Street which should be zoned R-2." Mr. Brown then advised that the meeting of November 13, was advertised incorrectly as a Public Hearing to be held on Thursday, November l~, and that some of the property owners who intended to attend the meeting, had called and protested the action of the Board as to recom- mendations for rezoning the property abutting French Avenue. Messrs. Harry Carrington, and W. R, Dupree, owners of property abutting on West side of French Avenue Bouth of 25th Street and J. L. Perkins, reoresentlng O. W. Hall who owns property at sa~e location, then appeared before the'Commission and voiced their objections to the afore- said recommendations of the Planning Board to rezone all property on French Avenue to C-1 (Commerclsl Retail) except the west side south of 25th Street. They request that this property also be rezoned for commercial use because it would not be desirable for residential pt{rpose in- asmuch as the East side of the Street would be commercial. They also stated that it would de- preciate the value of their property and felt tbmt they were being descriminated against. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Chase moved that in view of the fact that the Public Hearing of the Planning Board of November 13 was incorrectly advertlsed, that the matter be referred back to them, and that no action be taken by the Commission until it hears from the Planning Board. Seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried. Frank L. Miller ne~t appeared on behalf of R. W. Herron and requested the City to re- move the two palm trees in north end of tt~ triangle park at Park Avenue and 25th Street, claiming that they are obstructing the view to Mr. Herrou's place of business. Thereupon Commissioner Carraway moved thmt the City removed the two trees from the park. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried. Karlyle Housholder next appeared on behalf of the American Legion Fair Association and requested permission to conduct their annual Fair in Sanford at same location and under same terms and conditions as in the past and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Kadet and carried, same was approved. Robert C. Miller and JaB. S. Williamson, Jr., representing Miller Radio and Appliance Company, next submitted bid in ,mount of $~08.35 for installing public address system in Com- miselon Room. includinz 2 speakers and 9 microphones, which they recommended in order to furnish MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Flofid~_....~.Y~m~.~...~.. ~....~..~.~.~ ......... 19 52 for the microphones be added to the bid. Seconded by Commission er Chase and carried. Robert S. Brown Chairman of the Planning Board, next called attention of the second annual conference of the Florida Planning and Zoning Association, and on motion of Commissioner Carraway, seconded by Commissioner Chase, the Commission aut,horized payment of expenses for any City official who might wish to attend. Raymond N. Ball an~oward Faville, members of French Avenue Right-of-wet Appraisal Board, next appeared with further reference to right-of-way to be acquired from Sun Oil Company, which they had appraised at $$,957.8~. They advised of reviewing the appraisal of this property and did not find that they could be Justified in making any changes In the value. They suggested that the Commission consider renegotlating wi.th the oll company on the price of the pro~rty to be acquired from the City for relocating their improvements, in order to reach a satisfactory settle- ment for the right-of-way. Thereupon the City Nanager was authorized and directed to contact the Bun Oil Company relative to working out a satisfactory acceptance price on the tract of land to be acquired from the City. Request next received from the local Chapter of Dlsable~American Veterans for a site for the Chapter Home on the City p~operty located on East Second Btreet between Cypress and Pine Avenues, and same was referred to the City Manager for study and recommendations. Nr. Robert.M. Angas of Engineering firm of Robert M. Angas and Associates, next ap- peared with further reference to the proposed sanitary sewerage improvements and submitted schedules showing the estimated construction cost of $1,216,507.00 could be financed and the debt amortized over a period of thirty years from the proposed sewer charge to customers of minimum of $2.00 a month for first five fixtures, which would also cover maintenance and oper- ation of the sewerage system during this period. He advised that if the treatment plant was added in the project at an additional cost of $250,000.00 it would require an additional $12,000.00 annually-to amortize the debt and approximately $20,000.00 for maintenance, operation and depreciation, but that the Oroposed sewer charge of ~2.00 per month minimum would also build up a reserve sufficient to construct the plant by the time the population reach 17,500. Commissioners Carraway and Stamper both stated that they still would like to have the treatment plant included in the project. Commissioner Kadet then stated that he, felt the citizens should be given an opportunity to show whether or not they are in favor of the improvements and moved that the sewer project be put to a straw ballot of the citizens, and same died for lack of a second. Commissioner Ivey then stated that the p~oposed improvements had already been approved by the Commission without t he treatment plant at the meeting of November t?, and Engineer Angaa authorized to prepare the plans and specifications for construction. Mr. Angas next submitted bill in amount of $1~,592.00 for engineering services in making preliminary surveys and preparing estimates of the sanitary sewerage improvements, repre- senting 20% of 6% of total estimated cost of $1,216,507.00. After discussion and on advice that the fees are in accordance wire,the terms of t b~ engineering contract between City and Robert M. Angas and Associates, Commissioner Chase moved that the bill be paid and that the funds be advanced from the General Fund to the Public Pro- Jects Fund for this purpose, to be repaid at such time revenue bonds are sold to finance the project. Beconded by Commissioner Ivey and carried. Letter next read from O. D. Farrell objecting to the proposed parallel parking on 468 H-40750 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florid~o, November ....... 25 at 8 P. M. ~1~ 52 Bids next submitted for furniehlng 50 folding chairs for the Tourist Club Building, and after considering ~he price and quality of chairs bid unon, Commissioner Carraway moved tha~ same be awarded Z o Sweeney's at price of SS.lC each. Seconded by Commissioner Chase and carried over the diesenting vote of Commissioner Kadet who stated that he felt they should use the chairs from the municipal stadium until such time it ia known whether or not Sanford will have a base- ball club nemt season. At reaueet of A. W. Lee, of 102 Sanford Avenue, and on motion of Commlseloner Ivey, eeconded by Commissioner Carraway and carried over the dissenting vote of Commisslomr Kadet, the Commlealon next authorized installation of colored street lights over Sanford Avenue between first and Second Streets at estlmeted coet of $125.00. Also, on First Street between Park and Oak Avenues. Request next received from Mrs. E. R. Remey for City to remove two palm trees from her oroperty at 505 W 20th Street., and same was denied. At request of Mrs. Harriett Warren, at 218 W 5th Street the Commission next authorized the removal of limb from oak tree in parkway in front of her home, which is damaging her roof. Letter nex~ read from C. A. Whlddon, Sr., Real~, submitting offer for client of $5,350.00 for the City owned property located at e outhweet corner of French Avenue and 9th Street and on motion of Commleeloner ~hase, seconded by Conm~lssioner Ivey, same was declined because the sale price having been establiehed by the Commission at $6,500.00. Le~er next read from Thcs. A. Vaughan accepting the appointment as member of the Planning Board. The City Manager next reported on request of Harold Dekle for loading space in front of hie Radio Shop at 315 E Second Street, advising that there is e loading space within the area that he could uae. Letter next read from Seminole~County Baeeball Association advielng that they did not have the funde to pay the balance of admission tax in amount of $1,730.10 due the City on admissions to municipal etadium during 1952 baseball sea,on, but would pay it when funds are available. Ordinance No. 513, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. 397, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 26th DAY OF AUGUST, 1956, SAID ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING METER ZONES IN SAID CITY AND MAK- ING REGULATIONS IN REGARD THERETO, and SAID SECTION 5 pRESCRIBING THE TIME WHEN PARKING METERS PROVIDED BY SAID ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN 0PER- ATION. ln~orduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting of November lC, on lie final passage and adoption. Thereupon Zhe 1952, was next placed roll was c~lled on the final passage and adoption of said 0rdiname No. 513, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Btemper Aye " Carraway Aye " Chase Aye " Ivey Aye " Kadet Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adoo~ed said Ordinance no. 51~, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION $ OF ORDINANCE NO. 397, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 26th DAY OF AUGUST, 1956, SAID ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PARKING METER ZONES IN SAID CITY AND MAKING REGULATIONS IN REGARD THERETO, AND SAID SECTION 5 PRESCRIBING THE TIME WHEN PARKING METERS PROVIDED BY SAID 0~DINANCE SHALL BE IN OPERATION. the MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Flofida, N_?.Y.~be.r_2~_~_~_~..,..~.~ ............... 19 52 . H:40750 469 Lots 10 and 11 Block A, M N Smith's Subdivision, taxes reduced to $3.65 to correct error in assessing for improvements not completed January l, 1952. Lot 7 Block 13 Tier 2, E. R. Trafford's Map, taxes reduced to $3.24 to correct error in not allowing homestead exemption thereon. E. 13 ft of Lot lo, all Lot ll and W .8'ft of Lot 12 of Block l, Bel-Air, taxes reduced to $~6.90 to correct error in not allowing homestead exemption thereon. Lot 1, Block 12, Tier 7, E. R. Trafford's Map, taxes reduced to $5.22 to correct error in assessing for dwelling destroyed by fire prior to January l, 1952. N. 77 ft of Lot 5, Block 3, Tier 10, E. R. Trafford's Map, taxes correct error in not allowing homestead exemption tl~reon. E 175.5 ft of N.~ (less S ll0 ft of E 120 ft & less E 125.5 ft of N. Survey 22, Robinson~ taxes reduced to $1~.96 to Lot 2 of Block E, B~ena Vista, dwelling not completed January l, Request next submitted atlon in amount of $29,750.00 for Trafford's Map, reduced to $25.74 to 63.28 fi) of Lot correct error in not allowing widow's exemption. taxes reduced ~o $2.79 to correct error in assessing for 1952. from Crown Pacer Company for a reduction in the assessed valu- 1952 on Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Block 1, Tier ?, E. R. and on motion duly carried, sa~e was'denied. Letter next submitted from State Road Department relative to making a comprehensive traffic survey tttroughout the City, the estimated cost being $1,200.00, of which the City would be required to pay one-half, and same was taken under advisement, The request from Seventh Day Adventist Church for permission to solicit for funds in the business and residential sections during their annual drive and to use a sound truck in connection therewith, was referred to the Retail MerChants' Association. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 P. M. December l, 1952. ATTEST: gm