HomeMy WebLinkAbout040956-Regular Session38 f~ishep O~fice Equ~ment Co., Inc., O~audo. Florida MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 9 at 8 ~. M. The City Commission of the Cityof Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the Cityof Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., April 9, 1956. Pre sent: Commissioner F. D. Scott, Nayor " David M. Gatchel " Earl Higginbotham " John S. Krider, St., City Attorney W. C. Hutchleon, St., City Clerk H. N. 8ayer City Manager W. E. Knowlee Chief of Police R. G. Willlame Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, minutes of regular meeting of March 26, and. adjourned meetings of March 29 and 30, 1956, approved. Further request next submitted from Miss Dorothy Powell for the City to close and vacate Cooke Avenue between Clinton and Lincoln Streets. Letter submitted from Joseph P. Daniels, owner of property abutting on CoOke Avenue, objecting to said street being closed, and in view of same, Commissioner Krider moved that the request be tabled. Seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried. Letter next submitted from Odham & Tudor, Inc., developers of Grove Manors Sub- division, requesting the City to accept and take over the maintenance of the streets con- structed by them in this subdivision, and on recommendation of the City Manager action was deferred, pending certain work to be completed by the developers. Bill of Hubbard Construction Company in sum of $13,224.28, approved by ConsUlting Engineers Robert M. Angas & Associates as final estimate for completion of work on Contract No. 10 of the sewer improvement program, next submitted for consideration. The total cost of the work under the contract amounting tO $64, 070 .13 . After discussiOn~ and in view of the fact that the total cost of~!"the work exceeded the bid contract price of $59,650.75 by $A~,A~la.38, which was not authorized by the city, Com- missloner Higginbotham moved that the final bill be referred back to the engineers and contractor for an explanation. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried. Pursuant to instructions of the Commiss~n at meeting of February 28, the City Manager next submitted a schedule of proposed fees to be charged for rendering fire protection service beyond the corporate limits of the City. The Commission then proceeded to a lengthy discussion of the proposed fees, and as to the distance the City should attempt to render such service. Fire Chief Cleveland informed the Commission again at this time that the City's Fire .Department is inadequately equipped to provide such service, regardless of whether a fee is charged or not, and pointed out that they are not answering 50 per cent of calls for protection beyond the corporate limits at present time, due to not having sufficient man- power. He stated however, that he was in favor of rendering whatever service he could with- out~ Jeopardizing the safety of the City. Commissioner Krider stated that even though its not the City'$ responsibility to render fire protection for t'he citizens outside the city, he did not feel that the City should discontinue this service, which t'hey have depended on for years. He further stated t~at any action taken on the proposed plan should be only a temporary measure to continue giving them some protection until such time the County can secure legislative authority to establish a BiShop ~ffice E~ub, mcn[ Co., rhc., OFh:ndo, 1, le~l~ ii i MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 9~ at 8 P.M. 19 56 \ Commissioner Hlgginbotham then stated that he was in favor of adopting a plan for rendering fire service within a radius of seven miles. Commls~. oner Gatchel objected to a 7-mile radius because of lack of man-power and equipment to cover such an area. Thereupon after further discussion and careful consideration, and on motion of ~ommissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, the Commission authorl~.ed and directed the people to be informe8 that effective July l, 1956, the City will terminat~ free fire protection service beyond the corporate limits, but will offer such pro- tection within its means beyond the corporate limits within a radius of five miles from the center of Sanford, to include the whole of the communities of Lake Mary and Lake Nonroe, under the following condlti ons: That anyone wishing to avail themselves of this service shall apply in ~writlng on a form to be furnished by the City. Said form to be an agreement with the understanding that the first commitment of the fire department is to the City, and that a~least two pieces of fire equipment and the necessary personnel shall remain inside the city at all times. The applicants shall furnish the City with a certificate of insurance to provide for payment of $100.00 for each fire service rendered by the department, or a cash deposit in same amount, together with an annual fee of $5.00, whleh shall accompany th~ application. That all such monies as, received by the City for this fire protection service shall be set aside in a separate fund and earmarked solely for the betterment of the Fire Department, at .the discre- tion of the City Commisaon. All churches, educational and governmental agencies to be exempt from the foregoing provisions. Commissioner Krider next introduced Ordinance No. 577, entitled: AN ORDIN~GE!!'~OF THE CITY OF SANFOE, FLORIDA, VACATING, CLOSING AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF LOTS ll THROUGH 18 INCLUSIVE, AND THE EASTERLY ~ SIDE OF LOTS 3 THROUGH 10 INCLUSIVE, AND ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LOTS 1, 2, 19 AND 20, AND ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF LOTS 3, AND 18 OF BLOCK 16, THIRD SECTION OF DREAMWOLD, ACCORDING T~ PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 70, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY,FLORIDA.· and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Krider then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 577, a~d that same be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Gatchel. ThereUpon the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Scott Aye " Gatchel Aye " Higginbotham Aye " Krider Aye Said Ordinance No. 577 was then placed on final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Scott Aye " Gatchel Aye " Higginbotham Aye " Krider Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of .Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 577, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITYOF SANFORD, FLORIDA, VACATING, CLOSING AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF LOTS ll THROUGH 18 INCLUSIVE, AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF LOTS 3 THROUGH lO INCLUSIVE, AND ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE Bish4~p Office Equipment Co., Inc., Oflando, I~'io.r~la MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 9 at 8 P. M. 19 56 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLOPXDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, A8 AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEIN~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN IWITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT Ty~NSFERRINGC~CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-1 FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO C-I COMMERCIAL-RETAIL. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Higglnbotham then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 578, and that same be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Gatchel. Thereupon the question recurred on the waiver of ~he second reading, the roll was called and t,he vote stands as follows: Commissioner Scott Aye " Gatchel Aye " Higgi nbotham Aye " Krider Aye Said Ordinance No. 578 was then placed on final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vo~e stands as follows: Commissioner Scott Aye " Gatchel Aye " Higginbotham Aye " Krider Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 578, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID 0RDI- NANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, SAID AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-1 IFANILY RESIDENTIAL TO C-1 COMMERCIAL-RETAIL. The City Attorney next rendered an opinion as to the City'$ legal authority for not approving the proposed plat of Lakeside Terrace SuBdivision, which was rejected by the Commission at regular meeting of March 12, 1956, because of not conforming to the requirements of the City's subdivision ordinance. He advised that since the property is only being sub- divided and not developed, the owner is required to provide water, storm dralnage.and sani- tary sewerage facilities but not street improvements, and that only developers are required to include street inprovements. IAlso that the City could accept the plat without obligation to construct the streets. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried, the City Clerk was next appointed as acting City Manager during absence of Mr. Knowlea from April 22-25, 1956. On motion of Commissioner Krider, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried, current invoices and payrolls next approved, as evidenced by General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 854A~ thru 8686; General Fund Florida State Bank Vouc~e~rs Nos. 1568 thru 1601; and Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 71 thru 77. Commissioner Higginbotham next introduced Resolution No. 869, and after being read in full moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried by the following voteof the Commission: Commissioner Scott Aye " Gatchel Aye ". Higginbotham Aye " Krider Aye Said Resolution No. 869 being in words and figures as follows: ,UuMIop LI'II~u~ Ehatl/plirehl, I,.,y~.. h~C-., Uf]~.l~d~,, llhrz~da, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 9 at 8 P. M. 56 39 ARESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFOE,. FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING THE CONDITIONS AND TERMS UPON WHICH NATIONAL EXHIBITION COMPANY WILL ESTABLISH'AD- DITIONAL INSTALLATIONS IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. WREREAS, The City of Sanford, Florida has been negotiating with National Exhibition Company, (New York Giants) for establishment of additional facilities in the City of Sanford, Florida, thereby creating additional tax revenues, payrolls and business activity for the City, and WHEREAS, The City Commission and'National Exhibition Company deem it advisable to state the basis of agreement on the part of the City ofSanford as an incentive for Natlonal Exhibition Company to bring additional facilities to the City of Sanford, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida that the City of Sanford will do the following and enumerated things upon National Exhibition .Company agreeing to return all farm club facilities to the. City of Sanford, Florida,~:to-wit: The City of Sanford, Florida will convey to National Exhibition Company city-owned property located at Eighth Street and Mellonville Avenue for the purpose of construction by National Exhibition Company of a farm training headquarters. 5 The City of Sanford Will construct three practice fields in close proximity to said building for use during spring training, and during periods when not in use the City of Sanford will periodically mow the outfield grass on said practice fields. The City of Sanford will maintain the two baseball fields known as the New Stadium and the 01d Stadium. The City of Sanford will lease both of said stadiums,. said three practice fields and training facilities to National Exhibition Company for training purposes during the nor- real training period, for such time as may be desired,I and the City will construct a small tool building at the said three practice field s. . The City will construct a shower room at the. present American Legion building and obtain the use of said building for dressing room purposes. 6. The 0ity of Sanford will haul the present furniture and equipment owned by National Exhibition Company from Melbourne, Florida 'to Sanford, Florida. 7. The City of Sanford will vacate the street right-of-way of San Carlos Avenue from Seminole Boulevard South to East First Street at such time as National Exhibition Company agrees to proceed with construction of an annex and additional facilities for the Mayfair Inn. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this Resolution will become effective upon the agreement of National Exhibition Company to construct the aforesaid farm training building and move all of its farm club facilities t0 the City of Sanford, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED This 9th day of April, A. D. 1956. s/ F. D. Scott, Mayor John Krider (SEAL) Attest;_ H.N. Sayer Cfty Clerk full moved its passage and adoption. Ear1 Hlgginbotham '. David Gatchel As the 'Cft] C6mmission o'f t he City of Sanford, Florida. Commissimer Gatchel next introduced Resolution No. 870, and after being read in Seconded by Commissioner Hlgglnbotham and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Bishol~ Office ~E'qut~ment Co., Inc., O~]ando, l~4>rida MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 9 at 8 P. M. Commissioner Scott Aye " Gatchel Aye " Higginbotham Aye " K ride r Aye Said Resolution No. 870 being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF SANFOE, FLORIDA, REQUESTING WILLIAM H DIAL, ROAD BOARD MEMBER OF THE FIFTH DISTRICT, AND THE STATE ROAD DEPARTMENT, TO PROCEED IM- MEDIATELY IN TAKING SUCH STEPS AS NAY BE NECESSARY TO INSURE THAT A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE SECOND SECTION OF HIGH_ WAY 17-92 FROM FIVE POINTS TO THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, WILL BE LET PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 1957. WHEREAS, The City Oommission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and the people of the City of Sanford, FlOrida recognize the necessity of an adequate highway system connecting the City of Sanford with other communities in the state, and WHEREAS, Highway 17-92 is the main arterial highway through the City of Sanford ar~ Seminole County and is one of the most heavily traveled highways in the State of Florida, and WHEREAS, It is of extreme necessity and importance that said highway be A~-laned in its entirity from the South Seminole County llne to the City of Sanford, and that contracts for construction be let prior to January 1, 1957- NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that William H. Dial, be and he is hereby requested to take all such steps necessary to see tha~ such contracts are let so that said highway can be ~-laned and that the State Road Department without delay complete such drawings as are necessary for acquiring right-of-ways and construction of said road. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes' of the City Commission, copies thereof delivered to William H. Dial and the State Road Department. PASSED AND ADOPTED This 9th day of April, A. D. 1956. :(SEAL) s/ F. D. Scott, Mayor David M. Gatchel John Krider ATTEST: H.N. Sayer City C~erk Earl H!gginb_otham As t'he City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: gm MAYOR