HomeMy WebLinkAbout091756/ i08 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 17, at 8 P. M. m. 56 The City Commissinn of the City ~ Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Flori4a, at 8:00 o'clock P.'M. September 7, 1956, to receive the Tax Assessment Roll for 1956, as prepared by the Tax Assessor, and to set as a Tax Equalization Board. Present: Commissim er F. D. Scott, Mayor '" David M. Gatchel " Earl Higginbotham " John S. Krider, St. " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchleon, Jr. City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Nanager W. E. Know~es Meeting called to order by the ~hairman. The Commlssimthen proceeded to sit as a Tax Equalization Board to receive any.com- plaints or objections on the 1956 Tax Roll, as prepared by the Tax Assessor and submitted at this time. Thereupon the following complaints were presented, and action taken by the Board as follows: R. W. Strickland, local agent for American Oil Company, appeared and submitted a protest against the assessed value of $8,340.00 placed on their service station equipment. After comparison with assessed valuation of similar properties of ouher oil companies, it was felt that the assessment was well in line, and no change w~S made by the Board. A. H. Gaede, President of Sanford Gas Company, appeared and $ubmitted protest against the assessed value of $68,820.00 placed on their personal property and $45,590.00 on real estate, claiming the entire property was purchased for sum of $48,767.24. After careful review of the assessed value of each parcel of property and equipment, it was felt that the assessment was fair and. equitable, and no change was made by the Board. Protest submitted from H. B. Sandlin against the assessed value of $19,360.00 placed on BloCk 13 of Tier 10, E. R. Trafford's Map. After taking into consideration the new improvements added to the property during year 1955, it was felt that the assessment was fair and equitable, and no change was made by the Board. Protest next submitted from Alton L. Gunter against the assessed value of $10,580.00 placed on Lot 10 of Block 4, Dreamwold Second Section, claiming it to be too high in proportion to the income from the property. After comparison with similar properties similarly located, it was felt that the assessment was well in line~ and no change was nade by the Board. Protest next submitted from Mrs. Arthur G. Elder against the assessed. value of $16,420.00 placed on the S½ of Lot 28, and allcf Lots 29 and 30 of Block 3, Marvania. After comparison with similar properties similarly located, it was felt that the assessment was well in line, and no change was made by the Board. Protest next submitted from Nrs. Ruth E. Tully against the assessed value of $14,980.00 placed on Lots 9 and lO of Block 20, Dreamwold, claiming that it is assessed too high because of iocation. After comparison with similar properties similarly located, it was fel~ ~hat ~h~ assessment was well in line, and no chan-ge was made by the Board. Protest submitted from McCrory Stores, Inc., against the assessed value of $47,500.00 placed on their stock of merchandise, claiming a book value of only $27,000.00. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 17 at 8 P, M, 19 56 109 The~e bfiing no further compla. lnts or objections registered, on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, the Commission then adjourned as a Tax Equalization Board until 8:00 o'clo'ck P. N. September 2~, 1956, and thereupon proceeded to handle other business of the adjourned ~eeting. The CoSmission next reviewed ~he schedule of fire insurance coverage on all municipal properties for the purpose of increasing such coverage to off-set the advance in values and replacement cost since the schedule was last revised. After discussion, and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by CommissionEr Krider and carpie'd, the Commission authorized t he insurance ~nder the schedule increased to the following coverage, the estimated annual premiums being $2,250.00. I TE__N BUILD ING CO NTE_N_TS City Hall, 316 W/S N. Park Avenue $100,000.00 $25,000.00 Police Station 324 rear W/S N. Park 'Ave 10,000.00 4,000.00 Fire Station 107-09 E/S 8. Palmetto Ave 2,000.00 5,000.00 Library 111-119 S/$ West 5th St. 40,000.00 30,000.00 Storage & Repair Garage 600 N/S French Ave. 55,000.00 5,000.00 Sweeper H~ se 719 S/S West 6th St. 2,500.00 500.00 Storage Garage 719 1/2 S/S West 6th St. 5oo.oo' 500.00 Storage Garage 803 & rear connecting (803½) S/S West 6th St. .:2!, .2.:;~00 ;00 ',?$:,000.00 Club House 1308 1/2 N/S Celery Avenue 2,500.00 Nil Storage House 912 (rear) Mellonville Avenue 2,500.00 1,000.00 Civic Club Bldg. (Yacht Club) 108 N.S W. Seminole Boulevard 4,000.00 1,000.00 Warehouse & Pier (520) N/$ W Seminole Blvd 7,500.00 2,500.00 Dwellin g 619 E/S S. Laurel Avenue 3,000.00 Nil Dwelling 300 W/S North Maple Avenue 1,500.00 Nil Dw el 1 i ng 304 W,/S North Maple Avenue 1,500.00 Nil Water Plant 13'09 E/B S French Avenue 10,000.00 30,000.00 Water Pump & Equipment W/S Orlando Road #1 Nil 1,000.00 2 " 1,200.00 I " 600.00 " 600.00 5 " 600.00 6 " 600.00 7 " 1,200.00 ~ (a) Booster Pump " 3,000.00 8 1309 1/2 E/S French Ave. " 2,000.00 Chamber of Commerce 400 N/S E First St. 30,000.00 2,000.00 Public Information Booth 410 W/S Park Avenue 2,500.00 Nil MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 17 at 9 P. J j Tourist Center 289 N Sanford Avenue Rest Rooms & Shed (Shuffleboard Ct) Shuffleboard Shed Grandstand (Memorial Stadium) 912 Mellonrills Swimming Pool N/S E First Warehouse - American Legion Bldg. Mellonrills Avenue Recreation Bldg, 608 E First Sewer Pumping Stations, Fort Mellon Park Mills Creek Mills Creek Commlnutator Wynnwood South Pinecrest 6,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 Nil 500.00 Nil 30,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 2,500 · 00 7,500.00 Nil 3,500.00 1,000.00 Nil 7,500.00 Nil 8,000.00 Nil 4,000.00 Nil 1,000.00 Nil 1,000.00 $337,5o0.00 $1 6,300.oo On motion of Commissioner Hlgginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel :and carried, the Commission next authopi. zed-and directed t hat all munici'pal properties :!=!'.~',?, :R' subject to aircraft damages be insured for 80% of value against such damages, the estimated annual premiums being $600.00. Consideration next given to the following recommendations of the Insurance Committee, consisting of Carraway & McKibbin, Crumley & Mont,ieth, and H. James Gut Agency, appointed to make recommen~ ations for writing the schedule of fire insurance under one policy, and the division of the premium: Policy writing and servicing agent Insurance Committee Member Insurance Committee Member Boyd-Wallace Agency Moughton Agency Raymond Ball Agency Karns Agency John Willlame Agency' Stemper A~ency Woodruff Agency Alexander & Stringer Agency Edward Lam Agency After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved ~he acceptance of the fo'regoing recommendations of the insurance committee for the division of insurance premiums on all of the City's insurance policies, and that Carpaway & McKibbin be designated as the "policy writing and servicing agent" for the first year, with Crumley & Montelib and H. James Gut Agency as the "insurance committee members". Seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried. On motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried, the Commission next authorized payment of $17.58 to Nrs M. L. Wright for medical expenses in- curred in connection with injuries sustained from stepping into a hold in sidewalk at 1012 Magnolia Avenue on Augus t 18, 1956. Clifford McKibbin, Jr., member~'!of the Planning and Zoning Commission, next appeared and outlined the- need for employing an engineer to make a survey and Irepare a comprehensive "Master Plan" for the City, and. requesting the Commission to appropriate funds in next fiscal year's budget for this purpose. He stated that it would cost approximateIy $7,500.00. The Commissinn informed him 'that $1,500.00 were being appropriated in the Contingent Fund fn~ th~ nu~-nn~e_ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ~el~tember l? a t 8 P, N, 1956 111 On motion of Commissioner Gatohel, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, the CommiSsion next authorized' and directed that the ordinance levying a tax on admiselon to the Sanford Municipal Athletic Field be amended so as to provide for use of such funds for maintenance of the new stadium and baseball park, effective October l, 1956. This tax having been levied and pledged for the purpose of' cobstrutting the new stadium, which has been completed =.. and /the indeb..tedness paid in full during curreht 'fiscal year. Letter next submitted from Ernest D'. BicknslI~ of 107½ Loom t Avenue, serving notice of intent to bring suit against the City as a result of the drowning of his son in the Municipal Swimming pool on date of June 27, 1956. The City Attorney then informed the CommiBslo n that the insurance cropany carrying t rze public liability coverage on the pool was handling this claim, and he felt that It would be settled without being brought to suit. The Commission next proceeded to a lengthy study and discuB~ton of the proposed uni- form pay classification schedule for employees, action being deferred, pending f~rther con- sideration. There being no further business the meeting then adjourned until 8:00 o'clock P. M. September 18, 1956. Attest: gm