HomeMy WebLinkAbout010857-Regular Session~iShep ,~xnce Equipmen~ ~e., inc., Orlando, MINUTES City Commission, San£ord, Florida, January 8 at 8 P M The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at:8:00 o'clock P. M., January 8, 1957. Present: Commissioner F. D. Scott, Mayer " David M. Gatchel " Earl Higglnbotham " John B. Krider, Sr., " A.. L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr., City Clerk H. N. Bayer . City Manager W. E. Knowles Ass't Dir. of Finance H. N. Tams, Jr., Chief of Police R. G. Williams Oommissioner-~ect Merle W. W~rner Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Higglnbotham, seconded by 0ommissioner Gatchel and carried, minutes of regular meeting of December lC, special meeting of December 12, adjourned meeting of December 13, special meeting cf. December 20, regular meeting of December 24, and adjourned meeting of December 31, 1956, approved. Messrs W. Austin Smith and. B. F. Borden, Jr., representatives of the engineering firm of Smith and Gillespie, Jacksonville, Florida, next appeared and submitted a proposed contract for providing engineering services as Consulting Engineers in connection with the Proposed sanitary sewage treatment plant. Mr. Bmitlh stated that the contrac$ provided for allowing credit for engineering fees on the usefulness · any of the data in connection with the plans and specifications of the treatment plant the City has on hand, which they prepared in 1946, but explained that due to the advancement in construction of treatment plants, the change in requirements of the State Board of Health, and the growth of the City during the past ten years, they would not be able to evaluate this credit until the investigations, surveys, designs and preliminary report are made, which could be completed within 45 days. Thereupon after discussion and careful consideration, and in view of the necessity for immediate action in engaging engineers to prepare and file application prior to Janu~ 15, for Federal aid under Public Law 660 toward.cost of Oonstruct!ng the treatment plant, Commissioner Gatchel moved the acceptance of the proposed contract of Smith & Gillespie for furnishing engineering services in connection therewith, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same on behalf of the 0ity. Seconded by Commissioner Krider and carried Said contract being in words and figures as follows: January 8, 1957 Honorable Mayor and City Commission City of Sanford Sanford, Florida. SUBJECT: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services Sewage Treatment and Disposal Facilities Sanford, Florida. ~en~Llemen: In accordance with the request of your City Manager, we have the honor to offer this proposal for providing Professional Engineering services as your Consulting Engineers in connection with the proposed sanitary sewage treatment and disposal facilities. Promptly upon your acceptance of this proposal we will,sign qualified engineerir~ personnel and, make studies, investigations and surveys, and prepare a preliminary report on the proposed work. This report will make recommendations as to the location, capacity and type of treatment works and provide reliable estimates of construction cost. The report will also include estimates of the cost of operation and maintenance of the recommendedtfacllities. MINUTES .... City Commission, Sanford, Florida, January, 8 at 8 ? M 19 57 173 f'~:'c~::-::"~ ~':'~fdtu~e.~needsLde~vetoped from the records of your growth to date. The report shall be presented and personally explained by a qualified representative of this firm. After the report is submitted and the City has determined to proceed with the work, we will provide the engineering information required, by your fiscal agents in arranging the actual financing of the project. The report will make recommendations which will be eligible for approval by the Florida State Board of Health and will make pro- visions for facilities which can be economically expanded as future growth may require. After you have determined to proceed with the project, we will, upon written authorization from you, prepare detailed plans and specifications, assist you in awarding construction contracts and provide general supervision of the construction. Our fees for the complete engineering services will be as described in the Schedule of Basic Minimum Engineering Fees recommended by the Florida Engineering Society, copy of which!ts attached hereto. We will evaluate the usefulness of the data developed in 1946 in con- nection with FWA project No. 8-P-43 and will give the City credit on account of the standard engi~ erlng fees for the value o~ this information as determined by our estimate of the savings in cost to us which we will realize by utilizing these data. If the City determines to proceed with the project and authorizes us to prepare construction plans and specifications, the first pay- ment which will be due this firm will be when these plans and specificat~.ons have been completed and delivered to the City. In the event the City does not authorize us to proceed with the preparation of plans and s~ecifica%ions before October 1, 1957, we are to be paid, as a portion of the total fee and on account of the services involved in the preliminary report, the sum of TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDREB ($2,500.00) DOLLARS. Such amount paid us will be ~redited as a portion of the appropriate engineering fee for complete'~ engineering services as set forth in the attached Schedule. This will be absorbed in the fee for preparation of plans and specifi- cations at the rate of ONE PER CENT (1.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the work for which plans and specifications are authorized. Upon your acceptance of this proposal, in duplicate, in the space pro- vided below, and receipt of an executed copy hereof by this firm, we will assign qualified personnel to commence the studies and investi- gations at once. Respectively submitted, WWG:pbr SMITH AND GILLESPIE, ENGIMEERB s/ W. Austin Smith, Partner This proposal accepted by the 0ity Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, in duplicate by authority of a motion adopted in regular session, copy of which is attached hereto, on the 8th day of January, A. D., 1957. (SEAL) CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ATTEST: s/ H. N. Sayer, City 01erk BY': F. D. Scott, Mayor Further consideration next given to application of E~mer Brookin, doi~ business a s Streamline Cab Company, for permit to operate one additional taxi-cab, and upon advice of the City Manager and Chief of Police that sufficient taxi-cabs are not in operation to meet the public demand, same was denied. Request next submitted from A. Wieboldt for the City ~to re-zone the property located at 501 E Third Street so as to provide for occupancy by colored, which was denied by the Zon- lng and Planning Commission. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the action of t he Zoning and Planning Commission be substained, and the aforesaid reqUest be denied by the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. On motion of Commissioner Higgidmtham, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, January 8 at 8 ?. M. porting documents for. the proposed grant under Public Law 660 toward cost of constructing a sewage.?, treatment plant There being no further business to be transacted bY the outgoing Board, the meeting adjourned sine die. On behalf of the City Commission, Mayor Scott at this time presented Commissioner Krider with a "silver tray" in recognition of his service to the City while serving on the Commls sion. Commissioner Krider then expressed his thanks and appreciation to the members of the Commission and to the employees in the various departments for their splendid corporation dur- ing his term of office as Commissioner. The Commission then reconvened for the purpose of organization, COmmissioners Earl Higginbotham and Merle W. Warner signing the oat~ and acceptance of office, and being seated as Commissioners of the City of Sanford for three year terms. On motion of Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried, Com- missioner Higginbotham was next apoointed temporary Chairman, pendlmE the election of a Mayor. The first order of business being the election of a Mayor for the ensuing year, Commissioner Scott nominated Commissioner Gatchel. Commissioner Warner nominated Commissioner Wilson. There being no'further nominations, Commissioner Scott moved that the nominations be closed. Seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried. The roll was then called on the election of Commissioner Gatchel as Mayor, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Scott Yea' " Warner Naye " Wilson Not Voting " Gatchel Not Voting " Higginbotham Yea Commissioner Warner then requested the Clerk to change his vote to "Yea" and record a unanimoms ballot for the election of Commissioner Gatchel as Mayor. Thereupon Commissioner G. atchel was declared to be the duly elected Mayor City of Sanford for year 1957, and signed the oath and acceptance cf office and took the Chair Commissioner Scott next introduced Resolution No. 881, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Gat chel Yea " Higginbotham Yea " Scott Yea "~ Warner Yea . i, Wll s on Yea Said Resolution No. 881 being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SA~FORD, FLORIDA, COMMENDING JOHN KRIDER FOR HIS OUTSTANDING SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE CITY COMMISSION. WHEREAS, JOHN KRIDER, has now completed his term as a member of the Sanford City Commission and has ret~Ired from its membership; AND WHEREAS;~ John Krider in the perfOrmance of his service as a member of the City Commission has worked diligently and unselfishly for the betterment and welfare of this City and its people, and devoted to such service time and effort above the strict call of duty, and it is the desire of the present Commas sion that proper recognition and appreciation be ex- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, January 8 at 8 P. M. 175 NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission that the sincere commendation and appreciation of the City Commission both for itself and the people of this community, be and the same is hereby expressed to John Krider for his outstanding service while a member of this body. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission, and that copies be delivered' to John Krider and the local press. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 8th day of' January, 1957. s/ David M. Gatchel, Mayor F. D. Scott Nerle W. Warner~ ($ E A L) Earl Higglnbotham A. L. Wilson ATTEST: s/H. N.. Sayer . . As the City Commission of the City Clerk City of Sanford, Florida. Consideratian next given to insuring the nem sign recently installed under the Capital Impr6vement Program at French Avenue and First Street against all types of damages, at premium 'cost of $71.10 per year, ar~ after discussion the matter was tabled for one year. On motion of Commiss~ner Higginbotham, seco~ed by Commissioner Scott and carried, the CommissiOn next appointed W. J. Peacock, Jr., as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by resignation of H. H. Grief. The Commission next proceeded to a lengthy discussion of the several proposed amendments to the City Charter, to be presented for adoption at the 1957 session of Legislatur action being deferred, pending further consideration and a meeting with the Legislative dele- gation. Consideration next given to arranging for a Joint meeting wi~h the Zoning and Planning Commission and Planning Consultant Fred H. Blair, Jr., to interview the applicants for the position of staff planner, which was authorized by the Commission on December 10,1956. Commissioner Higginbotham then advised tha~ after giving the matter further con- sideration, he did not feel there would be sufficient work involved to w~rrant the employment of a full time staff planner after the mas~er plan has been comple ted and p~ ced in effect, and recommended that Mr. Blair'employ the staff planner in connection with making the surveys and preparing the comprehensive plan instead of the City. After discussion the recommendation of Commissioner Higginbotham was taken under advisement, pending the approval of Mr. Blair and the Zoni~g and Planning Commission. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: -gm MAYOR