HomeMy WebLinkAbout042257-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford;'F10rida, April.,22,. 1957 a~ 8'P 1419 The 01ty Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida,-met in regular session at the 0ity Hall in the City of ganfor~, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. April 22, 1957. -Present: Commissioner David M. Gatohel, Mayor # Earl Htgg2~otham F., D. Boott Merle ~. Warner A.L. Mil-son City Attorney ~. 0. Hutchison, Jr. City ~lerk H. N. Bayer 0ity Manager ~. E. Knowlea ~s~t Di~;: of Fiance H. N.. Tamm, Jr. 0bier of Police R. ~. ~llliams Meeting called to order by the O~i~an. On motion of Co~lssioner Scott, seconded by 0ommissioner ~arner ~d c a~rled, minutes of regular meeting of March 2~, special meetings of April 1 an~ $, and regular meeg~g of April 8, 195~, approved. O~rlee E. Rlc~elner, representing the engineering firm of ~ynolds, Smith ~d Hill of Jacksonville, next appeare~ relative to f~nlshing engineering services In pre,ring a lo- cation and feasibility repor~ on t~ proposed docks and retinal project. Mr. Ric~elmer plalned in detail the necessary surveys~ investigations and $ tudles that would be entailed In determining the feasibility of conet~ctlng and operating the proposed docks and retinal, and advised t~t It would take ag least six months to pre,re and submit such a report. He also advised t~t hie fl~ did not perform engineering services on a contingent basis, but would allow credit for the feasibility report if they are employed to handle the const~ctton ~o Pk. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Rlc~eimer was requested to submit a proposal in ~iting for preparing the feasibility report~ for further consideratlm o~ the 0ommission. H. Page Hopkins of the englneerl~ firm of ~d~ox and HopkinS, ~llver Springs, Md., next appea~d<a~d advlaed t~t t~y we~ interested in p~epar~g the feas!btllty report on the docks and term~al project. He advised that his firm specialized In planning engineeri~, and were ~ndli~ a development at Veto Beach, ~orida, at the present time. Mr. Hopkins then recommended t~t the 01ty first secure the services of the. Depa~ment of Economics of University of ~lorlda to m~e an economic sudsy and report of the feasibility of the project, for which he said there should be no o~rge, and ~en turn ushc report over to an eng~eer to complete, as to location, const~ctlon, operation, etc. After discussion the ~mmieslon thanked Mr. Hopkins for his ~eco~en~atlone, which we~ taken under advisement. On motion of Oo~issioner Scott, seconded by 0ommissloner ~ilaon and carried, the mission next re-ap~inted Jo~ Figz~trlck as a member of the Sanfo~ Housing Authority mission for a fo~-year term, commencing May 20, 195~. ~he 0ity Manager next ~eported t~t he ~d received another notice from ~he Sanford Housing Authority, advising ghat effective July 1, 1957, pa~ent w~ld ~so be discontinued for sewer service in addition to not paying for refuse collection. After discussion and co~lderatlon, and on motion of 0ommissimer Hlgglnbot~m, seconde~ by Oo~lssioner ~arne~ and carrl~ the 01ty ~anager was Instructed to notify the Housing Authority t~t the Oity will discontinue its ae~r and refuse collection service to the proJeol after July 1, 1957, If ~hey ~efused to pay for same. Request next eu~ltted from the Ma~al~ Inn to place a directional sign on ~ of the 0ira's sign at corner ~ F~ench Avenue and ~lw~t ~tw~t whlmh ~= ~=~=a ~= MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April,,.,22. a,t 8 1~. ~N.-. property, action was deferred, pending further consideration as to the advisability of amendin said Ordinance. Commissioner Scott next introduced Ordinance NO. 608, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, .FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINAN(~ NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID .ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AMENDmeNT TRANSFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY .IN DISTRICT B-l, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ~DISTBICT. and said was placed On its first reading and read in full. Oommissloner Scott then moved the waiver of t he, requirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 608, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: 0ommlssioner Gatchel Yea " Higginbotham Yea " Scott Yea # Warner Yea " Wilson Yea Said Ordinance No. 608 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: 0ommissioner,Gatohel Yea Higginbotham Yea Scott Yea Warner Yea Wil~ n Yea Thereupon the Chairman announced that the 0ity 0ommissio n of the City of Sanford,' Flori ta by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 608, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANOE NO. 362 OF SAID 0ITY, AB AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN 'WITHIN THE CITY OF tANFORD, SAID AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-l, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DIBTRIOT TO R-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DIBTRIOT. 0ommissloner Wilson next introduced Ordinance No. 609, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF 'SANFORD, 'FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE FEE SCHEDULES CONTAINED IN THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1953-54 EDITIONS, PER- TAINING TO CHARGES FOR BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED WITHIN THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS THERETO. 0ommissioner Wilson then moved the waiver of the r equirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 609, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption, Seconded by Oommis sioner Warner. T.hereupon the question recurred upon the waiver of the $econd reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gatchel Yea # Higglnbotham Yea " Scott Yea " Warner Yea " Wilson Yea Said Ordinance No. 609 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the rollms called and the vote stands as follows: Oommissicn er Gatchel Yea " Higginbotham Yea # Scott Yea " Warner Yea " Wilson Yea Thereupon the 0hatrman announced that the 0ity Oommlssion of the City of Sanf~d, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 609, entitled: MINUTES '- City Commission, SanfO'rd, Florida~ April 22,~ at. 8 P. N. 57 AN ORDINANCE OF THE 0ITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE ~!': BOHED~8- CONTAINED IN THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1953-54 EDITIONS, PER- TAINING TO CHARGES FOR BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, WITH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS THERETO. Commissioner Warner next introduces Ordinance No. 610, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE 0ITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABAN- DONING THAT PORTION OF THE EAST SIDE OF S ANFORD AVENUE IN T. HE CITY. OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS SHOWN BY E. R. Trafford ' s map of SANFORD, FLORIDA, AS PER PLAT THEREOF DULY RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ll FEET WEST OF THE NORTH- WEST CORNER OF 'LOT ?, BLOCK ?, TIER A, RUN THENCE SOUTH 32 FEET, THENCE WEST .t, DFf~A FOOT, THENCE NORTH 32 FEET, THENOE EAST .4 OF A FOOT TO POIN~T OF BEGINNING. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Warner then moved the waiver of t he ~equirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No.. 610, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waiver of ~he second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gatohel Yea " 'Htgginbotham Yea " Scott Yea " Warner Yea " Wilson Yea Said Ordinance No. 610 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gat chel Yea' " Higginbotham Yea # Scott Yea " Warner Yea " Wil son Yea Thereupon the. Chairman announced that the City Oommission of tbs City of ganford, Florii by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance 'No. 610, entitled: AN. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT PORTION OF THE EAST BIDE OF BANFORD AVENUE IN THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, AB SHOWN BY E. R. TRAFFORD'S MAP OF SANFORD,. FLOR- IDA, AS PER PLAT THEREOF DULY RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMI- NOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND DEBCRIBED AB .FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ll FEET WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 7, BLOCK ?, TIER A, RUN THENCE SOUTH 32 FEET, THENCE WEST .4 OF A FOOT, 'THENCE NORTH 32 FEET, THENCE EAST .1, OF A FOOT TO lt)INT OF BEGINNING. Commissioner Warner next introduced Ordinance No. 611, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN ALLEY IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RUN- NING NORTH AND SOUTH FROM ROSALIA DRIVE TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EAST-WEST ALLEY BETWEEN LOCUST AVENUE AND VERNANGO'AVENUE, AND BOUNDED ON TEE;fWEST BY LOT 18 AND ON THE EAST BY LOT 19, OF BLOCK 20, SAN LANTA SECOND SECTION, IN ~HE CITY OF SANF(ED, FLORIDA. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Warner then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 611, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waiver of the second reading, the roi1 was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Gatchel Yea " Higginbotham Yea " Scott Yea " Warner Yea # Wilson Yea Said Ordinance No. 611 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was ~alled and the vote stands as followsl~ a, 228 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 22 a~ 8 P..N. ~9. 57 Commissioner Gatchel Yea " Higginbo tham Yea " Scott Yea " Warner Yea " Wllson Yea Thereupon the ChAirman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 611, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIM ALLEY IN THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA RUNNING NORTH AND SOUTH FROM ROBALIA DRIVE BOUTH TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE EAST-~BT ALLEY BETWEEN LOCUST AVENUE AND VERNANGO AVENUE, AND BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY LOT 18 AND ON THE EAST BY LOT 19, OF BLOCK 20, SAN LANTA SECOND SECTION, IN THE CITY OF SAN- FORD, FLORIDA. Commissioner Warner next introduced Ordinance No. 612, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDI~ NANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-l-AA, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Warner then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second readirg of said Ordinance No. 612, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waiver of ~he second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: iCommi~si~er~!Gatchel Yea Higginbotham Yea Scott Yea Warner Yea Wilson Yea Said Ordinance No. 612 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: 0ommissioner Gatchel Yea " Hlgginbothmm Yea " Scott Yea " Warner Yea " Wilson ~ea Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the?Oity of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 612, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDI- NANCE BEING AN 0RDINAN~EBTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY.OF BANFCRD, SAID AMENDMENT TRANSFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-1AA, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY DISTRICT. On motion duly adopted, the Commission next approved the recommendation of Architect John Bur~ n who is preparing the plans and specifications on the Civic Center, to install "air cooling system" in the auditorium instead of "air conditioning, which will ~ave $16,500.00 in the construction cost. The City Manager next reported that the proposed legislative bill to levy an ad- ditional 15 per gallon gasoline tax for municipalities would be presented to the Senate committee for hearing on April 23, and to the House on following day. After discussion, Commissioner Scott moved that Mayor Gatchel be delegated to repre- sent t he City in support of the 15 gas tax bill at the aforesaid committee-hearings in Tallahassee on said dates, the expenses in connection therewith to be borne by the City. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. MINUTES City Commission, San£ord, Florida, April 22 ag 8 P.M. 19. 5? Commissioner Sco~t nex~ moved tha~ the 0ommission adopt a resolution endorsing the ~he proposed 1~, gas gax bill,, for presentation ~o the legislative representatives. Seconded by 0ommissioner Warner and carried, with Commissioner Higglnbo~ham abstaining. On motion of 0ommissioner}/ils0n, seconded by Commissioner Hlgglnbo~ham and carried, ghe Oigy A~torney was next insgruc~ed to~ prepare a resolution commending Lteutenang-0ommander L. Enos for hts outstanding services, ~upon his reglrement from ghe Navy. There being no furgher business ghe meeting adjourned. ATTEST: gm MAYOR