HomeMy WebLinkAbout050657-Special Session MINUTES City CommisSion, Sanford, Florida, May 6 at 8 P. M. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in special .session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clo~ck P. M., May 6, 1957. Pres ent: Commissioner David M. Gatchel, Mayor # Earl Hlggin bio tham " F., D. Scott " Merle W. Warner " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchlson, Jr. City Clerk H. N. Sayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Deputy:Clerk H. N.. Tams, Jr. Chief of Police R. G. Williams Mee~ ng called to order by the 0hairman. Messrs. Rolland A. Sharp and L. B. Griffith of Roland A. Sharp and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Veto Beach, Florida, 'submitted an engineering report and recomme~flations for sewage treatment facilities for Sanford. Mr. Griffith, Consulting Sanitary Engineer for the firm, and designer of the Grlffith Colloidor type treaiment plant, recommended secondary treatment i'nStead of primary as proposed by the City. He explained in detail the design and type of treatment of the Griffith Colloidor plant, and submitted a comparison of the calculated re- moval efficiencies and estimated construction and operating cost with that of a primary treat- ment plant. The estimated ~construction cost of primary treatment plant 'being $237,200.00, with annual operating cost of $28,180.00, which would remove only 30 to' 50% of the suspended solids a~nd ~0 to 50% of human waste. The estimated construction cost of Griffith Colloidor secondary treatment plant with supernatant unit being $268,000,00, with annual operating cost of $14,600.00 which would remove 80 to 90% of suspended solids and 90 to 100% of human waste. After a lengthy discussion, the report and recommendations were 'taken Under advisement, pending further consideration. Mr. Neltzer of Sanford Manufacturers, Inc., m xt appeared with request that City haul them ten loads of fill dirt for constructing a loading platform in back of their new plant building at First Street and Poplar Avenue, which he said was completed and ready to move in as soon as the loading platform is constructed. He advised that at the time arrangements were worked ou~ for constructing this building on the site furnished by the City, the Chamber of Commerce and Sanfor~ Industrial Board assured them the City would furnish and haul the necessar dirt for filling the entire site, which was low, but that the City had only been fur~Ishing dirt and refuse from street sweepings as the streets are awpet. The Chairman then informed Mr. Meltzer that no request 'was ever submitted to the Corn- mission to furnish the fill dirt in question, therefore, no commitment could have been made by the City to furnish it. After discussion, in which Mr. Meltzer advised that they still needed at least fifty more loads of fill, in addition to~.~the ten ~ar.i~he loadi, ng-platform, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the~City haul the ten loads immediately to lrovlde for t he loading platform, and the balance at CitY's convenience from street sweepings and other refuse. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Scott. John Krider, Manager of Chamber of Commerce, next appeared with further reference to the City offering the north portion of its municipal well field property, con, sting of approxlmatel 10 acres, to an industry desiring to locate a tool and die plant within this area, whic h wou~! erect a building of 1~0,000 square feet of floor area immediately and employ at least 60 people. He advised that other cities were bidding for this industry, and that in order to secure it for the community, Sanford would have to make some concession, such as furnishing / 32 MINUTES' ' City Commission, Sanford, Florida, May ~ at ~ P. M. 19~ 57 also advised that FlOrida Industrial Commission had investigated this industry and found it to be reliable and financiall,y sound. After discussion, in which 0ommissioner Scott s tared that after being properly informed that the County is restricted from making an.y concessions, he was in favor of Mr. Krider's proposal, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that .the City make this City owned land available to be offered as a site for this particular industry, which will erect a ~0,000 sq.ft, buildin thereon, and employ approximately ~60 people.. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. On motion of Commiss~ onsr Scott, seconded by Commissioner. Warner and carried, the City Clerk was next authorized, subject to the approval of the bond purchaser, to invest in U. S. Treasur y bills maturing 91 days from date of issue, $200,000.00 of the funds derived from sale of the Public Improvement RevenUe Certificates to finance construction of the improve- ments under the capital improvement program. This scion being taken because of the delay th~ Architect in completing the construction plans and specifications for such improvements. Chief of Police Williams next reported that the drivers' license of Anthony Benjamin, operator of two taxicabs within the city, had been suspended for 90 days by Mdnlcipal Court on April 22, upon conviction of "failure to have motor vehicle under control#, which contributed to an accident. He also submitted record of Anthony Benjamin having 19 convicti in Municipal Court over ~ast several years for traffic violations. Thereupon Commissioner Hlgglnbotham moved the revocation of the taxicab permit issued Anthony Benjamin on both taXicabs, due to his past record of convictions in Municipal Cou~t for traffic violations. Seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried. The City Attorney next reported that Sanford HousingAuthorlty had filed suit in Cir- cuit Court to enjoin the City from discontinuing sewer and refuse collection service after July 1, 1957, upon the Authority's refusal to aY for such services. Thereupon Commissions r Warner moved that the City Attorney be authorized to defend said suit for the City, and also to secure additional counsel to assist if necessary, subject to the approval of the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. On motion of Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried, the Com- mission next appointed Howard Montelth as a member of the Sanford Housing Authority Com- mission for a four-year term commencing May 20, 1957, to succeed John D. Ivey who declined the acceptance of reappolntment. The following proposal next submit ted from Homer Osborne for converting the baseball stadium to football and back again, with the City removing the clay and hauling the necessary 2-inch sod (12,510 sq (a) Furnish. and lay the sod, fertilize and water same for $2,126.70 (.17~ per sq ft), or (b) Furnish and lay the sod and fertilize it for $1,876.50 (.15~ per sq ft) with City taking care of the necessary watering. After disc~msion, and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Wilson moved that the foregoing proposal be rejected, and that the City Manager be authorized to adver- tise for bids for furnishing the necessary sod for t he baseball s radium, to be laid by the City. Seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried, Letter next submitted· from W. J. Peacock, Jr., tendering his resignation as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission because of moving away from Sanford, and same was accepted wit h re,rets. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Nay 6 at 8 P.. M. 19. 5? 233 the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Gatchel Yea " Higginbotham Yea # Scott Yea " Warner Yea ' " Wilson Yea Said R~solution No. 895 being i~n words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 882, DATED JANUARY 15, 1957, RELATING TO VACATING OF DEDICA- TION AS A PARKi~OF LOTS ONE AND TWO, LAKE VIEW PARK, BY DELETING FROM SAID RESOLUTION THE CONDITION MAKING CONCURRENCE DEPENDENT UPON EQUAL DISTRIBUTION OF PROCEEDS OF SALE. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 882, adopted January 14, 1957, the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, pursuant to the premises recited in said resolution, rescldded Reso- lution~No~~ 683, adopted November 13, 19~.4, dedicating as public park: Lots 1 and 2, of Lake View Park, according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 41, of the public records of Seminole County,Florida, and revoked, vacated and rescinded said dedication, and did request the Ccnnty Commission to vacate their dedication of said property and to offer the sane for sale at a pries of not less than $9,000.00, which sum the City Commission declared to be a ~asO~ble Price, and did concur in as a minimum sale price, provided, however, that such concurrence in said minimum sale price was conditioned upon equal distribution between City and County of the proceeds realized from said sale; and ~ WHEREAS, it is necessary and proper thet said condition be ~deleted from the said Reso- lution No. 882, so that the vacation of dedication shall be absolute and unconditional; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, tha~ Resolution No. 882, adopted January 14, 1957, be and the same is hereby amended by de- leting from the third from final paragraph of said Resolution the following words: "said concurrence being conditioned upon ~he equal distribution between the City and the County of the proceeds realized from said sale." and that as so amended said Resolution be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed in every respect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of~ this Resolution be filed with the Clerk of the County Commissioners of the County of Seminole, Florida, and the same spread upon the minutes of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~that this Ross lution become effective immediately upon its pass- age and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of May 1957. s/ David M. Gatchel, Mayor Merle W. Warr~r (S E A L) F.D. Scott Earl Hlgginbo tham s/ H. N. Bayer As the City Commission of the ~ ~C-ft~y-olerk' .... City of Banford, Florida. Consideration next given to amending Section 3-4 of the City Code prohibiting the erection of signboards for the display of advertising matter on public property, so m to 234 ~ishep ,~iiice Equipmen~ ,~o., inc., ,Jriando, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Nay 6 at 8 P.M. 19. 57 provide for such signs to be~:e~ected under certain regulations and specifications, to be approved by the City Commission. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance amending Section3-4 of the City Code, to provide for the erection of signs on public property under the foregoing conditions. Seconded b.y Commissioner Warner and carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. MAYOR Attest: gm erk