HomeMy WebLinkAbout051357-Regular Session MINUTES CiW Commission, Sanford, Florida, May 1~ at 8 P. ~. 19 5~ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'olock P. M. May 13, 1957. Present: Commissioner David M. Gatchel, Mayor " F.D. Scott " Merle W. Warner~ " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Cle~YH.N. Sayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Deputy Clerk H. N. Tamm~ Jr. ', Chief of Police R. G. Williams Absent: Commissioner Earl Higginbotham Meeting called to: order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried, minutes of special meeting of April 15, regular meeting of April 22', and special meeting of May 1, 1957, approved. ' Attorney C. A. Burke, representing Anthony Benjamin whose permit to operate two taxicabs was revoked by the City Commission at meeting of May 6, because of traffic violations, app and requested the Commission to reinstate the permit go operate one of the taxicabs which will be driven by John Llndsey who has qualified as a driver with the Police Department' and has a permit. Mr. Burke advised that Anthony Benjamin was physically unable to do manual work, and the taxicabs were his only means of llvelyhood. After discussion, and upon recommendation of the Chief of Police, Commissioner,>ScOtt moved that the Commission rescind the action at meeting of May 6, to revoke the permit of Anthony Benjamin to operate a taxicab business, conditioned that he returns one of the taxi- cab permits backi:to the City. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. The City Manager next reported ghat House Bill 9.32, an Act providing for the City to annex territory by petition, had been ~assed by 1957 Session of Leglsl. agure, and submitted the following recommendations for setting up a program for accomplishing the annexation of the areas proposed by the City: 1. Draw up a constructive and financially possible of utility expansion for the entire fringe area around the Sanford city limit s. 2. Prepare a street lighting program for the entire area. 3. Prepare a s greet construction program for the entire area. 4. Discuss and actually lay out the needed zoning,for the area. The City Manager further proposes that this work be undertaken by requesting the resi- dents of the area to designate a committee of interested and informed people of the fringe area to meet with the City Manager to discuss and advise the city of the needs and wishes of the fringe area. A suggested method of obtaining such an advisory committee may be through the recently c~ganized Fringe Area Taxpayers' Association. However, such a committee meeting with the Manager would not be for the purpose of discussing the pros and cons of annexation, but to present a workable program upon which to base the pros and cons of annexation. It is believed ghat the best way of obtaining the needed informatimts from the residents of the area itself and, at the same time, the committee will be able go keep informed of developments. When the program has been worked out, it could then be presented to the area residents by the committee and to the Oity Commlsslon by the Manager. It is from this point that dis- cussions could materialize. The Manager believes that this method of approach would go a long ways towards avoiding long and bitter arguments that tend only to crea~e B~rd feelings and mlsunder~tandings. A period of 30 to 60 days would probably be needed for this oortion of 236 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, May 13 at 8 P. M. 19. 57 The fourth step would be for the City Commission to determine the specific boundaries of any fringe area that would be acceptable for annexation.. By this it is meant to designate areas whereby the City could furnish city services to the residents of that area as present city residents are now receiving plus those needed under the above mentioned workable plan of expansion. It is cautioned that these steps should no~ be undertaken as mere promises that may or may not be fulfilled but, instead, Should be ~ct~ally planned budgetory expenditures. There is little doubt that the entire program wohld require three to five years for some of the costly capital improvements that will no doubt be requested and needed, tt is important to realize that this program will require several thousands of dollars that will not be recovered except very slowly over~ many years. The fifth step would then be for the actual annexation mechanics to be un.dertaken with the required petitions. It is hoped that by this time a majority of She fringea~ea residents will know that the City of Sanford is sincere in wishing them to become a part of the community and that they will also wish to Join with a clear cut blueprint of services and advantages before them.. After discussion, Commissioner Scott moved that the City Manager be authorized to.proceed with the foregoing plans for preparing a workable program for annexation 'areas to be approved by the Commission. S~onded by COmmissimer Wilson and carried. John Burton, IV, Architect, next appeared and submitted final plans on the fire station to be erected under the capital improvement program, and also preliminary plans on the colored swimming pool, which he said would be completed by May 20. He also advised that the final plans and specifications on the civic center would be completed within two weeks, and recom- mended that the City advertise for bids on all three projects at the same time in order that contractors may bid on all three Jobs under one proposal, stating that a considerable savings in cost to t~he City should be effected by lumping the three contracts. Mr. Burton then recom- mended that the City advertise for bids on June 15, to be returna]~le on July 15, which would allow the contractors a full month to prepare and submit proposals. After discussion and consideration, the Commission approved the plans submitted by the Architect, and also his recommendation,' for advertising for bids. Letter next submitted from the ~anager of the Firestone Store at 111-13 E First Street with request for the City change the traffic regUlations on the alley in back of their store from one-way west to east, to east to west. Upon being informed by the Chief of Police that the one-way traffic regulations on this alley had been discontinued for approximately 30 days, and is now open for two2way traffic, no action was taken on the foregoing request. Proposal ne x~ submitted from Gee & Jenson, Consulting Engineers, West Palm Beach, Florida for preparing a feasibility report on the proposed docks and terminal project at fee of $900.00, to be completed and submitted within 60 days after acceptance of the contract. After study and discussion of the contents of the aforesaid proposal, same was taken under consideration, pending a discussion with said engineers concerning extent of services to be performed. On advice of the City Manager that the recommended increase in salary of Rosa Rotundo for additional duties as purchasing clerk should have been $300.00 annUally, same as previously MINUTES ' CiW Commission, Sanford, Florida, May 13 at 8 P. M. 19.__ 57 237 April 15, Commissioner Warner moved that this error be corrected, and ~he $300.00 be autaorlze, Seconded by Commissiom~ Wilson and ~arried. On motion'of Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, current invoices and payrolls next approved, as evidenced by General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers ' Nos. 7231 thru 7264, General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos, 1517 thru 1664; Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Sanford' At~antic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 164 thru 181; Public Projects Fund Sanford Atlantic i~at~.onal Bank Vouchers Nos. 52 thru 56; and Public PrOjects Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. 25 and 26. With reference to advertising for bids f~r furnishing sod for converting the s radium baseball field to football and back again, which was authorized at meeting of May 6, the City Manager next~ made the following recommendations which would cost less than sodding the field: After June 16, the end of scheduled baseball games, close the stadium and move all baseball activities to the practice field behind the New York Giant's dormitory, together with bleachers and backstops; rework, levet([and seed the entire stadium field and replace fence; seed infields on practice fields 2 and 3 and install fence along 8th street, which will be!~furnished by the Giants. After discussion, and on moji on of Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried, the Commission approved the foregoing recommendations for recor~tioning the stadium' field so as to have it ready for football season. Consideration next given to matter of speeding uP the flow of traffic at intersection of Park Avenue and First Street, which has become congested since the installation of walk signals. After discussion, in which it was felt that the town clock located in center of said intersection was causing the congestion of traffic, Commissioner Scott moved that a Public Hearing be:: conducted at 8:00 o'c$ock P. M. Nay 20, to consider removing the clock from the aforesaid intersection. Seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. MAYOR Attest gm