HomeMy WebLinkAbout062457-Regular Session MINUTES City Commi'ssion, Sanf~)rd, :Florida, June. 24 at 8 P.M. 19 57 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 ~Aclock P.M. June 24, 1957 Present: Commissioner David M. Gatchel, Mayor " Earl Higginbotham " F.D. Scott " Merle W. Warner # A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr., City ·Clerk H. N. Uayer --~ City Manager W. E. Knowles Deputy Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr., Chief of Police R. G. Williams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. On motion of Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Warner, and carried, minutes of regular meeting of June 10, I957 and special meeting of June 17, 1957, approved. Mayor Gatchel reported that several interested parties had contacted him regarding the proposed permit to allow Mr. John Kennedy, Jr., to operate a snack bar and dance hall on his boat while tied to the seawall at foot of Sanford Avenue. Mayor Gatchel stated this in- formation he received was to the effect that the certlficatlm of the above mentioned boat had been revoked by the maritime commission. 0ommissioner Higginbotham stated he also had been given the same information. Oom- missioner Warner advised that he felt that Mr. Kennedy should be required to obtain Public Liability Insurance before a permit is issued. Moved by Commissioner Scott, that because of certain information being received which conflicts with information presented to the Corn- mission by Mr. Kennedy at the meeting of June 10, 1957, therefore, Mr. Kennedy be requested to appear again before the Commission before proceeding farther with this project. Secor~ed by Commissioner Wilson and carried. The following revised engin~ring proposal next submitted from Gee and Jensen, Consulting Engineers, for preparing a feasibility report on the proposed docks and terminal project at a fee of $1,300.00, which includes the scope of services desired by the City: City of Sanford (Revised June 20, 1957)' Sanford, Fla. Att: Mr. Warren E. Knowles, City .Manager Gentlemen: At the request of your City Manager, Mr. W. E. Knowles, Gee & Jenson, Consulting Engineers, Inc. submits the following prOposal. Wltnesseth: Whereas, the City has-requested Gee & Jenson to submit a written proposal to do an engineering feasibility report on warehouse and dock facilities for the CitY of Banford and Whereas, the engineers are familiar with the area, through work with the Sanford-Titusville Canal, inspection of the Sanford area by H. C. Gee and Ds. H. Brady and Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto do herewith agree as follows: Scop_e Of B~eFy%~c~ee .tp~, b~e~ perf,0~m~ed_ Conduct an investigation of the estimated tonnage of various com- modities expected to pass through the facility if constructed at this time. Also included will be an estimate of tonnage of various commodities expected to use this facility in the event the.Cross- Florida Barge Canal and the Sanford-Tltusville Canal are constructed. These Surveys will be conducted by personal contact and through mail service, requesting each potential user to file with us a letter of anticipated use of the facility. Various carriers will be contacted requesting information concern- in~ their cax~rieP hermits_ an8 wenu.~tt nm that they al.~ .11a wtt½ 252 MINUTES City Commission, San£ord, Florida, June. 24 at. 8 P l~I.~ i9. 57 determine the number of active carriers who now have or who would in. the future obtain permits to serve the Sanford facility. 2. Determine the most desirable location of the Proposed facility; whether on the presently proposed site or some alternate site. A discussion will be included concerning the 'realigning of highway #17-92 around the presentlY .proposed area. Make a preliminary investigation of the most desirable site includ- ing probings in the dock area and auger borings in the warehouse area to determine the soil conditions. Determine the most desirable and economical type of pavement to use in various areas of the facility; make a preliminary drainage plan and prepare a layout plan for the most desirable type of terminal facility together with an estimate of costs and an estimate of earn- ings of the warehouse space 'and docks. Discuss proposed methods of financing the construction and operation of this project and recommend whether the city, a separate district or some other agency should undertake this project. Recommend what part of this facility should be undertaken at this time if proven economically feasible. Time of Completion Work ,will be started within ten days after acceptance of this proposal by the City of Sanford and will be completed wi~hin one hundred five (105) days after receipt of a signed copy of this proposal indicating acceptance thereof by the City. Fee to be Paid Engineers will be paid a fee of $1,360.00 which shall be payment in full for all services listed in the Scope c~ Work together with presentation to the 'City Commission of ten copies 'of this report. Fees for subse- quent phases of the project will be negotiated at the time the City in- structs the engineers to proceed with additional engineering work follow- ing approval of the preliminary report. Fees for subsequent phases of the project will be negotiated if the City instructs the engineers to proceed with additional engineering work following approval of the preliminary report. No Obligation on the par~:.. of the City shall exist for any engineering work subsequent to that covered in this document pertaining to warehouse and dock facilities. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have affixed their hand and seals at Sanford, Florida this 2,th d ay of June 1957. Yours very truly, ( CORPORATE SEAL) GEE & JENSON, Consulting Engineers, Inc. By: T. B. Jenson, Vice President ( CORPORATE SEAL) CITY OF BANFORD By, David.N. Gatchel, Mayor Moved by Commissioner Scott, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, and carried, that the City accept the above presented proposal for a fee of $1,300.00. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Scott and carried, M. D. (Bud) Tally was next appointed as a member of the Zoning and Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of W. J. Peacock, Jr. Request next submitted from the Zoning and Planning Commission for the City to petition the County 0ommlsslon to zone all f tinge areas within 3/4 of a mile of the Otty limits. After discussion, and on motion of Commissioner Warner, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, and carried, request was tabled for further consideration. Consideration next given to the condition of the sidewalks from First Street to the City's parking lot on the lake front. After discussion, 0ommissioner Higglnbotham moved to pour a new sidewalk on the East side of Rand Avenue, on the South side of Commercial Ave., from Rand Avenue to Hood Avenue and to continue the sidewalk on the East side of Hood Ave., .n~ t~ ~tacnnttnue al~ na~kin~ on Rand Avenue. and to install 4 street lights on this route, MINUTES City Commission, Sanfoi-d, "Florida, June 24 at8 P.M. 19. 57 J53 Commissioner Higginbotham next introduced Ordinance .No. 614, entitled: AN 0RDINANOE OF THE CITY OF ;SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID 0RDINANOE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD, SAID AMENDMENT: TRANSFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRIO? R-I, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRI02-TO C-N, COMMERCIAL RETAIL SHIPPING DISTRICT. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. City Manager reported that Mr. Frelee still wanted to purchase the land adjacent to his home on route 17-92, but was not interested in the aity's offer to lease the land, and on the airy Managers recommendation, Commissioner Warner moved to table any further dis- cussion of the offer. Seconded by Oommissioner Higglnbotham and carried. Mr. Volie Williams spoke in favor of leasing a portion of the Gity's parking lot on the lake front to s~e compatible business in order to produce a revenue for the city, and same was taken under advisement. __ After discussion, and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Higgln- botham moved, seconded by Oommissloner Scott_ and carried, the City Attorney was next authorizei and directed to prepare an ordinance to eliminate the provision in the Zoning Ordinance re- stricting private garages to accomodate not more -than two automobiles in "Single-family Distric Municipal Judge Leonardy next submitted the following letter of recommendation re- lative to the case of Nelson Brown, convicted in Municipal 0curt on June 21, 1957: June 24, 1957 The Oity Oommisslon Sanford, Flor Ida. Re: Suspension of sentence of Nelson Brown Ge ntl ems n: I am advised that the above captioned person is requesting the City Commission to suspend the sentence of $202.00 or 60 days in the Oity Jail imposed by me on June 21, 1957 in the Municipal Court. I would like to recommend that the 0ommlssion consider favorably this request, as this arrest did not involve an accident and I understand that the serving of the sentence imposes a hardship upon Nelson Browh's family. Very Truly Yours, s/ John O. Leonardy Municipal Judge of the 01ty of Sanford Thereupon, after consideration, Commissioner Higglnbotham moved the acceptance of the foregoing recommendation of the Municipal Judge, provided that said Nelson Brown be put on probation,, and if he be found guilty of any charge in the City's Municipal Court, that the above suspended sentence also be imposed on him at that time. Seconded by ¢ommlsslonE Wilson and carried. The 0ity Manager next reported that the Board of 0ounty Commissioners had denied his request for the County to furnish the necessary materials to install seven street lights or that portion of the intersection of French Avenue and Orlando Drive located outside ~he city limits, and the City install the lights in connection with the street lighting program on French Avenue. After discussion, Oommissioner Higginbetham moved that t he City Attorney be in- structed to draw a resolution requesting the Board of County Commissioners to reconsider their refusal of the 0ity's offer to install white way lights for safety m~asures at the intersectior of French Avenue and Orlando Drive, provided they furnish the material. Seconded by Commisslor ~S# . · 254 MINUTES ..... City Commission, Sanford, Florida, _~Iune ~-4 at...8 P. No 19 5'7 Warner an8 carried. aommiesloner Warner next reported that Mrs. Clarence Wynn, 2606 6randvlew Avenue, had registered a complaint of a water nuisance on her property, resulting from the overflow from an open ditch between Grandview Avenue and Banford Avenue, and same was referred to the City Manager for investigation and report. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: gm NAYOR