HomeMy WebLinkAbout090557-Special Called Session/ 276 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,$PeOlal Meetln~ of 19 57 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in-Special Called Session at the City Hall in the City of'sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. September 5, I957. Present: Commissioner David M. 6atchel, .Mayor # Earl Hlgginbotham " F.D. Scott " Merle Warner # A.L. Wilson City Attorney W~ C: Hutohison, Jr., Cl~y Clerk H. N. Sayev City Manager W. E. Knowles Deputy' Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. MesSing called to order by the Chairman who announced that the meeting had been called to mee~ wl~h officials of the Public Housing Authori~y Regional office from Atlanta, and ~o consider any other business ~hat may be brough~ before t he Commission. Ail members of the Board being present, Commissioner Higglnbotham then moved the waiver of the requiremen~ of the "Written Notice" of ~his called meetln4~, which was seconded by .CommisSioner Wilson and carried by unanimous vote of the Commission. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Warner and carried, the City Attorney, MAyor' and Clerk, were authorized to prepare and execute a Deed to Mr. Schllke and Mr. Sherwood for approximately 2.] acres at the well f leld site on route 17-92 for a sum of $200.00, said property to be conveyed wiIhout the reverter clause and the deed delivered to Florida State Bank for recording a t time of the beginning of construction of building on this site. Mr. Gordon Bradley, Executive Director of the SanfOrd Housing Authority, next intro- duced Mr. Raymond Hanson, southeastern 'regional director of Public Housing Administration and Attoxmey F. D. Donham, Public Housing Administration counsel ~cm the Atlanta office. Mayor 6a~chel pointed out it was not the commlssione~s~des~ire to crea~e a "Tax Free" group of citizens under the Iow-rent housing development and the Commission wanted to find out if anything could be worked ou~ with the Public Housing Authority to amend the existing agree- men~ so that the City could be paid the garbage and refuse collection ?.fees and sewer u~ility ~ax, ~hat had been adopted since the execution of the agreement in 1950 and amended agreement in 1952. Mr. Hanson sta~ed the Housing Authority provides a low rent plan for those who can'~ pay an economic rent, and the city is to make a contribution of tax exemption s~a%us and pro- vide services. He also stated the federal governmeZ contributes the difference between rental income and the cost of the bonds over a ~0 year period of the agreement. Mr. Donham noted that an amendment in the contract must benefit both parties, and the Oily has obligated itself under the present contract. After consideration, moved by Commissioner Hlgginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Scott and carried, to approve the plans and speoiflcatlons of the proposed 30 additional housing units under the existing agreement, subject to their meeting the qualifications of the buildlrg code of the City. Next order of business was the consideraM, on of ~he proposed, budget for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1957. Commissioner Hlgginbotham pointed out tha~ there was a need to replace in the budge~ th money to be reserved towards the corm truction of a sewage treatment plan~ as per ~he agreement wit h the Sta~e Board of Health. Commissioner ~co~t stated ~ha~ a great amoun~ of capital ImprovemenSs, namely s~reet MINUTES City Commission~ ~a~fo~d, .Florida,. ~eptember ~ a~ 8 P 1~ ~? 19 Higginbo1;ham, and oarrled, over 1;he dlssen1;lng vo1;e of gommleeloner 5Oo~1;, 1;-o inorease ~he General Governmen1; 0petal;lng Nillage from 7.5 mille ~o 9 mi11~ 1;oprovlde for 1;he p~oposed general opera1;lng budget for the fisoal year beginning Oo~ober 1, 1957. Noved by gommissioner Higginbo~ham, seoonded by.gommlssloner Wlleon, and oarried, 1;o approve the propoeed budge1; as amended. There being no further business ~he meeting adjourned. A~TTTEST: ........ ~lerk - '-