HomeMy WebLinkAbout011358-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, San~ord, Florida, January l~, at 8 P,. M. The City Commission of the City .of ~Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00. o'clock P. M., on' January 13, 1958. Present: Commissioner Merle Warner, Mayor " R.S. Brown " David Gat chel " Earl Higginbotham " A.L. Wilson Ci'ty Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr., City Clerk H. N. Bayer City Manager W. E. Knowles Deputy. Clerk H. N. Tamm Jr., Police Chief R. G. Williams The ~eeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first order of business being a Public Hearing to consfler closing, vacating and abandoning a portion of Water (Gabbett) Street in accordance with the following notice pub- lished in Sanford Herald on December 20, 1957: NOTICE OF PROCEEDING FOR VACATING, CLOSI~GAND ABANDONING A STREET. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEB3~: You will take notice t hat the City Commission of the City of Banford,. Florida at 8:00 P. M. on the 13th day of January, A. D. 1958, in the City Commissioners' Room at the City Hall in the City of Banford, Florida, will consider and determine whether or not the City will close, vacate and. abandon any right of the City and th, public in and to that certain street hereinafter described, to-wit: That portion of Water (Gabbett) S~treet lying between the West line of Myrtle ~Venue and a line 189.5 feet West thereof. Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place above specified. · CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BANFORD, FLORIDA By: H. N. Bayer, City Clerk The Chairman then announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from anyone in favor of, or against closing, vacating and abandoning that portion of Water (Gabbett) Street as described in the foregoing no~ice. There ~elng no objections registered, Commissioner Higglnbotham moved that that portion of the street be closed, vacated ard abandoned as advertised, and the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance for adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. Commissioner Higginbotham next introduced Urdinance No. 629, ~ntltled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BA~FORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT PORTION OF WATER STREET (GABBETT) LYING BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF MYRTLE AVENUE AND A LINE 189.5 FEET WEST THEREOF IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Gatchel then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 629, and that same be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham. Thereupon the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commiss loner Warner Yea " Brown Yea " Gat chel Yea " Higginbotham Yea " Wilson Yea Baid Ordinance No. 629, was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was MINUTES City Comn~SSion, san~erd,~FlOrida.. . January lJ a9 ~ P. N. 333 Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 629, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT PORTION OF WATER STREET (GABBETT) LYING BETWEEN THE WEST LINE OF MYRTLE AVENUE AND A LINE 189.5 FEET WEST THEREOF IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Mr. Harry Lee, Jr., of Lee Brothers Plumbing and Construction Co., was present to discuss property relevant to his letter presented to the Commission at meeting of December 23, 1957, The City Clerk presented appraisele as authorized at meeting of December 23, 1957, of Robert A. Williams and A. B' Peterson, Sr., as follows: Lots 1 th~u 5 Block 1, Tier 9, of Victor Check's Amended Plat, 'located at Northwest corner of French Avenue and-Commercial Street All of Block 1-N of Tier 10, of E. 'R. Trafford's Nap, located between Maple and Holly Avenues and Fulton and Water S,reets $22,500.00 8,500.00 Lee then requested to hold this property in abeyance until he discussed the above appraisals with other members of the fi~m. Ordinance No. 628, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PROHIBITING THE SALE AND STORAGE OF GASOLINE IN GLASS CONTAINERS AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR. introduced and placed on first readin~ at regular meeting of December '23, 1957, was next placed on its final reading. The roll was then called on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No~ 628, the vote being as follows: Commies ions r Warner Yea " Brown Yea " Gat chel Yea " Hig ginbotham Yea " Wi ls on Yea Thereupon the Cbmirman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida by unanimous vote had-passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 628, enti-tled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PROHIBITING THE SALE AND STORAGE OF GASOLINE IN GLASS COh~TAINERS AND PRESCRIBING PEN- ALTIES THEREFOR. City Manager Knowles presented a proposed plan for sewer lift station and force main at Sunland. Estates with the City of Sar~Srd, as follows: Odham and Tudor to pay the City $1.65 per month per house completed for a period of 20 years. System to belong to Odhmm and Tudor for this 20 years. After 20 years from the date of agreement, the system becomes the property of the City w~thout further cost. Should the firm of Odham and Tudor go out of business or cease to exist for any reason during the 20-year period, the system automatically becomes the property of the City of Sanford without cost. The system not to be sold during th~s 20-year period without the prior approval of the City of Sanf ord. The System may be purchased by the City of Sanford a t any time during the 20-year period at the City's option by paying-50 percent of the installation cost of thee ystem less one twentieth of 50 per cent of the installatl~ cost for each year the agreement has been in effect. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Hlgginbotham moved to accept above agreement contingent upon Odham & Tudor receiving prior approval from the State Board of Health, and upon submitting a complete set of plans and specifications and a confirmed cost of the pro- 334 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, January at. 8 P. N. 58 posed sewage system, with the provision of a $1.65 per month charge for each home for use of the system, and a 205 per mcn th charge for each home towards maintenance of the lift stations and forced mains, and repairs to the collctor system be 'made by the City ard charged to Odham & Tudor, Inc., on a cost of labor and material ~basls. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. Mr. John Burton, Architect, was present representing agroup of 5 business men who desire to invest approximately $200,000.00 in 'purchase of land and construction of a bonded warehouse stating they needed from 7 to 12 acres ~land. The City Clerk pr. esented appraisals of two tracts of land in the vicinity of Holly Avenue and Seminole Boulevard: Tract i - Comprising approximately 7.25 acres $38,647.00 Tract 2 - Comprising approximately 3.85 acres 24,660.00 After discussions, the Commission requested Mr. Burton to take these figures under con- sideration and present them to his clients, and if they were interested to report back to them. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried, current invoices and payrolls next approved, as evidenced by General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 7594 thru 7600 and Nos. 2032 thru 2184, General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. 1651 t~ 1657. Certificates dated JanuarY 10, 1958, next submitted by Carroll Daniel Construction Co., covering work completed through December 31, 1957, under contract for construction of Civic Center, Fire Station and Swimming Pool, as p~ Certificates of Approval of Architect John A. Burton IV, and on motion of Commissioner G.~.~chel, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, the Commission authorized payment of same in the amounts aS follows: Certificate No. 3 Certificate No. 2 Certificate No. 2 Civic Center Building Fire Station Swimming Pool $36,854'96 ~,432.34 5,967.57 Letter next submitted from John Williams, President, R. F. Raidle ~ Associates, Inc., requesting closing, abandoning and vacating_ of that portion of that certain north-~outh alley between Park Avenue and Oak Avenue extending from 25th Street north to the north pro perry llne of Lots 7 and 23, of Pine Heights Subdivision, in the City of Sanford, Florida, After discussion, moved by Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Wilsa~cand carried, to hold a Public Hearing at 8:00 P. N. on February lC, 1958, to consider the above request. The City Attorney was next authorized to prepare appropriate resolution concerning the untimely death of County Judge ~est Housholder, who had served the City in the capacity of Ma yor- Commie si o net. After discussion, moved by Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried .to hold a Public Hearing at 8;$0 P. M. on January 27, 1958 to consider the re- vocation of license of O. Gormly, doing business as Gormly Inc., for violation of building code in the construction of a building in 1956 at 216 B Palmetto Avenue, Sanford, Florida. At the request of abutting property ~ners, moved by Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by COmmissioner Gatchel and carried, to hold a Public Hearing at 8:00 P. M. on February lC, 1958, to consider vacatimg and abandoning that portion of the right-of-way of French Avenue lying ~l feet East and West of the center llne of s aids freer, beginning at 25th Street and MINUTES City CommisSion, San£ord, Florida, Jan uary 13, ~'~ 8 P. 1~. 19 58 335 After discussion, moved by Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried to install parallel parking on the south side of Second Street between Salmetto Avenue and Sanford Avenue for the health and welfare of the citizens. There being no further business the' meeting adjourned. ATTEST: gm Clerk