HomeMy WebLinkAbout071458-Regular Session MINUTES City CommisSion, Sanford, Florida, ~uly..!4 at 8 P. M. 19 58 397 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida t 8:00 o'clock P. M.. on July 14, 1958. Present: Commissioner Merle Warner, Mayor t, R.S. Brown " D.M. Gatchel " Earl Hlgglnbotham " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles Deputy Clerk H. N. Tatum, Jr., Police Chief R. G. Williams Absent: City Clerk H. N. Sayer The meeting was called to o~der by the Chairman. .The first order of business being a Public Hearing to consider vacating, closing and abandoning a certain public alley in accordance with the following notice published in the Sanford Herald on June 27, 1958. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You will take not ice that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 P. M. on July 14, 1958, at the City Commissioners' Room in the City of Sanford, Florida, will consider and determine whether or not the City will close, vacate and abandon any right of the City and the public in and to the land delineated on a plat as an alley and recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, which.said alley is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: That certain East-West alley between First Street and Seminole Boulevard in Block l, San Carlos sub- division, extending from the West boundary line of MellOnville Avenue to the East boundary line of Block F, First Street Extention. Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place above specified. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. BY: H. N. Tamm, Jr., Deputy City Clerk The Chairman then announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from anyone in favor of, or against closing, vacating and abandoning the alley as described in the forego- ins notice. Col. Jas. Truitt, ll05 E Seminole Blvd., owner of property abutting said alley, next appeared in protest of closing this alley, stating that it had been in the case of extreme~ high water that this was the only access to his property. After consideration, moved by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, to deny the request. Request next submitted from the Charles Young Post No. 207 of the American Legion for the City to redeed Lots 4 & 5, Blk 9, Tr 19, Seminole Park, removing the reverter clause so that a building loan could be secured. The original deed executed May 21, 1954 contained a 3 year reverter clause based on construction and occupying a building. In consideration that a building had only very partially been started and in order for the organization to more easily secure a construction loan, moved by Commissioner Higgin- botham to redeed the property with a reverter provision being held in escrow until completion of the building. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. John Krider, next appeared, requesting the Commission to consider authorizing a resolu- tion to be prepared asking the Post Office Department to consider abandoning or trading the present location in favor of building away from the ?esent congestion, inasmuch as the Post MINUTES July 14 at 8 P. M. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, 58 l~snop ,)xlice ~quipmen~ ~1~', ~nC', Orlando, l~lorma Office Department had informed him that they would not recommend addition~':: of facilities to Post Office at the. present location.. After consideration and in view of this attitude of the Post Office Department, moved by Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commisslioner BrOwn and carried, authorizing the City Attorney to prepare said resolution. Brailey Odham next appeared' in favor of th~. C~ty providing fire protection in the areas under consideration for annexation', and requested a study of the feasibility of an- nexation of the Sunland Estates area, outlinging that the residents of these areas could not vote on establishing a fire district until September 9, 1958, ard further that his firm would pay for this service until such date at a rate not to exceed $1,500.00 per month. After consideration, moved by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried, to take action as soon as possible and not later than July 31, 1958, to cir- culate petitions for annexation, and setting forth the proposed services %hat could be ex- pected from the City, and to study the area south of the current proposed annexation. After consideration, moved by Commissioner HigFinbotha~, secorded by Commiss.ion~er Gatchel and carried, to provide fire protection service for the aforementioned areas until September 9, 1958, and authorized the City Manager to meet with Brailey Odham tO'wo~-k out. an equitable charge for said service. On motion of Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel, and carried, t~ Commission next appointed Herbert Hirshberg to the Zoning & Planning Commission. The City Manager next presented a plan whereby vacant private property could be utilized for off-street parking lots by the. City leasing the property and installing parking meters and improvements. After consideration, moved by Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried, the City M~nager was authorized to prepare a schedule of areas available for parking a minimum of 25 Cars, with'estimated revenues and expenses. The City Manager next reported that C. E. Harrell, 311 N. French Avenue, had informed him that the sewer trouble reported at the l~st~Commission meeting had been' found to exist at his dwelling and that the City sewer line adjacent to his property was satisfactory. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, s'econded by Commissioner Brown'and ~arried, current invoices and payrolls next approved, as evidenced by General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 2872 thr6 3025, General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. 1888 th~u 1937, Water & Sewer Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 262 thru 267, Public Projects Sanford Atlantic National Bank Voucher~:~ No. ~08 and Public Projects Florida State Bank Voucher No. 51. Architect John Burtnn submitted the total figure of $11,298.$1 for all change orders with the ~me contractor, Carroll Daniel Construction ~mpany, and embodying all credits re- ceived for changes and~ deletions, and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the Commission authorized payment of the balance for the change orders upon submitting of Certificate for Payment by the Architect and on approval of the City Manager. After consideration the dity Manager was authorized to investigate the costs of ob- raining a plaque for the Civic Centei~ regarding the history of construction of the Public Projects. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ....J...u..]:..~....1...~..,....~..~....8.....P..:....~..: ................ 19.~.8.... Hi~in~eJt'ha~,i,, ~ec'bnded BL~i Cbmmissioner Gatchel and carried, approving installation of eleven street lights at the locations as follows 1. Intersection of Lincoln Street and Cooke Avenue - 2 lights 2. Wynnewood Drive from DeCottes Avenue to Adams Avenue - 5 lights Seminole Blvd., from San Carlos to Mellonville Avenue - 2 lights 4, Mellonville Avenue f rom Seminole Blvd to First Street - 2 lights After consideration, moved by Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, authorizing the City At.torney~to prepare an Ordinance to prohibit the parking of house trailers or mobile homes only on an approved parking lot. Recommendation next submitted by E. A. Olliff, Jr., Judge of Municipal Court, for the suspension of the balance of sentence imposed against Bennie H. Mullins, Docket Nos. 59342, 59343, 59344, under date of June 23, and on approval of. the Chief of Police, moved by Com- missioner Higginbotham seconded by Commis si ors r Gatchel and carried, the Commission approved sam Recommendation next submitted by E. A. Olliff, Jr., Judge of Municipal Court, for the sus- pension of the balance of sentence imposed against Edgar Lee, Docket No. 59387, under date of July 7, 1958, and on approval of the Chief of Police, moved by Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, 'the Commission approved same. Commissioner Gatchel next introduced ~rdinance No. 649, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI-TY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF SANFORD SAID AMENDMENT T .~NSFERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-1 SIN~E FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, TO R-2, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Brown then moved the ~miver of the requirement of the second reading of said Ordinance No. 649, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commis si oner Higginbotham. Thereupon ~he question recurred upon the waiver of the second reading, the roll was -called and the vote stands as follows: Commiss i one r Warner Yea , Brown Yea " Gat chel Yea " Higgi nbotham Yea " Wi ls on Yea Said Ordinance No. 649 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote s~ands as follows: Commissioner Warner Yea " Brown Yea " Gatchel Yea " Higginbotham Yea " Wils on Yea Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida by una~m~ms vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 649, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 362 OF SAID CITY, AS A~ENDED, SAID ORDINANCE BEING AN ORDINANCE ESTAB- LISHING A ZONING PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF BANFORD, SAID AMENDMENT TRANS- FERRING CERTAIN TERRITORY IN DISTRICT R-1 SINGLE L~AN]LEY~J~RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO R-2 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. MAY,OR'