HomeMy WebLinkAbout120858-Regular Session MINUTES. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, December-8- at 8 P. M. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida met in regular session at the City Hall in the City. of Sanford, Florida at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on December 8, 1959. Present: Commissioner Merle W. Warner, Mayor " R.S. Broom D.M. Gatchel Earl Higginbotham " A.L. Wilson City Attorney W. C. Hutchison, Jr., City Manager ~'. E. Knowlee Depdty' Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr., Police' Chief R. G. Williams Absent: CitY Clerk H. N. Sayer The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Ralph Wight, ne×t' appeared, requ~.st~.ng the Commission to authorize the Mayor to execute a prepared letter to the Jacksonville Naval Air Station . requesting a salvaged aircraft to be donated and installed at the Elks Playground. in Fort Mellon Park, and on motion of Commissionez Higginbotham, seco~ed by Commissioner Wilson and carried, same was approved. ~W. A. Morrison, ne×t appeared, proposing the sale of property on seminole Boulevard, west of the Civic Center to be used for a parking area, and same was taken under advisement. A replat of San Scm Knolls next submitted, same being lots l0 through 23, 47 through 52, 65 and 66, Pinehurst Suh-division, and same was approved on motion of Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Higginb0tham and carried. Request next submitted from Ralph Jarvis for permission to ~onnect to the City Water and s ewer system for 103 homes in Geneva Terrace, west of the City limits on 25th Street. Moved by Commissioner Higginbotham to authorize the request, provided the same standards are met as required of other developers and on approval of the City Engineer and the State Board of Health. Seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried. Request next submitted from Morris N. Stein for permission to connect to t he City sewer for a sub-division west of Lake Minnie and approximately 2 miles south of the City limits. Moved by Commissioner Higginbotham to authorize the request, provided the same standards are met as required of other developers and on approVal of the City Engineer and the State Board of Health, and provided that there be a minimum of 125 homes in the development tapped to the system. Seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried. On motion of Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, the Commission next authorized execution of a lease agreement to install 830' of sewer line on North and South sides of. the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad tracks between Sanford and Locust Ave nue s. Consideration next given to costs of installing draperies on the east side of the Civic Center as follows: Southland Drapery Company - Fibreglass materials $971.83 American Rug & Linoleum Company - Fireproof materials ~88.95 Moved by Commlssi~ner Higginbotham, 'second. ed by Commissioner Brown and carried, ap- proving installation of said draperies by the American Rug & Linoleum Company at a price of After discussion and on motion by Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the Commiss~.on authorized the ~urchase, at a total cost of $199.75, of 5 stain- less steel utility carts, ~ shelf 200 lb capacity, for use at the Civic Center. Commissioner Gatchel reported that utensils belonging to the Civic Clubs and to Caterere were being used without permission, and were left unwashed in the Civic Center kitchen and MINUTES- City Commission, Sanford, Florida, December 8 at 8 P. N. 19. 58 45,5 to allbw only authorized persons in the kitchen. After cons'ideration, moved by Co'mn~issioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare an ordinance for adoption of a proposed administrative reorganization plan concerning departments of public works, utilities and recreation. On mot~1~on of Commissioner Higginbotha,' se'conded by Commis~oner Wilson and carried, current invoices and payrolls next approved, as evidenced by General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers No. 5715 thru 3864, General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nosi~ 2124 thru 2159, Water & Sewer Sarf ord Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 289 thru 295. On motion of Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, minutes of regular meetings of November l0 and. ~November 24, 1958, approved. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, 'seconded by Commissioner Gatched and carried, the Commission approved and Ad at a cost of $152.88 from account No. B1~4-5 in..tSeS'anf~rd Herald endorsing Navy Appreciation Day. Commissioner Higginbotham next introduced Ordiname No. 665, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA GRANTING TO SANFORD GAS COMPANY, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, A FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY- FIVE (25) YEARS TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND ~[AINTAIN A GAS UTILITY SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. The Commission next proceeded to discuss the intent of the annual Franchise Tax of 2% of the annual gross revenue of the Sanford Gas Company and it was agreed that the tax would apply to any and all types of gases sold t6 residential consumers. Apolicatlon next submitted from George BogeaJis, 810 Catalina Drive, for permit to operate a dance hall at the Sarford Armory, and on motion of Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Brohu and carried, same was approved, provided that the op~ator supply adequate police supervision to maintain an orderly affair. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Gatchel, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed to Lot 4 and. N I Foot of~ Lot 5~ Block 3, Tr 2, E. R. Traffords Map of Sanford in favor of the, Local Carpenters Union #2376, Brotherhood of Carpenters, title at one time having been vested in City of Sanford through foreclosure. After discussion, moved by Commissioner Higgirbotham seconded by Commissioner Gatchel and carried, that all chairs, tables and equipmen~ purchased or donated for use in the Civic Center would not be allowed to be removed from the building for any use or function, whether it be municipal or otherwise. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. D~PU~y Ci/tY' ~m .~M A Y-O R