HomeMy WebLinkAbout092960 MINUTES ~tember 29 City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Adjourned meeting of sew 19.60 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular adjourned sessior at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, ag 2:00 o'clock P. M. on September 29, 1960. Present: Commissioner Earl Higginbotham, Mayor " Joe B. Baker " Robert S. Brown " J.H. Crapps " A.L. Wilson City Attorney Wm C Hutchison, Jr., City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Deputy Clerk Rosa Rotundo Police Chief H. G. Williams The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Commissioner Brown introduced Ordinance No. 735, entitled.: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND'gJ3ANDONING ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS, ALLEYS AND PORTIONS OF STREETS LYING WITHIN CERTAIN LANDS IN SAID CITY BO~- DED ON THE NORTH BY CELERY AVENGE, ON THE EAST BY MELLONVILLE AVENUE, ON THE SOUTH BY THE S & E BRANCH OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD, AND ON THE WEST BY LOCUST AVENUE (EXCEPTING A PART THEREOF); REPEALING C0~FLICTING ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full. Commissioner Brown them moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of Ordinance No. 733, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Thereupon the queStion recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner ttigginbotham Yea " Baker Yea " Brown Yea '~ Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Said ~rdinance No. 735 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higginbotham Yea " BaCer Yea " Brown Yea " Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. ?33, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING ALL UTILITY EASEMENTS, ALLEYS, AND PORTIONS OF STREETS LYING WITtiIN CERTAIN LANDS IN SAID CITY BOUN- DED ON THE NORTH BY'CELERY AVENUE, ON THE EAST BY MELLONVILLE AVENUE, ON THE SOUTH BY THE S & E BRANCH OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD, AND ON THE WEST BY LOCUST AVENUE (EXCEPTING A PART THEREOF); REPEALING CON- FLICTING ORDINA~CES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Brown next introduced Resolution No. 928, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried by the follow- lng vote of the Commission. Commissioner Higginbotham Yea " Baker Yea " Brown Yea "~ Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Said Resolution No. 928 being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMhIooIO~ OF THE CITY ~ , OF SAMFOi~D, FLORIDA~ ALTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY ALL APPLICATIONS, DOCUMENTS AND OTHER PAPERS ~:,~ECESSARY FOR FEDERAL MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, FlOrida, Adjourned. meeting:. , of Sept~$~9, 1960_ WttEREAS, the City of Sanford suffered material loss as a result of Hurricane Donna and said City desires to make application for Federal financial assistance, and in connection therewith finds it necessary to authorize the execution on behalf of the City of all documents necessary, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that Warren E. Knowles, City Manager, be and he is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation established under the laws of the State of Florida, all papers, applications, documents or otherwise, to the Governor of the State of Florida for certain Federal financial assistance as set forth in the United States, Public Law 875, 81st Congress, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission of the City of Sauford, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of September, A. D. 1960. s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk Attest: s/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor s/ J. B. Baker s/ Robert S. Brown s/ A. L. Wilson s/ J. A. Crapps As the City Commission of city City of Sanford, Florida Commissioner Baker next introduced Resolution NO. 929, and after being read in full moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Browh and carried by. the unanimous vote of the Commission. Said Resolution No~ 929 being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ENDORSING THE PROPOSED MERGER BETWEEN ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY AND SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILROAD COMPANY. ~IEREAS, the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company and the Seaboard Air Line Rail- road Company have made application to the Interstate Commerce Commission for authority to merge the two companies into one railroad transportation system endeavoring through such merger to strengthen the railroads' financial position, and to provide means of offering the public a better coordinated, more dependable, and more efficient transportation service; and WHEREAS, it being apparent to this Commission that the proposed merger would enable the merged Company to effect major economies and an increasingly efficient operation through the consolidation and/or elimination of duplicate facilities and services, which economies and increased efficiency would Undoubt~dlymreact to the benefit of the citizens of the City of San- ford as a whole; NOW THE~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida favors and supports the proposed merger and petitions the Interstate Commerce Commission to expedite its public hearing of the matter and to favorably rule on the Railroads' application for authority to merge. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be soread upon the minutes of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida and copies' thereof be delivered to the appropriate MINUTES September 29 at ~. P. M. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, parties; Attest:' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of September, A. D. 1960 s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk s/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor s/ J. B. Baker s/ Robert S. Brown s/ A. L. Wilson s/ J. H. Crapps As the City Commission of the City of'Sanford, Florida Commissioner Brown next introduced Resolution No. 950, and after being read in full, moved 'its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higginbotham Yea ~ Baker Yea " Brown Yea " Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Said Resolution No. 930, being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, APPROPRIATING UNEXPENDED CASH SURPLUS ON HAND AT THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1959-1960 TO THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1960-1961 FOR USE FOR THE ORDINARY PURPOSES IN. 0PERATING EXPENSES OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, The City Commissioner of the City of Sanford, Florida deems it necessary, expedient, and for the best interest of said City that any unexpen~ed cash surplus as of Sep- tember 30, 1960, of the operating revenues of said City for the fiscal year 1959-1960, be appro- priated for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City in the budget for the fis- cal year 1960-1960, NOW TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Floridt that any unexpended cash surplus as of September 50, 1960, of operating revenues of said City for the fiscal year 1959-1960, be and the same is }'~ereby app~priated to the Dep~rtment of Gen- eral Government of said City for tBe ordinary purposes and. operating expen~ses of said City~ for the fiscal year 1960-1961, and said cash surplus shall be incorporated in'the budget of revenues and expenditures of said City for said fiscal year 1960-1961 for the ordinary purposes and operating expenses of said City, BE IT FURT~ER RESOLVED that this Resoiution shall become effective as of the first day of October A. D. 1960. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of September, A. D. 1960 Attest: s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk s/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor s/ J. B. Baker s/ Robert S. ~rown s/ A. L. Wilson s/ J. H. Crapps As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Bro,~m next introduced Resoltuion No. 951, and after being read. in full moved its passage and adoption.. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried by the following vet, of the Commission: Commissioner Higginbotham Yea " Baker Yea " Brown Yea n Crapps Yea MINUTES' Cit~ Commission, Sanford, FlOrida, September 29 at.. 2 P. M. 60 19 Said Resolution No. 931 being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA ADOPT- ING A BUDGET OF REVENUES AND EXPENDI- TL~ES FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1960, AND ENDING SEPTE~ER 30, 196~ WHEREAS, In accordance with Section 62 of the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, the City Manager of the City of Sanford, Florida has made and submitted to the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida an estimate for budget of revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1960 and ending September 30, 1961, such estimate or budget having been made with particular application to the various departments of the City, a true copy of which is hereto attached and by reference made a part of this liesolu. tion, and WHEREAS, Each and every item'contained and set forth in said budget prepared by the City Manager has been carefully considered by this Commission, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that said budget as prepared and submitted by the City Manager to the City Commission be, and the same is hereby adopted as the budget of the City of Sanford, Florida for the fiscal year beginning October l, ~1960 and ending September 30, 1961. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon collection of any revenues of said City, the City Clerk shall allocate from each dollar collected and received, the several amounts to the respective funds for purposes for wbic~ the same are hereby aut}~orized and appropriated. BE IT FURTHER .RESGLVED that this Resolution shall become effective as of the first day of OCtober, ^. D. 1960. Attest: PASSED AND ADOPTED This 29th day of September, A. D. 1960. s/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor s/ J. B. Baker s/ Robert S. Brown s/ A. L. Wilson s/ J. H. Crapps As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk GENERAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE 196 0-1961 Privileges & Franchise Road & Bridge Fund Pound Fee & Dog Ta~es Inspection Fees Fines & Forfeitures Parking Meter Fees Iht & Cost on Taxe~ & Licenses Sale of Cemetery lSts Stadium Fees & AdmissiOn Tax Zoo Revenue Swimming Pools - Revenue Liens recovered on'Property F/C Utility Service Ta~ Cigarette Tax 40,000.00 29,383.00 450.00 10,000.00 44,000.00 23,000.00 1,000.00 5oo.oo 1,000.00 725.00 3,300.00 100.00 120,000.00 119,000.00 MINUTES September 29 at Z P. M. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Contribution from Water & Sewer Rent from Housing Authority Rent from Utility Department Rent from Civic Center Prior Year's Taxes Library Revenue Ball Field Revenue from School Board Refuse Collection Fees Court Costs Miscellaneous Revenue County - Due for Widening Sanford Avenue Current Ad Valorem Taxes (12 mills) D~T SERVICE Prior Year's Taxes Current Ad Valorem Taxes (6 Mills) Power Franchise City Commission City Manager's Office City Attorney & Prosecutor Finance Civil Service Municipal Court Public Health & Sanitation Police Fire City Shop Parks Recreation Zoo Swimming Pools Cemetery Maintenance Streets Public Works Refuse Engineering Library Insurance Grand Total E-X-P - E- N- D- I -T -U-R-E- S GENERAL GOVERNMENT 8,586.50 6,000.00 2,400.~00 4,000.00 4OO.OO 1,55o.oo 2,500.00 68,000.00 2,400.00 2,000.00 1,381.60 259,636.00 751,312.10 75o.oo 210,000.00 50,000.00 260,750.o0 1,012,062."10 6,700.00 11,357.00 4,700.00 17,778,50 2,020.00 2,936.00 5,810.00 134,188.00 119,165.00 9,359.00 3o,251.oo 23,045.00 i5,056.00 19,760.00 7,607.00 66,131.00 104,041.86 4,116.50 66,073.54 15,623.00 11,070.00 37,200.00 MINUTES. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29 at, 2 P M 6O 6i Special Funds &Miscellaneous GENERAL GOV'T DEBT SERVICE GRAND TOTAL CITY COMMISSION 1100 1107 1113 Salaries Exoense Dues & Subscriptions CITy MANAGER 1201 1202 1203 12o5 1206 12o7 1208 1209 1210 1213 1226 !248 1253 Salaries Gas & Oil Auto Expense Office Supplies Printing & Office Expense Travel Expens~e Tele. & Teleg~. Miscellaneous Postage Dues & Subscriptions Equipment -.General Purchasing Di~. Supplies Radio Maintenance CITY ATTORNEY & PROSECUTOR 1301 SalaDy FINANCE 140T Salaries 1402 Gas & Oil 1403 Auto Expense 1405 Office Supplies 1406 Printing & Office Expense 1407 Travel Expense 1408 Tele. & Teleg. 1409 Miscellaneous~ 1410 Postage 1412 1414 14-A 14-B 14-C Furn., Fix., & Office Equip. Advertising -Legal Audit Maint. & Aopraisal of Property Service Chg. for Bond Coupon Redemption 37,323.70 751,312.10 260,750.00 1,012,062.10 3,300.00 3,000.00 400.00 6,700.00 9,102.00 100.00 100.00 575.oo 25.00 15o.oo 290.00 25.00 15o.oo 65.00 455.oo 200.00 12o.oo ii,357.00 4,700.00 27,174.00 110.00 75.oo 5oo.oo 2,900.00 100.00 250.00 50.00 650.00 4,976.00 3oo.0o 2,500.00 50.00 211.00 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29 at g P. FI. 19.60 Sub Total Less - 70% of Salaries in Debt 10% of,Expense in Debt GRAND TOTAL CIVIL SERVICE 15Ol 15o5 1506 1507 15o9 1510 1512 1513 1514 Salaries Office Supplies Printing & Office Exp. Travel Expens~ Miscellaneous 'Exp. Postage Furniture, Fix & 0fficemEquipment Dues & Subscriptions Advertising ~OLI~!~PA~T~NT 2201 Salaries 2202 Gas & Oil 2203 A~to Expense 2205 Office Supplies 2206 Printing & Office Exp. 2207 Travel Expense 2208:~ Tele & Teleg. 2209 Miscellaneous 2212 Furn., Fix. & Office Equip 2213 Dues & Subscriptions 2216 Uniforms 2218 Janitor Supplies 2221 Bldg. Rep & Maiut. 2223 Fuel 2230 Chemicals & Disinfectants 2251 Food for Prisoners 2252 Clothing, Supplies for Prisoners 2253 Radio & Tele System 2254 Photo & Drunk-Q-Meter 2255 2256 2257 2259 2296 Ammo & Gun Parts Police Equipmest School & Training Parking Meters & Supplies City Contribut%on to Pension MUNICIPAL COURT 2101 Salary 2105 Office Supplie~ 2112 Furn. Fix & Office Equip 39,846.00 20,785.80 1,281.70 17,778.50 1,200.00 5o.oo 40o..00 75.00 25.oo 25.oo 110.00 35.oo 100.00 2,020.00 98,954.00 3,400.00 2,000.00 25o.oo 950.00 15o.oo 275.00 400.00 210.00 170.O0 2,500.00 4OO.OO 500.00 700.00 75.00 4,500.00 900.00 1,830.00 400.00 45o.oo 8,810.00 50o.00 3,000.00 2,864.00 134,188.00 Z, 400.00 6o.oo 476.00 MINUTES Ci~/CommiSsion, Sanford, Florida, September 29 .at 2: P. M. 19.® FIRE DEPARTMENT 2301 2302 2303 2305 2307 2308 2309 2312 2313 2316 2317 2318 2323 2330 ~2343 2345 2346 2353 2326 2357 2360 2396 Salaries Gas & Oil Auto Expense Office Supplies Travel Expense Tele & Teleg. Miscellaneous Furn., Fix & Office Equipment Dues - Subscriptions Uniforms Tools Janitor Supplies Fuel Chemicals & Disinfectants Fire Hydrant Rental Fire Hose Quarter Supplies Radio Maintenance Equipment - General Schools - Training Office - Household Exp. City Contribution to Pension PL~LIC HEALTH & SANITATION 3001~ 3002 3009 3o19 Salaries Gas & 0il Miscellaneous Reprs & Maint of Equip 3061' Pound - Rabies EXpense 3062 Chemicals - Rodent Control 3063 Chemicals - Insect Control CITY SHOP 4001 4002 4003 4008 4009 4017 4018 4019 4021 Salaries Gas & Oil Auto Expense Tele & Teleg. Miscellaneous Expense Tools Janitor Supplies Reprs to machinery & Equip. Bldg. Reprs & Maint. 88,751.00 5oo.oo 650.00 175.00 150.00 325.oo 2.00,00 200.00 201.00 2,100.00 15o.,oo 200.00 1,400.00 275.00 14,900.00 2,165.00 4OO.O© 910.00 2,000.00 300.00 55o.00 2,663.00 li9,165.o0 3,815.00 175~00 10.00 10o.00 2OO.O0 10.00 1,500.00 5,810.00 7,518.00 15o.oo 15o.oo 100.00 30.00 100.00 50.00 300.00 265.00 MINUTES, City Commission, Sanford, Florida,, September 29 at 2; ?. M. 19:-, _ CITY SHOP CONT'D 4022 4023 4026 Misc. Suppl}es & Parts Fuel - Gas Heater Equipment -.General 4101 4102 4103 4109 4113 4117 4119 4120 4122 4123 4126 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4170 PARKS DEPARTMENT Salaries Gas & 0il Automotive Expense Miscellaneous Dues - Subscriptions Tools Reprs -Mach. & Equip. Plants, Shrubs, Fert. Paint & General Supplies Utilities - Electric Equipment - General Tables, Benches, etc. Reprs & Maint - Tennis Cts. Reprs & Maint - Shuffleboard Cts Little League Fields Flags Reprs & Maint. - Stadium 4170-B Couversiop of Field 4171 Reprs & Maint - Soft Ball RECREATION DEPARTME)T 4201 4202 4203 4205 4206 4207 4208 4209 4210 4213 4222 4226 4270 Salaries Gas & Oil Auto Expens~ Office Supplies Printing & OffiCe Supplies Travel ExpeDse Tele & Teleg Miscellaneous Postage Dues - Subspriptions Playground ~quipment Equioment - General Lease Agreement 200.00 50.00 ~46.o0 9,359.00 21,88'1.00 55o.oo 450.00 5o.oo 20.00 60.:00 500.00 300.00 125.00 1,000.00 1,680.00 230.00 i5o.oo 20O.00 250.00 65.00 1,200.00 1,440.00 100.00 30,251.00 18,805.00 150.00 175.00 125.00 2OO.OO 2OO.0O 15o.oo 50.00 40.00 50.00 1,800.00 300.00 1,000.00 23,045.00 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29 at ~ P. M. ,19_60 Z, OO 4301 4302 4303 4308 4309 4313 4316 4317 4321' 4322: 433O Salaries Gas & Oil Automotive Expense Tele. & Teleg. Veterinary & Medical Dues - Subscriptions Uniforms Tools Bldg. Reprs~& Maiut. Miscellaneous Chem. & Disinfectants 4372~ Food for Animals 4373 Animals SWIMMING POOLS 4401 ¢421: 4422 4423 4426 4430 4474 Salaries Bldg. Reprs & Maint. Miscellaneous Utilities Equipment Chemicals &,Disinfectants Confections~ CEMETERY 45Ol 4502 45O8 4515 4517 4519 4520 4521 4523 4524 4526 Salaries Gas & Oil Telephone & Telegraph Mileage Allowance Tools Equipment reprs & Maint. Plants, Shrubs & Fertl Bldg. Reprs & Maint. Electricity General Cemetery Maintenance Equipment -~ General MAINTENANCE 4601 4602 4603 4608 4609 Salaries Gas & Oil Auto Expense Telephone & Teleg. Miscellaneous Expense 6,851.00 125.00 15o.oo lO.Oo 5o.oo 10.O0 8O.OO 125.00 5o5.oo 25O.OO 9OO.OO 5,900.00 100.O0 15,056.00 6,010.00 3oo.oo 400.00 1,200.00 10,20o.00 9OO.OO 750.00 19,760.oo 6,567.00 35.oo 40.00 80.00 50.00 ?5.00 125.00 50.00 250.00 :~50.~oo 285..00 7,607.00 27,281.00 i75.00 2OO.00 65.00 225.00 MINUTES :City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29 at 2 ?. M. 60 .19 MAINTENANCE Cont'd 4618 4619 4627 4623 4626 4641 4642 4644 4670 4682 Janitor Supplies Reprs to Machinery & Equipment Bldg R~prs & Maintenance Lights, Fuel & Utilities Equipment - General Street Lighting - Power Street lighting - Reprs & Extns Traffic Signals Marina Maint & Reprs Christmas L~ghts STREET DEPARTMENT 4701' 4702 4703 4707 4708 4709 4717 4719 4725 4726 4727 4728 4753 4779 4780 4798 4732 Salaries Gas & 0il Auto Expense Travel ExpeNse Telephone &~Telegraph Miscel!aneo~s Expense Tools Equipment - Reprs & Maint. Street Materials Equipment -.General Paint Material Street Sign~ Radio - Reprs & Maint. Sweeper Matsrials Surface Drainage Street Paving Equipment Ciontracts PbBLI C WORKS 4801 4802 4803 4805 4807 48O8 4809 4813 4819 4853 Salaries Gas & Oil Auto Expense Office Supp~lies Travel Expense Telephone ~ Telegraph Miscellaneous Dues - Subscriptions Equipment - Rprs & Maint. Radio Maintenance 1,100.00 15.oo 2,200.00 4,500.00 360.00 28,546.00 264.00 750.00 5o.oo 15o.oo 66,131.oo 55,795.00 3,400.00 1,6oo.oo 50.00 134.oo 200.00 125.00 6,400.00 4,000.00 2,905.00 0o,06 1,500.00 9O.OO 3,300.00 300.00 20,600.00 3,242.86 104,041.86 3,156.50 li5.-00 100.00 150.00 50.00 170.o0 50.00 15.oo 100.00 210.00 4,116.50 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29 at ~, P. M. 19. 60 ~EFUSE DEPARTMENT 4901 4902 4903 4906 4916 4917 4919 4922 4926 4930 4932 Salaries Gas & 0il Auto Expense Printing & Office Expense Uniforms Tools Equipment - Reprs & Maint. Misc. Supplies & Parts Equipment- General Chemicals - Disinfectants Equipment ~urchasing Contracts ENGINEERING 500i 5002' 5003 5005 5006 5007 5008 5oo9 5012 5o13 5053 5083 Salaries Gas & 0il Auto Expense Office Supplies Printing & Office Expense Travel Expense Telephone~& Teleg. Miscellaneous Furn., Fix. & Office Equip. Dues & Subscriptions Radio Maintenance Maps, Books, Planning Supplies LIBRARY 6OOl 6005 6O08 6009 6012 6018 6021 6023 6028 Salaries Office Supplies Telepbone& Telegraph Miscellaneous Expense Furn., Fix & Office Expense Janitor Supplies Building Reprs & Maint. Lights, ?uel & Utilities Books INSURANCE 7085 7086 7087 7088 Auto Expense Public Liability Stadium public Liability Building Contents 44,463.00 3,600.00 1,600.00 25.oo 726.oo 50.00 1,350.00 4oo.o0 4,100.00 65.oo 9,694.54 66,073.54 13,408.00 15o.oo 140.00 110.00 500.00 300.o0 15o. o0 9o.oo 85.00 100.00 9o.oo 500.00 15,623.00 7,300.00 300.00 85.00 75.00 28O.O0 35.00 145.00 450.00 ;2,400.00 11,070.00 3,700.00 1,200.00 320.00 2~900.00 MINUTES Sept ember City Commission, Sanford, Florida, 29 at ZP. M. 60 19___ INSURANCE Cont'd 7090 Social Security 7091 Workmen's Compensation 7092 Employee's Group 7094 Surety Bond 7095 Employees' Pension SPECIAL FUNDS & MISCELLANEOUS 8078 Memorial Library 8084 City Utili£ies. 8134 Publicity: 1. Chamber .of Commerce 2. Junior C of C 3. Misc. Advertising 8135 Miscellaneous Commission 8136 Election Expense 8137 Charities: 1. SalVation Army 2. Miscellaneous 3. Drugs 8140 Christmas Bonus 8150 Contingencies DEBT Exp. SERVICE 8200-7 Series '%A" Bonds Principal Interest 8200-8 Series "C" "D" Principal Interest Bonds 8200-10 8200-12 Administrative - 10% Finance Salaries Public Improvements Revenue Certificates Interest Sinking Fund PrinciPal 13,679.00 3,000.00 I0,024.00 435.00 1,800.00 37,200.00 1,000.00 3,1100.00 10,000.00 2,100.00 5-00.00 25o.oo 350.00 200.00 50.00 25.00 2,950.00 16,798.70 37,323.70 126,952.50 50,890.00 !!77,842.50 5,200.00 5,640.00 10,840.00 !,281.70 20,785.80 17,302.50 21,697.50 11,000.00 50,000.00 260,750.00 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29 at 2 P. M.1960 ANTICIPATED REVENUE Sale of Metered ':,~ater Hydrant Rental Water Service Charge Sewer Service Sewer Service Charge Sale of Supplies & Contract Work Een~ on Generators Interest on Investments Miscellaneous Revenue Surplus from Prior Year Total Revenue Reserve-Renewal & Replacement UTILITY TOTAL EXPENDITL~ES Operation Water Sewer Sub-Total Debt Service Sub-Total Reserve for Renewal & Replacement General Government ~ATER DEPARTMENT 9101 9102 9103 9105 9106 91o7 91o8 9110 9112 TOTAL SURPLUS Salaries Gas & 0il A'utomotive Expense Office SupDlies Printing & Office Expense Travel Expense Telephone & Telegraph Postage & Rost Card Billing Furn., Fix & Office Equip. 9113 Dues & Subscriptions 9!17 Tools 9118 Janitor Supplies 9119 Equip., Reprs & Maint at Plant & Well Field 9119-~ Equipment Reprs & Maint. 9121 9122 912~ Building Reprs & Maint. Miscellaneous Supplies Lights & Power 219,000.00 14,900.00 5,200.00 123,000.00 4,300.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 4OO.OO 100.00 12,700.00 383,000.00 (18,832.5o) 4Ol,832.5o 133,635.25 76,657.25 210,292.50 93,2??.?5 303,5?0.25 18,832.50 8,586.50 330,989.25 52,010.75 59,902.25 8OO.OO 3oo.oo 425.00 4,300.00 50.00 475.00 2,250.00 4oo.oo 10.00 2,00.00 120.00 1,000.00 50.00 475.00 275.00 17,4oo.oo MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29, at 2 P. M. 19 ..... 9126 9129 9130 9140 91-1 91-1A 91~2 91-4 91-6 91-7 9153 9190 9191 9192 9195 WATER DEPT Cont'd Equipment - General Water Esten~sion Material Chemicals Christmas B~nus Meters, Boxes & Hydrants Meter Repa~irs Reprs & Ma~int of Mains Tank Maintsnance Diesel & Lubrication Oils Insurance - Bldg & Equip. Radio Maintenance 01d Age & ~urvivor's Ins. Workmen' s Compensation Life Insurance Pensiohs SEWER DEPARTMENT 95Ol 9502 9503 9505 9507 9508 9513 9517 9519 9519-A 9522 9523 952'5 9526 9529 9553 9585 9592 Salaries Gas & 0il Auto Expense Office Supplies Travel Exp~ense Telephone ~ Telegraph Dues & SubScriptions Tools Equipment - Reprs & Maint. Lift Station - Repairs & Maint. ~iMiscellaneous Supplies Power · Sewer Materials Equipment - General Sewer Extenstions Radio Maintenance Awards & Damages Group Insurance DEBT SERVICE 9711 9712 9734 Refunding Series "B" Water & Sewer Revenue Cert.. Reserve for Renewal & Replacement 1,950.00 16,000.00 2,000.00 725.00 10,500.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 950.00 300.00 855.00 1~o.oo 1,603.00 3,000.00 9OO.OO 78O.OO 133,635.25 39,800.25 1,100.00 75o.oo 2O.0O 50.00 75.00 31.00 35o.oo 500.00 90o.00 350.00 6,150.00 2,000.00 4,531.00 19,000.00 140.00 100.00 810.00 76,657 ;~!~5 21,050.00 72,227.75 18,832.50 112,110.25 MINUTES.. .... City Commission, Sanford, Florida, September 29 at .g P. M 19 60 Commissioner Brown next introduced Ordinance No. 734, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1960 A~© ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1960. and same was placed on its first reading and read in full.. Commissioner Brown then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading of Or- dinance No. 734, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Thereupon the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Bigginbotham Yea " Baker Ye~ " Brown Yea " Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Said Ordinance No. 734 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higginbotham Yea " Baker Yea "' Brown Yea " Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City CommiSsion of the City of Sanford, Florida by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 734, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1960 AND END- ING SEPTEMBER 30, 1961. Commissioner Brown next introduced Ordinance No. 735, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF TltE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA DETERMIN~NGJ THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION AS~ MAKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1960-1961 and same was placed on i~ts first reading and read in full. Commissioner Brown then moved the waiver of the requirement of the second reading Df Ordinance No. 735, and that same be placed on final passage and adoption. Thereupon the question recurred on the waiver of the second reading, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Higginbotham Yea " Baker Yea " Brown Yea " Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Said Ordinance No. 735 was then placed on its final passage and adoption, the'roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner !tigginbotham Yea " Baker Yea " Brown Yea " Crapps Yea "~ Wilson Yea Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 735, entitled: AN. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA DETERMINI~G TIlE AMOUNT AND FIXING T~{E RATE OF TAXATION AND MAKING T}(E ANNUAL TAX LEVY O? TIlE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1960-1961 72 . MI'NUTES · September at 8 P City Commission, Sanford, Florida,, ~ , , ' 19.® Commissioner Baker next introduced Resolution No. 932, and after being read in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higginbotham Yea "' Baker Yea " Brown Yea " Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Said ~lesolution No. 932 being As. follows: A ~ESOL~i0~ OF ....... CIT~. C0HMISSIO~ OF T~IE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE COUNTY COM~ISSION OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO REFUSE AUTI-10~IZATION FOR DRAII~AGE WELLS IN SEMINOLE COUNTY. Whereas, the City of Sanford througI~ its water system supplies almost one-half of the population of Seminole County with drinking water, and WHEREAS, it ~-}as come to the attention of the City Com[nission of the City of Sanford, the governing aut}~ority of said City, and the controlling authority for said water system, that the County Commission of Seminole County is presently considering aut}~orizing the drilling of drainage wells in Seminole County as a result of the temporary flood conditions in South Seminole County, and Wh,~REAS,'W the City of Sanford, baying been faced with critical problems pertaining to its water supply system to the extent thgt at the present time said City is in the process of con- ducting an exhaustive engineering survey on said water supply system involving supply, under- ground flow, percolation and pollution not only of the existing supply system, but in areas where future supplies may be located, and WHEREAS, already such survey shows increasing contamination of existing supplies of t~e Clty and the beginnings of pollution problems throughout Seminole County, and WH~REAS,~w all of the studies conducted t~roughout Florida by the State Board. of Health engineers and other agencies indicate that drainage wells discharge contaminated and polluted Surface waters into the underground water streams and that such contamination often ~ra~els many miles with the result that both private and public water supplies drawing from said streams become in danger of being polluted and contaminated, and WHEREAS, the State Board of !tealth and the engineers representing the City of Sanford, Florida feel that the approval of drainage wells in Seminole County will provide a great danger of contamination to the underground water systems of Semihole County from which drinking water is obtained, and that the approval of any drainage wells will establish a precedent for more of suc?} wells throughout Seminole County thereby polluting more heavily and over an ever in- creasing area the drinking water supply of Seminole County, and that the approval of such wells will at best provide only a partial and temporary relief of temporary flooding conditions during temporary periods of high water. ~:'w~w w BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida NOW that the County Commission of Seminole County, be and it is hereby requested to refuse authori- zation for the location and maintenance of any drainage wells in Se~inole County, Florlda, and t}'~at t!qis Resolution serve as notice that the City Comrnission of the City of Sanford, Florida,, on behalf of all of those citizens served )y the water supply system of said City, and that the location and maintenance of any such drainage wells will constitute an immediate MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, FlOrida, September, 29 ~at, 8-P M 60 19~ and future menace to the water supply system of the City and Seminole County, Florida, and that said Commission is unalterably opposed to such wells. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commissian of the City of Sanford, Florida, and copies thereof delivered to the County Commission of Seminole Countyi~Florida, the State Board of Health, and the Seminole County Health Unit. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of September, A. D. 1960. s/ H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk Attest: s/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor s/ J. B. Baker s/ Robert S. Brown s/ J. H. Crapps s/ ~ L. Wilson As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. Commissioner Brown next introduced Resolution No. 933, and after being ~ead in full, moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried by the follow- lng vote of the Commission: Commissioner Higginbotham Yea " Baker Yea " Brown Yea "~ Crapps Yea " Wilson Yea Said Resolution No. 933 being as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA OPPOSING INCREASED DRAINAGE FROM HOWELL BRANCH CREEK INTO THE WATERS OF THE ST. JOHNS RIVER SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida is the governing authority for approvimately 20,000 people residing within the corporate limits of said City, and WHEREAS, it has oome to the attention of said Commission that the County COmmission of Seminole County is presently contemplating plans to tremendously increase 2he drainage of flood waters from Orange County through Seminole County by way of Howell Branch Creek into the waters of the St. Johns River system at Lake Jessup, which said point is upstream from Lake Monroe, and kS:tEREAS, the citizens of the City of Sanford, Florida have already paid in excess of $1,000,000.00 through taxatiOn for the existing bulkhead along the shores of Lake Monroe and'will pay additional sums therefor in the fUture as well as sums for roads and streets ad- jacent to and in the near vicinity of said lake, and WHEREAS, Lake Monroe is already at flood elevation, having a~ready caused untold thousands of dollars of damage and causing extreme jeopardy ~ the said bulkhead, road network, and homes, and WHEREAS, any additional drainage of the scope contemplated will materially affect the waters of lake Monroe to the extent that said waters will caUse additional and untold damage to homes, foundations, lawns, public streets, public swimming pool's;', civic center, streets, bulkhead and other costly installations within and adjacent to said City, and WHEREAS, the County Water Control and Drainage Committee has previously recommended a comprehensive!survey leading to plans to carry drainage waters to the ultimate point of dis- posal instead of attempting to solve the drainage and water problems of an area not principally 74 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida,September 29 at 8 P. N. in Seminole County, Florida at the expense of the City of Sanford area of Seminole County$~ Florida, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ky the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida for and on behalf of those represented by said Commission that this Resolution be and it hereby serves as notice that the City Commission is opposed to any drainage plans materially increasing the flow of waters into the St. Johns River system affecting Lake Monroe, and that the County Commission of Seminole County be and it is hereby requested to abandon ~lans to allo~ or cooperate with such increased flow through Howell Branch Creek, but rather said Commission devote its efforts toward the opening of the Sanford-Titusville Canal. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that t~is Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida and copies thereof delivered to the County aommission of Seminole County, Florida, County Water Control and Drainage Committee, and all other appro- priate agencies. PASSED~AND ADOPTED this 29th day of September, A. D. 1960. ATTEST:,~/ H. N. Tamm, Jr. City Clerk s/ Earl Higginbotham, Mayor s/ J~ B. Baker s/ Robert S.Brown s/ J. H. Crapps~ s/ A. L. Wilson As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida After consideration, the Commission authorized advertising for bids as follows: (1) Truck Chasis, 29,000# G.V.W. (2) 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck (3) Three Police Cars (4) Gasoline and Diesel Fuel On motion of Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, minutes of regular meeting of August 22!, and adjourned regular meetings of August 29, September 1, and September 2, 1960, next approved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. /--