HomeMy WebLinkAbout1524 Renaissance Plng Group Comm Visioning/Strategic Plng15Z� PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM Tuesday, July 31, 2012 To: City Clerk and City Manager RE Executed Contract for RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning And Strategic Planning for The Renaissance Planning group Inc. The item(s) noted below is /are attached and forwarded to your office for the following action(s): ❑ Development Order ❑ Mayo si nature Ci (t t 1 0 Final Plat (original mylars) �_ - ng _ V '1 (� N V L f C A. ❑ etter o re L Maintenance Bond ❑ Ordinance ❑ Performance Bond ❑ Resolution El P � Once completed, please: --=-- Return originals to Purchasing ❑ Return copies El Special Instructions: Execute contract Marisol Ordonez From WI G Rendering Safe keeping (Vault) Payment Bond �Ity Clerk Attest /Signature\ v /la () /d Date J T: \Dept_forms \City Clerk Transmittal Memo - 2009.doc L � 7 3 OFD. • . DOCUMENT APPROVAL 7/31/2012 3:34 PM Contract Agreement Name Executed Contract for RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning And Strategic Planning for The Renaissance Planning group Inc. Approval: P* c ing Ma nfg er 'I 31- 2,ol I- Date 8 Itil ;� Date 9 /Z Date C,� +1 (ice 1 V\ Q ` bu Finance Director City Of Sanford Agreement With The Renaissance Planning Group, Inc. For The Provision Of Professional Planning Services Pertaining To Community Visioning And Strategic Planning This Agreement is made and entered into on the dates set forth below by and between the: City of Sanford, whose address is 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771; a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, holding tax exempt status, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and the Renaissance Planning Group, Inc., a Florida corporation authorized to do business in the State of Florida, whose address is: 121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1200, Orlando, Florida 32801, sometimeshereinafter referred to as the "Consultant ". The City and the Consultant are collectively referred to herein as the "parties ". Witnesseth: Whereas, the City desires to retain the Consultant for the work identified identified in Solicitation Number RFQ 11/12 -09 which is specific to the City's project for Community Visioning and Strategic Planning; and Whereas, the Consultant hereby warrants and represents to the City that it is competent and otherwise able to provide professional and high quality services to the City; and Whereas, the Consultant hereby warrants and represents to the City that it is ready, willing and able to provide services for the project identified above requiring the provision of planning services in order to meet the needs and requirements of the City with regard to those matters and related work; and Whereas, the references to the provisions of services to the City may include the provision of goods and the term "Work Order" shall include the term "Purchase Order" herein when the context and actions of the parties so require; and Whereas, this Agreement is not subject to the provisions of the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act and shall be guided and regulated by that controlling State law in every respect and in every nature, Now, Therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: Section 1: Definitions. Ad valorem - In proportion to the estimated value of the goods taxed. Page 1 of 24 Agreement — This document and all subsequent work orders or related contractual documents between the City and Consultant. Billing Period — The period of time between project commencement to the close of the current period, (inclusive); or from the close of the previous billing period, (exclusive), to the close of the current period, usually concurrent with the month. In no case shall this period be less than one calendar month except for the final Billing Period. Bona Fide - Made or carried out in good faith; sincere. CSC — The City of Sanford, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida holding tax exempt status. Consultant - To include all principals of the Consultant including, but not limited to, full and part time employees, professional or otherwise, and all other agents employed by or for Consultant to perform its obligations hereunder. Description of Services - The Scope of Services for the initial work to be performed under the provisions of this Agreement is set forth in several of the exhibits to this Agreement. Subsequent work may be assisgned by issuance of a Work Order or Work Orders and shall bedescribed in written paragraph form resonably describing those services the City has directed the Consultant to provide. The description shall be written in such a manner that the type of service is clearly provided, but broad enough that all services reasonably expected of the Consultant, including services provided by partners, subconsultants, and other supporting professionals, that shall be provided to the City. Designated Representative — A person who administers, reviews, and coordinates the provision of services. This definition applies equally to the City and to the Consultant. Force Majeure -Force Majeure shall include, but not be limited to, hostility, revolution, civil commotion, strike, epidemic, fire, flood, wind, earthquake, explosion, any law, proclamation, regulation, or ordinance or other act of government, or any act of God or any cause whether of the same or different nature, existing or future; provided that the cause whether or not enumerated in this Agreement is beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the party seeking relief under this Agreement. In the context of this Agreement, force majeure shall not prevent the Consultant from performing , or provide an execuse for non - performance, if those matters relate to the hurricane or similar storm or event to which the services of the Consultant are to relate in the first instance, Law - Said phrase shall include statutes, codes, rules, and regulations of whatsoever type or nature enacted or adopted by a governmental entity of competent jurisdiction. Pari Materia — of the same matter; on the same subject. Laws pari materia must be construed with reference to each other /together when related to the same matter or subject. The provisions of a contract/agreement are to be construed together with no Page 2 of 24 isolated construction of a particular provision such that it would defeat the overall intent of the contract/agreement. Submittals — Any item required by this Agreement that the Consultant must provide the City either for inclusion as part of this Agreement or not. Work Order - A detailed description of quantities, services, and a completion schedule provided on a City prescribed form describing all work associated with the service to be provided by the Consultant to the City for an agreed price referencing this Agreement by title and date. Section 2: Captions /Findings. The Section headings and captions of this Agreement are for convenience and reference only and in no way define, limit, describe the scope or intent of this Agreement or any part thereof, or in any way affect this Agreement or construe any provision of this Agreement. Section 3: Extent Of Agreementllntegration /Amendment. (a) This Agreement, together with the exhibits, constitute the entire integrated Agreement between the City and the Consultant and supersedes all prior written or oral understandings in connection therewith. This Agreement, and all the terms and provisions contained herein, including without limitation the exhibits, regardless as to whether they are attached, constitute the full and complete agreement between the parties hereto to the date hereof, and supersedes and controls over any and all prior agreements, understandings, representations, correspondence, and statements, whether written or oral. The provisions of the Consultant's response and submissions thereto are exhibits to this Agreement and are deemed to be set forth herein as if fully set forth herein verbatim regardless of whether or not attached hereto. (b) This Agreement may only be amended, supplemented, or modified by a formal written amendment. (c) Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties. Section 4: No General City Obligation. (a) In no event shall any obligation of the City under this Agreement be or constitute a general obligation or indebtedness of the City, a pledge of the ad valorem taxing power of the City or a general obligation or indebtedness of the City within the meaning of the Constitution of the State of Florida or any other applicable laws, but shall be payable solely from legally available revenues and funds. Page 3 of 24 (b) The Consultant shall not have the right to compel the exercise of the ad valorem taxing power of the City. The Consultant shall not have the right to compel the City to submit any grant application or any application for approval to any entity regardless of whether public or private. Section 5: Consultant Understanding Of Services Required. (a) Execution of this Agreement by the Consultant is a representation that the Consultant is familiar with local conditions and with the services to be performed and the needs of the City. The Consultant shall make no claim for additional time or money based upon its failure to comply with this Agreement. The Consultant has informed the City, and hereby represents to the City, that it has extensive experience in performing and providing the services and /or goods described in this Agreement and identified in the exhibits and to be identified in the Work Orders, and that it is well acquainted with the components that are properly and customarily included within such projects and the requirements of laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or orders of any public authority or licensing entity having jurisdiction over City projects. Execution of this Agreement, as well as any subsequent Work Order, shall be an affirmative and irrefutable representation by the Consultant to the City that the Consultant is fully familiar with any and all requisite work conditions of the provisions of the services. The Consultant represents that all submissions to the City are true and correct and that the Consultant has, and shall maintain, the expertise and ability to provide services to the City as needed and as outlined in the documents incorporated herein. (b) The recitals herein are true and correct and form and constitute a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties have relied. (c) It is agreed that nothing herein contained is intended or should be construed as in any manner creating or establishing a relationship of co- partners between the parties, or as constituting the Consultant (including, but not limited to, its officers, employees, and agents) the agent, representative, or employee of the City for any purpose, or in any manner, whatsoever. The Consultant is to be and shall remain forever an independent contractor with respect to all services performed under this Agreement. (d) Persons employed by the Consultant in the provision and performance of the services and functions pursuant to this Agreement shall have no claim to pension, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, civil service or other employee rights or privileges granted to the City's officers and employees either by operation of law or by the City. Page 4 of 24 Section 6: General Provisions. (a) Each party hereto represents to the other that it has undertaken all necessary actions to execute this Agreement, and that it has the legal authority to enter into this Agreement, and to undertake all obligations imposed on it. The persons executing this Agreement for the Consultant certify that they are authorized to bind the Consultant fully to the terms of this Agreement. (b) This Agreement is for projects relating to the provision of planning services in order to meet the needs and requirements of the City with regard to those matters and related work as needed to support the City's operations, programs and projects as set forth herein and as otherwise directed by the City. (c) The Consultant acknowledges that the City may retain other Consultants to provide the same types of services for diverse City projects. The City reserves the right to select which Consultant shall provide services for City projects. Coordination between said other consultants and the Consultant may be necessary from time -to -time for the successful completion of work. The Consultant agrees to provide such coordination as necessary within the Scope of Services and with regard to each Work Order. (d) Time is of the essence of the lawful performance of the duties and obligations contained in this Agreement to include, but not be limited to, each Work Order. The parties covenant and agree that they shall diligently and expeditiously pursue their respective obligations set forth in this Agreement and each Work Order. (e) The Consultant will maintain an adequate and competent staff or professionally qualified persons throughout the performance of this Agreement to ensure acceptable and timely completion of the initial work and the work under each Work Order. (f) Requirements for signing and sealing plans, reports, and documents prepared by the Consultant shall be governed by the laws and regulations of Seminole County and State and Federal regulatory agencies. (g) The Consultant hereby guarantees the City that all material, supplies, services, and equipment as listed on a Purchase Order meet the requirements, specifications, and standards as provided for under the Federal Occupations Safety and Health Act of 1970, as from time -to -time amended and in force on the date hereof. (h) No claim for services furnished by the Consultant not specifically provided for herein shall be honored by the City. Page 5 of 24 Section 7: Codes And Design Standards. (a) All the services to be provided or performed by the Consultant shall in the minimum be in conformance with commonly accepted industry and professional codes and standards, standards of the City, and the laws of any Federal, State, or local regulatory agencies. (b) The Consultant shall be responsible for keeping apprised of any changing laws applicable to the services to be performed under this Agreement. Section 8: Subconsultants /contractors. (a) Any Consultant proposed subconsultant/contractor(s) shall be submitted to the City for written approval prior to the Consultant entering into a subcontract. Subconsultant/contractor information shall include, but not be limited to, State registrations, business address, local business tax proof of payment, and insurance certifications. (b) The Consultant shall coordinate the provision of services and work product of any City approved subconsultant/contractor(s) and remain fully responsible for such services and work under the terms of this Agreement. (c) Any subcontract shall be in writing and shall incorporate this Agreement and require the subconsultant/contractor(s) to assume performance of the Consultant's duties commensurately with the Consultant's duties to the City under this Agreement, it being understood, however, that nothing herein shall in any way relieve the Consultant from any of its duties under this Agreement. The Consultant shall provide the Citywith executed copies of all subcontracts. Section 9: Assignability. The Consultant shall not sublet, assign, or transfer any interest in this Agreement, or claims for the money due or to become due out of this Agreement to a bank, trust company, or other financial institution without written City approval. When approved by the City, written notice of such assignment or transfer shall be furnished promptly to the City. Section 10: Commencement/implementation Schedule Of Agreement. (a) The Consultant shall commence the provision of services as described in this Agreement immediately upon execution of this Agreement and upon the execution of any subsequnet Work Order. (b) The Consultant and the City agree to make every effort to adhere to the schedules established for the various Work Orders as described in each Work Order. However, if the Consultant is delayed at any time in the Page 6 of 24 provision of services by any act or omission of the City, or of any employee of the City, or by any other consultant employed by the City, or by changes ordered by the City, or by strikes, lock outs, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties, or any other allowable cause of force majeure, as may be permitted under this Agreement, and not resulting from the inactions or actions of the Consultant and beyond the Consultant's control which would not reasonably be expected to occur in connection with or during performance or provision of the services, or by delay authorized by the City pending a decision, or by any cause which the City shall decide to justify the delay, the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the City may decide in its sole and absolute discretion. It is further expressly understood and agreed that the Consultant shall not be entitled to any damages or compensation, or be reimbursed for any losses on account of any delay or delays resulting from any of the aforesaid causes or any other cause whatsoever. Section 11: Length Of Agreement. (a) Unless terminated, this Agreement shall be in effect until September 30, 2013 and shall automatically renew, thereafter, for one -year periods unless action to terminate this Agreement is taken by a party consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. (b) Should the City wish to not have this Agreement automatically renewed, the City shall provide written notice to the Consultant thirty days prior to the automatic renewal subject; however, to the completion of all pending Work Orders. The City's decision whether or not to renew this Agreement is a decision in which the City is vested with full and plenary discretion and authority. Section 12: Description Of Services. (a). The Consultant agrees to provide planning services in accordance with the Scope of Service described in the exhibits and all Work Orders and other directions consistent with this Agreement issued by the City to the Consultant from time -to -time. The Consultant shall provide to the City all labor, services, equipment, materials, and supplies necessary to accomplish the provision of the services set forth herein. The initial work and any work described in subsequent Work Orders shall be accomplished in accordance with the time requirements established with the City. (b) The Consultant shall provide professional services to and for the benefit of the City in support of its projects in order to meet the needs and requirements of the City with regard to those matters and related work. Page 7 of 24 Section 13: Consultant Responsibilities. (a) The Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality, accepted standards, technical accuracy and the coordination of all services furnished by the Consultant under this Agreement as well as the conduct of its staff, personnel, employees, and agents. The Consultant shall work closely with the City on all aspects of the provision of the services. With respect to services, the Consultant shall be responsible for the quality, technical accuracy, competence, methodology, accuracy, and the coordination of all of the following which are listed for illustration purposes and not as a limitation: documents, analysis, reports, data, plans, plats, maps, surveys, specifications, and any and all other services of whatever type or nature furnished by the Consultant under this Agreement. The Consultant shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in its plans, analysis, data, reports, designs, drawings, specifications, and any and all other services of whatever type or nature. (c) The Consultant shall furnish a Consultant Designated Representative to administer, review, and coordinate the provision of services under each Work Order as well as the services required by the City as a general matter. (d) Neither City review, approval, or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services required under this Agreement shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement. The Consultant shall be and shall remain liable to the City in accordance with applicable law for all damages to the City caused by the Consultant's negligent or improper performance or failure to perform any of the services furnished under this Agreement. (e) The rights and remedies of the Consultant provided for under this Agreement, are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. (e) In the event the Consultant fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the City shall notify the Consultant's Designated Representative in writing so that the Consultant may take remedial action. (f) Time is of the essence in the performance of all services provided by the Consultant under the terms of this Agreement and each and every Work Order. Section 14: City Rights And Responsibilities. (a) The City shall reasonably cooperate with the Consultant in a timely fashion at no cost to the Consultant as set forth in this Section. (b) The City shall furnish a City Designated Representative to administer, Page 8 of 24 review, and coordinate the provision of services under each Work Order. (c) The City shall make City personnel available where, in the City's opinion, they are required and necessary to assist the Consultant. The availability and necessity of said personnel to assist the Consultant shall be determined solely at the discretion of the City. (d) The City shall furnish the Consultant with existing data, records, maps, plans, specifications, reports, fiscal data, and other engineering information that is available in the City's files that is necessary or useful to the Consultant for the performance of the Work. All such documents conveyed by the City shall be, and remain the property of, the City and shall be returned to the City upon completion of the Work to be performed by the Consultant. (e) The City shall, if it so desires, examine all Consultant reports, sketches, drawing, estimates, proposals, and other documents presented to the City and indicate the City's approval or disapproval within a reasonable time so as not to materially delay the provisions of the services of the Consultant. (f) The City shall provide access to and make provisions for the Consultant to enter upon public and private lands as required for the Consultant within a reasonable time to perform work as necessary to complete the Work Order. (g) The City shall transmit instructions, relevant information, and provide interpretation and definition of City policies and decisions with respect to any and all materials and other matters pertinent to the services covered by this Agreement. (h) The City shall give written notice to the Consultant whenever the City's Designated Representative knows of a development that affects the services provided and performed under this Agreement, timing of the Consultant's provision of services, or a defect or change necessary in the services of the Consultant. (i) The rights and remedies of the City provided for under this Agreement are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law; the City may assert its right of recovery by any appropriate means including, but not limited to, set -off, suit, withholding, recoupment, or counterclaim, either during or after performance of this Agreement. (j) The City shall be entitled to recover any and all legal costs including, but not limited to, attorney fees and other legal costs that it may incur in any legal actions it may pursue in the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or the responsibilities of the Consultant in carrying out the duties and responsibilities deriving from this Agreement. Page 9 of 24 (k) The failure of the City to insist in any instance upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any right or privilege granted to the City hereunder shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any such provision or right and the same shall continue in force. (1) Neither the City's review, approval or acceptance of, nor payment for, any of the services required shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement nor or any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement and the Consultant shall be and always remain liable to the City in accordance with applicable law for any and all damages to the City caused by the Consultant's negligent or wrongful provision or performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement. (m) All deliverable analysis, reference data, survey data, plans and reports, or any other form of written instrument or document that may result from the Consutant's services or have been created during the course of the Consultant's performance under this Agreement shall become the property of the City after final payment is made to the Consultant. (n) In the event the City fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall notify the City's Designated Representative in writing so that the City may take remedial action. Section 15: Waiver. The failure of the City to insist in any instance upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any right or privilege granted to the City hereunder, shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of any such provision or right and the same shall continue in force. Section 16: Force Majeure. Neither party shall be considered in default in performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent that performance of such obligations, or any of them, is delayed or prevented by force majeure. The principle of force majeure is limited in this Agreement as otherwise noted in this Agreement. Section 17: Standards Of Conduct. (a) The Consultant warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that the Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant, any fee, Page 10 of 24 commission, percentage, gift, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award of making this Agreement. (b) If the City determines that any employee or representative of the Consultant is not satisfactorily performing his or her assigned duties or is demonstrating improper conduct pursuant to any assignment or work performed under this Agreement, the City shall so notify the Consultant, in writing. The Consultant shall immediately remove such employee or representative of the Consultant from such assignment. (c) The Consultant hereby certifies (in this writing) that no undisclosed conflict of interest exists with respect to the Agreement, including, but not limited to, any conflicts that may be due to representation of other clients, customers or vendees, other contractual relationships of the Consultant, or any interest in property that the Consultant may have. The Consultant further certifies that any conflict of interest that arises during the term of this Agreement shall be immediately disclosed in writing to the City. Violation of this Section shall be considered as justification for immediate termination of this Agreement. (d) The Consultant shall not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest for any City employee or other person during the course of performance of, or otherwise related to, this Agreement or which would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. (e) The City will not intentionally award publicly- funded contracts to any Consultant who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in 8 U.S.C. Section 1324a(e) Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationally Act (INA)]. The City shall consider the employment by the Consultant of unauthorized aliens, a violation of Section 274A (e) of the INA. Such violation by the Consultant of the employment provisions contained in Section 274A (e) of the INA shall be grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement by the City. The Consultant shall maintain an ongoing and thorough employment practice to ensure that illegal aliens are not employed by the Consultant. (f) The Consultant shall comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and any and all related Federal or State laws which prohibits discrimination by public and private entities on the basis of disability. (g) The Consultant shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in the performance of work under this Agreement or violate any laws pertaining to civil rights, equal protection, or discrimination. Page 11 of 24 (h) If the Consultant or an affiliate is placed on a discriminatory vendor list, such action may result in termination by the City. The Consultant shall certify, upon request by the City that it is qualified to submit a bid under Section 287.134 (2) (c), Florida Statutes, relating to public entity crimes. (i) If the Consultant or an affiliate is placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime, such action may result in termination by the City. The Consultant shall certify, upon request by the City, that is qualified to submit a bid under Section 287.133(2)(a), Florida Statutes, relating to public entity crimes. Q) The Consultant shall certify, upon request by the City, that the Consultant maintains a drug free workplace policy in accordance with Section 287.0878, Florida Statutes. Failure to submit this certification may result in termination. (k) The Consultant agrees to comply with Federal, State, and local environmental, health, and safety laws and regulations applicable to the services provided to the City. The Consultant agrees that any program or initiative involving the work that could adversely affect any personnel involved, citizens, residents, users, neighbors or the surrounding environment will ensure compliance with any and all employment safety, environmental and health laws. (1) If applicable, in accordance with Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, the Consultant shall not use funds provided by this Agreement for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature, the Judicial Branch, or State agency. (m) The Consultant shall not publish any documents or release information regarding this Agreement to the media without prior approval of the City. (n) The Consultant shall ensure that all services are provided to the City after the Consultant has obtained, at its sole and exclusive expense, any and all permits, licenses, permissions, approvals or similar consents. (o) The Consultant shall ensure that all taxes due from the Consultant are paid in a timely and complete manner including, but not limited to, the City's local business tax. Section 18: Notices. (a) Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, it must be given by written notice, sent by registered United States mail, with return receipt requested, addressed to the party for whom it is intended, at the place last specified, and the place for giving of notice shall remain such until it shall have been changed by written notice in compliance with the provisions of this Section. Page 12 of 24 (b) For the present, the parties designate the following as the representative places for giving of notice, to -wit: (1) For the City: City Manager 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 With a copies to: Mr. Nicholas McRay Economic Development Director 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Purchasing Manager 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 (2) For the Consultant Renaissance Planning Group, Inc., 121 South Orange Avenue Suite 1200 Orlando, Florida 32801 (c) Written notice requirements of this Agreement shall be strictly construed and such requirements are a condition precedent to pursuing any rights or remedies hereunder. The Consultant agrees not to claim any waiver by City of such notice requirements based upon City having actual knowledge, implied, verbal or constructive notice, lack of prejudice, or any other grounds as a substitute for the failure of the Consultant to comply with the express written notice requirements herein. Computer notification (e -mails and message boards) shall not constitute proper written notice under the terms of the Agreement. Section 19: Designated Representatives. (a) The City Manager or the Designated Representative represents the City in all matters pertaining to and arising from the work and the performance of this Agreement. (b) The City Manager or the Designated Representative shall have the following responsibilities: Page 13 of 24 (1) Examination of all work and rendering, in writing, decisions indicating the City's approval or disapproval within a reasonable time so as not to materially delay the work of the Consultant; (2) Transmission of instructions, receipt of information, and interpretation and definition of City's policies and decisions with respect to design, materials, and other matters pertinent to the work covered by this Agreement; (3) Giving prompt written notice to the Consultant whenever the City knows of a defect or change necessary in the project; and (c) Until further written notice, the City's Designated Representative for this Agreement is: Nicholas McRay Economic Development Director City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Phone: 407.688.5015 Email: mcrayn @sanfordfl.gov (d) Until further written notice, the Consultant's Designated Representative for this Agreement is: Whit Blanton Renaissance Planning Group, Inc., 121 South Orange Avenue Suite 1200 Orlando, Florida 32801 Phone: 407.487.0061 Email: wblanton @citiesthatwork.com Section 20: Work Orders. (a) Aside from the initial work set forth in the exhibits, the provision of services to be performed under this Agreement may commence upon the issuance of a Work Order from the City to the Consultant. Each Work Order shall reference this agreement by title and date, include a detailed description of quantities, services, and a completion schedule, and will be provided on Consultant letterhead. Services described in said Work Order will commence upon the issuance of a City Notice -To- Proceed. After the fact Work Orders may be issued to document work that is accomplished in truly exigent circumstances, but the presumption under this Agreement shall be that there is adequate Page 14 of 24 time to formalize work assignments. (b) The services required to be performed by a Work Order shall clearly defined, the Work Order and shall be issued on a "Fixed Fee" basis. The Consultant shall perform all services required by the Work Order but in no event shall the Consultant be paid more than the negotiated Fixed Fee amount stated therein. (c) The Consultant agrees to adhere to the schedules established in the various Work Orders issued under this Agreement. (d) The Consultant may invoice the amount due based on the percentage of total work Order services actually performed and completed; but in no event shall the invoice amount exceed a percentage of the Fixed Fee amount equal to a percentage of the total services actually completed. (e) The parties may negotiate other forms of compensation aside from the fixed fee basis if the parties find such method to be necessary and desirable based upon the particular project. Section 21: Change Orders. (a) The City may revise the Description of Services set forth in any particular Work Order. (b) Revisions to any Work Order shall be authorized in writing by the City as a Change Order. Each Change Order shall include a schedule of completion for the services authorized. Change Orders shall identify this Agreement and the appropriate Work Order number. The Change Orders may contain additional instructions or provisions specific upon certain aspects of this Agreement pertinent to the services to be provided. Such supplemental instructions or provisions shall not be construed as a modification of this Agreement. An Agreement between the parties on and execution of any Change Order shall constitute a final settlement and a full accord and satisfaction of all matters relating to the change and to the impact of the change on unchanged goods and /or work, including all direct and indirect costs of whatever nature, and all adjustments to the Consultant schedule. (c) If instructed by the City, the Consultant shall change or revise work that has been performed, and if such work is not required as a result of error, omission or negligence of the Consultant, the Consultant may be entitled to additional compensation. The Consultant must submit for City approval a revised proposal with a revised fee quotation. Additional compensation, if any, shall be agreed upon before commencement of any such additional work and shall be incorporated into the work by Change Order to the Work Order. Page 15 of 24 Section 22: Compensation. (a). Compensation to the Consultant for the services performed in the initial work as set forth in the exhibits shall be the fixed fee of $149,774.00. (b) Compensation to the Consultant for the services performed on each Work Order shall be as set forth the Work Order /Change Order. The unit rates of compensation shall be as agreed to by the parties. With regard to services or goods that are not specifically agreed upon at the time that this Agreement is entered by the parties, the City and the Consultant shall negotiate pricing. (c) The City shall not pay for reimbursable items such as gas, tolls, mileage, meals, etc. and other items not directly attritbutable to items produced for each Work Order. (d) Work performed by the Consultant without written approval by the City's Designated Representative shall not be compensated. Any work performed by the Consultant without approval by the City is performed at the Consultant's own election. (e) In the event the City fails to provide compensation under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Consultant shall notify the City's Designated Representative in order that the City may take remedial action. (f) The Consultant hereby grants the City Most Favored Nation status such that the Consultant shall never charge the City for a service an amount which exceeds the lowest price that it provides the same service to another city or county in Florida. Section 23: Invoice Process. (a) Payments shall be made by the City to the Consultant when requested as work progresses for services furnished, but not more than once monthly. The initial work shall be invoiced as work proceeds. Each Work Order shall be invoiced separately. The Consultant shall render to the City, at the close of each calendar month, an itemized invoice properly dated, describing all services rendered, the cost of the services, the name and address of the Consultant, Work Order Number, Contract Number and all other information required by this Agreement. (b) Invoices which are in an acceptable form to the City and without disputable items will be processed for payment within thirty days of receipt by the City. (c) The Consultant will be notified of any disputable items contained in invoices submitted by the Consultant within fifteen days of receipt by the City with an Page 16 of 24 explanation of the deficiencies. (d) The City and the Consultant will make every effort to resolve all disputable items contained in the Consultant's invoices. (e) Each invoice shall reference this Agreement, the appropriate Work Order and Change Order if applicable, the billing period, and include the Project Status Report for the period being billed. (f) The Florida Prompt Payment Act shall apply when applicable. (g) Invoices are to be forwarded directly to: Finance Director City Of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Section 24: Termination Of Agreement. (a) The City may terminate this Agreement or any Work Order for convenience at any time. (b) The City may also terminate this Agreement upon the City determining that any one or more of the following reasons exist: (1) If, in the City's opinion, adequate progress under a Work Order, specially, or this Agreement, generally, is not being made by the Consultant; or (2) If, in the City's opinion, the quality of the services provided by the Consultant is /are not in conformance with commonly accepted professional standards, standards of the City, the requirements of Federal or State regulatory agencies, and the Consultant has not corrected such deficiencies in a timely manner as reasonably determined by the City; or (3) The Consultant or any employee or agent of the Consultant is indicted or has a direct charge issued against him for any crime arising out of or in conjunction with any work that has been performed by the Consultant; or (4) The Consultant becomes involved in either voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy proceedings, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or Page 17 of 24 (5) The Consultant violates the Standards of Conduct provisions herein or any provision of State or local law or any provision of the City Code of Conduct. (c) In the event of any of the causes described in this Section, the City's Designated Representative may send a certified letter requesting that the Consultant show cause why the Agreement or any Work Order should not be terminated. If assurance satisfactory to the City of corrective measures to be made within a reasonable time is not given to the City within fourteen calendar days of the receipt of the letter, the City may consider the Consultant to be in default, and may immediately terminate this Agreement or any Work Order in progress under this Agreement. (d) In the event that this Agreement or a Work Order is terminated for cause and it is later determined that the cause does not exist, then this Agreement or the Work Order shall be deemed terminated for convenience by the City and the City shall have the right to so terminate this Agreement without any recourse by the Consultant. Section 25: Termination By Consultant For Cause. (a) The Consultant may terminate this Agreement if the City fails to pay the Consultant in accordance with this Agreement. (b) In the event of either of the causes described in Subsection (a), the Consultant shall send a certified letter requesting that the City show cause why the Agreement should not be terminated. If adequate assurances are not given to the Consultant within fourteen calendar days of the receipt of said show cause notice, the Consultant may consider the City to be in default, and may immediately terminate this Agreement. Section 26: Termination By The City Without Cause. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the City shall have the right at any time to terminate this Agreement in its entirely without cause, or terminate any specific Work Order without cause, if such termination is deemed by the City to be in the public interest, provided that thirty calendar days prior written notice is given to the Consultant of the City's intent to terminate. (b) In the event that this Agreement is terminated, the City shall identify any specific Work Order(s) or work being terminated and the specific Work Order(s) or work to be continued to completion pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Page 18 of 24 (d) This Agreement will remain in full force and effect as to all authorized Work Order(s) that is /are to be continued to completion. Section 27: Payment In The Event Of Termination. In the event this Agreement or any Work Order is terminated or canceled prior to final completion payment for the unpaid portion of the services provided by the Consultant to the date of termination and any additional services shall be paid to the Consultant. Section 28: Action Following Termination. Upon receipt of notice of termination, given by either party, the terminated party shall promptly discontinue the provision of all services, unless the notice provides otherwise. Section 29: Suspension. (a) The performance or provision of the Consultant's services under any Work Order under this Agreement may be suspended by the City at any time. (b) In the event the City suspends the performance or provision of the Consultant's services hereunder, the City shall so notify the Consultant in writing. Such suspension becoming effective upon the date stated in the notice. The City shall pay to the Consultant within thirty days all compensation which has become due to and payable to the Consultant to the effective date of such suspension. The City shall thereafter have no further obligation for payment to the Consultant for the suspended provision of services unless and until the City's designated representative notifies the Consultant in writing that the provision of the services of the Consultant called for hereunder are to be resumed by the Consultant. (c) Upon receipt of written notice from the City that the Consultant's provision of services hereunder are to be resumed, the Consultant shall continue to provide the services to the City. Section 30: Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). (a) In the event of a dispute related to any performance or payment obligation arising under this Agreement, the parties agree to exhaust any alternative dispute resolution procedures reasonably imposed by the City prior to filing suit or otherwise pursuing legal remedies. (b) The Consultant agrees that it will file no suit or otherwise pursue legal remedies based on facts or evidentiary materials that were not presented for consideration to the City in alternative dispute resolution procedures orwhich the Consultant had knowledge and failed to present during the City procedures. Page 19 of 24 (c) In the event that City procedures are exhausted and a suit is filed or legal remedies are otherwise pursued, the parties shall exercise best efforts to resolve disputes through voluntary mediation. Mediator selection and the procedures to be employed in voluntary mediation shall be mutually acceptable to the parties. Costs of voluntary mediation shall be shared equally among the parties participating in the mediation. Section 31: Severability. (a) If any term, provision or condition contained in this Agreement shall, to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such term, provision or condition to persons or circumstances other than those in respect of which it is invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term, provision, and condition of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law when consistent with equity and the public interest. (b) All provisions of this Agreement shall be read and applied in pari materia with all other provisions hereof. (c) Violation of this Agreement by the Consultant is recognized by the parties to constitute irreparable harm to the City. Section 32: Controlling Laws/Venue /Interpretation. (a) This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. (b) Venue for any legal proceeding related to this Agreement shall be in the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit Court in and for Seminole County, Florida and the City shall, at all times, have and maintain the home venue privilege. (c) This Agreement is the result of bona fide arms length negotiations between the City and the Consultant and all parties have contributed substantially and materially to the preparation of the Contract. Accordingly, this Agreement shall not be construed or interpreted more strictly against any one party than against any other party. Section 33: Indemnity. (a) To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Consultant shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City, its agents, servants, officers, officials, and employees, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including, but not limited to, attorneys fees and other legal costs such as those for paralegal, investigative, and legal support services, and the actual costs incurred for expert witness testimony arising Page 20 of 24 out of or resulting from the performance or provision of services required under this Agreement, provided that same is caused in whole or part by the error, omission, negligent act, failure to act, malfeasance, misfeasance, conduct, or misconduct of the Consultant, its agents, servants, officers, officials, employees, or subConsultants. (b) In accordance with Section 725.06, Florida Statutes, adequate consideration has been provided to the Consultant for this obligation, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby specifically acknowledged. (c) Nothing herein shall be deemed to affect the rights, privileges, and immunities of the City as set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. (d) In claims against any person or entity indemnified under this Section by an employee of the Consultant or its agents or subConsultants, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Section shall not be limited by a limitation on amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable by or for the Consultant or its agents or subConsultants, under Workers Compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefit acts. (e) The execution of this Agreement by the Consultant shall obligate the Consultant to comply with the indemnification provision in this Agreement; however, the Consultant must also comply with the provisions of this Agreement relating to insurance coverages. (f). To the extent that services provided by the Consultant to the City under this Agreement relate to the "planning, design, construction, administration, study, evaluation, consulting, or other professional and technical support services furnished in connection with any actual or proposed construction, improvement, alteration, repair, maintenance, operation, management, relocation, demolition, excavation, or other facility, land, air, water, or utility development. Section 34: Insurance. The City's insurance requirements applicable to contracts are specified on the City's Website at: http : / /www.sanfordfl.gov /index.htmi . The Coverage Standard applicable to this Agreement is identified as: MP- 11012, required coverage is as indicated for Worker's Compensation. Commercial General Liability, Comprehensive Auto Liability and Professional Liability. The indicated insurance coverages, terms and conditions, as set forth on the City's Website, are hereby incorporated into this contract. Section 35: Equal Opportunity Em ployment/Non -Disc rim ination. The Consultant agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment for work under this Agreement because of race, color, religion, sex, age, Page 21 of 24 national origin, or disability and will take affirmative steps to ensure that applicants are employed and employees are treated during employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or their forms or compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Consultant, moreover, shall comply with all the requirements as imposed by the Americans with Disability Act, the regulations of the Federal government issued thereunder, and any and all requirements of Federal or State law related thereto. Section 36: Access To Records /Audit/Public Records. (a) The Consultant shall maintain books, records, documents, time and costs accounts, and other evidence directly related to its provision or performance of services under this Agreement. All time records and cost data shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. (b) The Consultant shall maintain and allow access to the records required under this Section for a minimum period of five years after the completion of the provision or performance services under this Agreement and date of final payment for said services, or date of termination of this Agreement. (c) The City reserves the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement if the Consultant refuses to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other materials subject to provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and other applicable law, and made or received by the Consultant in conjunction, in any way, with this Agreement. (d) The City may perform, or cause to have performed, an audit of the records of the Consultant before or after final payment to support final payment under any Work Order issued hereunder. This audit shall be performed at a time mutually agreeable to the Consultant and the City subsequent to the close of the final fiscal period in which services are provided or performed. Total compensation to the Consultant may be determined subsequent to an audit as provided for in this Section, and the total compensation so determined shall be used to calculate final payment to the Consultant. Conduct of this audit shall not delay final payment as required by this Section. (e) In addition to the above, if Federal, State, County, or other entity funds are used for any services under this Agreement, the Comptroller General of the United States or the Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida, or the County of Seminole, or any representative, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Consultant which are directly pertinent to services provided or performed under this Agreement for purposes of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. Also, Page 22 of 24 the Consultant shall adhere to, and comply with, any and all grant conditions imposed. (f) In the event of any audit or inspection conducted reveals any overpayment by the City under the terms of the Agreement, the Consultant shall refund such overpayment to the City within thirty days of notice by the City of the request for the refund. (g) The Consultant agrees to fully comply with all State laws relating to public records as determined by the City. (h) The Consultant agrees that if any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the record retention period established above, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved and final action taken. Section 37: Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same document. Section 38: Exhibits. Each exhibit, if any, referred to and attached to this Agreement is an essential part of this Agreement. The exhibits, if any, and any amendments or revisions thereto, even if not physically attached hereto, shall be treated as if they are part of this Agreement. The City shall determine the contents of this Agreement relative to exhibits. SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS Page 23 of 24 In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the respective dates under each signature: the City through its City Commission taking official action and the Consultant signing by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete authority to execute same. Authorized Corporate Attestjng P�uthority Printed Name: V6.k A , (k Set ecjS Renaissance P ning roup, Inc. By: Whi Blanton Authorized Corporate Officer Witness Printed Name: Ale- SJ14e Attest: ;.�LL ♦ .l �i . mr. 146 M III - •p - By: - CyJ No N. B 77ap e, Jr. Date: /-� Approved as to form and legal s Iliam L. Colbert City Atto Z !A)diC n/ 6PZ 4ZIq Page 24 of 24 City of Sanford Community Vision and Strategic Plan Scope of Services INTRODUCTION The City of Sanford is initiating a community vision process and developing a strategic plan to set a clear course for the future that links vision to strategies, actions and outcomes. It is an opportunity to engage the public and, through a process of developing and articulating a compelling vision, incorporate new ideas and concepts into creating a strong and vibrant city that is poised to contribute to the overall region's growth and prosperity. The objective of the Community Vision and Strategic Plan is to examine a wide range of community development, planning and economic - related issues facing the City of Sanford and define a vision to help set priorities and guide strategic actions designed to address those issues. The study process will engage the broadest possible spectrum of the public and stakeholders in a consensus - building effort that builds upon core community values as a basis for examining how to best position Sanford for lasting economic success and improved quality of life that reaches all parts of the community. The vision must balance forward - leaning economic growth with respect for the preservation of important civic, historic, natural and cultural resources that are part of the City's heritage. The results of the process will serve as a guide for potential changes in the City's plans, programs, and priorities, as well as forging stronger partnerships with various organizations to achieve desired outcomes for the community in both the near term and longer term. This Community Vision and Strategic Plan project will ensure that each of the City's functional plans is aligned and that each one is focused on implementing a shared vision. Each of these existing plans addresses important issues within the City. The process of creating a vision will synthesize and guide updated elements of these plans as necessary to clearly convey and mutually reinforce a coherent citywide strategy, define needed capital improvements or public services, and establish clear priorities for action based on available and anticipated revenue sources. This scope of services reflects the issues and requirements defined in the City of Sanford's consultant selection process for the Community Vision and Strategic Plan, including its Request for Proposals and the written approach and oral presentation prepared by Renaissance Planning Group that served as a basis for ranking as the preferred consultant team. Renaissance Planning Group, in association with Place Alliance and Highlands Engineering (the Consultant), will undertake the following work activities to accomplish the City of Sanford Community Vision and Strategic Plan. SCOPE OF SERVICES Figure 1 presents a graphic overview of the process the Community Vision and Strategic Plan will follow. The Consultant will employ a four -step approach toward problem solving that is designed to address Sanford's specific needs for development of a community vision and strategic plan. 1 REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP The steps entail: Step 1— Set the Context; focuses on targeted outreach efforts to confirm stakeholder objectives and issues, identify values and assess current plans. This step asks the key questions "Where are we now ?" and "Where are we going ?" Step 2 — Imagine Outcomes, involves defining desired outcomes and examining possible alternatives for how to achieve results. This step asks the question "Where do we want to be ?" Step 3 — Develop the Evidence, includes analysis and presentation of information designed to confirm the vision and direction of the community. This step helps to define critical targets and benchmarks that will help the City monitor its progress over time. It asks the question "How do we get there ?" Step 4 — Tell the Story, consists of formal presentations and feedback by the public, advisory boards and elected officials. The storytelling step produces the final vision and strategic plan documents that clearly convey both near term and longer term actions for achieving the vision. The process reflects an interactive dialogue with the community through various methods to enable imagination of possible outcomes and analysis of scenarios to support a desired vision. The project will occur in two phases, with the first phase establishing the context based on values and previous plans, and identifying a working vision. The second phase adds detail and necessary refinements to the working vision through analysis and evaluation, and development of the strategic plan. The process culminates with development of key messages and identification of specific actions to carry out the vision through the City's on -going planning, budgeting and economic development activities. Figure 1— Steps in the Visioning Process Imagining Defining Telling tc Ouomes the the Vision Story Explore Develop Options Evidence 2 REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 1 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP Phase I — Setting Context and Imagining Outcomes The first phase will establish the context for a community vision and explore future scenarios that will guide development of the vision, including a base scenario that reflects current trends. Phase I will consist of the following tasks: Task 1 — Project Initiation To begin the project, the Consultant will facilitate a kick -off meeting with appropriate City representatives to discuss the study's context, community engagement process and desired outcomes, as well as coordination of available data and prior or current planning efforts. This initial task will also entail a review and refinement, as necessary, of the project schedule and milestones for task deliverables, along with other related information such as preferred map and document formats. In preparation for the studio, the Consultant will submit a draft Public Involvement Plan that outlines specific strategies and steps to engage the broader community and key stakeholders in the visioning process, with the objective of bringing new voices to the dialogue. The kick -off meeting will provide an opportunity to review and discuss the Public Involvement Plan, confirm responsibilities and make any necessary adjustments. Following the kick -off meeting, the Consultant will make a kick -off presentation at a meeting with the Sanford City Commission to outline the overall process, including the role of the steering committee, and seek the Commission's input on the composition of the steering committee and their charge. The Consultant will provide guidance to City staff to establish an initial Plan Information Network (PIN) of community contacts, such as neighborhoods, businesses, non - profit community -based organizations, religious and educational institutions and other groups that the Consultant will maintain and expand throughout the project. The City will have responsibility for initially developing a complete list of contacts to the best of its ability. The purpose of the PIN is to expand the involvement of participants in the process to the broadest and most diverse extent practical. The PIN is a contacts database that identifies not only the name and methods of contact with key individuals or groups, but also when and where organizations meet, and how they share information internally (e.g., newsletter, web site, social media, etc.). The Consultant will also outline a framework for using MindMixer as a basis for on -line community dialogue for the vision, which will be used in connection with the PIN to share information and capture public input. With the Consultant's and Commission's guidance, City staff will have the lead responsibility of forming a vision and strategic plan steering committee ideally comprised of a cross - section of city advisory boards and geographic representation of residents. With facilitated meetings, the steering committee will be able to understand cross -over issues and assess trade -offs as the vision is developed and supporting strategies, actions and priorities identified. This will help create a group of "champions" who will be able to convey important principles and desired outcomes to their respective boards and constituencies, and help broaden the base of support for the vision and its strategic recommendations. The Steering Committee will be able to review and comment on the draft Public Involvement Plan prior to its execution. City staff and steering committee members will also assist with development of the PIN contacts list. 3 REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP Deliverables: Refined schedule and milestones, draft Public Involvement Plan, City Commission presentation, maintain a Plan Information Network and framework for the MindMixer site. Task 2 - Setting Context The Consultant will undertake two primary activities as part of this task: 1) Defining values through initial public involvement efforts, and 2) Reviewing existing plans, programs and policies to provide a context for the City's current situation and direction if existing plans do not change. These activities are described below. 2.1 Focus Group Discussions, Small Community Forums and Stakeholder Interviews The Consultant will engage in discussions with stakeholders to introduce them to the community vision process and facilitate discussion that will help to define the values that will serve as a basis to guide future direction in Sanford. These discussions will also entail a process of imagining future outcomes in the City that respond to key issues and opportunities. These discussions will primarily take three forms: focus group meetings consisting of 5 -12 participants, one -on -one interviews and small group forums held in the community among neighbors or other community interests. The focus group discussions will seek to involve a representative and diverse cross - section of City interests, such as downtown businesses and property owners, neighborhoods, community groups and the like. The Consultant will develop a discussion guide for review by staff, and will prepare a summary of the conversations as a step toward a synthesis of findings. The Consultant will work in partnership with City staff to organize and invite participation in the group discussions, which will each take 1 -2 hours to conduct, and will be held in a variety of settings that best fit the needs of participants. The Consultant will participate in up to eight (8) focus group discussions or small community forums, both of which will be supplemented by up to 10 additional one -on -one interviews. The Consultant will work with community -based organizations and City staff to schedule the community forums and invite participants. The interviews are reserved for certain stakeholders in the City who may not be able to attend one of the focus group meetings or with whom an individual meeting may be more candid or productive. In addition, as part of this task, the Consultant will meet individually with each City of Sanford elected official to understand their perspectives and expectations for outcomes from the process. This will be critical to obtaining a clear commitment from the Commissioners on the approach and work products. The Consultant will also interview key City staff, such as selected department heads and senior staff, as a means of identifying and assessing roles, responsibilities and opportunities for alignment of vision and actions. 2.2 Establish Interactive On -line Media Presence Building upon the framework established in Task 1, the Consultant will assist City of Sanford staff with establishing an on -line interactive public engagement mechanism using MindMixer and other tools, as appropriate. MindMixer is a web -based platform that enables participants to become active in their community's decision - making by providing citizens access to share ideas, solve challenges and interact with community leaders at any time, from anywhere. The Consultant will work with MindMixer representatives to brand the site for Sanford's vision and strategic planning process. People will be able 41 n RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 to access the MindMixer forum directly or from the City's web site. The Consultant will prepare content and graphics, and will work with City staff to create interactive features for people to request and review information, provide input on study materials and answer questions, as well as review presentations and maps, etc. The Consultant will provide content updates at least twice monthly, with updates as necessary timed with specific events or activities, such as public meetings and completed interim work products. The MindMixer site will provide a dynamic forum for interactive discussion about the vision and strategic plan process and its potential outcomes. MindMixer is can be accessed via social media tools like Facebook, and will be monitored for appropriate content and to maintain acceptable decorum. The media will help to provide a coordinated and interactive forum for developing the community vision. In addition, as part of public workshops or meetings, the Consultant will explore the use of electronic polling technology to enable participants to express preferences anonymously and instantly. Various approaches will be considered and chosen based on the particular strategy and need for the public forum. The Consultant will brief City staff on the options and recommend a preferred approach for staff's approval. 2.3 Where Are We Now? — Review of Existing Plans The long range vision is intended to embrace and build upon the existing plans or studies in Sanford that currently guide and regulate growth and development in the City. These plans include the Comprehensive Plan, functional master plans, Community Redevelopment Area plan, district or corridor plans and various studies that have been commissioned by the City. The Consultant will conduct a thorough examination of these plans, their relationship to one another and how they may convey a set of common themes or strategies to guide the emerging vision. As a group these plans will help set the context and starting point for the vision and strategic planning process. The initial technical analysis will focus on defining a baseline for the City. Working in concert with City staff, Renaissance will assemble all available data for the planning area and organize a library of data resources for the project. The baseline will include a demographic profile based on 2010 Census data, summary of validated regional socio- economic data, existing conditions assessment including employment and housing distribution and density, vacant land, potential redevelopment parcels, existing and future land use and built form, and common impacts related to transportation, housing and the environment. The first task will be to build the 'Virtual Present,' a GIS -based computer model that digitally recreates current conditions as closely as possible. This will, essentially, be the canvas for painting the community vision. However, the vision will likely need to address other issues beyond the built environment, including issues of equity, community and social services, safety, job training, etc. The Consultant will identify these elements in the interviews and review of plans, policies and programs. As these kinds of social or civic issues emerge, the Consultant will meet with City staff to review the work plan and determine whether adjustments in the scope of services or skills of key personnel may be warranted to ensure adequate response as part of the development of the vision and strategic plan. To the extent that this is a replacement of anticipated services and not an addition, there will be no effect on the project cost. .51 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 d 2.4 Where Are We Going? — Policy Future Using existing plans and the Land Development Code, the Consultant will build a Policy or Trend Future scenario for the City of Sanford. This will consist of a spatial model using tools like GIS and Sketch -up that can reflect development potential, allowable heights and site coverage currently permitted. The result will be a future that reflects current plans and policies at build -out. This model can be analyzed for its revenue generating potential, service demands and likely traffic impacts (expressed in terms of vehicle miles of travel — VMT— per person). The findings will be presented to the steering committee as background information and will provide a basis against which alternatives can be measured. 2.5 Public Workshop The Consultant will organize an initial public workshop to present the Trend Future and obtain initial feedback from citizens on their preferred future for the City. The community -wide forum will help obtain initial input on broader goals, objectives, and desired outcomes for the vision and subsequent actions, including feedback on ideas and strategies employed in other cities. The workshop will entail both values -based and map -based exercises to gather input from the public and will include: • Special places to preserve or retain current character; • Where density and /or economic growth should occur; • Areas of stability, areas of change; • Transportation options; • Bicycle / pedestrian connections; • Public safety; • Parks, recreation and open space, and • Other issues of concern. Prior to the workshop, the Consultant will assist the City with preparation of traditional and non- traditional outreach /invitation materials, such as a flyer, email announcements and a press release, as well as use of social media, to publicize the event and invite participation from the general public and specific groups. The Consultant will use the PIN contacts list as well as other methods to generate interest, and will coordinate with City staff to ensure participation from elected officials, key stakeholders and community representatives. The Consultant will prepare an agenda, presentation materials, hand -outs and other methods for staff review to enable participants to provide guidance early in the visioning process. After the workshop, the Consultant will synthesize the results of the public workshop and present them to the steering committee and City Commission for review and ratification of community values as background for developing alternative scenarios and a preferred citywide vision for Sanford, including its downtown and target economic development areas. Deliverables Summary and Synthesis document addressing the focus group, interview and community forum findings to highlight shared values, MindMixer set -up, design and content, along with public input methods and materials, Virtual Present base representation of existing conditions, a Policy Future scenario based on existing plans /codes; workshop outreach materials, workshop summary and a 2nd presentation to the City Commission. 6, RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 Task 3 - Imagining Outcomes Based on the community values and planning context identified in the previous task, the Consultant will prepare a working vision map (or map series) of the City's target areas that will serve as a basis for exploring potential scenarios for the built environment and refining the vision so it can serve as a meaningful guide for specific outcomes. The vision map will be based on the synthesis of existing plans and input from stakeholder discussions in small groups, interviews, the initial public workshop, and ideas employed in other cities. The following activities will occur as part of this task: 3.1 Where Do We Want To Be? The Consultant will develop Community Elements that will illustrate the development patterns currently allowed and additional elements from the public workshop and other forums that could potentially be incorporated into the long range vision for Sanford. Community Elements are the land use patterns, transportation characteristics and open space features that make up different place types throughout the City. These will be based on existing buildings in the City or new forms, such as mixed -use developments, which are compatible with local values. These will be illustrated and described in terms of building height, density, mix of uses, construction costs and other economic parameters. The Consultant will review these with City staff and the steering committee, making appropriate modifications based on their input. These will be the building blocks of the vision, and will not only help visualize the future, but also quantify it. Tools and Models Visualization, fiscal and economic benefits, and connectivity are important elements of the community vision and strategic plan. The Consultant will work closely with City of Sanford staff during the Project Initiation task and prior to each steering committee meeting and public forum to define the number and type of visual images to be used. For large scale, area -wide illustrations, the Consultant will use tools like Visual Nature Studio, a program that illustrates terrain, aerial photographs, vegetation and can incorporate any GIS data available. It has the capability of showing building mass in context and overall relationships of land uses. For more detailed work, the Consultant will use Google Sketch -Up, a tool designed for buildings and groups of buildings in their context. This is helpful in ground level illustrations that convey building mass for scale. Through the public engagement forums, the Consultant will produce a limited number of photorealistic or hand -drawn illustrations that show conceptions of the character of places as they evolve. For cost efficiency, the Consultant team will also employ precedent photos of existing buildings (not necessarily in Sanford), along with a limited number of original perspective illustrations and similar graphics. The Consultant will also apply Community Viz, a decision- support tool. Community Viz allows definition and monitoring of the mix of uses, number of households and employees, square feet of usable space as well as parking demand, water retention and common transportation and environmental impacts. This tool provides a basis for mapping target areas for change in land use /urban form and enables the use of quantitative performance measure to help guide the decision - making process. 7 y REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP 3.2 Develop Design Studies for Target Areas With the basis of the Policy /Trend Future and a working vision map established based on community values and input from the first workshop, the Consultant will undertake a series of conceptual design studies for selected target areas and potential "catalyst sites" as a basis to refine and further develop a preferred community vision for Sanford that addresses a wide range of issues. The Consultant will focus on up to six distinct target areas, which will range in size and scale, but will be sufficiently large to capture a range of land uses, transportation options, and their influence on various neighborhoods. The Consultant will schedule meetings or interviews with catalyst site stakeholders (property owners or their representatives) as part of identifying, evaluating and developing concepts for the catalyst sites. The design studies will entail the illustration of alternative outcomes for each target area, including potential catalyst sites that could provide a foundation for redevelopment or new development in the area. Through these design studies, the Consultant will provide an initial level of value engineering and economic analysis to examine strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to screen potential catalyst sites based on site development potential or barriers, market dynamics and infrastructure. The Consultant will meet with City staff and the steering committee to review and discuss the target area design concepts prior to obtaining feedback from the public. Deliverables Working vision map for the City and its target areas; palette of existing and new Community Elements for use in developing scenarios, alternative design concepts for up to five target areas. Phase II - Telling the Story The second phase of the project entails the analysis needed to support the selection of a preferred vision and development of key messages with supporting data that will guide a strategic plan to reinforce the City's direction. Phase II will consist of the following tasks: Task 4 — Town Hall Meeting and Refinement of Design Concepts With feedback from staff and the steering committee, the Consultant will refine the design concepts in preparation for a Town Hall meeting to gain public feedback on preferences on the concepts. The Town Hall meeting will be facilitated by the Consultant's project manager and supported by its urban design specialists, who will discuss the concepts with participants. The Town Hall meeting will feature interactive sessions using tools to provide visual feedback on building heights, densities, and the relationship to existing buildings in the district and target areas. Alternative plans are likely to emerge through public review that can be comparatively analyzed and presented back to the steering committee to assist in choosing preferred vision elements. This will take place in a subsequent meeting. The preferences emerging from the Town Hall will be refined and illustrated for presentation to the steering committee, and ultimately to the City Commission. The City will be responsible for securing an appropriate venue for the Town Hall meeting. The Consultant will employ a community outreach strategy as in the first workshop to invite broad -based and targeted community participation. The Consultant will review and summarize the feedback and use it as a basis for refining the vision and developing the strategic plan. The Consultant will post all materials on the project web site prior to the Town Hall and following the meeting to show outcomes and refinements, as appropriate. 8 REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP OR Deliverables Materials and summary of the Town Hall meeting, including prior advertisements and a draft community vision with specific illustrations and graphics depicting concepts for the City's target areas, multimodal mobility and identification of potential changes in policy. Task 5 - Prepare Community Linkages Strategy Following the Town Hall meeting, the Consultant will prepare a community linkages strategy that deals with the economic, social and physical connectivity of the community. The focus of this task is to foster stronger connections between city neighborhoods and target areas, in terms of economic benefit, community interaction and cohesion, and multimodal accessibility, mobility and safety. This will entail both a physical plan and a set of programs or initiatives designed to overcome barriers that may serve to separate the community geographically, economically and socially. The community linkages strategy will illustrate how the community vision results in a better connected community, a stronger sense of identity and a framework for strengthening Sanford not only as a regional destination, but its unique community and neighborhood focal points that help to define the community. Deliverables A multimodal transportation map (or map series) with supporting data and analysis presented in a PowerPoint slide show to define project needs, a policy framework and guidelines for physical and social connectivity, program elements to foster economic linkages. Task 6 - Economic Strategy In parallel with the Community Linkages Strategy in support of the vision, the Consultant will conduct an economic analysis that will help the City more fully understand the potential for new development activity or redevelopment in the target areas. In this task, the Consultant will work from a framework of place priorities versus policy priorities based on the findings and recommendations developed to this point in the process. Each place priority generates questions and issues to address within each policy priority, and vice versa. For example, what sort of development review process, utility infrastructure, and incentives are needed to successfully guide development in target areas? Meanwhile, what are the implications of developing those areas (and defining priorities) or the prospects for and scale of infill and redevelopment elsewhere in the community (including the other place priorities)? The same policy questions can be asked regarding the other places. Such multifaceted, interdependent questions are fundamental to crafting the City's economic development vision, and that vision is but one element of the broader community vision. By its very nature, a sustainable economy cannot be developed in isolation from other systems and priorities; rather, it is fully integrated into the policies, values, and achievements that have made Sanford the place that it is today and can be in the future. This task will entail a market position analysis of the defined target areas, as well as any other development areas defined during the public engagement and design process to help guide the vision for the type of uses and intensity of land development activity. The Consultant will assess and develop guidance for criteria for development within areas designated for change to streamline review and regulation procedures that will help encourage investment in these focused areas, with intensity thresholds defined to be consistent with the Community Linkages Strategy. The Consultant will also 9 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 1 assess the City's infrastructure to determine where needed capital improvements must be planned and prioritized to support future development in the target areas. Water and sewer and other services to support development and redevelopment must be anticipated and the costs and funding mechanisms identified. This will assure that an orderly progression of development is accompanied by the infrastructure necessary to support it. The Consultant will evaluate the public investment strategies needed to support the vision, including examination of existing and potential funding sources that can help achieve the vision, and how those investments can help secure the economic benefits of implementing the vision. The Consultant will produce an economic strategy framework white paper and in PowerPoint format for staff and steering committee review that entails the findings from the market potential analysis, evaluation of infrastructure needs, the identification of economic strategies and assessment of public investment options to support the vision. The market position analysis will use readily available demographic /economic data across a broad range of variables to describe current conditions and recent trends in Sanford related to its attractiveness in the local market and potential for development for typical land uses and real estate product types. The Consultant will supplement the data analysis with insights and information gained from focus groups and individual interviews with stakeholders and other persons with local knowledge /interest in the market dynamics of the Sanford area. Any previous or ongoing economic development initiatives, such as cluster strategies, Seminole Way, etc. will be addressed as a useful component of the analysis and an important thing for synchronization with the community vision. The intent is to create a market profile of Sanford and its potential opportunities for comparison and contrast with the goals and values expressed by the community and the imagined outcomes that are documented in the working vision map. The market profile will both enrich the visioning process and provide a "reality check" on concepts that are brought forward for consideration. The market position analysis will inform and help shape the planning for the target areas and potential catalyst sites by identifying opportunities and constraints and framing possible land use /development programs at a generalized level. The scope of services does not anticipate detailed site - specific or area - specific market studies that would test the feasibility of the plan concepts or provide recommendations on pricing, development quantities, absorption, phasing, or other components of a development plan. Deliverables Positioning assessment for up to five locations; Economic strategy PowerPoint presentation. Task 7 - How Do We Get There? In this task, the Consultant will prepare the "instruction manual" for how the vision is to be carried out through the City's planning, economic development and other departments or programs. This will build upon the Town Hall meeting and prior tasks addressing community linkages and economic strategies. The preferred vision and guidance on the potential amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code (LDC) will be presented for review by the steering committee. 10 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 7.1 Key Projects and Strategies Map The Consultant will produce a draft project and strategies map (or map series), which will be supported by a project reference list that provides planning -level details on projects and strategies needed to carry out the vision. The map(s) and table will be organized by target area and overall (for items that are not geographically defined), and will serve as a basis for setting priorities and aligning with existing and potential revenue sources. 7.2 Policies and Performance Measures The Consultant will assemble appropriate data, inventory and analysis, along with potential policy changes for the City's use. A key part of the vision is the ability to measure progress toward its desired outcomes using indicators that represent the spectrum of major issues. The Consultant will identify a set of performance measures /indicators, along with benchmarks and targets based on prior analysis, using readily available data. Changes to enable the preferred scenario could affect a number of existing plans in the City. 7.3 Public Open House Based on input from the steering committee, the Consultant will present the preferred vision and strategic plan to the public in an Open House format with supporting illustrations and character sketches to fully describe the underlying concepts, implications, benefits, linkages and urban form that will emerge from the vision. The focus of the meeting is twofold: identify any critical refinements or modifications needed, and define priorities. The Consultant will develop an exercise for meeting participants to identify priorities by target area and overall, both in terms of the built environment and policy /program considerations. The input from this Open House will be integrated, as appropriate, into the recommended strategic plan recommendations that will be moved forward to the City Commission for final consideration. 7.4 Meetings To help explain some of the key concepts to identified stakeholders and community groups, the Consultant will work with City staff to schedule up to five individual or group briefings to enable a more deliberative review and discussion of issues that may be controversial or viewed as somewhat risky. These meetings will entail listening and dialogue to understand any concerns and ways they may be addressed. Deliverables Draft set of recommended policy and program changes, performance measures, benchmarks and targets, and a key projects /strategies map and reference table. Outreach materials to invite participation in the Open House; web site content update; summary addressing the focus Open House feedback. Task 8 - Telling the Story The Consultant will produce a summary report documenting the process and outcomes of the Community Vision and Strategic Plan, along with key supporting messages, through words, numbers and pictures that tell a compelling story about how the City of Sanford can realize its desired future. This will incorporate the materials developed in prior tasks, including identifying the key changes that will be necessary to achieve the preferred vision. The documentation for the strategic plan will include specific 11 ° REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP action items, a timetable for each based on the City's fiscal capacity and partnerships with other entities, responsibilities (e.g., lead, support or contributing) and a means of measuring progress on an annual or bi- annual basis. The Consultant will review and introduce selected "best practices" from other local governments that may be appropriate for consideration by the City of Sanford. In support of the document, the Consultant will prepare a camera -ready fold -out vision poster that provides a quick reference to the City's vision in words, numbers and pictures. The poster will include a Citywide vision map (likely using insets for more detailed areas), and a combination of words, numbers and vignette images or pictures to reinforce key messages for targeted areas or districts that support the overall vision. It will be the City's responsibility to produce the desired quantity of the vision poster, but the Consultant will work directly with the City's preferred printing vendor to develop the poster with appropriate specifications to ensure ease of production. The Consultant will also provide guidance to the City about potential strategies to convey the vision and strategic plan to city residents and businesses through various means that help spread the word to increase awareness and buy -in, share the initiatives and solicit continued feedback as those efforts move forward. All products will be provided in digital format, including any GIS data layers that are developed in the process. Images developed during the visioning process will be provided digitally in full size for the City's future use. Deliverables Draft final report (in electronic Word or PDF format) for staff review and comment, 25 bound copies of the final report reflecting review comments from staff; draft and final print -ready electronic versions of the summary vision poster for the City's reproduction needs, all work products, including maps, tables, spreadsheets, tools and reports, in digital form on CD or DVD. Task 9 - Process Meetings and Presentations In addition to the public involvement activities described in Task 2, the first workshop, Town Hall meeting and final open house public meeting, the Consultant will participate in the following meetings and briefings to support the study process: 9.1 Coordination Meetings with City Staff Close coordination with City staff of various departments is essential for engagement and buy -in for the vision concerning affected functional areas of City government. The Consultant will participate in various meetings with City staff as needed to ensure a high level of internal coordination and the efficient flow of information. Meetings may be held via telephone /conference call or in person as necessary and when convenient. These in- person meetings will likely occur prior to or immediately after other project activities to prepare or debrief. City staff will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate staff members participate in the meetings. 9.2 Steering Committee Meetings The Consultant will participate in up to six steering committee meetings to obtain input to guide the visioning process and feedback on preliminary findings and draft work products. The Consultant will work with City staff to prepare the agenda items and materials for the steering committee's timely 121 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 (911; review, and will follow up each meeting with a list of action items developed in consultation with City staff. 9.2 Briefings / Presentations to Appointed and Elected Boards The Consultant will conduct up to four presentations to the Sanford City Commission. One presentation will be made early in the vision process to provide an overview of the study process and seek direction on the composition of the steering committee, and to obtain guidance and other input for consideration in subsequent steps of the process. A second presentation will occur to review or ratify the values identified in early steps of the project. The remaining presentations will occur later in the schedule to present the draft and final vision, along with supporting strategic plan recommendations for consideration, feedback and approval. The Consultant will work with City staff to prepare agenda packet materials in a timely manner prior to each of these schedule presentations. Task 10 - Optional Additional Services During the course of this project, it will be extremely important for the City and Consultant to be dynamic and respond quickly to emerging issues or requests for information that may arise. While the above tasks anticipate some level of interactive adjustments in the scope of work to ensure flexibility, there may be some additional, directly related, consultant services needed that are not anticipated at this time. This task accounts for possible assignments that the City of Sanford may request of the Consultant in support of the community vision and strategic plan. The cost for such services will be estimated based on the hourly rate schedule included at the end of this scope of work. Schedule Figure 2 presents the draft study schedule, which will be subject to review and refinement as part of the Task 1, Project Initiation. The Consultant will commence work immediately upon receipt of written notice to proceed issued by the City of Sanford, and will complete work within 12 months. The schedule anticipates preliminary action by the City Commission in the March -April 2013 time frame. The schedule may be adjusted or extended upon mutual agreement between the Consultant and City staff. Salford Community vision and Strategic Man .Ar ..dw S fi ..,. A KIKk -oft M..bng * Comm ny W«W. p W Cry Com _ 0 3—" Con. - * D.1-rabl. Figure 2 - Draft Study Schedule 13 REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP Budget The work will be conducted on a lump sum, percent complete basis, with an invoice and progress report submitted each month based on the percentage of work accomplished. The estimated work effort by task is shown in the attached Fee Schedule. An hourly rate schedule is provided for contingencies that may arise for additional meetings or additional technical analysis, upon mutual consent between the City's project manager and the Consultant. If requested by the City, additional services beyond those identified in this scope of services will be reimbursed to the Consultant on a time and materials basis, per an approved hourly rate schedule. Direct expenses (mileage, rental car, fuel, tolls, per diem, etc.) will be reimbursed at cost. Further, the City may choose to engage the Consultant for complementary follow -on services that help implement aspects of the final vision plan. These services would be negotiated separately as part of an individual task work order. 14 REVISED SCOPE June 25, 2012 k RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP ► & I 7 ƒ } ■ } e � ƒ \ ' ` 7 ƒ E E } &(f • 7' � - � � f ■ $ � � n �ƒƒ /! f (- �{ ■�■ E ! I F ƒ ■ � � . !� � ■ � t � ■ ! � � ! � f ■ . > ■ � } \ 7 ► n� ws xM r Item No. / 5 2,q CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 12.107.F JULY 9, 2012 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Co ' ion PREPARED BY F. William Smith, Purchasing Manager SUBMITTED BY Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager S UBJECT: Professional Services for Community V' ion' g and Strategic Planning Services SYNOPSIS: Approval of staff's recommended rankings for professional services related to Community Visioning and Strategic Planning project and delegation of authority to the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract is being requested. FISCALISTAFF'ING STATEMENT: City Manager delegated authority to negotiate a contract for services that would be in an amount not to exceed $150,000. Funds are available from Economic Development 001 - 0102 - 559- 31 -00. BACKGROUND: RFQ 11/12 -09 was issued for professional services related to the City's Community Visioning and Strategic Planning project with a thirty (30) day response window for interested firms to respond. City staff evaluated proposals submitted by the five (5) respondents in accordance with competitive procedures as summarized by attachment, Scoring and Ranking Information. The initial scoring resulted in a short-list of three (3) firms who were invited to provide presentations. Upon completion of the presentations, the firms were ranked by the scoring team with number 1 being: Renaissance Planning Group, number 2 being Littlejohn Engineering, and number 3 being Kramer and Little, LLC. This ranking is hereby submitted to the City Commission for approval to complete the process as recommended below. LEGAL REVIEW: Provided by the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends that the ranking indicated above be approved and that the City Commission delegate authority to the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with the firm ranked number 1 in a not to exceed amount of $150,000. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to approve staff's ranking of respondents to RFQ 11/12 -09 and to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract for services with the number one ranked firm in an amount not to exceed $150,000." Attachment: RFQ 11/12 -09 Scoring and Ranking Information COMMUNITY VISIONING AND STRATEGIC PLANNING SERVICES SCORING AND RANKING INFORMATION Short - Listed Firms RENAISSANCE LITTLEJOHN KRAMER & Response Submission Form PART 1 General 1.01 Description The following Request for Statements of Qualifications, for the (11) RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning: This Response is submitted by (2) Renaissance Planning Group, Inc. 121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1200, Orlando, FL 32801 (P) 407.487.0061 ext. 113 (F) 407.487.0058 wblanton@citiesthatwork.com (1) Title and Solicitation number as shown in the Invitation (2) Name, address, telephone, fax number and emall of Proposer. 1.02 The Undersigned: A. Acknowledges receipt of: Addenda: Number 1 Dated 3/5/2012 Number 2 Dated 3119/2012 B. Has examined the Solicitation Documents and understands that in submitting his /her Response, he /she waives all right to plead any misunderstanding regarding the same. C. Understands that the responsibility for delivering the submission to the CITY on or before the specified date and time will be solely and strictly the responsibility of the Respondent. The City will not be responsible for delays caused by the United States Postal Office or a delay caused by any other occurrence. Offers by telephone, fax, email or other electronic means will not be accepted. It is understood that any deviation from a completed, signed (original signatures) proposal delivered on or before the designated time, date and place, as provided herein, to the City will be resolved against the individual or firm submitting the response. D. Agrees: 1. To hold this Offer open for 60 calendar days after the opening date. 2. By signing this document the responding individual or firm hereby agrees to negotiate in good faith, to be bound by specifications, terms, conditions, scheduling, pricing and representations as stated and submitted with this form and /or as established by subsequent negotiations. However, it is understood that the City reserves the right to declare any submission nonresponsive if exceptions to specifications, terms, conditions, etc. of the solicitation are not acceptable in the opinion of the City to meet the requirements of said solicitation. 3. To enter into and execute a contract with the City, if awarded on the basis of this Offer and /or subsequent negotiations agreed upon by the City and the Bidder/Proposer. 4. To accomplish the work or service in accordance with any Contract resulting from this request. 1.03 Miscellaneous Requirements and Affirmations Statements of Qualifications shall be submitted using the attached forms and in compliance with the instructions provided with this request. . Number of originals and complete copies to submit: a. Two originals b. Eight copies c. One electronic thumb drive in pdf format d. One CD or DVD disc in pdf format. 1.04 Protests Protests, if any, shall be submitted in compliance with City Purchasing Policy in all respects. Failure to file protest to the Purchasing Manager within the requirements a and time prescribed by the Purchasing Policy of the City of Sanford, shall constitute a waiver of proceedings. sealed this 28th day of March Bidder /rrropo 'ser Sy ig+�fure) Date Whit Blanton, Vice President Printed Name and Title Corporate /Company Seal On the Envelope Containing Your Submission: The Return address — Your Company Name and Address Address or Deliver To: William Smith, Purchasing Manager City of Sanford P.O. Box 1788 (300 N. Park Avenue, Room 236) Sanford, FL 32772 In the Lower Left Corner of the Envelope, Provide the Following: RFQ Number: RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Community Planning Open Date: March 28, 2012 Open Time: 2:00 p.m. (Non - Public) This Form Must Be Completed and Returned with your Submission Disputes Disclosure Form Answer the following questions by answering "YES" or "NO ". If you answer "YES ", please explain in the space provided, please add a page(s) if additional space is needed. 1. Has your firm, or any of its officers, received a reprimand of any nature or been suspended by the Department of Professional Regulation or any other regulatory agency or professional association within the last five (5) years? No 2. Has your firm, or any member of your firm, been declared in default, terminated or removed from a contract or job related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business within the last five (5) years? No 3. Has your firm had filed against it or filed any requests for equitable adjustment, contract claims or litigation in the past five (5) years that is related to the services your firm provides in the regular course of business? No If yes, the explanation must state the nature of the request for equitable adjustment, contract claim or litigation, a brief description of the case, the outcome or status of suit and the monetary amounts or extended contract time involved. I hereby certify that all statements made are true and agree and understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation or falsification of facts shall be cause for forfeiture of rights for further consideration of the project identified. Am'(�;WOIanni Aa Cry o rx- 3/28/2012 Whit Blanton, Vice President Printed or Typed Name and Title FORM NO. DSPT 12,204 This Form Must Be Completed and Returned with your Submission RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning Drug -Free Work Place The undersigned, in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that the firm named below does: 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are proposed a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. Whit Blanton, Vice President Printed or Typed Name and Title FORM NO. DFWP 14.204 This Form Must Be Completed and Returned with your Submission RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning Conflict of Interest Statement 1 Whit Blanton, Vice President of Renaissance Planning Group deposes and states that Name of Affiant Name of Company 2. The above named entity Is submitting an Expression of Interest for the City project identified below. 3. The Affiant has made diligent inquiry and provides the information contained in this Affidavit based upon his own knowledge. 4. The Affiant states that only one submittal for the above project is being submitted and that the above named entity has no financial interest in other entities submitting proposals for the same project. 5. Neither the Affiant nor the above named entity has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive pricing in connection with the entity's submittal for the above project. This statement restricts the discussion of pricing data until the completion of negotiations and execution of the Agreement for this project. 6. Neither the entity nor its affiliates, nor any one associated with them, is presently suspended or otherwise Ineligible from participating in contract lettings by any local, state, or federal agency. 7. Neither the entity, nor its affiliates, nor any one associated with them have any potential conflict of interest due to any other clients, contracts, or property interests for this project. 8. 1 certify that no member of the entity's ownership, management, or staff has a vested interest In any aspect of or Department of the City. 9. 1 certify that no member of the entity's ownership or management is presently applying for an employee position or actively seeking an elected position with the City of Sanford. 10. In the event that a co ict of interest is identified in the provision of services, 1, on behalf of the above named entity, will i tely tify ity in writing. 3!28/12 Signature of Atli Date Wh Blanton Vice President Typed or Printed Name of Affiant Title State of Florida, County of orange On this 28 day of March 20 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, ersgn Iy appear p (1a 8 1 T (An and �`— (Name(s) of Individuals who appeared before notary) whose name(s) Islare Subscribed to the within instrument, and he /she/they acknowledge that he /she/they exec ted it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OTARY PUB K, STATE OF FLORIDA NOTARY PUBLIC Q V SEAL OF OFFICE: / t ///���SCo (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or lype as Commissioned.) KARP A. f!r(IAilE4f NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLOPAW t ormW EE1207M Expires 8/10/2018 FORM NO. CFI 18.204 This Form Must Bc Completed and Returned with your Submission RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning Florida Statutes On Public Entity Crimes THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. This sworn statement is submitted to The City by Whit Blanton, Vice President on behalf of Renalssance Planning Group whose business address is: 121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1200, Orlando, FL, 32801 and (if applicable) its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is 59- 3594725 (If the entity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of the individual signing this statement: }. I understand that a "public entity crime" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(g), Florida Statutes. means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or services, any lease for real property, or any contract for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 3. 1 understand the 'convicted" or 'conviction" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b), Florida Statutes, means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an adjudication of guilt, in any federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, non jury trial, or entry of a plea of guilt or nolo contendere. 4. 1 understand that an "affiliate" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(a), Florida Statutes. means: A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime: or An entity under the control of any natural person who is active in the management of the entity and who has been convicted of a public entity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in another person, or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not fair market value under an arm's length agreement, shall be a prima facie case that one person controls another person. A person who knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or of the United States with the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business with a public entity. The term "person" Includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of an entity. 6. Based on information and belief, the statement which I have marked below is true in relation to the entity submitting this sworn statement. (Please indicate which statement applies.) X Neither the entity submitting this sworn statement, nor any of its officers, director, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, nor any affiliate of the entity were charged with and convicted of a public entity crime after July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one or more of the officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or any affiliate of the entity was charged with and convicted of a public entity crime after July 1, 1989. The entity submitting this sworn statement, or one of its officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the management of the entity, or any affiliate of the entity was charged with and convicted of a public entity crime subsequent to July 1, 1989. However, there has been a subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order RFQ 11112 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning entered by the Hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list. (Attach a copy of the final order.) 1 UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY IDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONLY AND, THAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017, FLORIOA STATUTES FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. r ` W J --� %(sigfldtum" State of Florida County Of Orange On this 28th day of March , 20 1 2 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appea�'� &- b l rffm and (Name(s) of Individuals who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is /are Subscribed to the within instrument, and he /she/they acknowledge that he /she /they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal o N ARY PUBLI , STATE OF LORIDA NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: I or ! " M -q (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, ype as Commissioned.) N A. PEAVEY `!Personally known to me, or NOTARY PUBLIC _ Produced identification: STATE OF FLORIDA C,plytttlt7 (type of Identification Produced) Expltets 8110120 DID take an oath, or DID NOT take an oath. FORM NO. PEC 15.204 3/28/2012 (date) This Form Must Be Completed and Returned with your Submission RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning Offeror's Qualification Statement SUBMITTED BY NAME: Renaissance Planning Group CHECK ONE: _Individual — Partnership A_Corporation ,Other State the true, exact, correct and complete name of the company, partnership, corporation, trade or fictitious name under which you do business and the address of the place of business. The correct name of the Offeror is: Renaissance Planning Group, Inc. The address of the principal place of business is: 121 South Orange Avenue, Suite 1200 Orlando, FL 32801 2. If Offeror is a corporation, answer the following: a. Date of Incorporation: August 12, 1999 b. State of Incorporation: Florida C. President's Name: Chris Sinclair AICP d. Vice President's Name: Whit Blanton AICP e. Secretary's Name: Katharine Ange, AICP f. Treasurer's Name: Frank Kalpakis, AICP g. Name and address of Resident Agent: N/A 3. If Offeror is an individual or a partnership, answer the following: a. Date of Organization: N/A b. Name, Address and Ownership Units of all Partners: NIA C. State whether general or limited partnership: N/A If Offeror is other than an individual, corporation or partnership, describe the organization and give the name and addres If Offeror is operation under a fictitious name, submit evidence of compliance with the Florida Fictitious Name Statute Information attached: Yes „X_NA 6. How many years has your organization been in business under its present business name? 13 years a. Under what other former names has your organization operated? RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning 7. Indicate registration, license number or certificate numbers for the businesses or professions which are the subject of the Proposal/Bid. Please attach certificate of competency and /or state registration. Florida State Corporation: P99000073599 8. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? If so, state when, where and why. None State the names, telephone numbers and last known addresses of three (4) owners, individuals or representative of owners with the most knowledge of work which you have performed or goods you have provided on similar projects within the last five years (government owners are preferred as references). It is noted that the experience claimed here must be associated with the company named above. Additional or other relevant experience may be included on a separate sheet provided by the offeror. The City reserves the right to require additional information and to conduct any investigation deemed necessary to evaluate the offer and the Offeror being considered for an award. See Attachment A (name) (address) (phone number) (name) (address) (phone number) (name) (address) (phone number) (name) (address) (phone number) 10. List the pertinent experience of the key individuals of your organization (continue on insert sheet, if necessary). See Attachment A 11. State the name of the individual who will have personal supervision of the work: Whit Blanton, Vice President 12. State the names and addresses of all businesses and /or individuals who own an interest of more than five percent (5 %) of the Offeroes business and indicate the percentage owned of each such business and/or individual: See Attachment A 13. State the names, addresses and the type of business of all firms that are partially or wholly owned by the Offeror: N/A 14. State the name of the Surety Company which will be providing the bond, and name and address of agent: N/A RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning 15. Bank References: M &I Marshall & Ilsley Bank - 150 N Orange Ave, STE 101, Orlando FL 32801 (bank) (address) (bank) (address) (bank) (address) THE INFORMATION INDICATED IN ITEM 16 IS NOT REQUESTED AT THIS TIME, HOWEVER, THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUEST THIS INFORMATION. 16. Attach a financial statement including Offeror's latest balance sheet and income statement showing the following items: a. Current Assets (e.g., cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials, real estate, stocks and bonds, equipment, furniture and fixtures, inventory and prepaid expenses). b. Net Fixed Assets C. Other Assets d. Current Liabilities (e.g., accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, accrued salaries, real estate encumbrances and accrued payroll taxes) e. Other Liabilities (e.g., capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus, and retained earnings) f. State the name of the firm preparing the financial statement and date thereof. g. This financial statement must be for the identical organization named on page one? If not, explain the relationship and financial responsibility of the organization whose financial statement is provided (e.g., parent, subsidiary). Please note, that the CITY reserves the right to reject financial statement(s) submitted by other than the organization named on page one. TILE OFFEROR ACKNOWLEDGES AND UNDERSTANDS THAT THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN RESPONSE TO TITS QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT SHALL. BE RELIED UPON BY TIfE CITY IN AWARDING TIIE CONTRACT AND SUCH INFORMATION IS WARRANTED BY OFFEROR TO BE TRUE. THIS DISCOVERY OF ANY OMISSION OR MISSTATEMENT THAT MA'T'ERIALLY AFFECTS THE OFFEROR'S THE A( W Q UA L IFICATIONS E L �O 1Y.A1 ID AT E J1r AWARD AND /OR CONTR CITY TO REJECT THE BID OR PROPOSAL, AND IF A I'ER Date Whit Blanton, AICP President Typed or Printed Name of Afriant Title State of Florida, County of Orange . On this 28th day of March 2012 before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared t oh &- bIQhlon and r— (Name(s) of Individuals who appeared befi whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to the within Instrument, and WITNESS my hand and official seal. „►1/h . , Ulm acknowledge that he /she /they executed it. NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: of Notary Public: Print, Slatnp, or Type as X Personally known to me, or ` Produced identification: _ DID take an oath, or ,_ DID NOT take an oath. Form No. SOQ 25.204 (Type of Identification Produced) RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning KARE A. PEAVEY NOTARY KOM STATE OF FLORIDA Com"EE1207 t>�iros 8110tZ018 City of Sanford, Florida INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED BELOW APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES WHEN THE CONTRACTOR PERFORMS ON OR OFF CITY PREMISES • MP- 11012: When contract cost not to exceed $500,000,180 days and no unusual hazards exist Vendor, Contractor, bidder shall provide, to the City of Sanford "City," prior to commencing any work, a Certificate of Insurance which verifies coverage in compliance with the requirements outlined below. Any work initiated without completion of this requirement shall be unauthorized and the City will not be responsible (Ref: items 17 and 18, standard terms and conditions included with City of Sanford Purchase Order), 2. The City reserves the right, as conditions warrant, to modify or increase insurance requirements outlined below as may be determined by the project, conditions and exposure. Outline of Requirements: Certification: It is noted that the City has a contractual relationship with the named vendor, contractor or provider (collectively referred hereinafter as Contractor) applicable to a purchase order, work order, contract or other form of commitment by the City of Sanford, whether in writing or not and has no such contractual relationship with the Contractor's insurance carrier. Therefore, the onus is on the Contractor to insure that they have the insurance coverage RFQ 11112 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning UP TO VENDOR POLICY LIMITS, BUT COVERAGE REQUIRED WITH MINIMUM POLICY LIMITS OF: Workers' Compensation Employers Liability $ 500,000 *Certificates of exemption are not acceptable in lieu of workers Each Accident $ 500,000 Disease $ 500,000 compensation insurance Commercial General Liability shall include- Bodily injury liability, Property Damage liability; Personal Injury liability and $1,000,000 Per Occurrence Advertising injury liability Coverages shall include: Premises✓ $1,000,000 General Aggregate Operations; Products/Completed Operations, Contractual liability; Independent Contractors, Explosion; Collapse; Underground Comprehensive Auto Liability, CSL, shall Include "any auto' or $ 1,000,000 Combined Single Limit shall include all of the following: owned, leased, hired, non -owned $1,000,000 General Aggregate autos, and scheduled autos. Professional Liability (when required) $1,000,000 Minimum Builder's Risk (when required) shall include theft, sinkholes, off site storage, transit, installation and equipment breakdown. 100% of completed value of additions Permission to occupy shall be included and the policy shall be and structures endorsed to cover the interest of all parties, including the City of Sanford, all contractors and subcontractors Garage Keepers (when required) $1,000,000 Aggregate: No per vehicle maximum preferred Garage Liability (when required) $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 General Aggregate Certification: It is noted that the City has a contractual relationship with the named vendor, contractor or provider (collectively referred hereinafter as Contractor) applicable to a purchase order, work order, contract or other form of commitment by the City of Sanford, whether in writing or not and has no such contractual relationship with the Contractor's insurance carrier. Therefore, the onus is on the Contractor to insure that they have the insurance coverage RFQ 11112 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning specified by the City to meet all contractual obligations and expectations of the City. Further, as the Contractor's insurance coverage is a matter between the vendor and its insurance carrier, the City will turn to the Contractor for relief as a result of any damages or alleged damages for which the Contractor is responsible to indemnify and hold the City harmless. It is understood that the Contractor may satisfy relief to the City for such damages either directly or through its insurance coverage; exclusions by the insurance carrier not withstanding, the City will expect relief from the Contractor. • The insurance limits indicated above and otherwise referenced are minimum limits acceptable to the City. Also, all contractor policies shall to be considered primary to City coverage and shall not Contain co- insurance provisions. • All policies, except for professional liability policies and workers compensation policies shall name the City of Sanford as Additional Insured,. Professional Liability Coverage, when applicable, will be defined on a case by case basis. • In the event that the insurance coverage expires prior to the completion of the project, a renewal certificate shall be issued 30 days prior to said expiration date. • All limits are per occurrence and must include Bodily Injury and Property Damage. • All policies must be written on occurrence form, not on claims made Form, except for Professional liability. • Self insured retentions shall not be allowed on any liability coverage . • In the notification of cancellation: The City of Sanford shall be endorsed onto the policy as a cancellation notice recipient. Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, notice shall be delivered to the City of Sanford in accordance with the policy provisions. • All insurers must have and • It is the responsibility of the Contractor to responsible to ensure that all Subcontractors retained by the Prime Contractor shall provide coverage as defined herein before and after and are the responsibility of said Prime Contractor in all respects. • Any changes to the coverage requirements indicated above shall be approved by the City of Sanford, Risk Manager • Address of "Certificate Holder" is: City of Sanford; Attention: Purchasing Manager; P.O. Box 1788 (300 N Park Avenue); Sanford, FL 32771 Phone: 407.688.5028/5030 FAX: 407.688.5021 • All certificates of insurance, notices, etc. must be provided to the above address. Certification: The Undersigned accepts and agrees to meet all of the insurance coverage requirements, terms, conditions and certification(s) stated herein before and after and further agrees to maintain and provide the designated coverage during the life of the identified document. Also, when the coverage requirements stated herein before and after are specifically referenced by applicable solicitation, purchase order or contract document, those terms, conditions and coverage requirements are incorporated into that document as if fully set forth in verbatim . nalssence Planning Group Authorized Signature Whit Blanton Printed Name 3/28/2012 Date Vice President Title RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning COMPLIANCE WITH THE PUBLIC RECORDS LAW, 435 -11 Upon award recommendation or ten (10) days after opening, submittals become "public records" and shall be subject to public disclosure consistent with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Proposers /Bidders must invoke the exemptions to disclosure provided by law as applicable to the response to the solicitation, must identify the data or other materials to be protected, and must state the reasons why such exclusion from public disclosure is necessary. The submission of a proposal authorizes release of your firm's credit data to the City of Sanford. If the company submits information exempt from public disclosure, the company must. identify with specificity which pages /paragraphs of their bid /proposal package are exempt from the Public Records Act, identifying the specific exemption section that applies to each. The protected information must be submitted to the City in a separate envelope marked accordingly. By submitting a response to this solicitation, the company agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless in the event we are forced to litigate the public records status of the company's documents. Whit Blanton, Vice President Typed or Printed Name of Atfient Title State of Florida, County of orange On this 28th day of March , 20 12 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared Wh 6(Ord and (Name(s) of individuals who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is /are Subscribed to WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL OF OFFICE: KMEN A. PEAS pIpITARY mo-IC STATE OF FONDA • EE120TIO cam • E*109 811012015 the within instru ent, and he/s /they acknowledge that he /she /they executed it. 140TARY P BLIC, STATE OF I FLORIDA MKO, / Veq (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Type as Commissioned.) P ersonally known to me, or _ Produced identification (Type of Identification Produced) DID take an oath, or _ DID NOT take an oath This Form Must Be Completed and Returned with your Submission RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning Non - collusion Affidavit of Offeror /Bidder 435 -6 The undersigned, by signing this document hereby certifies that the company named below hereby is or does: 1. States that the entity named below and the individual signing this document has submitted the attached bid or proposal: 2. He is fully informed respecting the preparation and contents of the attached proposal and of all pertinent circumstances respecting such proposal; 3. Said bid or proposal is genuine and is not a collusive or sham bid or proposal; 4. Neither the said bidder or proposer nor any of its officers, partners, owners, agents, representatives, employees or parties in interest, including this affiant, has in any way colluded, conspired, connived or agreed, directly or indirectly with any other bidder, proposer, firm or person to submit a collusive or sham bid or proposal in connection with the Contract for which the attached bid or proposal has been submitted or to refrain from bidding or proposing in connection with such Contract, or has in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement or collusion or communications or conference with any other bidder, proposer, firm or person to fix the price or prices in the attached bid or proposal or of any other bidder of proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit or cost element of the bid or proposal price or the bid or proposal price of any other bidder or proposer, or to secure through any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement any advantage against the City of Sanford or any person interested in the proposed Contract. 5. The price or prices quoted in the attached bid or proposal are fair and proper and are not tainted by any collusion, conspiracy, connivance or unlawful agreement on the part of the bidder or proposer or any of its agents, representatives, owners, employees, or parties in interest, incluftig theJadividbal.signing this document. Whit Blanton, Vice President Typed or Printed Name of Af6ant Title State of Florida, County of orange On this 28th day of March 20 1 2 , before me, the undersigned Notary Public of the State of Florida, personally appeared 4 and ( Name(s) of individuals who appeared before notary) whose name(s) is/are Subscribed to the within instrLtment, and he /s a /they acknowledge that he/she/they executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Q RY U C $TyTE NOTARY PUBLICSEAL OF OFFICE: r V�C!C OF FLORIDA (Name of Notary Public: Print, Stamp, or Tybe as Commissioned.) N A 0"V& ✓ Personally known to me, or Produced identification NOTARY PUBLIC — — STATE OF 01jMDA sal"Commill! EE120170 F�cplres 811012015 (Type of Identification Produced) _ DID take an oath, or _ DID NOT take an oath FORM No. AC 5.908 This Form Must Be Completed and Returned with your Submission RFQ 11/12 -09 Community Visioning and Strategic Planning Attachment A Chris Sinclair 901 Hanley Alley Orlando, FL 32803 34% owner Whit Blanton 2343 Woodcrest Drive Winter Park, FL 32792 23% owner Glen Duke 521 South Primrose Drive Orlando, FL 32803 9% owner c (o d U N (4 C (0 C r O ) O OO C C O �U �U �O ^ L C O U) N E 3 O a c L c c� 'O N N Q E O U N m E O LL Jn t H W a 0 z O w J a O U I— N w CD 0 � O O � F U W O u) cr o Z a0 u_ 4 w m O <s3 U Z I p FF O GL of Q d a - O U U) w w Of CL m 0 w w Lu Z> O LLz U z< H F N O W W r O O O H N d a LL O M (D Z U) w J Z G7 O U) = Ma O� Z p Q o f Qo Z W Z Na WU O Z O U Q O L 0 c c 0) Z C Z �� z W C Q W Z C L 0 cu O O � z F Q G N W C H U L (0 W � O L LL 0 O N 0 co - w co a ca z U C Li c (o d U N (4 C (0 C r O ) O OO C C O �U �U �O ^ L C O U) N E 3 O a c L c c� 'O N N Q E O U N m E O LL Jn t H RENAISSANCE PLANNING GROUP ACTIVITY CENTER IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ALACHUA COUNTY, FLORIDA contact: Steve Lachnicht, AICP Principal Planner Alachua County Department of Growth Management 10 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Gainesville, FL 32601 -6294 (P) 352.374.5249 (F) 352. 338 -3224 slachnicht @alachuacounty.us �i - 1 &TFUrrzT*'j ! u Dates of Service: December 2003 - June 2006 DOWNTOWN MOBILITY STUDY CITIES OF BRADENTON AND PALMETTO, FLORIDA Contact Claude Tankersley Director City of Bradenton Public Works 14119th Street West Bradenton, FL 34205 (P) 941.708.6300, ext. 222 (F) 941.708.6310 claude.tankersley @cityofbradenton.com of off Dates of Service: November 2007 - May 2010 WATERFRONT DESIGN GUIDELINES, HARBOR MASTER PLAN AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION TOWN OF CAPE CHARLES, VIRGINIA Coma Joe Vaccaro Town Manager Cape Charles Municipal Building 2 Plum Street Cape Charles, VA 23310 (P) 757.331.3259, ext. 20 (F) 757.331.04820 townmanager@capecharles.org Total Value ofServicas: $70,000 January 2006 - January 2007 US BUSINESS 98 HERITAGE CORRIDOR STUDY AND MASTER PLAN PANAMA CITY DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT BOARD Contact Toni Shamplain Program Manager Panama City Community Redevelopment Agency 803 Jenks Avenue, Suite 6 Panama City, FL 32401 (P) 850.215.3879 (F) 850.215.3860 thamplain@panamacitycra.org $210,000 Dates of Service: October 2005 - June 2006 PLACEALLIANCE CITY OF LORAIN OHIO PROJECT NAME: DOWNTOWN TECHNOLOGY DISTRICT VISION PLAN LOCATION: CITY OF LORAIN, OHIO OWNER: CITY OF LORAIN, OHIO CONTACT: REYNALDO CARRION ACTING DIRECTOR Community Development Department 200 West Erie Avenue, 5th Floor Lorain, Ohio 44052 (440) 204 -2020 Office (440) 204 -2080 Fax rev carrion @citvoflorain.or_g PROJECT MANAGER: ALLIANCE COST OF PROJECT: BUDGET: COMPLETION DATE: VICTOR PALACIOS, ADES USA MARC NEWMAN, PLACE $30,000 $30,000 February 2012 TOWN OF PRATTSVILLE, NEW YORK PROJECT NAME: REBUILDING PRATTSVILLE ACTION PLAN LOCATION: PRATTSVILLE, NEW YORK OWNER: TOWN OF PRATTSVILLE CONTACT: Warren Hart, AICP Director Greene County Economic Development, Tourism & Planning 411 Main Street Catskill NY 12414 0 518 - 719 -3290 f 518 - 719 -3789 whart@discovergreene.com PROJECT MANAGER PLANNING ALLIANCE COST OF PROJECT: BUDGET: COMPLETION DATE MARGARET IRWIN, RIVER STREET MARC NEWMAN, PLACE $45,000 $45,000 NOVEMBER 2011 CITY OF OCALA, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: OCALA VISION PLAN LOCATION: OCALA, FLORIDA OWNER: CITY OF OCALA CONTACT: Peter Lee, AICP Chief Planning Officer Growth Management Department 151 SE Osceola Avenue Ocala, FI 34471 352 - 629 -8404 glee @oca lafl.org PROJECT MANAGER: MIKE DANIELS, CITY OF OCALA MAURICIO CASTRO, PLACE ALLIANCE COST OF PROJECT: BUDGET: COMPLETION DATE: $60,000 $60,000 NOVEMBER 2011