HomeMy WebLinkAbout103061-Special Session MINUTES' City Commission, Sanford, Florida, October 30 at 11..:00 A.M. The City Commission of the City of'Sanford, Florida, met in special session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at ll:O0 o'clock A.M. on October 30, 1961. Present: Commissioner J. H. Crapps, Acting Mayor " Earl Higginbotham " Thomas S. McDonald " A.L. Wilson City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Deputy Clerk Rosa M. Rot~udo Police Chief R. G. Williams Absent: Joe B. Baker, Mayor The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The City Manager next submitted the following tabulation of bids which were opened publicly at 2:00 P.M. October 20, 1961, for furnishing supplies and equipment in accordance with the invitations for bids published in the Sanford Herald on October 12, 1961. Fuel Texaco, Inc. P. O. Box 1722 Atlanta 1, Ga. Gasoline Octane Gasoline Octane Diesel Premium Rating ..Regular Rating Fuel ,235~ '99'.'"'5 .200b 91 '1210 Sinclair Refining Co. P.O'. Box 2762 Tampa l, Florida .2223 99.5 .2048 90 .1156 Gulf 0il Corp. P. O. Box 4490 Jacksonville 1, Fla. .2242 99 .2002 91 .1226 Pure 0il Company P.O. Box 7816 Orlando, Florida · 2273 99 .2101 91 .1216 Cities Service 011 Co..2210 P.O. Box 2890 Miami 31, Florida 98 .2010 92 .1190 I Police Cars 2 -1962 Models - Trade-in two (1) Low Bid - Ford (2 units) Trade-in (2) Chevrolet (2 units) Trade-in 6,906.20 2,856-20 4,050.00 $ 5,922;98 1,8oo.o9 II Compact Car 1 - 1962 Model - Trade-in one unit (1) Low Bid - Ford Trade-in 2,842.40 822.40 a,o2o,oo (2) Studebaker Trade-in (3) Chevrolet II Trade-in $ 2,587.95 · 557.95 $ 2,030'00 411.00 III Four ½ Ton Pickups --- 4 Trade-ins (1) Low Bid - Studebaker Trade-ins 7,513· 12 1,543.12 (2) Chevrolet Covair Trade-ins 446.80 b,402.UO (3) Ford Econoline Trade-ins 8,115.92 !.575.92 ,5 o'oo IV One Three-Quarter Ton Pickup - Trade-in two units (1) Low Bid ' GMC Trade-in $ 2,547. O0 987.91 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Oatoba~ 30: at ] ] :OO A._b1._ 19-61 ~ (2) Chevrolet (3) Fora Trade-in Trade-in 2,431.15 661.15 2,574.03 724.03 After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved on acceptance of the low bids of Cities Service Oil Company for furnishing ll,700 gallons of premium gasoline at $. 2210 per gallon; Gulf Oil Corporation for furnishing 41,000 gallons of regular gasoline at $.2002 per gallon; and Sinclair Refining Company for furnishing 8,000 gallons of diesel fuel at $.1156 per gallon. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. Donald Bales, Manager of Sanford Motor Company, Studebaker Agency, next appeared and recommended that his low bid for trucks be accepted and pointed out inconsistencies in the invitation for bids. After discussion, Commissioner Wilson moved to reject all bids on the t~ucks and compact cars and to authorize the City Manager to prepare new specifications and re- advertise for bids on same, Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. Request next submitted from Sarah Arnold, operator of a restaurant, at 1223 West 13th Street, to allow dancing by teenagers, and after discussion McDonald moved that permission be granted on a trial basis without additional license and restricted to teenagers only, pro- vided that no admission is charged. SecOnded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. The City Attorney next reported that Wesley Petty and Attorney would not accept a $3,000 settlement in his claim for workmen's compensation damages. After considerable dis- cussion, Commissioner Higginbotham next moved to authorize the City Attorney to settle the claiE for a sum not to exceed $5,500. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. Resignation next submitted from Miss Ellen Hoy to retire after 42 years of service as Tax Collector. Commissioner Higginbotham moved to accept with regrets her resignation as of November 2, 1961, and to authorize payment of one month's severance pay, and further to con- sider at the next meeting a retirement pension in appreciation of her long and faithful service, and also to appoint the Finance Director as Tax Collector. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. Attest: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ~'City~rk ~// nf