HomeMy WebLinkAbout121861-Special SessionThe City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in special session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on December 18, 1961. Present: Commissioner Joe B. Baker, Mayor " J.H. Crapps " Earl Higginbotham " Thomas S. McDonald " A.L. Wilson City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H N. Tamm, Jr. DePuty Clerk Rosa Rotundo Police Chief R. G. Williams The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Ordinance No. 767, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 4 SECTION '4-2, THEREOF, AS AMENDED, SAID SECTION PROVIDING FOR THE HOURS AND DAYS OF SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, SAID AMEND- MENT ADDING SUBSECTION (d) THERETO PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON JANUARY 1. introduced and placed on first reading at regular meeting of December ll, 1961, was next placed on final reading. The roll was then called on the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance No. 767, the vote being as follows: Commissioner Baker Naye " Crapps " " Higginbotham " " McDonald " " Wilson " Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford by unanimous vote, had not passed nor adopted Ordinance No. 767, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 4 SECTION 4-2, THEP~0F, AS AMENDED, SAID SECTION PROVIDING FOR THE HOURS AND DAYS OF SALE OF ALCDHOLIC B~ERAGES, SAID AMEND- MENT ADDING SUBSECTION (d) THERETO PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON JANUARY 1. Dr. J. Dietz, representative of Consulting Engineers, Clark, DailY & Dietz and Leffler and Bush, next appeared to present a supplemental report on the study of the City's water supply wells and proposed Golf Course Well Field, and Water Treatment and Distribution System. Dr. Dietz reported on the completion of drilling of an additional well at the present well field and installation of a booster pump on the raw water supply l~ne from the well field that would supply the City's present peak demand. He further reported on the better quality of the water of the exploratory well at the Golf Course and recommended consideration be given to developing this site for a future well field and water treatment plant. Dr. Dietz nextpresented complete sewage treatment plans ~as prepared by his firm and recommended them to be submitted to the State Board of Health for approval. He pointed out that the present well field is subject to contamination from septic tank and industrial waste and with a sewage treatment plant, the City could extend its sewer lines to the area of the Golf Course and thereby protect a future well field. After consideration of the plans, Commissioner McDonald moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to submit said sewage treatment plans to the State Board of Health for their approval. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Crapps. Loomis Leedy, Fiscal Agent, next reported that he believed the City Could finance and sell a bond issue of up to $1,200,000.00 for less than a 4 per cent in~eresti~rate over a r .p ~ · After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Com- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, December 18 at 8:00 P.M. .19.61_ of the balance .of $800.00 to the Firm of Clark, Daily and Dietz and Leffler and Bush. Consideration next given to the acceptance of the Sewage Treatment Plant plans and payment of $16,791.67 on a total fee of $23,988.10 to Clark, Daily & Dietz and Leffler and Bush, and on motion.of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Co~missioner Wilson and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Crapps, same was approved. Request next submitted by Rosa McNeill for license for sale of beer and wine for consumption on premises at .1603W 13th Street, and on mOtion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried over the dissenting votes of Commissioner McDonald and Com- missioner Higginbotham, same was approved on the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Request next submitted by Mrs. Laura StePhens, d/b/a George's lO11 French Avenue, for transfer of license for sale of alcoholic beverageS for consumption on premises from George Stephens, and On motion of Commissioner McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, same was approved on the recommendation of the Chief of Police. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconde~y Commissioner Wilson and carried, an amended plat of Golden Gates Subdivision was aPProved, as submitted by W. L. Kirk. On motion of Commissioner Higginbothai, Seconded by ~Commissioner McDonald and carried the Mayor was authorized to execute a ResolutioHLfollaws: WHEREAS, the House Committee on Ways andMeans o ..COngress has before it for con- sideration the Van Zandt bill, H. R. 8612, Providing f0r'a National Home Rule Road Program, the purpose of which is to promote the public welfare by providing that all Federal gasoline and automobile excise taxes be used for road improvement purposes only and for the purpose of ~spurring improvements on all classes of public highways to aid in increasing employment and to promote the civic welfare of every state and community in the nation, therefore be it RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned, hereby endorse H. R. 8612 to amend the Federal Aid Highway and Taxing Acts to eliminate the obnoxious matching provisions from Federal-aid acts and to require that the $1 billion, $700 million in Federal gasoline and excise taxes,. which are now diverted to the General Fund, be placed in the.Highway Trust Fund, to be used exclusively, for road improvement purposes and that the $1 billion, $700 million be allocated to the states to be used for improvements on the state and local roads which are not part of the Federal-aid System; half of the allocation to be used for the improvement of state high- ways and the other half to be allocated by the states to their political subdivisions on a 60 per cent mileage and 40 per cent population basis for the improvement of local roads and streets. And, be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to our local newspapers and to the Pennsylvania Home Rule Association, 300 Ruskin Drive, Altoona, PennsYlvania. And, be it further RESOLVED, that we write to our U. S. Senators and Representatives in Congress and ask their Support for H. R. 8612, and also request their valuable aid in getting the bill reported from the House Committee on Ways and Means. This resolution adopted this 18 CITY 0F SAh~0RD, FLORIDA ~da.y, of December , 1961 . '('"Na~e o'f"0fficlal, 'Civic o'r'~'Bhs'£ness 'GrOUp) J. B. Baker, Mayor (Na~e') Sanfo..rd~ Florid~ ('Address)' ' MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, Deee.m_.ber ]_8 at 8:00 P.M. Request next submitted by John Colbert, Swimming coach for .the seminole High School, for use oF the Fort Mellon Swimming Pool starting on January 3, 1962, 135 days be- fore normal operation of said pool. After consideration of the minimum costs for operation of said pool, Commissioner McDonald moved to authorize said request for a fee.m~Of $16.74 per day, a total of $2,250.00. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. There being no further business~ the meeting adjourned. nf ·