HomeMy WebLinkAbout111262 348 MINUTES. City Commission, Sanford, Florida, ., .November · 12. ~ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. November 12, 1962. Present: Commissioner J. H. Crapps, Mayor " Joe B. Baker " Earl Higginbotham " Thomas S. McDonald City Attorney W. C. Hutchi~on, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Tamm, Jr. Deputy Clerk Rosa N. Rotundo Polcie Captain Arnold S. Williams Absent: Commissioner A. L. Wilson Police Chief R. G. Williams The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Fred Hess, resident supervisor for Clerk, Daily, and Dietz, engineers~for the Sewage Treatment Plant, reported that due to the stage of completion and the progress of the pro- ject, his company was recommending the'mspension of continuous resident inspection and to make. monthly inspections of about a week duration, or more frequently if needed. After consideration and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Higginbotham moved on the approval of the aforesaid recommendation. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Andrew Carraway, chairman and spokesman for the Port Authority Committee and Harold Scott of Smith, Reynolds and Hills, Architects and Engineers, appeared to discuss a contract for preliminary planning and the procedure of securing a grant of funds for said Planning in the amount of $10,000.00 from the HOusing and Home Finance Agency of the United States. Government, and in the event the grant is not approved, the only expense to the City would be for out-of-pocket expenses of the engineers not to exceed $500.00. After discussion and on motion of Commissioner McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute a contract for same, on approval of the City Attorney. Mike Sirrianni, d/b/a Mike's Spaghetti House, 2506 Oak Avenue, next appeared to re- quest an amendment to Section &-2 of~the City Code so as to permit him to sell beer and wine on Sunday for consumption on premises with meals. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, same was denied. Jack Trim, lessor of the Municipal Pier and Boat Basin, next appeared relative to his lease from the City, dated November 1, 1961, and stated he had. been unable to arrange the financing of the construction by November 1, 1962, required in Section 3 (c) of said lease and therefore was withdrawing his request for an extension of time for performance, and same was approved by the Commission. John Fox, realtor, next appeared to represent Mr. Brass of B~ass Motor Co., in re- gard to City Owned property, Lots 8 through 12 of Spurlings Plat of Block 15, Chapman and Tucker Subdivision, and submitted an:~ioffer to purchase for $4,000.00 in cash or.$5,000.00 on time, $1,000.00 down and b~alance of $4,000.00 in payments of $1,000.00 per year. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Baker moved to retain and designate this property as a future site for a downtown fire station, however, to consider an offer for leasing said site on a short term period. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. Request next submitted by Charles Roberts, 901 Locust Avenue, for permit for sale of beer and wine for consumption off premises, and on motion of Commissioner BAker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, same was approved on the recommendation of the MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, November 12, 1962 . . Request next submitted by Robert McKee, d/b/a Kwikie Marts, Inc., 2545 French Avenue, for permit for the sale of beer and wine for consumption off premises, and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, same was approved on the recommendation of the Chief of Police. Recommendation next submitted by Fire Chief Cleveland and approved by the City Manager on salary reclassification as follows: J. T. Bennett from 21-C, $4500.00 to 21-D $~,618.00 H. D. Faint from 21-C, $4500.00 to 21-D, $~,618.00 and same was held. for further consideration. ~ Consideration next given to Certificate of Condemnation No. 62-32, dated October 10, 1962, to Hattie Barnes, owner, lO0~ and 1006 East Ninth Street, and on motion of Commis- sioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the Commission authorized an extension of time until January 31, 1963, for removal of the two condemned dwellings, and upon the authorization of making a replacement construction of one new single family dwelling. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, the Commission next authOrized payment of statement in the amount of $1,016.55, submitted by Clark, Daily and Dietz, engineers, for services for September in accordance With letter of agreement for resident supervisory inspection at the Sewage Treatment Plant. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute a contract with the Travelers Insur- ance Company for an employee's retirement plan, and further appointed, the Mayor, City Manager and~:City Clerk as a Retirement Plan Committee's set forth in said contract. Ordinance No. 790, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN NORTH-SOUTH ALLEY LYING BETWEEN LOTS i THROUGH 3 INCLU,oIV~, AND LOTS 7 THROUGH 9 INCLUSIVE, IN PARE VIEW SUBDIVISION. placed on first reading and read in full at regular~meeting of October 22, 1962, was placed On final passage and adoption, After being read in full, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner Crapps Yea " 'Baker " " Higginb otham " " McDonald " Thereupon, the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 790, entitled: Al? ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLO~ING, VACATING AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN NORTH~SOUTH ALLEY LYING BETWEEN LOTS i THROUGH 3 INCLUSIVE, AND LOTS 7 THROUGH 9 INCLUSIVE, IN PARK VIEW SUBDIVISION. Ordinance No. 791~ entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABAND©NING THAT PORTION OF OAK AVENUE, EXTENDED, ~HICH LIES SOUTH OF 27TH STREET AND WHICH ABUTTS LOTS 1 THROUGH 6 INCLUSIVE, PARK VIEW SUBDIVISION. placed on first reading and read in full at regular meeting of October 22, 1962, was next next placed on final passage and adoption, after being read in full, the roll was called and the vote stands as follows: :,~ommissioner Crapps Yea " Baker " " Higginbotham " " McDonald " MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, November 12, 1962 Florida, had passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 791, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY O~~ SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOLING, VACATING ~D ABANDONING THAT PORTION OF OAK AVENUE, EXTENDED, WHICH LIES SOUTH OF 27TH STREET A~D ~.~ICH ABUTTS LOTS i THROUGH 6 INCLUSIVE, PARK VIEW SUBDIVISION. Commissioner Baker next introduced Resolution NO. 966, and after being read in full, moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and ~.carried unani- mously. Said Resolution No. 966 being in words and figures as follows: A R~oOLU~ICE OF THE CITY OF COP~ISSION OF THE CITY OF S_~-FC'RD, FLORIDA, COMN~ORATI~G CAPTAIN TERRY CORDELL. WHEREAS, CAPTAIN TERRY CORDELL had been a lifelong resident of the City of Sanford, Florida, and in recent years a career officer in the Armed Forces of United States, re- cently serving in Vier Nam, and WHEREAS, CAPTAIN TERRY CORDELL during his adult life always exhibited the qualities of unselfish devotion to his country and the ideals upon which our freedom is based, and WHEREAS~ recently in defending such American ideals CAPTAIN CORDELL gave his life, and, WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida deems it fitting that the City and its inhabitants take notice of and be conscious of the contribution and sacrifice made by CAPTAIN CORDELL. NOW T]2EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the City Commission for itself and the people of the City of Sanford hereby recognize the courageous sacrifice made by CAPTAIN CORDELL in defense of the ideals of freedom and to hereby express the gratitude of the people of the City of Sanford, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a coPy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City of Sanford, Florida, and copies thereof delivered to the immediate family of CAPTAIN TERRY CORDELL. PASSED AND ADOPTED this Twelfth day of November, A. D. 1962. s/ J. H. Crapps MAYOR ATTEST: s/ Thomas S. NcDonald s/ H. N. Tamm? Jr. City Clerk s/ Earl Hi6ginbotham As the Citz~ CommiSsi°n of the S E A L City of Sanford, Florida On'motion of Commissioner McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, in- stallation of a sDreet light at the intersection of Eleventh Street and Cypress Avenue, was authorized. The City Manager next submitted the following tabulation of bids which were open, ed publicly at 2:00 o'clock P. N. on October 26, 1962, for furnishing gasoline, and. diesel fuel in accordance with the specifications in the invitation for bids published in the Sanford Herald on October 9, 1962. COMPANY Pure Oil Company Texaco Oil Company Cities Service Sinclair Refining Co. PREMIUM REGULAR DIESEL BID OCTANE BID OCTANE BID · 2179¢ 99 5 .2067¢ 92.5 .1255¢ .2227¢ 99.5 .199e¢ 92 .115¢ .220¢ 100 .2Oe2¢ 92 .115¢ Gulf 0il Corp. .220¢ None .205¢ None .1151¢ .22#9¢ 100 .1999¢ 92 .1176¢ After discussion Commissioner Baker moved to accept the low bid of Pure Oil Company City Commission, MINUTES Sanford, Florida, November 12, 1962 regular:gas01!ne~:at~a price of .1994¢ per gallon, Cities Service 0il Company for furnish- ing diesel at a price of .115¢ per gallon. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. 0n motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, minutes of regular meeting of October 22, 1962, were next apprOved. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, current invoices and payrolls were next approved, as evidenced by General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. 3692 through 3695, General Fund S~nford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 8901 through9062, Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Voucher Nos. 60~ through 614. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried, H. N. Tamm, Jr., Director of Finance, was appointed Acting City Manager on November 16 and 17, 1962, during the City Manager's attendance of a meeting in Gainesville of the Directors of the Florida City Managers Association. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the City would not install any additional straight concrete curbs and in the future to put in curb and gutter for all street construction with proper forms. Seconded by Commissioner McDonald and carried. Consideration next given to the balance of the accounts receivable due from Academy Manor, Inc., for installation of Water and sewer lines and sewer lift station at Academy Manor subdivision, and on motion of Commissioner McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the City Attorney was authorized to proceed with the necessary steps to in- sure collection. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, the City Attorney was authorized to prepare a Resolution of appreciation to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company for the deed to the vacated railroad right-of-way from Thir- teenth Street to Twenty-Fifth Street Request next submitted from Jay H. Beck for an extension of time to remove dwellings in Certificate of 0ondemnation Report 62-10, and on motion of Commissioner McDonald, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, a 60 day extension was approved. Request next submitted by City Employee Robert Larry to borrow $120.00 to pay delin- quent income tax, and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commmssioner McDonald and carried same was approved, with repayment to be made by a salary deduction of $10.00 per week. Request next submitted by the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodge No. 1241 for the clock that had been removed from the intersection of Park Avenue and First Street. Said clock had been donated to the City several Years ago by Abe Moses, but had been un- able to be kept in satisfactory repair. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by CommissionerMcDonald and carried,/~he request was . There being no further business, the meeting adjourned, approved bm¸