HomeMy WebLinkAbout040863 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, A~ril 8, at 8-~:. M. i9.65 _ The City Commission of the City of Sanford, FlOrida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sauford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. April 8, 1963.. Present: Commissioner Thomas S. McDonald, Mayor " Joe B. Baker " J.H. Crapps " M.L. Raborn " A.L. Wilson City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr., City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. N. Ta~m, Jr., Deputy Clerk Rosa M. Rotundo Police Chief R. G. Williams The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Mayor Mc~ona!d submitted a?.copy of a letter dated March 26~ 1963 from the members of the City Commission to the Editor and Publisher of the Sanford Herald, and stated that Mr. Gielow, Editor~ had refused to print same as a "letter So the editor" or as a paid advertisement. Commissioner Raborn stated that the aforesaid letter should be circulated to the 'Chambers of Commerce and interested governmental units. Commissioner Baker read in full the letter in words and figures as follows: March 26, 1963 Editor and Publisher Sanford Herald Dear Sir: Hu~h_has~ beea said and written for many years defending the freedom of~speech and ir om i vne the/pr~. ~owever there seems to be no defense for people in the news from this newspaper's habit of misquoting and misrepresenting these public figures. It is the function of a newspaper to inform the public with factual, unbiased news stories throughout the paper. It is the privilege of a newspaper to state its opinion and attempt to gain support for its opinion through the use of editorials. This difference between news stories and editorials enables readers to discern facts fro~ opinions. ~,~'e are disturbed with the manner in which statements made by people are reported out of context and often inaccurately. We are disturbed by the distorted and slanted reporting of business handled by this commission. We feel that this type of journalism is un~air to public figures and extremely unfair to the readers of this paper whose only source of infor- mation on most matters is what they read in this newspaper. There has been much said about the diffioulties involved in getting good people to serve even on appointed boards. Decent people are most reluctant to place themselves voluntarily in a position where criticism prevails; where an honest opinion is place in a news story in such a manner that it casts aspersions on the moti~e behind the opinion; and where disagreement with the opinion of the paper brings undue pressure and criticism often disproportionate with the issue involved. The members of this commission have been humanly reluctant to write a letter such as~this, because this paper can in many ways cauae the "ax" to fall this way. It is much easier to try to remai~ unnoticed and hope nb one directs attention your way. The fear of this attention is that ~his paper will take no news and print it in such a manner that it implies that something is fishy. This catches the public's eye and leaves a number of people with the impression that where there's smoke there's fire. Subsequent stories explaining or correcting the original distortion unfortunately do not dispel this impression. A public office is a public trust and should be held by people of ~n- tegrity, decency and ability. It is extremely difficult to try to build and strengthen our commu- nity when this local newspaper works so hard to build and strengthen its subscription list by creating incidents. We hope by writing this letter, we can encourage other groups and in- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 8 at 8 P. M. dividuals to speak out and help to encourage a change in the intent of this newspaper. s/ Thomas S McDonald s/ Joe B. Baker s/ J. H. Crapps s/ M. L. Raborn, Jr. s/ A. L. Wilson Consideration next given to the condemnation of the buildings:or structures in ac- cordance with notices authoriCed at regular meeting o£ March 11, 1963 to owners of property as follows: Report No. 63-51 65-52 63-53 63-54 65-55 65-57 63-58 63-59 63-60 1616 W 18th Street. Pine Level Subd. Lot~&5, Block 817 Avocado Avenue. W 65.88 ft of lot 9, Block 10~ Tier 14, Seminole Park Subd. 1114 & 1115 W 9th Street. W 51.37 ft of E 81.87 ft. of Lots 8 & 9, Block 10, Tier 14, Seminole Park Subd. 81.8 Pecan Avenue. 1102, 1106, 1108, and 1110 W 9th Street. Ail on Lot 12, Block 10, Tier 14, Seminole Park Subd. 1117 W 8th Street. Lot I, Block 10, Tier 14, Seminole Park Subd. NW corner of Holly Avenue & 9th Street~ Fractional E ~ of Block 10, Tier ll, A. C. Martin's Subd. 810 W 13th Street and building in rear. 'E 10 ft of W 300 ft. of N 140 ft. of NE % of NW % of Section 36-19-3©. Lots 6, 7 & W 87.20 ft of Lots 8, 9, & 10, Block 13, Tier ll. Lot 2 of A. V. French's Subd. W lOl.03 ft of E 949 ft of NE % of NW ~ of Section 36-19~0. Directly in rear of 810 W 13th Sbreet, ox SE corner of Cedar and W 12th Street. W 101.03 ft of Lots 61-~& 7, Block 1~, Tier 11. 308 E 6th Street. Lots 67 7 & 8, Block 7 Tier 1, Trafford's Hap of Sanford. 618 Palmetto Avenue. Lot 5, Block 8, Tier 2, Trafford's Map of Sanford. 500 & 510 Oak Avenue. Lots 1, 2 & 3~ Block 7, Tier Trafford's Map of Sanford. 63-61 Charles Fox, Realtor, appeared as Agent for t'*'ir. Wilkins, owner of property covered by Conde~'nnation Report No. 63-60 and requested Until January 1, 196g, to re~,::.m~.'~' same due to the owner being absent from the City until October, and on motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, same was approved, and removed from the con- demnation proceedings. Mary W. Smith appeared and requested 6 months to repair dwellings covered by Certi- ficate of Condemnstion Report No. 63-5&, and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried, same was approved. Theola Miller appeared and requested until July 1, 1963, to demolish a dwelling. covered by Certificate of Condemnation Report No. 63-52, and on motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, same was approved. The City Manager reported that the structure covered by Condemnation Report No. 63-56 had been removed. There being nn objections registered as to aforesaid Reports 63-51, 63-53, 63-55 through 63-59, and 63-61, and after discussion, Commissioner Baker moved that the buildings and structures covered by the aforesaid reports be condemned and the owner given a notice of 90 days to repair or remove or give just cause why they are not repaired or removed, and after MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 8 at 8 ]?. M. the 90 days Notice to authorize the City to remove the buildings or structures and levy a lien against the property for the cost of removal. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. The next order of business being a Public Hearing to consider vacating, closing and abandoning that certain dead end north-south alley north of 17th Street and between Magnolia Avenue and Park Avenue in accordance with the following notice published in the Sanford Herald on March 22, 1963. NOTICE O~ PROCEEDING ~0R VACAT2~NG~ CLOSING AND ABANDONING AN ALLEY TO ~.~.~0~ IT MAY CO~C'ERN, you will take notice that the City Com~..ission of the City of Sanford, ~lorida, at 8:00 o'clock 2:. M. on the 8th day of April, 1963, at the City dommissioners' Room at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, ~lorida, will consider and deter- mine whether or not the City will close, vacate and abandon any right of the City. and the public in and to that alley hereinafter described, to-wit: That certain north-south alley lying north of Seventeenth Street between ~agnolia Avenue and Park Ave~me in Block C, ?~arkham Park Heights:~.as recorded in Plat Book 1, 2:'age 78, Seminole County Records. Persons interested m~:~y appear and be heard at the time and place above specified. 4t C~ ,y Commission of the City of ~an£ord, ~lorida BY: H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk The Chairman then announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from amyone in favor of, or against closing, vacating and ab~.ndoning the alley as described in th~ foregoin~ notice. Samuel 2:ratt, 1611 Park Avenue, appeared and requested ad~itional time to contact the abutting property owners in order to determine if they are in favor of closing the altey~ and on motion of Commi~sioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, same was tabled until April 22~ 19~3 for further consideration. The ne~t order of business being a ~ublic Hearing to consider vacating a utility easement in Block 2, Wynnewood, in accordance with the following notice published in the Sanford Herald en ~arch 22, 1963. EOTICE 0~ PROCEEDING ~OR VACATING AN TO WHOM .IT MAY CONCERN: You will take notice that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, ~lorida, at 8:00 P.,~. · on A]~:'.ril 8, 1963, at the City Commissioners Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, ~lorida, will consider and. determine ~?hether or not the City v:ill Close~; vacate, renounce, disclaim and abandon any right of the City and the public in and to the land delineated upon a I~lat as a public utilities easement, which said public utilities easement is more particularly described as follows: That certain 1~ foot Utility Easement lying in Lots 1, 2, and 21, of Block 2, Wynnewood Subdivision, as recorded in ~lat Book &, Pages 92, 9~$, and 9~, Seminole County Records. Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place above specified. ~,~ ~ ~ y ~ ~-.~ . CITY CO~.I~IOI~ O~ THE CITY 0~' BY: H. N. Tatum, Jr. . 'City Clerk MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 8 at 8 ?., H. The Chairman then announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from anyone in favor of, or against vacating the utility easement aS described, in the foregoing notice. There being no objections registered, Commissioner Baker moved to table action until April 22, 1963, due to the property owner not having submitted a new utility easement. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. The next order of business being a ~;ublic Hearing to consider amending the Zoning ordinance in accordance with the following notice published in the Sanford Herald on March 22, 1963. ~OTICE OF i~UBLIC HEARING ON ~ROPOSED CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD~ FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a ~ublic ~earing will be held at the office of the City CSmmission in the City Hall in the City of San£ord, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock ?. M. , April 8, 1963, to consider the following changes and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida: To amend Article XI, C 1 Neighborhood Commercial District, Section 1, Uses Permitted, to allow the operation of a Pet store, pet grooming shop or pet supply store. Ail parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said meeting. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this llth day of March, 1963. H. N. Tamm, Jr. As City Clerk of the City of Sanford, FlOrida. There being no objections registered, Commissioner Baker moved that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare an ordinance pertaining to the same, and to include the requirements that the construction meet the sound and odor requirements as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn. The City Attorney next explained that another legal notice will have to be published in order to include any sound and odor requirements in this ordinance. Commissioner Raborn moved to table action on the request until April 22, 1963, pending £urther detail of the recommendation from the Zoning & ~ianning Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Request next submitted from John A. Russell for an exempt license to operate three · concession stands on May 19, 1963, at".the Municipal Pier and Boat Basin in connection with the St. Johns River Marathon Race and the Sanford Outboard Association. On motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, same was approved. Dr. Vincent Roberts appeared on behalf of the Knights of Columbus to request a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on premises at 2502 Oak Avenue, and after consideration Commissioner Baker moved to authorize a public hearing to be held on May 13, 1963, to consider same and ~urther to notify all owners of property within 300 ft of the aforesaid address of said hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. William Henry Sietz, Lake Ashby, appeared to request an exemption, due to physical handicaps, for a license as a peddler, and after consideratiOn, and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Raborn, and carried, sa~e was denied. MINUTES City Commission, Sanfordl Florida, A'i:.ril 8, at 8 t. M. Edward B. Griswold, Advertising Director of the Sanford Herald next appeared and requested the City to purchase for $197.50 a full page advertisement for the Seminole County Semi-Centennial Celebration, and Commissioner Crapps moved to authorize purchase of same. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson,.and same failed to carry with the dissenting votes of Commissioner Baker, Commissioner Raborn and CommissSoner McDonald. Estimate No. 8 next submitted in the amount of $27,583.0~ covering work completed and ~ ~material on job site to April 1, 1963, on contract with Mid West Contra~ting Company~ Inc., dated May 9, 1962 for construction of the Sewage Treatment Plant~ an~ on motion of Commissioner Crapps,~seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, payment was autherized from the Construction Trust Fund of 1962, on approval of the City ~anager. Commissioner Crapps moved to authorize the payment of the County Taxes and interest in the amount of ~205.49 on property donated to the City bY Chase & Company on deed dated June 29, 1962. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. Property ~escm~ibed as fa~llows: CELERY AVEEUE ADDITION Lots 6~ 87 10, 12~& 14~, Block A Lots 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 & 1¥, Block B Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13~& 1~, Block C Lots 7, 9, il & 13, Block D A copy of a proposed deed to the old. post office site next submitted by the Division of Surplus Property Utilization; Department of Health, Education and Welfare, United States Government, and the form was approved by the City Attorney. Commissioner Crapps moved on the approval of the aforesaid deed and further to authorize the City Manager to execute acceptance of same in accordance with Resolution No. 968, dated December 10, 1962. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. On recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Baker moved to authorize payment of Statement No. 8 in the amount of $.5,780.5~, submitted by Clark, Daily, Dietz & Associates, in accordance with agreement dated July ll, 1961, and based on the contractors Estimate No. 6, dated January 28, 1963 from Texas Mid West Contracting Company, Inc. On motion Of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried, a salary reclassification was authorized as follows: Mildred Carver from 13-lC (65.31/week) to 13-1D (71.94/week) On motion of Commissioner Crapps, seconded by commissioner Wilson and carried, minutes of regular meeting of March 25, 1963, were next approved. On motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, current invoices and payrolls were next approved, as evidenced by General Fund., Florida State Bank Vouchers 3969 through 4001, and 5151 through 533~, General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Voucher Nos. 8323 through 8347, Water & Sewer Revenue Fund, Sanford Atlantic National Bank'Voucher Nos. 60 through 77, and Construction Trust Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Voucher No. 85. Request next submitted from the Sanford Male Chorus for free use of the Civic Center for a concert to be held on May 20, 1963, and for which a charge would be made for attendance. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Crapps and carried, the::Commi~ionerS~d~rm~n~d!.th~t~hi~ aCtivi~Y'~as properly c~e~ed by the Stan- dard "B" Classification for rentals. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida, April 8 at 8 P. M. i9. 65_ Consideration next given t'o a recommendation submitted by the City Manager at regu- lar meeting of March 25, 1965, to install 10 street lights om south Mellonville Avenue, and on motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, same was approved, with Commissioner Crapps abstaining from voting. Commissicner Crapps moved to adjourn the meeting until 8:00 o'clock P. M. April 10, 1963. Seconded by CommSssioner Wilson and carried. Attest ~/ . ×C&~ty~Cler~ L.McD.