HomeMy WebLinkAbout070912 ws agn & min • CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2012 -309 JULY 9, 2012 WORK SESSION CITY OF SANFORD CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION Railroad Depot Room 2nd Floor Sanford City Hall MONDAY, July 9, 2012 300 North Park Avenue 4:00 PM Sanford, Florida In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) • AGENDA 1. Presentation of 2012 Water and Wastewater Rate Study - Public Resource Management Group (PRMG) [Commission Memo — 12 -108] 4:00 — 4:20 PM 2. Discussion — Local Option Gas Tax 4:20 — 4:35 PM 3. Discussion — Key West stormwater fees litigation — amicus brief 4:35 — 4:50 PM 4. Status of the City's Community Development Block Grant Program; monies allocated and actual dollars spent — Andrew Thomas [Commission Memo 12 -116] 4:50 — 5:05 PM 5. Status of the City's Neighborhood Stabilization Program; monies allocated and actual dollars spent — Andrew Thomas [Commission Memo 12 -117] 5:05 — 5:20 PM • 6. Vehicular Wayfinding Installation /Retrofit and Wayfinding Master Plan Finalization [Commission Memo 12 -110] (RM 6.M) 5:20 — 5:35 PM • 2012 -310 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 9, 2012 WORK SESSION 7. Regular Meeting Agenda Items — additional information and /or questions. 5:35 — 5:40 PM 8. Briefing items. 5:40 — 5:45 PM 9. City Manager Comments. 5:45 — 6:00 PM IP II • CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2012 -311 JULY 9, 2012 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, July 9, 2012, at 4:00 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, Second Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Jeff Triplett (present at 4:29 PM) Vice Mayor Patty Mahany Commissioner Mark M Commissioner Velma Williams Commissioner Randy Jones City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot City Clerk Janet Dougherty Deputy City Clerk Cynthia Porter • 1. Presentation of 2012 Water and Wastewater Rate Study - Public Resource Management Group (PRMG) [Commission Memo — 12 -108] Henry Thomas, Vice President, PRMG, distributed and reviewed a powerpoint presentation of the Study which confirms the need for water and wastewater adjustments. The financial forecast report shows a need for an overall increase of 7.8% (9.5% water and 7% wastewater) effective October 2012 in order to fund regulatory mandates as well as meeting current obligations and debt coverage. If accepted by the City Commission, the report will be the basis for the rate adjustment and a resolution will need to be approved before the adjustments take place. 2. Discussion — Local Option Gas Tax • Vice Mayor Mahany said that at the last CALNO meeting there was discussion regarding the expiration of the Local Option Gas Tax (LOGT); 4% will expire CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2012 -312 JULY 9, 2012 WORK SESSION in 2013 and the other 2% in 2017. Sanford's portion of the LOGT equates to nearly $900,000 and is used for sidewalks, road improvements, and to pay FPL for street light costs. The Board of County Commission has to approve the LOGT by a super majority vote. Because it is critical to the City's revenue, she asked the Commission to decide whether to formally lobby the County Commission for approval. The Mayor suggested that this item be brought up for discussion at the next Mayors and Managers meeting in September to get a consensus of what the other Managers and Mayors are thinking. There was no objection by the Commission. • 3. Discussion — Key West stormwater fees litigation — amicus brief Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot said that on July 1, 2012 the Seminole County School District stopped paying the City its stormwater utility fees. There is litigation pending in the appellate courts for a Key West case and an Ocala case. The community college in Key West sued the City of Key West in Circuit Court and asked the Court to determine that the community college is a State agency and is immune from payment of the stormwater fees and to order the City to refund all of the stormwater fees that had been paid. The Court did that and ordered the City of Key West to pay back $160,000. That case was appealed and the City of Key West lost the appeal. It is now in the Florida Supreme Court which has been asked to take jurisdiction of the case but not argue the merits. • Attorney Groot said that the City of Ocala sued the School District there • CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2012 -313 JULY 9, 2012 WORK SESSION after it said no to entering into a contract to pay stowmwater utility fees. The Court was asked to enforce the City's ordinance and to make the School District pay the stormwater utility fees. The Court enjoined the City from enforcing its own ordinance. The City of Ocala has appealed that to the 5 District Court of Appeal and the case is pending. Attorney Groot suggested drafting a letter to the School District stating that the City recognizes that payments have stopped, that the bills are going to continue to come, that the City has not relinquished its right or legal assertion that the fees are due, and that it will continue to monitor the appellate litigation pending in the Florida • Supreme Court and the Fifth District Court of Appeal. There was a consensus of the Commission for the City Attorney to draft the letter to the Seminole County School District. 4. Status of the City's Community Development Block Grant Program; monies allocated and actual dollars spent — Andrew Thomas [Commission Memo 12 -116] Senior Project Manager Andrew Thomas gave a status report. Mr. Bonaparte asked Mr. Thomas to provide a timeline showing what work needs to be done, HUD regulations, and the procurement process. Commissioner Williams asked that an amendment be sent to HUD addressing citizens concerns and needs; some of the money needs to be spent for economic development and for housing improvements. Mr. Thomas said that is included in the re- submittal for the new year which will be sent on August 16. 411/ He will provide the Commission a copy of the amendment by the end of July. • CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2012 -314 JULY 9, 2012 WORK SESSION 5. Status of the City's Neighborhood Stabilization Program; monies allocated and actual dollars spent — Andrew Thomas [Commission Memo 12 -117] Senior Project Manager Andrew Thomas gave a status report. 6. Vehicular Wayfinding Installation/Retrofit and Wayfinding Master Plan Finalization [Commission Memo 12 -110] (RM 6.M) Christine Dalton, Community Planner /Historic Preservation Officer, distributed the City of Sanford Vehicular Wayfinding Plan July 2012 and proposed retrofit signage and gave a powerpoint presentation of the Plan. The Commission chose III to use the retrofit sign with the CITY OF SANFORD capitalized. 7. Regular Meeting Agenda Items — additional information and /or questions. Economic Development Director Nick Mcray gave a brief overview of Regular Meeting item 6.F regarding the Community Visioning and Strategic Planning Services RFQ. 8. Briefing items. City Manager Bonaparte said that after contacting the family of Trayvon Martin and particularly Attorney Crump, the memorial was relocated to the Sanford Museum so it could be preserved. He issued a press release so it was clear as to who did it, why we did it, and what was being done. He thanked Mr. Thomas for facilitating the relocation of the memorial. ID • CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 2012 -315 JULY 9, 2012 WORK SESSION 9. City Manager Comments. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM. V nor ° y d "''� Attest: 0 142,0 • Sk. .■ /City Clerk 1111 cp •