HomeMy WebLinkAbout012565-Regular Session MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 25 at 8 ?. M. 19 6.5 Dr~th~-OW Of'flo, ~q,,pply_Co.: O~'l~nclo. l~la. -- .......... The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on January 25, 1965. Present: Commissioner J. H. Crapps, Mayor " Joe B. Baker " Earl Higginbotham " M.L. Raborn, Jr. City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. Eo Knowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Deputy Clerk Rosa M. Rotundo Police Chief R. G. Williams Absent: Commissioner A. L. ~ilson The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Loomis Leedy, of Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., next appeared and discussed the financing of the proposed lake front marina project. George Touhy, Executive Vice President of First Federal Savings and Loan Associ- ation, and Dr. W. Vincent Roberts, Chairman of Water Front Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, next appeared and offered any help that they might be able to furnish to help put the project through. Invoice next submitted from Maurice H. Connell & Associates, Inc., for four soil test borings in Lake Monroe, for the sum of $925.00; and after consideration, and On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, payment w~s authorized. Request next received from Mrs. Doris Mason, 200# Adams Avenue, for a license for a beauty shop at this address; and after discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize a license to be issued for this address, seconded by Commissioner Baker, and the vote failed to carry o~er::¢the dissenting votes of Commissioner Raborn and Commissioner Crapps. M. N. Cleveland, Jr., Attorney for Harold C. Logan, next appeared and requested that the City install a six-inch water main from First Street to Fifth Street on Persimmon Avenue, at an estimated cost of $3,72~.2~, to service St. Johns Village, and that Mr. Logan not be charged for this line as it could service other property, if and when the area is developed. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Higginbothammoved to install the water main at a cost of $1,200.00 to Mr. Logan and that he furnish storm sewers and paving in the St. Johns ¢illage. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Baker. Request next submitted by E. N. Smith, ll07 W. 15th Street, to use City property on the south side of West 13th Street for his customer parking, and after consideration, Commissioner Baker moved that the request be denied, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Hal Washburn next appeared and requested the use of City water and sewer at his Lake Ada property on Highway 1~m92, to service a 70 to 80 u_nit apartment house.: After consideration, Commissioner Higginbothammoved to authorize the City Manager to write Washburn a letter of intent for furnishing water and sewer to his property, provided he pay the cost of the water line based on the City's specifications and that he is agreeable to annexation. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ffanuary 25 at 8 P. M. 19 65 Dr. W. Vincent Roberts, spokesman for the Community Action Program, next .appeared and ~quested that the Commission appoint a Community Action Committee. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the Mayor to appoint a Community Action Com- mittee, seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. Consideration next given to the closing hours of establishments serving liquor, and after considerable discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to allow establishments with a seating capacity of 200 persons or more, and kitchen facilities serving a complete meal as long as the establishment is open, to remain open until 2:00 A. M. on Monday through Saturday nights. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Request next received from the First Federal Savings and Loan Association to be designated as a City depository, and after discussion, Commissioner Baker moved to authorize same~ seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. Consideration next given to awards as recognition of appointments and service of iunpaid members of various municipal boards, and after discussion, Commissioner Raborn moved to table until next meeting, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried,? minutes of regular meeting of January ll, 1965, were next approved. Consideration next given to the replacement of all parking meters, on or after !iFebruary 9, 1965, and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried, same was tabled until next meeting. Request next received from Mary Genova for a reduction in bill for cleaning a lot at 24th Place and Oak Avenue, and after discussion, Commissioner Baker moved that the request be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. Consideration next given to a date to hold municipal elections, and after dis- cussion, Commissioner Baker moved to hold m~icipal elections on the first Tuesday in December each year, at the City Hall or any additional place the Commission deems necessary. Seconded by Commissioner.Higginbotham and carried. Consideration next given to the collection of delinquent personal property taxes, !!and the City Attorney said to determine that the people are still here, then the Tax Coll~ct- or deliver a letter stating the amount of delinquent taxes and interest to the people personally. Consideration next given to the appointment of a representative-of the City to 'work with the State Outdoor Recreational Planning Committee, and Commissioner Baker moved to appoint the. City Manager, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: mm 'City Clerk