HomeMy WebLinkAbout041166MINUTES' 2O,5 City Commission,,Sanford,. Florida ~April 11 at 8 P.M. 1~6 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on April ll, 1966. P~esent: Commissioner A. L. Wilson, Mayor " J.B. Baker " Earl Higginbotham " M.L. Raborn, Jr. " W. Vincent Roberts City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Police Chief A. S. Williams The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was a Public Hearing, as advertised in the Sanford Herald on April l, 1966, to consider the proposed changes and amendments in designated zones in which intoxicating liquors may be sold. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS IN DESIGNATED ZONES IN WHICH INTOXICATING LIQUORS MAY BE SOLD. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on April ll, 1966, to consider an amendment to the Liquor Zoning Laws to include and allow the sale of liquor at that certain property located at the southeast corner of 25th Street and Sanford Avenue, formerly Angel's Eat Shack, more particularly described as: Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block l, Palm Terrace All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 28th day of March, 1966. rezone. H. L. Whelchel as City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida The Chairman then announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from anyone in favor of, or against, the amendments as advertised in the foregoing notice. The following citizens appeared to be heard: Clarence Powell, property owner of 2507 S. Sanford Avenue, leased and operated as Joe's Laundry & Dry Cleaners; opposed Joe Nicholas, lessee of Clarence Powell; opposed L. T. Sheppard, 2540 S. Sanford Avenue; opposed A. D. Holloway, 2526 S. Sanford Avenue; opposed Ifrs. J. N. Azzarello, owner of rental apartments across the street; opposed A. F. Hunt, 2485 Palmetto Avenue; opposed Wm. R. Rogers, 2517 S. Sanford Avenue; opposed M. R. Strickland, owner of property on southeast corner of 25th Street and Sanford Avenue; opposed Louis S. Payne, 2519 S. Sanford Avenue; opposed W. S. Willis, 512 E. 25th Street; opposed C. D. Tillis, 2527 Palmetto Avenue; opposed Mrs. Ann Almond, 2515 S. Sanford Avenue; opposed Mrs. L. P. Duffy, 2464 S. Sanford Avenue; opposed T. B. Middleton, 2478 S. Sanford Avenue; opposed Lillian McCall, not a property owner in the area, but a member of Southern Methodist Church, 2460 Sanford Avenue; opposed After consideration, Commissioner Roberts moved to deny the proposed amendment to Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. 206 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida AprS, 1 ll at 8 P. FI. 19. 66 The proposed City employees'~salary review which was submitted at the prior meeting was next presented for discussion. The City Manager recommended consideration be given to revising and upgrading the City's present five-step salary classification of A through E, with considergtion of a sixth and seventh step in increments of five per cent longevity for each fi~e years after the fifth step. After discussion, Commissioner Baker moved to author- ize the City Manager to proceed to prepare a revised salary scale based on average hourly rate, as outlined in the proposed report, and present cost estimate to the Commission for further consideration. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Raymond D. FicGough appeared regarding a proposed Water Purchase Contract between the City of Sanford and Midway-Canaan Community Water Association, Inc., which was discussed at Commission meeting of March 28, 1966. He asked for clarification on the City's request for a clause of a right of a 60-day notice to terminate the contract. This was clarified to mean terminate the service at the meter after a 60-day delinquent notice for non-payment. The City Attorney pointed out that the City had not required a contract for the sale of water and the company would be served and billed as any other regular City water customer, in- cluding the termination of service for non-payment. Commissioner Baker moved that the City Manager and City Attorney clarify the amendments in the contract, and upon acceptance by the proper officials of the water company, the Fiayor be authorized to sign the contract. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. The Police Chief gave a report regarding the inspection progress being made on taxicab vehicles for compliance with the regulations as set forth in the new taxicab ordi- nance, with a deadline to comply no later than April 12, 1966, or revoCation of licenses. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to limit and not to exceed the number of twenty-four (24) vehicles to be licensed and operated as taxicabs. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Under previous action to table a request of Johnny A. Lawrence to obtain a City license to operate a taxicab, Commissioner Baker moved that after April 12, 1966, if other- qualified, he be granted the first license becoming available ~uder this twenty-four taxicab limit. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. The City Manager submitted a report on the recent meeting held with State Road Department and Atlantic Coast Line Railroad officials concerning the City forwarding a reso- lution to the State Road Department citing the hazardous condition of the railroad signals in the center of SR 46, East 25th Street at Orange Avenue, requesting the signals be as an overhead suspension or removed completely; stating the State Road Department would not provide overhead suspension or recommend the removal. However, the State would construct a 4-foot wide island, 6 inches high, for minimum of 100 feet each side of the center light standard, which would be reflectorized and, if acceptable, written acknowledgment would be required from the City. On recommendation of City Manager, Commissioner Higginbotham moved the City accept, under protest, the proposal as outlined, contingent that City still considers the center signals as hazardous but feels that there is no alternative. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Roberts. Next submitted was a letter from R. T. Milwee, Superintendent of Seminole County Public Schools, stating that the School Board was in the process of purchasing Chase Grove MINUTE'S City Commission, Sanford,: Florida:" Ap~il~ ll at 8 P. M. 19_..66 207" Dothtrow Office 8.ur*mir Co_.,_Orland ........... on Highway 17-92, south of Sanford, as a site on which to construct the new Junior College; requesting the City consider water and sewer extensions to serve the site. After discussion and on motion of Commissioner Baker, approval was given to extend water lines to the site; advertising of bids for the purchase of the water line materials; and to proceed with an engineering study for feasibility of a future sewer plant in the area, plus providing temporary standby sewer service for present use. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Considered next was a request from the Seminole County Health Department for consideration of the City establishing a policy and fee schedule for allowing septic wagons, cleaning septic tanks outside of the City, to empty at the sewage treatment plant. On recommendation of City Manager, Commissioner Higginbotham moved on approving the septic wagons emptying at the sewer plant during regular working hours and at the direction of the piant operator, establishing the following fee schedule: Any truck up to'and including 1,O00 gallons capacity . . . $3.50/load Any truck over 1,O00 gallons capacity .......... $5.00/load Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, payment of $2,100.00 to the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce for one-half year billboard advertisement was approved, as appropriated in Account No. 8134. Commissioner Baker moved to authorize the payment of $2,076.85 to Clark, Dietz and Associates for engineering services on the Lakefront Project for February, 1966, in accord- ance with Schedule of Rates as outlined in agreement dated July 27, 1965. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Upon consideration cfa request from Western Union, Miami, Florida, regarding their local annual occupational license fee being increased from $150.00 to $250.00, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to deny phe request to re-instate the license at $150.00, on the basis that it is in keepingwith the recent overall revision and updating of the license fee schedule. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. The City Manager related that Mr. James Lee, sponsoring the Lion's Club a~nual fireworks in Ft. Mellon Park, reported difficulty in obtaining insurance liability coverage in the City's required amounts, asking for consideration of liability coverage in the amounts of $100,000.00 and $50,000.00. On recommendation of the City Attorney, Commissioner Raborn moved that the City's liability coverage for the display of fireworks on City property remain in the amount of $100,000.00 for any one injury and $500,000.00 for more than one occurence. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. The Commission's attention was called to the fact that on previous action a vari- ance to permit the erection of a sign on the commercial property of Jim Spencer's Restaurant, French Avenue and Santa Barbara Drive, had been denied; however, the sign had now been erected without a permit and the supposedly sign erector, Florida Sign Company with repre- sentative at the last meeting, had no occupational license. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to grant a variance to permit the sign to remain. Motion died for a lack of a second. The City Attorney rendered the following opinion to the Commission with two pos- sible courses of action, to undertake a civil suit to enjoin}Ir. Spencer to remove the sign, taking it to circuit court, thus proving the validity of the simn ordinmne~? mw 4 ...... /2O$ MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida April 11 .at 8 P. H. 19 66 l)nthpv~w Offlo~ gn_nply Co.. Orlando. Fla. " ' '- warrant for his arrest and prosecute the case in municipal court. Commissioner Higginbotham then moved to table the matter. Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Roberts moved to grant a variance. Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Raborn moved that the matter be tabled until the next regular meeting of the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried over the dissenting votes of Commissioner Higginbotham and Commissioner Roberts. Consideration next given to classification of detective in the Police Department, requiring a man to work in civilia~ clothes with no benefit of uniform allowance or laundry discount. On recommendation of the City Man, ager, Commissioner Baker moved that a $3.00 per week allowance be approved and allotted to the employee designated as detective to reimburse him for such expense. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Consideration was next given to a request by the City Manager for additional per- sonnel in the Utility Plants, with a part-time water and sewer plant operator for coverage during vacation schedule. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, approval was given for employing a part-time operator for a period of 18 weeks, with a transfer of $1,100.O0 from Utility Surplus Accounti:No. 9850 to Utility Plants Salary Account No. 9201. The City Manager next recommended that the Commission consider extending the alley between East First Street and Commercial Street directly east, behind the Library, to enter onto Palmetto Avenue, in order to avoid a 90 degree north turn of the alley going to Com- mercial; and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, same was approved. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, the following transfers were next authorized: To Account No. 9207, Utility Plant Travel Expense $ 40.00 From Account No. 9850, Utility Surplus To Acco-~ut No. 4167, Little League Fields, for load of clay $225.00 From Account No. 8150, Contingency On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the minutes of March 14, 1966, were next approved. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the current vouchers and payrolls were next approved, as evidenced by General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers No. 4516 through 4570; General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers No. 11758 through 11954; Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers No. ll07 through 1122. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, Paul Eo Jenkins and Dr. Raymond Bass were authorized to act as dog wardens for the City of Sanford, under an agreement with the County Humane Society. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. A letter submitted to the Architect for the Sanford Herald Building in the City's Lake Monroe Industrial Park from the Seminole County Health Sanitarian, a copy of same to the City Manager, informed the City that sanitary sewers should be provided for the area as soon as possible, and if an individual system of septic tank is installed it must be considered only a temporary expedient until a sewer line is available. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to proceed with an unbiased survey to determine costs to install sewer M i N U T E S City Commission, Sanford, Florida" , april i1 .at 8 P.M. 1966 lines in the Industrial Park and proceed with the work. Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Higginbotham then moved that the City of Sanford run a sewer line of sufficient size to handle the fluid from the site of the Sanford Herald to the sewer disposal plant, to be used for the purpose of furnishing sewer to the Sanford Herald so that the Herald can dispose of raw sewage into the disposa~ plant, to meet the State Board of Health requirements and to handle any future use of anticipated growth in the park. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried over the dissenting votes of Commissioner Baker and Commis- sioner Raborn; with Commissioner Raborn stating his negative vote was for the reason that the price of the property was based on the fact that they, the Herald, would use septic tanks~ and the City would not have to go tothe expense o~f installing sewer lines. The City Clerk brought to the Commission's attention that personnal taxes from the year 1960 to present date are still outstanding and uncollected in the amount of $853.56, plus interest. Commissioner Roberts moved to authorize the enforcement of the necessary procedures to collect. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. A Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SALE OF $1,000,000 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DATED SEPTEMBER l, 1965 was introduced by Mr. Higginbotham. Said Resolution was then read in full and discussed and considered. Mr. Higginbotham then moved the adoption of the Resolution as introduced and read. Mr. Roberts seconded the motion, and, on roll call, the following voted "~e": Mr. Wilson, Mr. Raborn, Mr. Baker, Mr. Roberts, and Mr. Higginbotham and the following voted "Nay" None The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted as introduced and read. RESOLUTION NO. 1020 RESOLUTION DIRECTING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SALE OF $1,000,000 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, DATED SEPTEMBER l, 1965. WHERAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, has validated an issue of Public Improvement iRevenue Bonds in the sum of $1,000,000 for the purpose of financing the cost of refunding certain outstanding revenue certificates and the cost of the construction and acquisition of !certain municipal improvements in the citY; WHEREAS, said bonds have been validated by a decree of the Circuit Court of the ~Nln h Judicial Circuit, in and for S~minole County, Florida, on August 18, 1965; WHEREAS, a public sale of this issue of bonds must be advertised; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that: Section 1. The official notice of sale calling for bids for the purchase of such $1,000,000 Public Improvement Revenue Bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be substantially as follows: OFFICIAL NOTICE OF S/~T,'E $1,000,000 CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida ' April ll at 8 P. M. 19. 66 in the Chambers of the City Commission at the City Hall, Sanford, Florida, until 2~:~00 P.M., E.S.T., on Wednesday, May ll, 1966, for the purchase of all, but not less than all, of the $1,000,000 Sanford, Florida, Public Improvement Revenue Bonds (hereinafter called the "Bonds" The Bonds shall be dated September l, 1965; shall be issued in coupon form in the denomina- tion of $5,000 each, numbered consecutively from one upward; shall be payable with respect to both principal and interest at a bank or banks to be subsequently determined by the Com- mission prior to the delivery of the Bonds; shall bear interest payable semi-annually on March I and September i of each year; and shall mature serially in numerical order, lowest numbers first, on September i in the years and amounts as follows: Year Amount 1967 $20,000 1968 20,000 1969 20,000 1970 25,000 1971 25,000 1972 25,000 1973 25,000 1974 25,000 1975 25,000 1976 30,000 1977 30,000 1978 30,000 1979 30,000 1980 30,000 1981 35,000 Year Amount 1982 $35,000 1983 35,000 1984 35,000 1985 40,000 1986 40,000 1987 40,000 1988 40,000 1989 45,000 1990 45,000 1991 45,000 1992 50,000 1993 50,000 1994 50,000 1995 55,000 The Bonds maturing in the years 1967 to 1975, both inclusive, are not redeemable prior to their respective stated dates of maturity. The Bonds maturing in 1976 and thereafte~ are redeemable prior to their respective stated dates of maturity, at the option of the City, in whole or in part, in inverse numerical order if less than all, on September l, 1975, or on any .interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, plus the following premiums, expressed in percentages of the par value thereof, if redeemed in the following years: Three per centum (3%) if redeemed in the years 1975 through 1980, inclusive; Two per centum (2%) if redeemed in the years 1981 through 1987, inclusive; One per centum (1%) if redeemed in 1988 and thereafter, but prior to maturity. The principal and interest on the Bonds are payable solely from and secured by a prior lien upon and a pledge of the proceeds of the utilities service taxes and franchise tax in the manner provided in the Ordinance No. 859, enacted by the City on July 12, 1965. Bidders may specify rates of interest in multiples of 1/8 or 1/20 of one per centum, with the same single coupon rate for any one maturity, with no one coupon rate to be less than 2% of any other coupon'rate, and no named rate to exceed 4 3/4% per annum. The interest becoming due on each semi-annual interest payment date must be evidenced by a single coupon. No bids will be considered for less than 99% of the par value of all Bonds offered hereby and accrued interest. Award of the Bonds will be made to the bidder whose proposal offers the lowest net interest cost, to be determined by taking the aggregate amount of interest, computed from March l, 1966, to the several maturity dates of the Bonds, at the rate of rates specified, and deducting therefrom the amount of the premium offered, if any, or adding thereto the amount of the discount offered, if any. M INUTES City. Commission, Sanford,' Flori~da . A~il 11 at 8 P. M. 1966 211" The Bonds will be delivered on or about June 10, 1966. The unqualified legal opinion of Messrs. Bryant, Freeman, Richardson & Watson, Jacksonville, Florida, will be furnished the successful bidder without charge. Each bid must be on a form to be furnished by the City, accompanied by a certified or cashier's or treasurer's check in the amount of $20,000, drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company to the order of the City of Sanford, Florida, and should be in a sealed envelope, marked on the outside "Bid for $1,000,000 City of Sanford, Florida, Public Improve- ment Revenue Bonds", and addressed to the undersigned City Clerk. No interest will be paid on said check. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Further information and bid forms may be obtained from the undersigned or from Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., One North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida, financial advisors to the City. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA /s/ Howard L. Whelchel City Clerk SECTION. 3. The City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby authorized and directed to publish in the Sanford Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in Sanford, Florida, one time, such publication to be not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of sale, and in The Bond Buyer, a financial newspaper of national circulation, at least once, not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of sale, a condensed form of notice calling for bids for the purchase of said bonds in substantially the follwoing form: OTZCE OF $1,000,000 CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS Sealed bids will be received by the City Commission in its Chambers in the City Hall, City of Sanford, Florida, to an including 2:00 P.M., E.S.T., May 11, 1966, for the purchase of $1,000,000 Public Improvement Revenue Bonds of said City, dated September l, 1965, with semi-annual interest payable March I and September 1. Such Bonds will be coupon Bonds, registrable as to principal only or as to both principal and interest, and will mature serially in n.umerical order on September I in the years 1967 through 1995, inclusive. Such Bonds will be payable solely from and secured by a prior pledge of and a lien upon the proceeds of the utilities service taxes .and franchise tax in the mao~ner provided in the Ordinance. The successful bidder will be furnished the unqualified approving opinion of Messrs. Bryant, Freeman, Richardson & Watson, Jacksonville, Florida. C6pies of the official statement, bid form, and other pertinent information may be obtained from the undersigned City Clerk o~ from Leedy, Wheeler & Alleman, Inc., One North Orange Avenue, Orlando, Florida. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA /s/ Howard L. Whelchel City Clerk SECT~[ON 4. A Copy of this resolution shall be incorporated in and shall be a part ~ of the minutes of the meeting of the City Commission held April ll, 1966. SECTION 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Apr$1 1t at 8 P. M. 19 66 PASSED AND ADOPTED this eleventh day of April, A.D. 1966 s/ A. L. Wilson M. L. Raborn, Jr. W. Vincent Roberts Attest: J.B. Baker S/ H. L. Whelchel Earl Higginbotham City Clerk As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida The City Manager next reported that Mrs. Minnie E. Olley, age 75, 601 Magnolia Avenue, had fallen on the sidewalk in front of 515 Magnolia AvenUe, on or about'April 3, 1966, with injury of a broken right elbow and medical costs of approximately $115.00, with possibility of a re-cast. On recommendation of the City Attorney and the City Manager, Commissioner Raborn moved that a signed release be obtained from Mrs. Olley in the amount of $115.00, and the City serve notice on abutting property owner regarding the repair of the sidewalk. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: lm