HomeMy WebLinkAbout071166247 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida . .. July 11 at 8 P. Fi. 19 66 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on July ll, 1966. Present: Commissioner M. L. Raborn, Jr., Acting Mayor " J.B. Baker " Earl Higginbotham " W. Vincent Roberts City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Police Chief A. S. Williams Absent: Commissioner A. L. Wilson, Mayor The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The Chairman announced that the first order of business was a Public Hearing, as advertised in the Sanford Herald on J~ly l, 1966, to consider a request for vacating and closing an alley right-of-way. NOTICE OF PROCEEDING FOR VACATING AND CLOSING AN ~Tff~y TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEP~: You will take notice that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on July ll, 1966, in the City Commission Room at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, will consider and determine whether or not the City will close, vacate and abandon any right of the City and the public in and to that certain east-west alleylying between Orange Avenue and the Railroad, approximately 400 feet south of 25th Street. Said alley being more particularly described as follows: That certain east-west alley lying between Lot 8 and Lot 9, Oak Hill Subdivision, as recored in Plat Book 3, Page 86, Seminole County Records. · Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place above specified. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida By: H. L. Whelchel, City Clerk The Chairman announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from anyone in favor of, or against, the closing as advertised in the foregoing notice. Mack N. Cleveland, Jr., Attorney, represented Mary Walter, who requested the City to close the above mentioned alley. Mrs Walter owns property on either side of the unopened alley, and has built a carport approximately three feet into the said alley property. There being no objections, Commissioner Higginb°tham moved to instruct t~e City Attorney to prepare the"~proper ordinance for a first reading at the next regular meeting for vacating and closing of that portion of the alley between Lots 8 and 9, N. H. Garner's Oak- hill Addition to South Sanford. S~conded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Next considered was a request tabled from the last meeting of June 27, 1966, of W. A. Adams, Adams Transfer and Storage, for a refund of material cost paid to the City regarding the City forces extending a fire sprinkler water line to his commercial property, 200 North Holly Avenue. In the absence of Mr. Adams, Commissioner Roberts moved to table the request. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. Tabled at the last meeting and next considered was a request of the Sanford Chamber of Commerce for a release of their allocated funds in the quarterly amount of $525.00. A list of Board of Directors, a 1966 Member ship List, and a Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements from October l, 1965 to May 31, 1966, was submitted to the Commission by the Chamber. It was noted that as of May 31, 1966, there were additional ~o_paid bills in the MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida July !1 at 8 P. M. .19. 66 Commissioner Baker moved that the City approve the Sanford Chamber of Commerce request for.their quarterly funds. Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Higginbotham then moved that the City pay the $624.0~, since the Sanford Chamber was working on assumption they had certain funds allocated for projects they might undertake, and that an effort be made to co-ordinate their efforts between these gentlemen and the oDher Chamber, and that no further funds be authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Baker. Lee P. Moore next appeared representing the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, and presented for consideration a list of persons with a recommendation that this group be formed and appointed as an Advisory Committee to be known as Downtown Urban Redevelopment Committee; a group intereste~ in downtown Sanford primarily with the idea of upgrading or bringing into existence a plan for the downtown development. Names submitted were as follows: Lee P. Moore, C. Howard McNulty, William Hemphill, George Touhy, Douglas Stenstrom Frank Finch, Dr. J. C. Ringling, Henry McAlister, Walter Gielow, Glenn McCall, James Hoenig, A. B. Peterson, Jr., and John Daniels. Mr. Moore suggested the possibility of the Zoning and Planning Commission being the nucleus, but broadening the scope and representation of this Board. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the City Commission appoint this committee p~us the Zoning and Planning body to handle the federal aid program. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. The City Attorney then gave a report regarding preparations of a contract with the Urban Programming Corporation of America, stating further information would have to be made available as the con$ract was of loose form. After further discussion, the City Commission instructed the City Attorney and City Manager to prepare a proper contrac:t with better clarification of terms and any fees to be at no cost to the City.~ The City Attorney next submitted a report regarding his investigation on methods and procedures that the City might wish to follow in obtaining a one-acre tract, other than City owned, Within the area of the City's proposed Zoological Park property by advising that the City could exercise their power of eminent domain and condemn the property. After discussion, Commissioner Baker moved that a professional and competent appraiser be retained to submit an appraisal value on Lot 3, Block X, St. Gertrude's Addition and the City Attorney be so authorized to proceed to employ such a person for the City for this particular work. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Consideration next given to the type of sign regulations desired in amending the sign ordinance relative to the proposals as submitted by the Zoning and Planning Commission. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the City Manager set up a convenient date for the two groups to meet in a joint session, with a possible meeting date of July 21, 1966. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, approval was given on a request for the transfer of a merchant occupational license from John D. Carlton, 1303 Sanford Avenue, to William Boling and F. Waddle, same address. Consideration next given to the requests for transfer of a City occupational license or 'licenses, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that a policy be established with reference to 249 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford;. Florida ~u.ly.~ll at 8 P. M. 19 66 license of other than beer and wine and others now set by State, that if a person sells his business he can sell his business and license to the incoming operator, and that transfer o.f liecnse be executed at no cost to the new operator. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. On recommendation of City Manager, motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, a~:street light installation was authorized in the approximate area of ll07 East Eighth Street; location being half way between Bay and Mellonville Avenues. On request of Wilbert Smith, 109 Sunland Drive, age 69, of Indian race, for an exempt occupational license to sell minnows at the corner of llth Street and Sanford Avenue, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that an exempt license for the remainder of the license year be approved and issued for such operation. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. A letter of resignation from William Bush, Jr., member of the Zoning and Planning Commission, was next presented for consideration. Commissioner Higginbotham moved to accept the letter with regrets, and further approving that the City Attorney be authorized to prepare a resolution commending Mr. Bush for his service. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, Ipayment of $50,400.00 was next authorized to contractor, Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company, as submitted on Statement No. 1t720, dated July l, 1966, as approved by the City's project engineering firm, Clark, Dietz and Associates and the City Manager, and as authorized under contract agreement for dredging and bulkheading, Riverport Marina, dated March 24, 1966. A lengthy discussion was nexti'~held regarding several recent requests for establish- ment of, or already established dance halls, namely Hullabaloo and Chick N' Treat; whereby, it was pointed out that in addition to an occupational license, the City Code, section 18-11, ~Irequires all dance halls to obtain a permit from the City Commission, allowing the Commission to set any stipulations they deem necessary in this type of operation. Commissioner Roberts moved that dance hall permits be issued to the Hullabaloo Club and the Chick N' Treat and that both of the permits be contingent upon the owners of the respective business to control their noise factor to a degree to satisfy the City Manager ~iand the Chief of Police; further, giving the City Manager the right to delegate authority to the Chief of Police on suCh. S~conded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Submitted next for consideration was the following tabulation of bids for furnishing water line materials to Sunland Estates per specifications in the Invitation to Bid, as advertised in the Sanford Herald on June 24, 1966, and publicly opened in the City Commis- !!sion Room, City Hall, at 2:00 P. M. on July 7, 1966. !i "pO ,NPANY, ....... PIPE FITT]iNGS VALVES .... Comp. Comp. ' Jr. Jr. Mech. Comp. A.C. ii ............ Jr. Jt. Pipe /'~erican CI Pipe Co. $35,0'61.25 .... $3'~,794'75 .... Davis Meter & Supply Company 34,936.50 .... ~oore Utility Supply ]Company ughes Supply, Inc. cWane CI Pipe Co. United States Pipe i~ Foundry Co. ~ohns-M-~ville ........ 34,936.50 33,670.00 35,128.50 33,670.00 35,231.00 33,964.50 35,341.75 34,075.25 $21,816.00 22,263.50 21,089.00 Mech. Mech. Jr. Jt. $1,'026.54 .... $982.00 .... 1,035.37 $8~3.64 873.69 $793.28 1,034.71 .... 904.88 .... 1,008.09 .... 798.01 .... 1,150.87 .... 889.00 .... 1,188.70 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida July ll at 8 P. M. 1~ 66 ..Doth.row Offic~ ~qLIDDI¥ CO.. Orlando, Fla. Low bids as follows: WATER LINE MATERIALS Mechanical joint - base bid American Cast Iron Pipe Co. - pipe B & H Sales - fittings B & H Sales - valves Compression joint - alternate # i American Cast Iron Pipe Co. - pipe B & H Sales - fittings B & H Sales - valves , Asbestos - cement - alternate # 2 Johns-Manville - pipe B & H Sales - fittings B & H Sales - valves $54,061.25 1,002.15 .... 787.81 $55,851'~21 $52,794.75 1,002.15 787.81 $34,584.71' $21,089 · O0 640.91 7O2 The City'Manager recommended the combination of the above low bids: Johns-Manville - 12" pipe American C. I. - Comp. joint (8" x 6") B & H Sales - AC fittings & valves B & H Sales - Comp. Jt. fittings & valves Total combination low bid $18,688.00 4,429,25 959.21 509.23 $24,585.69 After consideration and on recommendation of City Manager, Commissioner Roberts moved to accept the combined low bid as outlined in the foregoing paragraph in the amount of $24,585.69, in addition to approving an allowance of $1,000.00 for storage of repair stock of fittings, sleeves, and valves relative to the use of cement asbestos pipe. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. Consideration next given to future projects to come under federal grant programs, and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, the same was tabled until next meeting. It was brought to the Commission's attention that in adopting the new Taxicab Ordinance No. 882, Chapter 24 of the Code, Section 24-1, Ordinance No. 652 was repealed, which set forth fares whereby the new ordinance states nothing in regards to taxi fares. After discussion, Commissioner Roberts moved that the City Attorney investigate and make the proper recommendations at the next meeting regarding such fares. Seconded by Commis- sioner Higginbotham and carried. After discussion, Commissioner Roberts moved to authorize expenses for the City Manager to attend a meeting in Washington, July 27 to 29, 1966, on urban problems and assist- ance programs on the basis of providing information pertaining to programs that the City might consider or undertake. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Next considered was the allocated funds in the present budget for the installation of whiteway lights on Highway 17-92, Orlando Drive, for an area within the City limits, area of the Sanford Shopping Plaza. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the City proceed to install the lighting system in the median on Highway 17-92 to serve the 3anford Shopping Plaza area by bringing the system in from Onora Road on the south end, eather than from the north. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Next under discussion was the recent filing of a suit by Mrs. Howard P. Gordie, ~idow of Howard P. Gordie, vs. City of Sanford, regarding traffic accident involving a police wehicle at 27th Street and Sanford Avenue. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida July 11 at 8 P.M. 1966 , Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, the City Attorney was authorized to handle all legal defense work for the City relative to the Howard P. Gordie case. On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the current vouchers and payrolls were next approved as evidenced by General F~ud Florida State Bank Vouchers No. 4688 through No. ~752; General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers No. 12357 through No. 12537; Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers No. 1159 through No. 1159; Municipal Improvement Construction Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers No. 2 through No. 24; Municipal Tmp~ovement Construction Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Voucher No. 2. On motion of Co~missioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried the minutes of May 23, 1966, and June 13, 1966, were next approved. Having been pointed out that the position of Engineer-Public Works Director was still vacant, and after discussion and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Eigginbotham moved that the City Manager proceed to negotiate With several applicants who ~ppear to be qualified for a position with the City as an Engineering Aide to be combined with the position of supervising the Refuse Department, or with a Public Works Director without engineering, with actual employment of the individual if deemed necessary to determine his qualifications; the Manager bringing back to the Commission his findings and recommenda- tion. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Consideration next given to the revision of a new proposed salary reclassification ~nd pay scale for City employees, with the exception of laborers, being considered for in- ~lusion in the 1966-67 budget and under study for several months. After discussion, Commis- sioner Higginbotham moved to approve the list as submitted on a tentative basis in that a few changes might be considered further. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. · A discussion was held regarding recommendations of the Police Chief for consideratio~ if adopting new ordinances relating to the following items: (1) possession of alcoholic I~everage as a minor; (2) driving alcoholic beverages as a minor; (3) opposing a police ~fficer with violence; (4) reckless driving while drin!~ing; (5) willful reckless driving; i(6) failure to have vehicle under control, to wit: following too closely; (7) arresting ~uthority of a police officer at scene of accident. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that the Police Chief and City attorney meet to prepare proposed ordinances that will cure the problems and not conflict · ith State Statutes, to be submitted to the Commission for approval. Seconded by Commissioner ]oberts and carried. After consideration, on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Eigginbotham and carried, authorization was next given for an increase in the City Manager's salary to an annual salary of $15,600.00, effective date October l, 1966. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. TTEST: