HomeMy WebLinkAbout111466309 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida '~ November 1/~ at 8 P.M. ,19. 66 Dnfh~r0W Offie* gunnlv Co.. Orlando. Fla. . . : :, . . · :. ,~, ' "; , .r. · The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sar[ford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on November l&, 1966. Present: Commissioner A. L. Wilson, Mayor " J.B. Baker " Earl Higginbotham " M.L. Raborn, Jr. W. Vincent Roberts City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Enowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Police Chief A. S. Williams The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. The first item of business was a request from J6h~ D. Carlton, for issuance of a new beer and wine license, consumption on premises, for the location of Marlin Restaurant, 2509 Sanford Avenue, and on approval by Police Chief, motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried over the dissenting Vote of Commissioner Wilson, same was approved. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried, approval was given to issue an exempt occupational license to Charlie J. Smith to operate a used car dealership at the location of 2507 Park Drive, on the basis of having had prior exempt licenses due to a 40% veteran disability. A discussion was next held on a request from David M. Whelchel, lessee of the city-owned Mayfair Country Club golf course, for consideration of the City deeding him land of sufficient size, approximately 100' by 150', to construct a swimming pool on the golf course premises; his holding land title being a requirement for a basis of financing. After a discussion with the City Attorney regarding legal technicalities involved in such title transfer of city-owned property, Commissioner Roberts moved that the request be denied. Motion died for lack of a second. The City Commission recommended that Mr. Whelchel and the City Attorney meet together to further discuss the particular matter to see if a satisfactory legal solution could be worked out and then referred back to the Commission. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the payment of $55,61&.55 to Contractor, Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company, as submitted on Statement No. 20958, dated October 31, 1966, as approved by the City project engineering firm, Clark, Dietz & AssoCiates and the City Manager, and as authorized under contract agreement for dredging and bulkheading, Riverport Marina, dated March 2~, 1966. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. Consideration next given to the Zoning and Planning Commission request for a City Commission decision on a variance request of the Florida State Bank of Sanford, to allow the relocation of the present ground sign located at the Florida State Bank at First Street and Oak Avenue, to the United State Bank of Seminole at Sanford Shopping Plaza. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved that this variance be approved, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Next submitted for discussion was the use of alcoholic beverages at the Civic Center, and after discussion, Commissioner Roberts moved that amy action of the Commission on amending the present regulations allowing the use of alcoholic beverages at the 0'ivic ilCenter be held until the regular City Commission Meeting of November 28, 1966, allowing i!each member to study the matter thoroughly before a final decision is made. Seconded by 310 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford,' Florida November 14 at 8 P. H. 19 66 Next under consideration and discussion was the presentation of the following bid tabulation of the Lakefront Development Marina-Motel Project, Second Contract, as specified in the invitation to bid for floating piers and appurtenances, steel roof structure for covering boat berths, public launching ramp and appurtenances, small community facilities building, and miscellaneous hardware and other work as outlined in the specifications and as published in the Sanford Herald on October 12, 1966, and publicly opened at the City Hall at 2:00 P. M. on November 9, 1966. BID TABULATION FLOATING PIERS AND ASSOCIATED WORK f'Conrad {~:itbnacth Float PierS~i42,000.O0 Test Piles I 5~200..00 Piles ..[ 357880.:p0 ** 1183,.080.~.p0 * 171~,080~00 Unit Prices '~loat' Piers IAlum. Ramp Each Fenders ~ Each :~ .Develop. :No Bid * 6.00 700.00 'Cooper Benton iS'S,, 064.2o, .5 ~ 200.00. 29,q62.8o 158 ,.5..2.7 · O0 * 5.81 500.00 lO0.O0 Sparrow No Bid Sh6%mal~'er Const. No Bid t! .... B~'rcleve ~ ~'isener Unifloats[ M. arine .~28, ~47. o0~ ~:, a.~a. co 5,696.48 51,484.70 163,528.18 2,200.00 27,807.00 187,249.00 ** 6.20 704.00 ......... 779 ['.Meeao * 8.00 l,oO0.O,O 100.00 * Fiber glass Float Units ** Concrete Floats MISCELLANEOUS MARINA FACILITIES Including Comm. Fac. Building, Public Launching Ramp, Roof Struct. for 20 Boats, Handrail, Concr. ramp notches No Bid 295,625.00 a~d Misc. work. oo. ook. 72. ooI .o. , ss. ool''o. ool ,Lump ..Sum , Total 507,980. O0 264,615. O0 295,980.00 COMBINING: Sparrow on Misc. and Bercleve Float Sparrow on Misc. and Cooper-Benton Float $255, 518.18 $25o,~17.oo Sparrow on Misc. and Neeco Float. (deducting cost of roof for 20 boat berths from Sparrow since included in Neeco) $232,960.00 Neeco Alternate Bid Floating Piers with somewhat decreased berth widths; underwater anchorage; no timber piling for pier or boat anchor and including roof for 20 large berths $165,579.00 B. C. Conklin, Project Engineer, Clark, Dietz & Associates, next appeared to discuss various phases of the bids and materials involved on the Lakefront Marina Pro~ect. After discussion, Commissioner Roberts moved to authorize the City Manager and Mr. Conklin to proceed with further investigation on the Contractors submitting bids and to check out the materials relative to their feasibility and low maintenance cost, and report back to the Seconded by Commission for their review and consideration at the next regular meeting. Commissioner Rabornand carried. The City Manager next submitted the following tabulation of bids which were opened publicly at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on November lC, 1966, for furnishing two police cars; two standard sedans; two pickups 5,000 GVW; one long wheel base dump truck with trash body 19,000 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford;:Flo~ida/ .November. 14 at 8 ?. M. 19 66 F)oth~row Offie* ~qnnnlv Go._ C~rl~ndo. Fla. ' ~ " ' "' 311 29,000 GVW; two 20-yard rear end loading packer bodies; one 3/4 yard diesel dragline; one street sweeper; two diesel tractors; one 5-foot rotary mower; one 7-foot flail mower; sewer lift station pumps, controls, and equipment; and radio equipment of five mobile units and four hand-held portable units; in accordance with the specifications in the Invitation for Bids published in the Sanford Herald on October 12, 1966. BID TAB~TION ITEM I low band, mobile units high band, mobile units portable, walkie talkie Radio Corp. of America Motorola NET TOTAL BID $5,075.00 6,646.20 II 2 police cars, 500 h.p. Strickland-Morrison Seminole County Motors 4,567.28 4,799.00 III IV 1 standard sedan, 195 h.p. (City Manager) Strickland-Morrison with air condition without trade-in Seminole County Motors with air condition, without trade-in without trade-in 1 standard sedan, 140 h.p. (Bldg. Inspector) Strickland-Morrison Seminole County Motors 2,068.51 2,374.60 Not listed 2,567.55 2,774.00 2,499.00 2,126.19 2,299.00 ~ V 2 pickups, 5000GVW Superior GMC Strickland-Morrison alternate - Ranchero model Seminole County Motors (cab forward) 5,546.80 ~,~22.94 5,855.52 5,748.60 VI 1 long WB dump truck, refuse body (Street Division) Superior GMC Strickland-Morrison 5,672.05 5,772.64 VII 1 dump truck, 25,000 GVW (Street Division) Strickland-Morrison Superior GMC 5,089.54 5~,~, ~.~ VIII 2 truck chassis, diesel, 29,000 GVW (Refuse Trucks) Superior GMC at Milwaukee " Galion " Culpepper " Wayne 14,709.54 14,762.02 14,587.70 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida. November. 14 at 8 P.M. 1966 Dnfha~:,,,~ Off{ca guonlv Cra,. Orlando, Fla. : ITF2~ Item VIII, continued White Trucks at Milwaukee " Galion Culpepper " Wayne Strickland-Morrison at Milwaukee " Galion " Culpepper " Wayne NET TOTAL BID $15,382.00 15,286.00 15,362.00 15,312.00 16,889.94 16,887.J?~~ 16,939.19 16,882.~?I IX X 2 20-yard packer bodies Truck Equipment, Inc. (Galion E-Z Pack) Florida Equipment Co. (Loadmaster - Culpepper) alternate - l~ yard hopper 9,898 · O0 10,420. O0 (9,000. O0 )' Waste Equipment Co., Inc. (Leach-Oshkosh) - alternate - l~ yard hopper (9,600.00) Bennett's Truck Equip. (Gar Wood - Wayne) - alternate 1~ yard hopper (11,952100) 1 dragline, 5/4 yard diesel crawler mounted Adams Construction Equip. Co. (unit) GM3-71 28,055.66 Florida Equipment Co. of Orlando if backhoe can be converted (Koehring) Cat D320A 32,400. O0 - 3,5oo.o0 $28,900.00 State Tractor & Equip. (Northwest) Murphy ll Square Deal Mach. & Supply (Link Belt) GM 4-71 Richardson Tractor Co. (P & H) i yd machine GM 4-53 29,890.00' 32,495. O0 36,566.00 XI 1 street sweeper, 4-yard M. D. Moody & Sons, Inc. (Wayne) Waste Equipment Co., Inc. (Elgin) alternate - pelican type Florida Equipment Co. (M-B) 9,558.00 9,744.48 11,575.60 9,800.00 XII 2 tractors, diesel, min. 37 h.p. Case Power and Equipment (Case - 530) Hood Tractor Company (Ford - ~qO14E) alternate - 3401E Orlando Farm Equip. Store, Inc. (John Deere - 2020 RU) 6,473.00 6,841.00 5,921.50 - (not to specs) 8,625.00 XIII 1 5-foot rotary mower Orlando Farm Equip. Store, Inc. (Servis E-60) Hood Tractor Company (Ford 901-3) 358 · O0 367.30 XIV 1 7-foot flail mower Hood Tractor Company (Ford 907) Orlando Farm Equip. Store (John Deere - 25) 6~-foot 467.00 598.00 - (not to specs) XV Sewer lift station pumps, motors, controls, .piping Moore Utility Supply Co. (Gorman Rupp) 5,461.39 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida' . November 14 at 8 P. M. 19 66 313 After discussion, Commissioner Roberts moved to accept the low bid of Radio Corporation of America, for furnishing two low band mobile units, three high band mobile units and four portable walkie talkies at a price of $5,075.00, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Upon consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to accept the bid of Seminole County Motors, for furnishing two police cars at a price of $4,799.00, seconded by Commis- sioner Roberts and carried. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, approval was granted to accept the bid of Seminole County Motors, for furnishing one standard sedan, 195 horsepower, at a price of $2,774.00, with air conditioning and without a trade-in. After consideration, Commissioner Raborn moved to accept the low bid of Strickland- Morrison Ford, Inc., for furnishing one standard sedan, 140 horsepower, at a price of $2,126.19, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. After discussion, Commissioner Raborn moved to accept the alternate bid of Strickland-Morrison Ford, Inc., for furnishing two 5,000 GVW Ranchero pickup trucks, at a price of $3,835.52, seconded by CoMmissioner Higginbotham and carried. It was moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, to accept the low bid of Superior GMC Trucks, Inc., Orlando, for furniahing one 19,000 GVW long wheel base dump truck'with refuse body and hoist at a price of $3,672.05. After consideration, Commissioner Raborn moved to accept the low bid of Strickland- Morrison Ford, Inc., for furnishing one 25~000 GVW dump truck at a price of $5,089.34, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. After discussion, Commissioner Baker moved to accept the low bid of Superior GMC Trucks, Inc., Orlando, for furnishing two 29,000 GVW diesel refuse truck chassis at a cost to be established with the selection of the refuse bodies which designate the point of delivery on the truck chassis. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. After a report by the City Manager that futher checking would be required on the make and model of equipment bid, Commissioner Baker moved that the awarding of the bid on two 20-yard refuse packer bodies be held for further review. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commis- sioner Higginbotham and carried, to accept the bid of State Tractor & Equipment Company, Orlando, for furnishing of a 3/4-yard, diesel, crawler mounted, Northwest dragline at a price of $29,890.00. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to accept the bid of Waste Equipment Company, Inc., Jacksonville, for the furnishing of an Elgin street sweeper at a price of $9,7~JI.48. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, the low bid of Case Power & E~uipment Company was accepted for furnishing two diesel tractors at a price of $6,473.00. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to accept the bid of Hood Tractor Company, Orlando, for furnishing one Ford 5-foot rotary mower at a price of $367.30 and one Ford 7-foot flail mower at a low bid price of $487.00. Seconded by Commissioner MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida November 14 at 8 ?. FI. ~Dotherow Office Supply Co., Orlando, Fla. After discussion and on recommendation of the City FIanager, Commissioner Higgin- botham moved to hold in~:~abeyance for investigation and further negotiations and a report back to the Commission on the one bid submitted for furnishing of sewer lift station pumps, motors, controls, and piping by Moore Utility Supply Company at a price of $5,461.39. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. After consideration and on the basis that there is presently no bidding competi- tion, Commissioner Roberts moved to approve the City Manager negotiating further for a ..... purchase of a leaf sweeper for the Parks Department without bids. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. After consideration of a new ruling and on recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Roberts moved that authorization be given for a transfer of $2,100.00 from Contingency Account No. 8150, to Refuse Division Account No. ~902-A, Gas and Oil, an account for the payment o.f state tax on LP and diesel motor fuel used in the refuse packers. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. Consideration was next given to a letter of request from Municipal Judge C. Vernon FIize for the release of City prisoner Kias Allman, under Docket Case No. 75543, charged with drunkenness, whereby the subject's mother is in need of his assistance in operating a produce business. On approval of Police Chief, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to approve the release of said City prisoner and recommended that he be advised, on release, to clean 'ap his produce premises. Seconded kY Commissioner Raborn and carried. Consideration was next given to a request from The Rev. Freddie Smith, Central Baptist Church, for the closing of Oak Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets for a safety crosswalk during certain hours on Sundays. On motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, the request was denied on the basis that it would set a precedent~ constitute a traffic hazard, and possibility of requiring a police officer. The Commission~ instructed the City Manager to contact Mr. Smith and recommend that they consider the use of a pedestrian street crossing sign only during the required time, with adult supervision made available, and the signs then removed. After consideration and on approval by the Police Chief, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to approve a request from Charlie Roy Turner, Jr., for a beer and wine license, con- sumption on premises, at the location of lO13 West 13th Street, d/b/a Tiago Tavern. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Wilson. On motion of Commissioner Raborn, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, minutes of September 19, September 20, September 26, and October 10, 1966, were approved. After consideration and approval of the Police Chief, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to approve the request of L. T. Brown and P. W. Wheatland for a beer and wine license for consumption off premises at lO15 Oleander Avenue, d/b/a Tee Pee Grocery. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Wilson. On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried, current vouchers and pg~olls were next approved as evidenced by General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. ~93~ through ~983; General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 13139 through 13356; Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bamk Vouch- ~rs~.Nos~ !;'1206it~oug~ 1219; Florida State Bank Municipal Improvement Construction Fund Vouchers Nos. 48 and 49; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Municipal Improvement Construction MINUTES City Commission, .Sanford,: Florida November,it at 8 P. M. 1966 Fund Vouchers Nos. 12 and 15, On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried, authorization was given for the City employees to observe a Christmas Holiday on Monday, December 26, 1966, with the regular City Commission Meeting of Monday, December 26, 1966, adjourned to Tuesday, December 27, 1966. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: mm MAYOR