HomeMy WebLinkAbout121366 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, FlOrida DeCember 15 at 8 P. FI. 19 66 Dnth~row Office Sunnlv Go.. Orlando. Fla. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned meeting at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on December 13, 1966. Present: Commissioner FI. L. Raborn, Jr., Acting Mayor " J.B. Baker " W. Vincent Roberts City Attorneyi~'Wm, Ct:i Hutchi~on, ~Jri,~ ~ . ~:~ · City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Police Chief A. S. Williams Absent: Commissioner A. L. Wilson, Mayor " Earl Higginbotham The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. A request to operate a bus line from West 13th Street and Sanford Avenue to Midway by Charlie Hampton was submitted, and due to the absence of Charlie Hampton and the lack of complete details, Commissioner Roberts moved to defer action on the request until the next meeting, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. After consideration and on request of the Reverend James Golden, Daytona Beach, Florida, in behalf of Willie H. Miller Heirs, Commissioner Baker moved to approve a 90-day time extension on condemned property located at 2109 West 16th Street, Report No. 66-1~, Group XI, to allow the owners to either repair or demolish the structure. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Consideration was next given to a request of property owners Wesley T. Place and Berrie J., wife, for annexation into the City, the west 50 feet of Lot 22, Evans Subdivision; and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, the City Attorney was given authorization to prepare the necessary ordinance for same. On presentation of such requests, Commissioner Roberts moved that the United State Bank of Seminole, Florida State Bank, and Sanford Atlantic National Bank be notified that Resolution No. 1025, adopted September 26, 1966, designates these three banks as City depositories for the year 1966-1967. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. After consideration and review of information submitted by the City Manager per- taining to a current audit and cities membership report of the Florida League of Munici- palities, Commissioner Baker moved to authorize the payment of $900.00 for the City of Sanford's membership fee in the Florida Municipal League. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, approval was given to reappoint Roy Burns and C. L. Hopkins to the City Electrical Board and Leroy Groover and R. L. Harvey to the City Plumbing Board to serve as members of the respective boards for a two year term, effective January l, 1967. Discussion was next held on the request by the officials of the Florida State Bank for the Commission's consideration to close the existing north-south alley between Commercial Street and Fulton Street, west of the Pico, Masonic Lodge, and Park Fulton Buildings, and proposed to provide the City with a 50-foot street right of way within the bank's private property. This would permit the opening of Railroad Avenue from Commercial Street to Fulton Street and would allow for a conventional street intersection at Commercial and Railroad Avenues. On motion of CommisSioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the date of December 27, 1966, was designated for a Dublic hearing in which to give consideration to closing, vacating and abandoning the said alley. MINUTES City Commission, Sanford'; Florida December 13 at 8 P.M. 19 66 I After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, approval was given to reject the one bid received from Moore Utility suPply Company, Jacksonville, Florida, as submitted under public bid opening November 10, 1966, for the furnishing of sewer lift station equipment on the basis that the price is excessive and authorized the City Manager to rebid the equipment. After consideration, Commissioner Baker moved to authorize the payment of $72,222.~1 to contractor Houdaille-Duval-Wright Company, as submitted on Statement No. 21207 dated November 30, 1966, as approved by the City project engineering firm, Clark, Dietz and Associates and the City Manager, and as authorized under contract agreement for dredging and bulkheading, Riverport Marina, dated March 24, 1966. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Next under discussion was items to be considered for presentation in the 1967 legislation with the following being discussed: (a) Changing the present 2-year time limit to 5 years regarding annexation (b) New Charter (c) Redefine the boundaries of the City limits (d) Employee contribution percentage change on Police Pension to 5%. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the necessary documents for presentation in the 1967 legislation as outlined in Item (a), and Item (d) above effective when police employees and Board of Trustees approve of same. The following was outlined for further consideration regarding submission to the 1967 legislation: (a) Future boundaries of the City limits, certain areas being "squared up"; redefining the boundaries of the City limits. (b) The Mayor being an electee of the people rather than by ballot of the City Commission. In addition, work started now to draw up a new City Charter in order that it may be completed in time to submit to the 1968 legislation. On motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, current vouchers and payrolls were next approved as evidenced by General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. &98& through 5052; General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 15357 through 15562; Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 1220 through 1231; Florida State Bank Municipal Improvement Construction Fund Vouchers Nos. 50 through 56; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Municipal Improvement Construction Fund Vouchers Nos. 13 and On motion of Commissioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, minutes of October 51, November 1¢, November 28, and December 7, 1966, were approved. After a review of the plans submitted for the construction of the Holiday Inn on the landfill area of the Lakefront Project, Commissioner Baker moved to authorize the City Manager to call attention through a letter to the lessees that their plans show a seating capacity of 222 and under the lease agreement the minimum seating capacity is 300; with copy of letter forwarded to Vice President of Sanford Atlantic National Bank. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. Next under consideration was a request from the Fire Chief for the City to investi- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida December 13 at 8 P.M. 1966 Dotherow Office SuDt)[~' Co.. Orlando. Fla. trailer and tractor unit with two pumps, now declared to be s-~rplus, and on motion of Commis- sioner Roberts, seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried, the City Manager was authorized to pursue the purchase of same with the cost not to exceed the sum of $1,000.00. After consideration, Commissioner Roberts moved on the approval of purchasing a heater at a cost of $235.00 for the City paint shop of the street division from Street Divi- Sion Account No. 4726, Equipment-General. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. After discussion and on approval of the City Manager, Commissioner Baker moved to approve of a salary reclassification of Street Division employee James Jackson, as follows: From: Laborer I-D $59.50/week To: Laborer I-E $61.63/week Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. After consideration and recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Baker moved to approve the statement as submitted and authorize the payment of $5,~16.02 to Clark, Dietz and Associates for consulting engineering services for August and September, 1966, as authorized under contract agreement for dredging and bulkheading, Riverport Marina, dated March 24, 1966. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, the request of the Seminole County Humane Society for additional City funds in the amount of $50.00, to allow the purchase of a gas chamber for humane disposal services, was denied. Discussion next held regarding the present filing of an injunction by several south Seminole County residents against the County to restrain further county expenditures for construction of a new courthouse. The City Attorney advised the Commission that this now brings about the legality of whether or not Sanford is the permanent county seat and possi- bility of relocation of same. Thereupon, on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by iCommissioner Roberts and carried, the City Attorney was authorized to intervene in the present action as filed and so outlined, upon presenting the matter first to the County Commission ~hat such intermission to be solely for the purposes of determining whether or not the City of Sanford is or is not now the permanent county seat of Seminole County. The City Commission having found that the desirability or lack of desirability for the construction of a new courthouse facility is a matter of the administrative discretion of the Board of County Commissioners in Seminole County. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, authorization was granted to use up to $4,350.00 from Utility Surplus to purchase five (5) 1989 Water Improvement Bonds at 8~%, plus accrued interest, fo~ cancel- lation and retirement of same. After consideratio~ and on recommendation of the City Manager and project engineer, Commissioner Roberts moved to award to Bercleve Unifloats, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, the contract in the amount of $163, 528.18, for furnishing concrete piers and miscellaneous marina facilities as outlined in the second phase construction plans of the Lake front Marina Project, as bid and publicly opened November 9, 1966, and presented to the Commission on November l~, 1966. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. After discussion, Commissioner Baker moved to reject all "miscellaneQus~ bids upon the recommendation of the City's engineering firm, in order that specifications may be re- written to better fit the City's actual needs; such miscellaneous bids pert&ining to the 325" MINUTES City Commission, Sanford,'Florida December 15 at 8 ?. FI. I)othorow Offie~ 8u~lv Co.. Orlando. Fla. 19 66 second phase construction plans of the Lakefront Marina Project, publicly opened November 9, 1966, and presented to the COmmission on November l~, 1966. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried. The Reverend Freddie Smith, Central Baptist Church, appeared before the Commission reiterating his previous statement at the last meeting regarding a proposed change in regu- lations to allow the use of alcoholic beverages on city-owned property, namely Civic Center auditorium. Also appearing before the Commission to register the same objection was Jack Benton, Sanford citizen. Also noted on the sUbject was a letter of objection submitted by the First Church of the Nazarene. After consideration and on motion of Commissioner Baker, seconded by Commissioner Roberts and carried, approval was given to allow the Police Benevolent Association to rent the Civic Center auditorium on January l~, 1967, for the purpose of holding the annual Policemen's Ball, at a fee of $150.00. ~, After discussion, Commissioner Roberts moved that all future requests for use of the Civic Center which are under the conditions of alcoholic beverage being served on the premises, the lease will carry a rental fee of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00). Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Commissioner Roberts next introduced Resolution No. 1027, and after being read in fnll, moved on its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Baker and carried. Said Resolution No. 1027 being in words and figures as follows: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA COMMENDING JUDGE R. W. WARE FOR FIFTY YEARS OF SER- VICE TO THE FLORIDA BAR AND. OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO HIS COMMUNITY. ~REAS, JUDGE R. W. WARE h~s compleSed fifty years of active practice of law in the State of Florida, during which time he served for twelve years as County Judge for Sem- inole Co~xuty; and WHEREAS in addition to his long and outstanding service to The Florida Bar, he has also been a teacher, principal, member of the Georgia LegislaSure and active in ~i~ic and religious affairs, being an outstanding member of the Kiwanis Club, interested especially in ~uvenile delinquency and having taught the same Sunday School class at the First Methodist Church for thirty-seven years; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford deems it most proper to express on behalf of itself and the people of Sanford recognition for the outstanding accomplishments and service rendered by Judge Ware, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford that Judge R. W. Ware be and he is hereby commended for his outstanding service to The Florida Bar and to this community for the last fifty years and that this ~esolution be a token of the sincere appreciation and respect of the City Commission and the people of this community. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the City Commission and copy hereof delivered to Judge R. W. Ware. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of December, A.D. 1966. CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA By s/ A. L. Wilson, Mayor Attest: s/ H. L. Whelchel City Clerk 326 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida December 13 at 8 P. M. 19. 66 2Dotherow Offic~ Sunoly Co.. Or!~ndt~, Fla. ATTEST: lm There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.