HomeMy WebLinkAbout010868· ........... L ............ j ................................ i MINUTE'S City Commission, Sanford,, Florida January 8 at 8 ?. FI.. 19 68 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on January 8, 1968. Present: Commissioner W. Vincent Roberts, Mayor " Earl Higginbotham " Lee P. Moore " M.L. Raborn, Jr. " A.L. Wilson City Attorney Wm. C. Hutchison, Jr. City Manager W. E. Knowles City Clerk H. L. Whelchel Police Chief Ben E. Butler The meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Attorney Mack N. Cleveland, Jr., appeared before the Commission representing Bernarr MacFadden Foundation, Inc., owners of the Sanford Naval Academy, for further clarification of a Contract of Purchase dated July, 1963, between the Foundation and the City of Sanford that provides the Foundation the right of refusal to purchase from the City of Sanford that State property known as the Experimental Station on Celery Avenue at such future time that the City of Sanford might acquire title to such property. After discussion, the Commission instructed the City Manager to furnish the City Commission with copies of the contract and other information, including minutes pursuant to and after with reference to the specific subject, and that said matter be reviewed and con- sidered at the next regular meeting. The next item of business was the holding of a Public Hearing to consider the recom-i mendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission for the rezoning of property from R-5, residential, to C-2, Commercial, as advertised in the Sanford Herald on December 29, 1967. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF PROPOSED CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS IN CERTAIN DISTRICTS AND BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held at the Commission Room in the City Hall in the City of'Sanford, Florida, at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on January 8, 1968, to consider the following changes and amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida: That property located on the east half of the block between Cypress and Sanford !I iiAvenues from 3rd to 4th Streets, presently zoned R-5 (Single Family Dwelling) District, is iiproposed to be rezoned C-2 (General Commercial)'District. Said property being more particu- iilarly described as follows: Block 8, Ohapman and Tucker Addition All parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard at !said hearing. By order of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 26th day of i December, 1967. H. L. Whelchel As City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida The Chairman announced that the Commission would be glad to hear from anyone in !ifavor of, or against, the zoning as advertised in the foregoing notice. S~anley L. Brumley, Comptroller for Joseph Gazil, Inc., appearing in behalf and !representing the rezoning request, outlined to the Commission the present plans for the idemolition of the existing commercial structure and construction of a modern supermarket !with off-street parking at the location of Fourth Street and Sanford Avenue by the owner, MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January 8 at 8 ?. M. 19 68 I)ot.berow OffSet, .q~mnlv ('k~.. Orlando. Fla. . . t There being no opposition, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the City attorney to prepare an ordinance for the rezoning of said property as set forth in the legal notice. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried. Dr. Jesse C. Dietz of Clark, Dietz and Associates next appeared to present an engineering proposal to prepare a storm sewer survey and study of the City of Sanford. Dr. Dietz and two assistant engineers outlined to the Commission through slides, maps and dis- cussion, the complete storm sewer drainage system as it now exists, explaining the need of a study at this time. After consideration, Commissioner Moore moved to authorize the consulting engin- eering firm of Clark, Dietz and Associates to proceed with the Storm Drainage Study for the City of Sanford with the cost figure for the study to be provided for Commission approval prior to the start of the study. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. As requested at meeting of December 26, 1967, the City Manager next presented information regarding the feasibility of abandoning and closing of the utility easement between Lots 3 and 14, Block 15, Dreamwold, owned by Hal H. Harriss. After discussion of possible jeopardy and additional cost in furnishing future utilities to the south of those lots facing on Highway 17-92 if said easement were closed, Mr. Harriss withdrew his request. A discussion was next held regarding the information submitted in letters of December 29, 1967, and January l, 1968, by the City's Insurance Committee of Robert E. Karns, Robert Crumley, and Clifford W. McKibbin, Jr., through Carraway and McKibbin Insurance Agency outlining the renewal of the City's fleet vehicle insurance coverage as of January l, 1968, under certain conditions as set forth in the letter. Mr. McKibbin stated that the City's present insurance coverage on same will be extended and in effect until such time the Com- mission makes a final determination as to the most economical method o3 producing the needed coverage and evidence of selected insurance coverage from the company of their choice. The Commission requested the Insurance Committee pursue the matter further with other insurance companies and such information be submitted at a future date to be discussed by the Commis- sion and the Insurance Committee. After consideration, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to approve the request of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce to lease the municipal Civic Center with alcoholic bev- erage privileges for their Annual Dinner on January 12, 1968, at the regular fee of $250.00. Seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Wilson. Consideration was next given to a letter from the City of Sanford Industrial Com- mission Director, Don E. Rathel, relative to the location of a proposed vinyl plastic manu- 'facturing industry in the area bordering the City on the south and lying between Grapeville Avenue and Jewett Lane, with a request from the principals that said site be annexed into the City limits and that the City consider furnishing water and sewer utilities to the site in addition to street construction of Jewett Lane as a permanent street. After discussion, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to authorize the City Manager to pursue the matter by contacting the principals involved to work out the details, checking the possibility of encompassing a larger area for annexation if the additional property owners in the larger area would be receptive to annexation. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. The Commission instructed the City Manager to submit the cost estimates for the extension of water and sewer and the street construction for the aforementioned indus- MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida Janua,ry,..8. at 8 P. M. 19 6______8 Summerlin Avenue. Seconded by Commissioner Moore and carried. Consideration next given to the two statements dated January 3, 1968, and subm±tted by City Attorney William C. Hutchison, Jr., for legal services to date in representing the City of Sanford in Court cases as follows: (a) Joe T. Hickson, former Police employee Circuit Court Mandamus, Total of 19.5 hours $512.50 (b) Tucker et al vs County et al (Courthouse and Permanent County Seat) Total of 55.75 hours $1,756.25 and on motion of Commissioner Higginbotham, seconded by Commissioner Raborn and carried, same was approved for payment in the total amount of $2,268.75, with authorization of transfer of said funds from Account No. 8150, Contingency, to City Attorney and Prosecutor Account No. 1301-A Suit Expense. Consideration was next given to bids submitted for the furnishing of two power mowers, as publicly opened in the City Hall at 2:00 P. M. on January 8, 1968, and advertised in the Sanford Herald on December 27, 1967. BID TABULATION Lewis Sales and Service Yazoo 12.SHP $2,200.00 Sanford, Florida 9.2HP 2,100.00 Tresca Turf Equipment, Inc. Devere 12.SHP 2,590.00 Jacksonville, Florida After consideration and on the recommendation of the City Manager, Commissioner Higginbotham moved to accept the bid of Lewis Sales and Service for the furnishing of two 12.5 horsepower Yazoo power mowers, in the amount of $2,200.00, as the best bid in the interest of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Wilson and carried. On motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried minutes..of December 26, 1967, and January 2, 1968, were approved. On motion of Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Moore and carried, current vouchers and payrolls were next approved as evidenced by General Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. 10526 through 1072~.; General Fund Sanford Atlantic National Bank Vouchers Nos. 9652 and 9655, and Vouchers Nos. 9660 through 9718; Water and Sewer Revenue Fund Florida State Bank Vouchers Nos. 138 through 15~; Sanford Atlantic National Bank Municipal Improve- ment Construction Fund Vouchers Nos. 86 through 94. Request was next considered from Bernice L. Knight, New York, New York, for the City to re-deed to her mother, Stella Knight, City owned property described as east one-half of Lot 5, Block 10, Tier C, E. R. Trafford's Map of Sanford, as the family would now comply with the previous expired stipulation of constructing a home on this property for Stella ..Knight. After consideration of the property being inadequate for construction and that the aged person needed personal supervision, Commissioner Moore moved that the request be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. After~cansideration, Commissioner Moore moved to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to negotiate a loan through the Sanford Atlantic National Bank to cover partial cost of a 1968 Burroughs Computer-Accounting Machine, Series 3500, for the office of the City Clerk, in the amount of $6,200.00, over a nine-month period at 5% simple interest, seconded by Commissioner Higginbotham and carried. After consideration of a request by a local realtor as to the City's interest in a 15-year lease of the present Municipal Parking Lot No. 6, corner of First Street and Park MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Florida January___8 at 8 ?. M. .19 G__._~_~ Avenue, for the construction of a $50,000 Bee£y King structure, COmmissioner Higginbotham moved that same be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Moore and carried. There being no further busimess, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: lm f U~ty Clerkf